Recent content by ac

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    Dear All, I am delighted to hear the various thoughts you have expressed as well as points you have raised. I could have a written a 100 page thesis (for a thorough balanced analysis) on this but chose to expresses just a few thoughts as I wanted to initiate a discussion and leave room for...
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    Respect is an act of showing regard, consideration or appreciation for someone. In Indian culture, from the moment a child is born, he/she is taught how to show respect to people, through several ways such as actions like saying namaste while holding hands together and bowing the head and...
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    What are you reading online today?

    Regardless of age, occupation, position, academic background, you are never too old or too 'knowledgeable', to learn. Once you leave the walls of the university, it is upto you to continue educating yourselves about what's happening in the world around you as well as what are the new...
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    Clarity & Work Efficiency

    My PhD project involves 4-6 people directly at any time and about 30 people indirectly. I also run Robogals which is a university based social enterprise. Robogals is still in its early stages and involves directly or indirectly approx 25 people from about 6 organisations in UK and AUS. My...
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    Clarity & Work Efficiency

    One of the key factors that affect work efficiency is clarity. Are you or the people you are supervising clear about what needs to be done? Are you or they clear about how to do it as well as the resources available for solving any difficulties? Projects today are large and multidiscplinary and...
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    Sholay in Haryana (and not Ramgarh)

    Not a rumour but the truth. I was just waiting for someone else to identify the person first. Refer: post on Capt. Abhimanyu & family. Spread the truth.
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    Sholay in Haryana (and not Ramgarh)

    Dear Mr. Hooda, Direct campaigning to voters has always been a key part of a politician promoting himself/ herself or the party being represented. What would be very beneficial is having debates between candidates. Constructive, effective, meaningful debates on the issues on the parties'...
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    Sholay in Haryana (and not Ramgarh)

    Dear Mr. Kadian, Thank you for being the first person to voice your thoughts in reply!! I also appreciate the interesting points you have made. I wouldn't say bad man vs. bad man. But rather, a man with a good heart who is not scared to bend the rules a little bit for a good outcome. Indeed I...
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    Sholay in Haryana (and not Ramgarh)

    As this post is both related to current affairs as well as social responsibility, I have posted them in both sections. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- If you ask most Indians above the age of 25 what is one of their favourite 'old' Hindi movies, you'll...
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    How to check speed of computer?

    @Vivek: The link works fine for me: If you are unable to access it, a google search will lead you to the home of Spybot-S&D @Rakesh: More RAM may improve speed of file transfers but will not eliminate the underlying problem for poor system...
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    How to check speed of computer?

    Re: speed of computer There can be many reasons behind poor system performance. In addition to checking the processes and system usage, I would recommend: + Using AVG Anti-virus. It is free. It's a little annoying when installed as you have to set up permissions, but after that, should be...
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    Arre, what are you doing here, Koyal? I think Bharti mausiji should moderate the number of times...

    Arre, what are you doing here, Koyal? I think Bharti mausiji should moderate the number of times you write me an email :-) How's the reading going? What are you onto now?
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    continued: Potential employers/ investors see value more by what you've done, risks taken and...

    continued: Potential employers/ investors see value more by what you've done, risks taken and experience gained (whether you were successful or not). If you really think you need to 'add value to yourself' - I would suggest you try and identify what your weaknesses are and how you can make...
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    continued: If you want to keep up with the world - keep your eyes and ears open -whether it is...

    continued: If you want to keep up with the world - keep your eyes and ears open -whether it is through leading magazines on technology/business/economy or becoming a member of leading organisations (e.g. IEEE for engineering and engineering management) and societies to keep up to date.
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    I suppose it all depends on how you perceive your skills (technical/ professional) and how you...

    I suppose it all depends on how you perceive your skills (technical/ professional) and how you want to achieve your goals. I would suggest proving your worth through the work you do - whether it is taking on leadership roles, taking initiative, getting new ideas off the ground etc.