far is good enough and healthy?


New member
Dear Jatlanders,
I usually refrain from giving my expert opinion on topics beyond my scope of expertise. This topic here, I can confidently say I can give an expert opinion.

In recent years(6 years) I have graduated from running 5K to 166K (3.1 miles - 100 miles) from flat road stuff to trails(flat) and now to steep mountains with cumulative elevation gains (Sorry for using complicated technical terms) it implies how much feet/meters climbed over a distance you go horizontally! (make sense?)
Now for all those who think that you are gonna wreck your knees and ankles if you go extreme, I am sorry people, you guys are very wrong!
I used to think same and proved myself wrong by doing it myself.

It all started back in 2010 when I thought of doing 5K or max 10K enough to stay healthy, then I signed up for a half marathon....jumped on trails....started hiking/jogging hills. It was around that time when fellow runners suggested taking it easy on downhills to avoid knee/ankle injuries or permanent damage to cartilage! To me it was not convincing, cz I come from a science background(kinda)! So, I geeked out on impact of running steep hills and positive/negative results leading to impressive and surprising results. Now I had to check myself if it was real.
I up-ed my distance gradually from 20 miles/week to 45 miles/week averaging 300-500 feet of climbing and descend per mile! It was a slow process.
Ran 25K and 30K races on trails, felt great. Thought I could run farther. Did more research and found out that there is this thing called Ultra-Marathons....any distance beyond 26.2 miles. In fact there is a community of crazies who run 100 miles from circling around a track to climbing huge mountains all over the world. And in no time I was one of them.
Fast-forward....Signed up for my first 50 mile race in Santa Barbara, California in Nov 2013 (I was 34 years old)...its not recommended to try that kinda thing for the first time at that age.
I trained hard for the race, learnt about calories and electrolyte intake during long distance event and how to manage all that. Started my race in dark with headlamps, felt great for first half of the race, but my wheels fell off at mile 22, my knees started to hurt a lot, I could barely walk downhills without hiking poles, but I finished by enduring all the pain, bcz I don't give up! Ironically it was not my knees that was problem, it was my IT band that runs from hips to inserting on knees laterally. If you don't train enough or don't relax your IT band, it tends to give up at some point and hurts a lot, leading to excruciating pain around outer knee.
Anyway, after a week of pain and agony I felt great and got hooked to ultra running, signed up for a 100K in bay area in May 2014, finished that race feeling better, my IT band was still hurting near the end, but not as bad as my first race! Moving forward, I started to log more miles every it was ridiculous level of running, where I could manage about 80-90/miles a week for 3-4 weeks back to back, and that with lot of climbing on rocky and technical hills/mountains. But I felt great, bcz I was taking it slow, would jog/hike uphills, run downhills fast or at a comfortable pace not to get injured. Occasionally I would twist my ankle, minor twists were no problem, mediocre twists were warnings to take it easy and would heal faster then you guys might be wondering how is that possible! Well to answer that question, our body is very smart and it reflects to how we work on it, to simplify the above statement, our body works like cast iron (Kinda) more you hit it, stronger it gets over time. Till date I can run 100 miles a week ranging from 25000 to 33000 feet of climbing, trust me its a lot of climbing and I don't go crazy fast, but I stay committed and keep moving forward, cz you don't train like your race pace, training is slower than race pace to avoid over-training and injuries. I feel great and can confidently say that I am in best shape of my life.
What I eat and put in my mouth is another story....but to brief it, I am borderline vegan (occasional milk in my coffee and left over cheese) everything I eat is plant based.

Till date, I have successfully finished two 100 mile races(both in 2015).

#1 HURT100(Hawaiian Ultra Running Team > HURT) Its considered as one the top 5 or top 10 ultra marathons in the whole world, look it up if you don't believe me.
#2 Angeles Crest Endurance Run 100 (AC100) another tough race in South California in mountains overlooking East Los Angeles.

There is no finisher prize, but a feeling of accomplishment and trust me on this, I go through a whole life time of emotions(of joy, happiness, sorrow, pain, agony, feeling that I am gonna fail) when I attempt these races. In the end I feel humbled and so close to ground, it's priceless.
BTW there are these cool Belt Buckles we get after a successful finish in US
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I am all set to run another 100 miles race in Spain this year in early July with about 31,000 feet of elevation gain, in rough rocky and technical mountains.

I must say, this sport is all about mind over matter, some would say its 80% mind and 20% physical (give and take) I throw in push-ups and chin-ups here and there everyday to maintain my core strength and general health!

What I am trying to convey here is that, do what ever you want to do to maintain your health and well being, that works for you! Sitting on the couch, in front of your computer is not gonna take you anywhere, you are like billion others who are talking and not even trying. Get out and do it yourself. It all starts with 5K on your feet or bike or water or whatever you are gonna do! Just remember whatever doesn't kill you, makes you stronger!

DISCLAIMER: The above mentioned thoughts are all my personal opinions based on personal experience, please don't blame me if you attempt something stupid like me and get hurt(insert Wink)

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That's really motivating stuff, Keshav. I find it's most brilliant idea to utilize your energy and enthusiasm in a constructive way.

Your write up is certainly challenging me to graduate from 2-3 KM to 10 KM of jogging. ( If jogging counts )

Nice to see you back, Mate.
You got it VJ, as long as you are moving forward, you are golden!
Channel that energy on yourself

That's really motivating stuff, Keshav. I find it's most brilliant idea to utilize your energy and enthusiasm in a constructive way.

Your write up is certainly challenging me to graduate from 2-3 KM to 10 KM of jogging. ( If jogging counts )

Nice to see you back, Mate.
Good Stuff, Mate. Inspirational indeed.

Long Distance Running is a dope. It's highly addictive.

Would like to share my experience with running lately. I have been active all my life but never took running seriously, however once in a while went for running like weekend 5K run with colleagues or couple of 12K event.

I had been thinking of participating in half-marathon and full marathon for long but it never happened. But one fine day I came across this Moh. Ali's quote and it changed my life that day (sometimes in Oct last year).

"I hated every minute of training, but I said, 'Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion." - Mohd. Ali

That very evening I went for 5K run and then rest is history. for last 5 months I have been doing 25K a week (3 runs). It always hard to start and continue on but believe me after warming up you start enjoying it. Serotonin which secrets post work out/running is a bliss and sense of achievement is always there. It's certainly mind over matter .. Human body has infinite ability all we need is perseverance and dedication for any sort of activity.

Running is wonderful workout and it costs nothing but a pair of good running shoes. During long distance running you have ample time for yourself and it simply feels great. It is total body workout and the endurance, strength and stamina you get out of it is life changing. You don't need to compete to anybody but yourself. It's kinda dynamic meditation.

My advice is to concentrate on building stamina first. Start it slow and gradually increase the distance. Within months you will be amazed where you reached. Every distance is achievable afterwards.

I repeat once again, it's a recreational drug. Feeling low, exhausted, stressed .. just pull up your socks and go for a run.

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I get shin pain when I run on hard surface for long time. Does anyone know if there is a way to avoid it or recover from it.
I get shin pain when I run on hard surface for long time. Does anyone know if there is a way to avoid it or recover from it.

Hard surface doesn't absorb weight/shock so it is best not to run on hard surface as there is more chance of injury. If you feel pain chances are you are already injured (get this checked)

Another important thing is you need proper running shoes. If you are a runner a good running shoes is one of the best and most important investment you can make.
Hard surface doesn't absorb weight/shock so it is best not to run on hard surface as there is more chance of injury. If you feel pain chances are you are already injured (get this checked)

Another important thing is you need proper running shoes. If you are a runner a good running shoes is one of the best and most important investment you can make.

I stop running as soon as I get some pain. Then I recover and run again. Anyway I will try to consider different runners and will see which ones suit me most. Yeah you are right, running on hard surface is not recommended but I see so many people running on roads, footpaths etc which make you feel how they run on such tracks. Otherwise you need to go to special tracks built for running. Anyway Thanks for your inputs.
Mind over matter guys comes with loads of willpower and patience!

100 miles races!! and that too on plant based diet. Really inspiration brother!

Good Stuff, Mate. Inspirational indeed.

Long Distance Running is a dope. It's highly addictive.

Would like to share my experience with running lately. I have been active all my life but never took running seriously, however once in a while went for running like weekend 5K run with colleagues or couple of 12K event.

I had been thinking of participating in half-marathon and full marathon for long but it never happened. But one fine day I came across this Moh. Ali's quote and it changed my life that day (sometimes in Oct last year).

"I hated every minute of training, but I said, 'Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion." - Mohd. Ali

That very evening I went for 5K run and then rest is history. for last 5 months I have been doing 25K a week (3 runs). It always hard to start and continue on but believe me after warming up you start enjoying it. Serotonin which secrets post work out/running is a bliss and sense of achievement is always there. It's certainly mind over matter .. Human body has infinite ability all we need is perseverance and dedication for any sort of activity.

Running is wonderful workout and it costs nothing but a pair of good running shoes. During long distance running you have ample time for yourself and it simply feels great. It is total body workout and the endurance, strength and stamina you get out of it is life changing. You don't need to compete to anybody but yourself. It's kinda dynamic meditation.

My advice is to concentrate on building stamina first. Start it slow and gradually increase the distance. Within months you will be amazed where you reached. Every distance is achievable afterwards.

I repeat once again, it's a recreational drug. Feeling low, exhausted, stressed .. just pull up your socks and go for a run.

Shin pain is a beginner problem where you put too many kms too soon and go too fast!
Don't be heal striker, mid foot strike is best! build your distance and pace gradually.
Hint: Avoid watching a motivational video and getting so pumped that you are gonna qualify for Olympics

Shoes: Its a sensitive topic, but I have seen people run mountain 100 miles in sandals and all kinds of shoes! Did they get injured, I don't think so! Did it hurt, yes...but that's normal when you run so far.
We all have weak points in our body, some have IT band problems, some have shin problems, some Achilles problem, plantar fasciitis (That's related to foot arch), weak quads, hamstring stiffness....that's cz we need to strengthen these parts of body and take it slow and easy.
Get yourself a well fitted shoes. Stretch, before (and after...sometimes that helps too)

If you are recreational runner and doing it for health reasons or stay in shape, then take it easy on pace and kms you run.
Quick tip: if you can talk while you run, that's the best pace. OR if you run alone, try singing a song loud and see how fast you run, that should be your pace.

Training for a specific distance is different story!

And Samantha Gash, she is cute :) She specialize in stage races, i.e. races run on different terrains, where you rest and sleep at night and run a few kms/miles everyday

Running is like a drug ,very addicting ,it helps to boost ur mood and someway helps in depression too ,I had not run any 5 k yet ,but just love to run couple of miles .
I stop running as soon as I get some pain. Then I recover and run again. Anyway I will try to consider different runners and will see which ones suit me most. Yeah you are right, running on hard surface is not recommended but I see so many people running on roads, footpaths etc which make you feel how they run on such tracks. Otherwise you need to go to special tracks built for running. Anyway Thanks for your inputs.

Stopping running is not a solution. I myself do lot of outdoor activities. I play soccer/football 2 times a week, Tennis-once a week, badminton once a week, cycling twice a week on top of walking during lunch time , occasional hiking etc. So basically everyday I do some sort of mid to intense activity . I knew that it is not good and probably overusing my body too much however I couldn't stop as I was so addictive. I used to have some pain in my legs but I ignored it (Soccer, badminton and Tennis are very hard on your legs compared to running, cycling etc)

Then I had an injury and I had to stop for a month. I could only do light walking and some strengthening exercises and my body readjusted itself. During this period some of my pain went away and I realised how much overuse I have done. I learnt the importance of shoes. Like in soccer you need to have proper shoes as there is lot of twisting and turning. A good shoes absorb the pressure so in case someone hit you or you fall on ground or you twist your anklet, two things can protect you- Luck or a good shoes. Same with Tennis-the more cushion and tighter the shoes are the better they are for your knees and ankle.

Shin pain - I would say is less serious and most probably coming from an injury, an injury to muscle or soft tissue or could be from uncomfortable shoes.

I am still continuing with all the above activities however I am careful in choosing my shoes now and I feel better. The only other advise I can give is increase the intensity gradually, build the muscles first. Like if you are using legs too much make sure you build up knee muscles and thigh muscles that would mean less pressure on your knees. Same way if your hands are solid you will find it easier to play tennis and less pressure on wrist and shoulder.

Last thing, on internet you will find 1000 advises but not all applies to you-because you play in your own way-you walk in your own way and because you are different to everyone else. Do your own research and be your own doctor when it comes to exercise.
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Simple yet very effective technique to run better and smoothly with an Olympic athlete. No Dramas!

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