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  1. K

    India China War - A Distinct Possibility

    LAC issue has not been resolved. Chines perfidy at its full display. Chinese used their treachery of de-escalation to fool the Indians but this nation was well prepared. China has moved multi tiered Air Defence near LAC, built new garrisons and stockpiled food, ammo, supplies, weapons for long...
  2. K

    इन्दर देव ने पकड़ो

    इन्दर देव ने पकड़ो Arrey Raj, Ravinder जे तुम्ह्ने यो इन्दर देव किते मिल जा ते उसने कोठरे में बांध के गेर दियो, में यो आया आगले जहाज़ ते, इसने कती दुखी कर दिया आड़े पाच्ले तीन हफ्तान तें इतनी बर्फ गेर दी देहि टूट गयी सफाई करते करते, मेरा बट्टा कॉल २ फूट बरफ ओर गेरागा, एइतवार ने फेर देहि टूटे गी...
  3. K

    Science Discussion--Genetics-Evolution and its impact on human life

    I was reading an article in time magazine, thought I should pass along the link. Even though alot of satistical modeling is done here, still the science and research is very good. Provides a very good understanding of Nature Vs Nurture discussion. Even though this research was done in Sweden...
  4. K

    VMware Architect Position Irvine USA

    Any USA based Jat men-women (must be US Citizen--security clearance optional) interested in VMware position, please PM me, I will forward the information. You may be wondering why don't I take it, this position is based out of Orange County Calif, there are other positions in Oregon, WA state...
  5. K

    Need help from Hooda's of Rohtak

    If any Hooda is from village Mangaan near rohtak can help me here, I will greatly appreciate it. Looking for a friend, he is the son of current or former village sarpanch, name is Vedpal. If anyone can help me out it is greatly appreciated. Thanks In Advance Karan
  6. K

    Career Advice

    I have been browsing these career sites and posts, all I see--alot of people pleading for jobs in coding and programming. Here is my advice to most people, stop being a programmer and become System Engineer or system architect. Here are few things that are really hot and have the greatest...