View Full Version : Fear of Failure...

June 13th, 2007, 10:37 AM

We learn through experience and we learn more through bad experiences. Through failure we learn how to cope and win over all the obstacles. Although error and experimentation are the true mothers of success, these days, parents are taking pains to remove failure from the equation.

Our education system and parents are no longer geared toward child development; they're geared towards academic achievement only. In the process a child is robbed of identity, meaning and a sense of accomplishment, to say nothing of a shot at real happiness.

Forget, too, about perseverance, not simply a moral virtue but a necessary life skill. These turn out to be the spreading psychic fault lines of 21st-century youth.

Failure is not such a bad thing to happen with you. Yes, it is worst only if you are not ready to learn from it and move on. Otherwise, failure works as a sound preparation in advance how to tackle the situation or problem at hand.

Unfortunately, in Indian society, from the very beginning, a child is taught to never to fail. Such a fear of failure is put into his/her psyche that the child finds unable to cope with the failure. I believe that handling success and failure is more challenging than anything else in this world.

As one wise man said, “Life is like a dragger thrown upon you. If you catch it from the blade, it has the power to bleed you; on the other hand, if you catch it from the handle, it can be used as a tool.”

Same can be said about failure too. If we know how to cope with failure and learn from it, then it is a positive aspect of human growth. And if we don’t know how to face the failure, then it can destroy our self-esteem and hamper overall growth.

As a parent or teacher, we should guide the child not to fear from failure. Motivate him to give his best and then learn from whatever left unaccomplished. Most of us, even as mature adults still live in the shadow of fear of failure.

We Just need to remember one thing that nothing is permanent; neither success nor failure. If something is going to stay with us, then it is only the lessons we learn from various experiences.

When starting something, you might find out half way through that it won't work. However, without the 'starting', you'll never know, and will be left with a feeling of failure. So failure is simply failing to start something.

You don't TRY to SUCCEED. WHEN you TRY, you SUCCEED.