View Full Version : About the BOOk One Way Street

July 9th, 2007, 09:54 PM
What the book is all about can be gleaned from under BLS

The One Way Street A Journey Trough Life
The reader enters The One Way Street, along with the author, some times in 1935-36, following him through the simple ways of life in Western UP villages as perceived by a child of five and six, then to Delhi of yore and the small towns of the province. He feels, just as the author, the cultural shock of the move to Lucknow in the 50’s and the freewheeling life in the university, is introduced to the new concept of 'Love at Far Site. Next on to Indian Military Academy in the foothills of Shiwaliks with its dread Drill Square and the Obstacle Course, passing-out with the proud but shaky 2nd lieutenant to face the pains of growing up in the post –independence Army, a blend of the British traditions and the Indian value system . Soon the reader is introduced with the new 'Babbler', post facing the young officer’s 'Love at First Sight', feels the pangs of separation in married life, resulting from combat service and soon the uncertainties to life and limb, during the 1962 Sino Indian Conflict, on entering the 'Valley of Death'. As the author climbs his career ladder, the reader has a chance to look at the intricacies of Command and Staff at Army HQ and the student – instructor relationship in a service environment, so different from traditional institutions. The reader is saddened watching the author's trauma on being a helpless witness to his wife's tenacious fight with cancer, with his, only, partly successful efforts, to minimise the her pains through the long struggle, culminating in her untimely demise, finally to sympathise with his efforts to cope with Pain and Guilt of living without her.