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    An interesting party trick.

    I have personally tried this trick with my little nephews and they just loved it! Instead of fixing the match stick in the match box, I used a little bit of dough (atta). Also, I used a candle to light up the angled match stick. The trick works great and is lot of fun. Here is a YouTube link...
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    What are your favorite desi style winter food?

    Come winter and with it comes loads of fresh, green vegetables in the market. What is your favorite desi food that you love to cook or eat in winters? Methi roti (green roti) is one of my favorite winter item. I apply little desi ghee on the roti and sprinkle with little bura, roll it up and...
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    झाड़ू party.

    of Arvind Kejriwal - Has it's prospects been discussed on any of the forums yet? If so, can someone kindly point me to the relevant thread? धन्यवाद सहित
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    which of these 2 civilizations was more technologically advanced in your opinion?

    here are 2 photos of coins from 2 distinct civilizations from the same time period. Only by looking at these coins, can you guess which of the two was more technologically advanced? secondly, which of the 2 civilization would win a war over the other? photo 1: photo 2:
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    Photo Caption Thread.

    In this thread the posters can post pictures/photos that they like to give a caption on - must be original i.e., your brainwork (coz i think originality makes it interesting for everyone!) here is one photo that i found quite interesting to look at: And the Caption is: The cloud calling out...
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    JL members returning awards-

    Below is a copy paste of what I saw posted on JL site. Why are people returning the awards? Not happy? 09:10 AM cooljat returned the award Activity Award 06:20 AM desijat returned the award Activity Award October 24th, 2013 05:00 AM rajpaldular returned the award Activity Award 04:40 AM...
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    Haryana Day Today!

    Greetings and Best wishes to Haryana on this auspicious state day :). May it prosper to number 1 in all good aspects.
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    No need for street lights at night...

    A recent news item I came across says that it is feasible to paint roads with a chemical that will absorb sunlight during the day and emit light during night, making the road glow in the dark. This concept has been tried out on roads that run within parks in England. For a photo of the glow in...
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    Eucalyptus tree (in Hindi: Safaeda) absorbs Gold from deep soil...

    And deposits it in its leaves so the tree can get rid of the gold particles by shedding them, which are toxic for it. The following news article shows gold in the leaves of the tree which grow wild in Australia. Scientists say that a cheap gold harvesting technique from leaves can make the...
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    Do you enjoy ghost stories?

    If so, this thread is for you. Please share stories/real life incidences that you find particularly thrilling/enjoyable :) As a kid, we used to tell each other stories of 'chudail' (witch) who had reverse turned feet and of chowkidars who would have no face as seen in the light of a lantern...
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    A planet sized object will zoom past earth after 19 years and...

    If it changes it's path by slight margins over these years, it can crash into earth releasing many many tonnes of energy. Scientists say, its passage is one of the most dangerous event that earth has seen in near future. Here is more on the news: On 26 August 2032, there's a chance that a...
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    Cultural changes from history upto present times-

    How Sivalinga Sculptures have changed through history: I have noticed that Sivalinga sculptures were made somewhat differently in our long past (atleast in the northern region of India). It was customary then to sculpt a deity figure on the lingam itself. In our present times, this practice...
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    Nobel prize (medicine) announced - 2013.

    For Physiology or Medicine, the Nobel Prize has been awarded to James E. Rothman (b. 1950 - USA), Randy W. Schekman (b. 1948 - USA), and Thomas C. Südhof (b. 1955 - Germany). They were selected "for their discoveries of machinery regulating vesicle traffic, a major transport system in our cells."
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    Ranking of world universities.

    Times Higher Education has just released its 2013 rankings of the world's universities. In the physical sciences, Caltech is first, followed by UC Berkeley, Princeton, Stanford, Harvard, Cambridge, MIT, Chicago, UCLA and Oxford.
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    On Buddha and Buddhism...

    In my humble opinion, I think Siddharta was a true seeker of knowledge for he left his palace, wife and son, at the age of 29, to find answers to the purpose of life and all the difficulties etc of life. He wandered for 7 years, living on the donations by common people of food and clothes when...
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    The appearance of warrior female deities in history.

    I have noticed that female warrior deities such as Kali, Durga etc began to be prayed to at a much later period in history. Earlier, the concept of warrior female goddesses was almost non existent. What social factor/s could have led to the emergence of female warrior goddesses? Perhaps it is...
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    Scientists and their Contribution

    It is the b'day of Carl Zeiss. Today is the birthday of Carl Zeiss, who was born in 1816 in Weimar, Germany. Zeiss attended, but didn't graduate from, the University of Jena, where he studied optics, among other things. He opened an optical workshop and began making microscopes. By the 1860s...
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    Why have an interest in history?

    One reason for it I found in this interesting quote: Today's Words to Live By: We can improve our tomorrows with a better understanding of our past. For those of us who keep an interest in history, kindly please share your reason. I keep an interest primarily due to the beauty it holds...
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    Smile :)

    Originally posted by lrburdak ji. I really liked this post and so I am pasting it here. Well said Dr. Pratap Singh ji & Shubha chand ji, Positive attitude is must to feel happiness. When we feel good within, our performance goes up. The world looks nicer. The smile creates healthier...
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    Some nice thoughts...

    “To learn more about science, turn off your electronic device and go outside and look around a bit. Nature is calling you. Go on. The internet will still be here.” — Neil deGrasse Tyson