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    Already in that group... Thanks

    Already in that group... Thanks
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    BBC Documentary - India's Daughter

    Here lies the agenda here lies the agenda...
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    BBC Documentary - India's Daughter

    My second perspective... face it with a pinch of salt. even if the documentary is biased, bigoted and perpetuates some stereotypes, banning it is a knuckle headed response by the govt, which only lends it more credibility and shows india as a nation not ready to stand up to the criticism or...
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    Jatland Errors (old thread)

    the number of visitors at my home page is stuck at 3,252 visits and it has been the same for a while, in fact i should say that years now. the 1st time i observed this was couple of years back. i do see different members visiting the page, but the tally is not inching forward. can i request...
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    BBC Documentary - India's Daughter

    Let me be the devil’s advocate as i speak on behalf of the government... thank you members on picking up the debate. some very sane views that also reflects the variety in every individual’s stand and point of view… given the further length of discussion we might agree to disagree on most of...
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    BBC Documentary - India's Daughter

    thanks prashant bhai. if a subject like this cannot invoke participation, i’m disappointed to learn that jatland is dying a slow death. हरयाणा में फिर तै इलेक्शन करा दो… या सारे डॉर्मेंट मेंबर्स इब्बै ही लठ, जेली लै के खड़े हो ज्यांगे. anyways, thanks to those who participated by putting in...
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    BBC Documentary - India's Daughter

    on international women's day, my further tribute to the women and womenhood >>>
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    BBC Documentary - India's Daughter

    i agree to above to a certain extent. the documentary tries to portray the whole indian society as evil by selectively showing sensational bits (unless i'm terribly wrong). though the video may not represent mindset of majority of indians in terms of respect towards women, however the incident...
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    BBC Documentary - India's Daughter

    on international women's day....
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    BBC Documentary - India's Daughter

    perspectives different perspectives...
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    BBC Documentary - India's Daughter

    amit ji, my opening post was more of a sarcasm rather than my viewpoint, though touching both sides of the issue. if you read between the lines on my other posts, you’ll get an idea where my thoughts are up to. being the orator of the thread, it’s my responsibility to carry the discussions...
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    BBC Documentary - India's Daughter

    कॉंगरेचुलेशन्स !!! फिर क्या ख़याल है आपका ?
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    BBC Documentary - India's Daughter

    to add further... use of outrage works from feeding social unrest, leading to chaos, intending downfall of the government is a favorite foreign Intelligence agency wet dream.
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    BBC Documentary - India's Daughter

    please watch the documentary ! apart from the biggest hypocrites, we are also the masters of making knee jerk reactions as was apparent from the replies from the guardians of morality who haven’t yet seen the documentary but will shout at top of their lungs to make their assertion. there lies...
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    BBC Documentary - India's Daughter

    some valid points made above in the responses. deshwal ji, all you tube links work in this part of the world as well. i do hope that the link posted above should work in india. it makes better sense if further comments are posted after watching the documentary.
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    BBC Documentary - India's Daughter

    The govt has banned the film, further sensitizing the issue... you biggest retards in the govt, whom are you fooling? (sic). Let the whole world know that we the Indians are the biggest hypocrites on the planet earth. Let's have a Nirbhaya protest every year, when conventional social media will...
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    Rajpal Ji Namaskar, I saw your friendship request recently, which regretfully I cannot...

    Rajpal Ji Namaskar, I saw your friendship request recently, which regretfully I cannot acknowledge as of now. Please appreciate that I am not a frequent visitor at JL these days and my contribution/participation is absolutely zero. I wish you all the best at JL with your meaningful...
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    Climate Change - Everyone will feel the Heat

    you'll find my answer on the subject in one of my previous post >>> for those who are interested, the thread shares some very original and authentic viewpoint of erstwhile (my...
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    A few among Jats themselves downgrading community

    just peeped in at JL, found this heated discussion and was reminded of one of my previous post and the thread >>> Expectations and... being Judgmental !!!. i haven't gone through the entire thread, baring the title post and few other, so pardon me if you find me judgmental in my comments. i...
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    सांसद हो तो - दीपेन्द्र हुड्डा जैसा …

    it seems you haven't gone through the other posts on the subject. you’ve cherry picked one trait of his personality and started making your own comparisons... ​that absolutely makes no sense. read above posts to learn about his accomplishments. with education at his hand, i’m sure he’ll go a...