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    BBC Documentary - India's Daughter

    The govt has banned the film, further sensitizing the issue... you biggest retards in the govt, whom are you fooling? (sic). Let the whole world know that we the Indians are the biggest hypocrites on the planet earth. Let's have a Nirbhaya protest every year, when conventional social media will...
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    Those guilty of "Within Gotra" marriage should be ostrasized by JAT's... Yes or No ?

    Those guilty of "Within Gotra" marriage should be ostrasized by JAT's... Yes or No ? the khap/gotra issue has become more confusing than ever before... more so, by the media and by the non existant HR skills of our fellow JAT representatives who have failed, time and again, to put the matter...
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    !!! Games Arcade !!!

    games arcade - the new feature of JATland !!! is it a waste of time and manpower ?... putting stress on your eyes... with students killing their precious time nd employed persons unnecessarily keeping their work pending, calling the wrath of their bosses. or is it a good time pass ...
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    Twenty20 format and the future of cricket

    the lure of twenty20 is such that the number of test playing countries could reduce to just three or four while international T20 sides could double in five years time. twenty20 could sound the death knell for test cricket but it could also prove to be the perfect vehicle for the expansion...
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    NRI vs Resident Indians !!!

    जाटों की सबसे बड़ी विडम्बना रही है अपनी ही गाल में खूंड बजान की… or at least I think so ! period ! This topic has been कुलबुलाइंग (intriguing) my mind for quite some time, as often times then not, i see a very biased opinion(s) by many fellow resident indian JATlanders. may be it’s a kind...
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    Worlds biggest fraud... again by USofA

    "global warming"... well the word is not new, but the news definitely are... once again USofA is in news for apparently, which might turn out to be one of the biggest fraud to hit the planet earth. the evidence that the human-caused global warming/climate change effort may constitute one of...
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    Civilized discussion guidelines at JATland !!!

    civilized discussion guidelines at JATland. in my opinion, it is very rare to find a public platform which is absolutely perfect per-se. everyone has a different set of knowledge, experience, a different mindset and different perceptions. and ones beliefs will be based on these underlying...
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    Should we allow Sikh JAT's (JATT's) and Muslim JAT's on JATland ?

    this site JATland, as we all know is for hindu JAT's only. i don’t know whether this subject has been taken up for discussion earlier or not, but the question of allowing sikh JAT's (JATT's) nd Muslim JAT's on JATland, comes up every now nd then. JAT's, as we all know is a race nd not a...
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    Should the BJP and Congress come together?

    the congress nd the BJP hav been at loggerheads election after election, govt. after govt. while the former calls the latter communal, the latter misses no opportunity to call the congress pseudo-secular. each is at the head of an alliance formed with keeping the other out of power as one of its...
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    Religious intolerance and Fanaticism !

    religious intolerance nd fanaticism !... धार्मिक उन्माद !!! where are we going ? who is propagating this intolerance nd fanaticism? what’s the common man stand ? are hindu’s being sidelined in its own country? … nd what are the possible solutions? our independence...
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    Expectations and... being Judgmental !!!

    A turtle family decided to go on a picnic. Turtles, being naturally slow about things, took seven years to prepare for their outing. Finally the turtle family left home looking for a suitable place for their outing. During the second year of their journey they found a place ideal for them at...
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    Sehwag leading cricketer for 2008 - Wisden

    wisden, the highly respected cricket publication, today named virender sehwag as the leading cricketer in the world for 2008 nd dhoni as captain of its first ever dream test XI team, which has five Indians in the ranks. india's rich vein of form found ample reflection in wisden's first ever...
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    Concur !!!

    "concur" well i heard this word for the 1st time, when i came to jatland... [my english still evolving :D [pit-stop] in order to have a check on my inquisitiveness nd to keep a break on my curiosity, before the cat is killed... i thot of referring a dictionary nd found the following...
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    Sex Education in India : Whats the importance : Yes or No ???

    we are Indians we live in the great land of bharat, the land of kaamsutra. hamare yahan SEX nahin hota. bacche to bhagwan ke "gift" hote hain. we marry and in a year god blesses us with kids - preferably a son. parents don't have SEX. so why should the children learn about it? why should we...
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    Can anyone explain me, wat are JAT jokes?

    there has been a lot of controversy on this issue. non JAT jokes r not allowed on JATland... can any one explain me... wat are JAT jokes nd wat are non-JAT jokes ? :confused::confused::confused: please refer... 1. 2...
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    Bibi se Phone Par Baat

    रुंडा टेलीफोन पर बात कर ऱ्या सै... खुंडा : ररर रूंडे, किस तै बात कर ऱ्या सै ? रुंडा : ररर खसम... बीबी तै बात कर ऱ्या सूं. खुंडा : ररर बड़े प्यार तै बात कर ऱ्या सै, के बात सै ? रुंडा : तेरी बीबी तै बात कर ऱ्या सूं ... या मारे
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    How can we bring back our old distinguished members.

    dear JATlanders, i've many times heard from other members tht we had hitherto sum distinguished members, sum gud visionaries, sum gud writers nd intellectual dignified JAT personalities at JL. these members have either left the sight or they r in hibernation or they do not contribute any more...
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    Is JL a public, democratic platform or is it a personal fiefdom of our mods.

    I guess its hi time to have sum real introspection done into the role of mods nd their autocratic ways…I tried this earlier, but of no avail. (None of the mods had the courage to stand up and answer, instead the thread was closed). Lets take substantive review on the accountability and the role...
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    !!! mockery of democracy !!!

    :tamatar:thappad:tamatar !!! mockery of democracy !!! hey time for the criminals of our society/democracy !!! :tamatar:thappad:tamatar with the UPA government’s trust vote next week expected to be too close to call, jailed MPs have swung into action to be present for the crucial exercise and...
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    ^^ JATland community mail box ^^

    everyone out here is receiving a lot of personal mails in their mail boxes...viz gmail, yahoomail, hotmail etc etc. ;) thought abt the idea, to b prudent enuff to open a general JATland community mailbox where u can pour in all yr. junk/crap/gud thoughts or watever u feel like sharing with...