Bhisma Parva, Mahabharata/Book VI Chapter 68

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Mahabharata - Bhisma Parva

Mahabharata Book VI Chapter 68:English


Sanjaya said, "Sikhandin with Virata king of the Matsyas speedily approached Bhishma that invincible and mighty bowman. And Dhananjaya encountered Drona and Kripa, and Vikarna and many other kings, brave in battle, all mighty bowmen endued with great strength, as also that mighty bowman the ruler of the Sindhus supported by his friends and kinsmen and many kings of the west and the south also, O bull of Bharata's race. And Bhimasena proceeded against that mighty bowman, viz., thy vindictive son Duryodhana, and also against Dussaha. And Sahadeva proceeded against those invincible warriors, viz., Sakuni and that mighty car-warrior Uluka, those great bowmen, who were sire and son. And that mighty car-warrior Yudhishthira, deceitfully treated by thy son, proceeded in that battle, O king, against the elephant division (of the Kauravas). And that son of Pandu and Madri, viz., the heroic Nakula capable of wringing tears from the foe, engaged in battle with the excellent car-warriors of the Trigartas. And those invincible warriors, viz., Satyaki and Chekitana, and the mighty son of Subhadra, proceeded against Shalya and the Kaikeyas. And Dhrishtaketu and the Rakshasa Ghatotkacha, both invincible in battle, proceeded against the car-division of thy sons. And that mighty car-warrior Dhrishtadyumna, that generalissimo (of the Pandava forces) of immeasurable soul, engaged in battle, O king, with Drona of fierce achievements. And it was thus that those heroic and mighty bowmen of thy army and the Pandavas, engaged in battle, began to strike one another. And when the sun had reached the meridian and the sky was brilliantly illumined by his rays, the Kauravas and the Pandavas began to slay one another. Then cars, furnished with standards from whose tops pennons were afloat, variegated with gold and covered with tiger-skins, looked beautiful as they moved on the field of battle. And the shouts of warriors engaged in battle from desire of vanquishing one another, became as loud as leonine roars. And that encounter which we beheld between the heroic Srinjayas and the Kurus, was fierce in the extreme and highly wonderful. And in consequence of the arrows shot all around, we could not, O king, distinguish, O chastiser of foes, the firmament, the sun and the cardinal and the subsidiary points of the compass. And the splendour, like that of the blue lotus, of darts with polished points, of bearded lances hurled (at the foe), of well-tempered sabres and scimitars, of variegated coats of mail and of the ornaments (on the persons of the warriors), illumined the welkin and the cardinal and the subsidiary points with its effulgence. And the field of battle in many places, O king, shone in consequence of the bodies of monarchs whose effulgence resembled that of the moon and the sun. And brave car-warriors, tigers among men shone in that battle, O king, like the planets in the firmament. And Bhishma, that foremost of car-warriors, excited with rage, checked the mighty Bhimasena in the very sight of the troops. And the impetuous p. 183

shafts shot by Bhishma, furnished with golden wings, and whetted on stone, and rubbed with oil pierced Bhima in that battle. Then Bhimasena endued with great strength hurled at him, O Bharata, a dart of fierce impetuosity that resembled a wrathful snake. But Bhishma in that combat cut off with straight shafts that dart with staff made of gold and difficult of being borne, as it coursed impetuously towards him. And with another broad-headed shaft, sharp and well-tempered, he cut off Bhimasena's bow, O Bharata, into two parts. Then, O king, in that battle, Satyaki, coming quickly towards Bhishma, pierced thy sire with innumerable keen-edged and sharp-pointed shafts of fierce impetuosity shot from his bowstring drawn to the ear. Then Bhishma, aiming an exceedingly fierce shaft, felled the charioteer of the Vrishni hero from his box in the car. And when the charioteer of Satyaki's car was thus slain, his steeds, O king, bolted away. Endued with the speed of the tempest or the mind, they ran wild over the field. Then cries were uttered by the whole army which became a loud uproar. And exclamation of oh and alas arose from the high-souled warriors of the Pandava army. And those cries-said--Run, seize, check the horses, go in haste. And this uproar followed Yuyudhana's car. Meanwhile, Bhishma the son of Santanu began to slay the Pandava forces like Indra slaying the Danavas. But the Panchalas and the Somakas, though slain by Bhishma thus, forming yet a laudable resolution, rushed towards Bhishma. And other warriors of the Pandava army, headed by Dhrishtadyumna, and desirous of slaughtering the ranks of thy son, rushed towards Santanu's son in that battle. And so also, O king, the warriors of thy army, headed by Bhishma and Drona, impetuously rushed towards their foes. And thereupon another battle took place."

Mahabharata Book VI Chapter 68:Sanskrit

1  [स]
     शिखण्डी सह मत्स्येन विराटेन विशां पते
     भीष्मम आशु महेष्वासम आससाथ सुथुर्जयम
 2 थरॊणं कृपं विकर्णं च महेष्वासान महाबलान
     राज्ञश चान्यान रणे शूरान बहून आर्छथ धनंजयः
 3 सैन्धवं च महेष्वासं सामात्यं सह बन्धुभिः
     पराच्यांश च थाक्षिणात्यांश च भूमिपान भूमिपर्षभ
 4 पुत्रं च ते महेष्वासं थुर्यॊधनम अमर्षणम
     थुःसहं चैव समरे भीमसेनॊ ऽभयवर्तत
 5 सहथेवस तु शकुनिम उलूकं च महारदम
     पिता पुत्रौ महेष्वासाव अभ्यवर्तत थुर्जयौ
 6 युधिष्ठिरॊ महाराज गजानीकं महारदः
     समवर्तत संग्रामे पुत्रेण निकृतस तव
 7 माथ्रीपुत्रस तु नकुलः शूरः संक्रन्थनॊ युधि
     तरिगर्तानां रदॊथारैः समसज्जत पाण्डवः
 8 अभ्यवर्तन्त थुर्धर्षाः समरे शाल्व केकयान
     सात्यकिश चेकितानश च सौभथ्रश च महारदः
 9 धृष्टकेतुश च समरे राक्षसश च घटॊत्कचः
     पुत्राणां ते रदानीकं परत्युथ्याताः सुथुर्जयाः
 10 सेनापतिर अमेयात्मा धृष्टथ्युम्नॊ महाबलः
    थरॊणेन समरे राजन समियायेन्थ्र कर्मणा
11 एवम एते महेष्वासास तावकाः पाण्डवैः सह
    समेत्य समरे शूराः संप्रहारं परचक्रिरे
12 मध्यंथिन गते सूर्ये नभस्य आकुलतां गते
    कुरवः पाण्डवेयाश च निजघ्नुर इतरेतरम
13 धवजिनॊ हेमचित्राङ्गा विचरन्तॊ रणाजिरे
    स पताका रदा रेजुर वैयाघ्रपरिवारणाः
14 समेतानां च समरे जिगीषूणां परस्परम
    बभूव तुमुलः शब्थः सिंहानाम इव नर्थताम
15 तत्राथ्भुतम अपश्याम संप्रहारं सुथारुणम
    यम अकुर्वन रणे वीराः सृञ्जयाः कुरुभिः सह
16 नैव खं न थिशॊ राजन न सूर्यं शत्रुतापन
    विथिशॊ वाप्य अपश्याम शरैर मुक्तैः समन्ततः
17 शक्तीनां विमलाग्राणां तॊमराणां तदायताम
    निस्त्रिंशानां च पीतानां नीलॊत्पलनिभाः परभाः
18 कवचानां विचित्राणां भूषणानां परभास तदा
    खं थिशः परथिशश चैव भासयाम आसुर ओजसा
    विरराज तथा राजंस तत्र तत्र रणाङ्गणम
19 रदसिंहासन वयाघ्राः समायान्तश च संयुगे
    विरेजुः समरे राजन गरहा इव नभस्तले
20 भीष्मस तु रदिनां शरेष्ठॊ भीमसेनं महाबलम
    अवारयत संक्रुथ्धः सर्वसैन्यस्य पश्यतः
21 ततॊ भीष्म विनिर्मुक्ता रुक्मपुङ्खाः शिलाशिताः
    अभ्यघ्नन समरे भीमं तैलधौताः सुतेजनाः
22 तस्य शक्तिं महावेगां भीमसेनॊ महाबलः
    करुथ्धाशीविषसंकाशां परेषयाम आस भारत
23 ताम आपतन्तीं सहसा रुक्मथण्डां थुरासथाम
    चिच्छेथ समरे भीष्मः शरैः संनतपर्वभिः
24 ततॊ ऽपरेण भल्लेन पीतेन निशितेन च
    कार्मुकं भीमसेनस्य थविधा चिच्छेथ भारत
25 सात्यकिस तु ततस तूर्णं भीष्मम आसाथ्य संयुगे
    शरैर बहुभिर आनर्छत पितरं ते जनेश्वर
26 ततः संधाय वै तीक्ष्णं शरं परमथारुणम
    वार्ष्णेयस्य रदाथ भीष्मः पातयाम आस सारदिम
27 तस्याश्वाः परथ्रुता राजन निहते रदसारदौ
    तेन तेनैव धावन्ति मनॊमारुतरंहसः
28 ततः सर्वस्य सैन्यस्य निस्वनस तुमुलॊ ऽभवत
    हाहाकारश च संजज्ञे पाण्डवानां महात्मनाम
29 अभिथ्रवत गृह्णीत हयान यच्छत धावत
    इत्य आसीत तुमुलः शब्थॊ युयुधान रदं परति
30 एतस्मिन्न एव काले तु भीष्मः शांतनवः पुनः
    वयहनत पाण्डवीं सेनाम आसुरीम इव वृत्रहा
31 ते वध्यमाना भीष्मेण पाञ्चालाः सॊमकैः सह
    आर्यां युथ्धे मतिं कृत्वा भीष्मम एवाभिथुथ्रुवुः
32 धृष्टथ्युम्नमुखाश चापि पार्दाः शांतनवं रणे
    अभ्यधावञ जिगीषन्तस तव पुत्रस्य वाहिनीम
33 तदैव तावका राजन भीष्मथ्रॊणमुखाः परान
    अभ्यधावन्त वेगेन ततॊ युथ्धम अवर्तत

Mahabharata Book VI Chapter 68:Transliteration

 1 [s]
     śikhaṇḍī saha matsyena virāṭena viśāṃ pate
     bhīṣmam āśu maheṣvāsam āsasāda sudurjayam
 2 droṇaṃ kṛpaṃ vikarṇaṃ ca maheṣvāsān mahābalān
     rājñaś cānyān raṇe śūrān bahūn ārchad dhanaṃjayaḥ
 3 saindhavaṃ ca maheṣvāsaṃ sāmātyaṃ saha bandhubhiḥ
     prācyāṃś ca dākṣiṇātyāṃś ca bhūmipān bhūmiparṣabha
 4 putraṃ ca te maheṣvāsaṃ duryodhanam amarṣaṇam
     duḥsahaṃ caiva samare bhīmaseno 'bhyavartata
 5 sahadevas tu śakunim ulūkaṃ ca mahāratham
     pitā putrau maheṣvāsāv abhyavartata durjayau
 6 yudhiṣṭhiro mahārāja gajānīkaṃ mahārathaḥ
     samavartata saṃgrāme putreṇa nikṛtas tava
 7 mādrīputras tu nakulaḥ śūraḥ saṃkrandano yudhi
     trigartānāṃ rathodāraiḥ samasajjata pāṇḍavaḥ
 8 abhyavartanta durdharṣāḥ samare śālva kekayān
     sātyakiś cekitānaś ca saubhadraś ca mahārathaḥ
 9 dhṛṣṭaketuś ca samare rākṣasaś ca ghaṭotkacaḥ
     putrāṇāṃ te rathānīkaṃ pratyudyātāḥ sudurjayāḥ
 10 senāpatir ameyātmā dhṛṣṭadyumno mahābalaḥ
    droṇena samare rājan samiyāyendra karmaṇā
11 evam ete maheṣvāsās tāvakāḥ pāṇḍavaiḥ saha
    sametya samare śūrāḥ saṃprahāraṃ pracakrire
12 madhyaṃdina gate sūrye nabhasy ākulatāṃ gate
    kuravaḥ pāṇḍaveyāś ca nijaghnur itaretaram
13 dhvajino hemacitrāṅgā vicaranto raṇājire
    sa patākā rathā rejur vaiyāghraparivāraṇāḥ
14 sametānāṃ ca samare jigīṣūṇāṃ parasparam
    babhūva tumulaḥ śabdaḥ siṃhānām iva nardatām
15 tatrādbhutam apaśyāma saṃprahāraṃ sudāruṇam
    yam akurvan raṇe vīrāḥ sṛñjayāḥ kurubhiḥ saha
16 naiva khaṃ na diśo rājan na sūryaṃ śatrutāpana
    vidiśo vāpy apaśyāma śarair muktaiḥ samantataḥ
17 śaktīnāṃ vimalāgrāṇāṃ tomarāṇāṃ tathāyatām
    nistriṃśānāṃ ca pītānāṃ nīlotpalanibhāḥ prabhāḥ
18 kavacānāṃ vicitrāṇāṃ bhūṣaṇānāṃ prabhās tathā
    khaṃ diśaḥ pradiśaś caiva bhāsayām āsur ojasā
    virarāja tadā rājaṃs tatra tatra raṇāṅgaṇam
19 rathasiṃhāsana vyāghrāḥ samāyāntaś ca saṃyuge
    virejuḥ samare rājan grahā iva nabhastale
20 bhīṣmas tu rathināṃ śreṣṭho bhīmasenaṃ mahābalam
    avārayata saṃkruddhaḥ sarvasainyasya paśyataḥ
21 tato bhīṣma vinirmuktā rukmapuṅkhāḥ śilāśitāḥ
    abhyaghnan samare bhīmaṃ tailadhautāḥ sutejanāḥ
22 tasya śaktiṃ mahāvegāṃ bhīmaseno mahābalaḥ
    kruddhāśīviṣasaṃkāśāṃ preṣayām āsa bhārata
23 tām āpatantīṃ sahasā rukmadaṇḍāṃ durāsadām
    ciccheda samare bhīṣmaḥ śaraiḥ saṃnataparvabhiḥ
24 tato 'pareṇa bhallena pītena niśitena ca
    kārmukaṃ bhīmasenasya dvidhā ciccheda bhārata
25 sātyakis tu tatas tūrṇaṃ bhīṣmam āsādya saṃyuge
    śarair bahubhir ānarchat pitaraṃ te janeśvara
26 tataḥ saṃdhāya vai tīkṣṇaṃ śaraṃ paramadāruṇam
    vārṣṇeyasya rathād bhīṣmaḥ pātayām āsa sārathim
27 tasyāśvāḥ pradrutā rājan nihate rathasārathau
    tena tenaiva dhāvanti manomārutaraṃhasaḥ
28 tataḥ sarvasya sainyasya nisvanas tumulo 'bhavat
    hāhākāraś ca saṃjajñe pāṇḍavānāṃ mahātmanām
29 abhidravata gṛhṇīta hayān yacchata dhāvata
    ity āsīt tumulaḥ śabdo yuyudhāna rathaṃ prati
30 etasminn eva kāle tu bhīṣmaḥ śāṃtanavaḥ punaḥ
    vyahanat pāṇḍavīṃ senām āsurīm iva vṛtrahā
31 te vadhyamānā bhīṣmeṇa pāñcālāḥ somakaiḥ saha
    āryāṃ yuddhe matiṃ kṛtvā bhīṣmam evābhidudruvuḥ
32 dhṛṣṭadyumnamukhāś cāpi pārthāḥ śāṃtanavaṃ raṇe
    abhyadhāvañ jigīṣantas tava putrasya vāhinīm
33 tathaiva tāvakā rājan bhīṣmadroṇamukhāḥ parān
    abhyadhāvanta vegena tato yuddham avartata