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Recently, there has been attempts to trace the racial segmentary past of Indian peoples. What is at stake that the study originates from the Jat belt in Haryana. Namely, the Rakhigarhi. It is very important that JATs must be very careful from the attempt to plant the narratives of the racial purity of JATS. Both, the sponsor of the project and its opponents are playing a friendly match to create and confuse the cultural compage of northwestern India where JATS, AHIRS, GUjARS and several peasants castes have evolved with overlapping genetic and DNA strands.

The politics of racialising the caste is dangerous and the debate is being raised at a time when country is facing several strategies to destroy the subaltern culture of farmers. The attacks are economic in nature as we have seen in the farmers protest, and the academic intelligentsia as well is being used to certain unclear politcal gains.

JATS must remain careful with such race narratives to the extent as declaring JATS as the owners of HARAPPAN civilisation and try to create JAT supremacist narrative a tool to fragment society. And, the theory of ARYAN past is being erased. JATS must safeguard trans-Asiatic ancestory.

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