for all the wise guyssss

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New member
hello to all,
i always get thinking about the place of our origin .......we seem to be more dense in the region north of delhi but i have been told and even read that our origin rather lies in the triangle region between mathura and bharatpur is it so .....please throw some light onto this i will be thankful......
and yeah one more thing as they say that jats,rajpoots,aheers and gujjars are at the same par in the caste system so if they are then why jats are looked down by rajpoots in rajistaan....and gujjars in haryana are looked down by jats i mean who is superior i know we are but according to the cast system where we stand.....
and this is the last one as we belong to the kshatriya clan then why we have had only one ruler and rest of the community has always been engadged with agriculture i mean arent kshatriyas suppose to be warriors and kings and why are we kept in that clan .......
so plz answer these questions and share ur wisdom .....and no weakest links plzzzzzz
Jat Origins for all the wise guyssss

Dear Amit.
There are almost as many theories about the origins of Jats as there are gotras of Jats. The one that appears to hold the most water is the one that points to the caucas mountains of south central europe. But the Definitive work on this subject will come as soon as the DNA mapping of all communities is completed. DNA mapping basically identifies people by the unique characteristics of peoples Genes which are exactly like thumbprints. When this is done we will discover which are the other old resident communities with our genetic characteristics. Chances are that the ancient location of one of these 'cousin comunities' will probably be the source of the original Jat clans.
My friends in Europe tel me that when Alexander the great left Greece his first defeat was at the hands of my ancestors The Dahiyas and also the Kangs( the latter have almost entirely converted to Sikhismn and are to be found in the Punjab). These 2 clans combined to defeat the Macedonian vanguard of Alexander. What were these clans fighting such a great Army as Alexanders for, if not to protect their home land, perhaps this indicates the direction in which we must look to locate our origins. Sometimes I get a strange feeling of 'Deja vu' when on television I suddenly see the faces in the news features of the Kurds of west Asia, the Afghans and many central european and central asian people. I get the feeling that I am looking at my cousins, uncles, aunts and grand parents. All these signs seem to i8ndicate we might actually be the original people to discove the concept of the world as a global village which for every one else seems so new.
Regards Amit
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