View Full Version : Quit Smoking..

July 8th, 2008, 07:04 AM
Any idea about quitting this 'Royal' habbit.:rock

Those who have quit can share their experience.

Those who want to quit can commit here and start progressing.

Others can speak about economical=dependence of country on tobacoo.

Many can also speak How not to quit.;):eek:

Most of folks can hate those who advocate it here.lol

It could help many.

July 8th, 2008, 07:28 AM
my son made my husband to quit.he used to say ...dad with everypuff you take it takes away 8 seconds of your life and dad i do not want to loose you.
Any idea about quitting this 'Royal' habbit.:rock

Those who have quit can share their experience.

Those who want to quit can commit here and start progressing.

Others can speak about economical=dependence of country on tobacoo.

Many can also speak How not to quit.;):eek:

Most of folks can hate those who advocate it here.lol

It could help many.

July 8th, 2008, 09:46 AM
my son made my husband to quit.he used to say ...dad with everypuff you take it takes away 8 seconds of your life and dad i do not want to loose you.

thats smart and cute......but, now did you mean that Samar shud have a son/daughter to quit smoking ?? ;)

July 8th, 2008, 11:01 AM
Hi Friends
I know one thing, committing in front of lot junta,e.g. forum or any gathering, makes you to quit bad habits. I have seen people committing in public for quitting bad habit and finally they did it for keeping their words to public and thinking what junta will think of them/him if someone see them/him doing same thing even after committing in public, now this guy is not following his own words, such a big looser cant keep his words, etc etc... the one who will think twice before starting again smoking, drinking or any other bad habit ... if he has committed in public to quit all this...

Its an personal experience, all may not feel the same.

July 8th, 2008, 11:10 AM
......but, now did you mean that Samar shud have a son/daughter to quit smoking ?? ;)

ahahaha...tht puts 2 questions in perspective
no.1...questionable marital status of samar ??? :rolleyes: (...well kids r merely a repercussion of wat happen afterwards...) :p:D
no.2...is he a smoker ??? :rolleyes::D:D

mr. samar, please clarify !! :)

July 8th, 2008, 03:41 PM
Any idea about quitting this 'Royal' habbit.:rock

Those who have quit can share their experience.

Those who want to quit can commit here and start progressing.

Others can speak about economical=dependence of country on tobacoo.

Many can also speak How not to quit.;):eek:

Most of folks can hate those who advocate it here.lol

It could help many.

Dear Samar,
below can help you out

Ready to quit smoking? (http://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=BFq2XHzxzSJjOCoOu7APemcy4B9KJ1g2WmNrIAafIpgfgrz kQARgCKAg4AVDc9fjSBmDl0uaDvA6gAebbh_8DyAEBgAIB2QNh KYOPfMX-wg&num=2&sig=AGiWqtzm0HuwKaUaOHkgI1jzdjAMNclozw&q=https://www.stopsmoking.ucsf.edu/index.aspx%3Fsrc%3DGIndiaReady)
Join Free Univ. of California study
to quit smoking using the Internet

How to Quit Smoking (http://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=BDovyHzxzSJjOCoOu7APemcy4B9T0mRSi0tuDAv_uiAawzA sQAhgDKAg4AVCA3r3kB2Dl0uaDvA6gAdOLs_8DyAEBqQLRy-eerly6PtkDYSmDj3zF_sI&num=3&sig=AGiWqtzpz95y-fYFdjAq4IVdpCuu8TbvBA&q=http://www.smettere.com/eng)
Self treatment to quit smoking
more than 80% of Helpful Results

Quit Smoking (http://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=BOOfXHzxzSJjOCoOu7APemcy4B8iRuQX-zv2IBeHuiAagpCgQAxgEKAgwATgBUIjR-oH4_____wFg5dLmg7wOoAGN84r_A8gBAYACAdkDYSmDj3zF_sL gAxI&num=4&sig=AGiWqtwYJWIEyi1USpiQh2tPYsEVZw-XxQ&q=http://tobacalert.com/)
Measure your nicotine intake
Feel good as you quit Tobacalert™

Stop Smoking Today (http://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=BnmruHzxzSJjOCoOu7APemcy4B4XZk1epx6X-A6fIpgeQuDEQBBgFKAg4AVCOqNaQ-v____8BYOXS5oO8DqABh7aF-wPIAQGAAgHZA2Epg498xf7C&num=5&sig=AGiWqtxc3pakuB7UI754y6GNQ0K_6N751Q&q=http://www.ffsonline.org)
Freedom From Smoking Online offers
free web-based support

How To Quit Smoking (http://www.google.com/aclk?sa=L&ai=BAKn_HzxzSJjOCoOu7APemcy4B8yNj0CQ5qzaBf_uiAbgpx IQBRgGKAg4AVDImuWV-_____8BYOXS5oO8DsgBAcgC2JzRAdkDYSmDj3zF_sI&num=6&sig=AGiWqtzOhQ1GY_3Gvc9rZvw32qx17fW4yA&q=http://health.nytimes.com/health/guides/specialtopic/smoking-tips-on-how-to-quit/overview.html%3Fexcamp%3DGGHLquitsmoking%26WT.srch %3D1%26WT.mc_ev%3Dclick%26WT.mc_id%3DHL-S-E-GG-NA-S-quit_smoking)
NYTimes.com has recent findings
and the latest medical information

Livefree Smokefree Today (http://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=BA_zFHzxzSJjOCoOu7APemcy4B8SUjAnowL7gA__uiAaw1D IQBhgHKAg4AVC4-6u1_P____8BYOXS5oO8DqAB-oXM_gPIAQGAAgHZA2Epg498xf7C&num=7&sig=AGiWqty7-MK5dJsA8L-pRxOTwV3cZVQxxg&q=http://community.acsevents.org/site/PageServer%3Fpagename%3DC_EA_GAQ_homepage_general)
We Challenge Smokers to Stop Using
Tobacco & Stay Smokefree!

QuitSmoking with your PDA (http://www.google.com/aclk?sa=L&ai=B7TwQHzxzSJjOCoOu7APemcy4B6qGwVqmtuyGBv_uiAaQuD EQBxgIKAg4AVCzs6C__P____8BYOXS5oO8DsgBAakCMDxTcwNC qz7ZA2Epg498xf7C&num=8&sig=AGiWqtyqkbzskBiDgSPhukBgjaE9Wh6PSQ&q=http://www.handango.com/PlatformProductDetail.jsp%3F%26productId%3D220652)
Stay Smoke Free, Monitor Yourself
Make this one your final quit!

Stop smoking today (http://www.google.com/aclk?sa=L&ai=BlzZwHzxzSJjOCoOu7APemcy4B6uN4VK95ObHCP_uiAaQi0 AQCBgJKAg4AVD4_cSp-f____8BYOXS5oO8DsgBAakCSaCvcyFqij7ZA2Epg498xf7C&num=9&sig=AGiWqtx_9MR1iZkgtwmMc6134ExYrr3ePg&q=http://www.webstopsmokingnow.com/)
Visit for the best ways
to quit smoking today

Quit Smoking (http://www.google.com/aclk?sa=L&ai=BIFDUHzxzSJjOCoOu7APemcy4B_jt4gvmrLywAY-TlAywgSQIABABGAE4AVDnz7iz-f____8BYOXS5oO8DsgBAdkDYSmDj3zF_sI&sig=AGiWqtwSsuCUxyeBUMRgxs3btCvlMMhMsg&q=http://www.nicotine-anonymous.org)
www.Nicotine-Anonymous.org Non-Profit Org. Offering True Help Seek Freedom From Addiction Today

Smokefree.gov (http://www.smokefree.gov/)

Free, trusted, and proven methods for those trying to quit smoking. Self-help guides, instant support, and interactive tools available.
www.smokefree.gov/ - 7k - Cached ( - Similar pages (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=related:www.smokefree.gov/) - Note this (http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=gmail&q=quit%20smoking#)

Quit Smoking | OSH | CDC (http://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/how2quit.htm)

You CAN quit smoking. Quitting smoking has immediate as well as long-term benefits for you and your loved ones. The resources listed below discuss the ...
www.cdc.gov/tobacco/how2quit.htm - 22k - Cached ( - Similar pages (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=related:www.cdc.gov/tobacco/how2quit.htm) - Note this (http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=gmail&q=quit%20smoking#)

WhyQuit - the Internet's leading cold turkey quit smoking resource (http://whyquit.com/)

Ready to quit smoking and end all nicotine use? Almost 90% all long-term ex-smokers quit smoking cold turkey. Learn their quitting secrets!
whyquit.com/ - 30k - Cached ( - Similar pages (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=related:whyquit.com/) - Note this (http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=gmail&q=quit%20smoking#)

QuitSmoking.com - The Quit Smoking Company Home Page Stop Smoking (http://www.quitsmoking.com/)

Quit Smoking Information and Products to Help Smokers Stop Smoking.
www.quitsmoking.com/ - 35k - Cached ( - Similar pages (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=related:www.quitsmoking.com/) - Note this (http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=gmail&q=quit%20smoking#)


July 8th, 2008, 04:12 PM
Its a monster which kills...please do not start ..those who have not touched it yet.It is the biggest single killer and distributor of sufferings to millions.Say NO to Smoking and spread a word every where regarding the harms it causes to the human body and mind.


July 8th, 2008, 06:20 PM
the thought shared here is quite worthy....some similar threads were started earlier also....now instead of starting the same type, ask everybody who is getting into good habits and making their and others life better

but still a msg for addicts from my side again.....jitna smoking khud to nuksaan pahaunchati hai, usse jyada uske saath rahne waale ko nuksaan deti hai....so atleast think about your loved ones if u really have some considerations for them....warna gaate firo.....cigarette ke dhuen ka chhalla bana kar....bla bla bla.....all rubbish....an easy way to reach hell

July 8th, 2008, 06:49 PM
hahaha you said it so well.why others should suffer as passive smoker.
the thought shared here is quite worthy....some similar threads were started earlier also....now instead of starting the same type, ask everybody who is getting into good habits and making their and others life better

but still a msg for addicts from my side again.....jitna smoking khud to nuksaan pahaunchati hai, usse jyada uske saath rahne waale ko nuksaan deti hai....so atleast think about your loved ones if u really have some considerations for them....warna gaate firo.....cigarette ke dhuen ka chhalla bana kar....bla bla bla.....all rubbish....an easy way to reach hell

July 8th, 2008, 08:28 PM
Well said Ritu and Neelam , by smoking u r not jus harming urself but also ur surrounding people!

You can eat five portions of fruit and veg a day and exercise regularly, but healthy behaviour means little if you continue to smoke.

July 8th, 2008, 09:14 PM
the thought shared here is quite worthy....some similar threads were started earlier also....now instead of starting the same type, ask everybody who is getting into good habits and making their and others life better

but still a msg for addicts from my side again.....jitna smoking khud to nuksaan pahaunchati hai, usse jyada uske saath rahne waale ko nuksaan deti hai....so atleast think about your loved ones if u really have some considerations for them....warna gaate firo.....cigarette ke dhuen ka chhalla bana kar....bla bla bla.....all rubbish....an easy way to reach hell

Thats 100% true, passive smoking(who smokes indirectly) is much more harmful than active smoking(who smokes, we think he is smoking), but passive smoker does not know that he smoking it reaches deepest in lungs, I heard from somewhere that when you are smoking you knows that you taking in something, which harmful for your body, passive smoker does not know that he is going to in hell this all injurious matter with his breath and reaches upto lungs and causes more harm there in comparison to passive smokers.

Can some doctor over here explain what is exact fact behind it?

Thanks in advance

July 8th, 2008, 10:54 PM
Thats' enough otherwise the whole WORLD will..................

July 8th, 2008, 11:08 PM
no advise, no medication can help least one shud make up his/her mind n follow it wid strong will power whether it's about quiting smoking or any other habit.
i wanna share a kissa wid u all......mujhe sabki advice padkar yaad aa gaya...

ek bar ek Nawab saheb ko ek ladki se 'Ishq' ho gaya, nawab sab bade pareshan rat din usi ka khayal, uski tasvir aankho ke samne, na kisi kaam mein man lage, na kuch yaad rahe....bas us ladki ka khayal unka piccha na chode.
nawab saheb ne dostoon se poccha kya kiya jaye ki is pareshani se mukti mile, ek dost ne kaha us se shaadi kar lo. bas kya tha.....
ek din nawab saheb uske ghar gaye, ladki ke pitaji se shaadi ki baat ki.
par ladki ke pita ne rishta thukra diya, vo hamare nawab saheb se jayda badi jaagir vale the.

ab to nawab saheb ki mano duniya hi uzad gayi, udas pareshan rahne lage.... nawab saheb ko pareshan dekhkar dostoon ne phir soccha ab kya kiya jaye...humne to bhale ki sochi thi ye to ulta ho gaya.:confused:

khair....har kisi ne apni apni tarkeeb ajmaeen par kuch hasil na hua..ulta nawab saheb din -b-din beemar hone lage.

ek din vahan ek fakir aaya, nawab ki havelii dekh ruk gaya....nawab saheb baithe the....unki bujhi bujhi halat dekh fakir ne puucha ''baccha pareshan hai, koi baat nahi teri beemari theek ho jayegi....ek pudia deta hoon ....roj subhah naha dhokar...ise dud ke saath lena bas ek cheez yaad rakhna jab ise lo to bandar ka khayal jahan mein naa aane paye, nahi to iska asar nahi hoga''

kain din beet gaye ..ek din nawab saheb ne soccha ab mujhe theek hona hai...mera bhaut nuksaan ho gaya....par dil phir kaam mein na lage.
phir unhe fakir ki pudiya ka khayal aaya, nawab ne socha shayad isse theek ho jaun...agle din naha dhokar nawab saheb pudiya lene baithe...
par ye kya pudiya se phele hi nawab saheb ne bandar ko yaad kar liya,
agle din bhi yahi hua....jaise hi pudiya lene jaaen vaise hi socchen ki bandar ko yaad nahi karna hai.....par bandar ko to unhone yaad kar hi liya.

bahut din beet gaye ab to bas bandar ke khayal se nawab saheb pareshan....becchare pudiya nahi le paye. raat din socche aaj to pudiya lekar hi dam lunga....par bandar ko phir yaad kar lein....nawab pudiya aur bandar mein ulajh kar rah jayein roz.

ek din vo fakir phir aaye....unhone poocha ''baccha kya hal pudiya li''

ab nawab saheb bole pudiya to jab loon jab bandar ka khayal mera piccha chode...fakir haasa bola....aur us ladki ko bhool gaya, nawab bhi hairran hau ki itne dino ek roz bhi uska khayal nahi aaya.

ab nawab saheb use bhool chuke the. aur unhe pata bhi nahi chala ki kab bhool gaye.


July 8th, 2008, 11:32 PM
Not a bad way at all to explain. You didn't even mention a word about the main problem here, but what you wrote definitely has a solution to it(the problem). Moreover, the people reading the article who want to quit smoking will atleast forget about it as long as they read it. :p

no advise, no medication can help least one shud make up his/her mind n follow it wid strong will power whether it's about quiting smoking or any other habit.
i wanna share a kissa wid u all......mujhe sabki advice padkar yaad aa gaya...

ek bar ek Nawab saheb ko ek ladki se 'Ishq' ho gaya, nawab sab bade pareshan rat din usi ka khayal, uski tasvir aankho ke samne, na kisi kaam mein man lage, na kuch yaad rahe....bas us ladki ka khayal unka piccha na chode.
nawab saheb ne dostoon se poccha kya kiya jaye ki is pareshani se mukti mile, ek dost ne kaha us se shaadi kar lo. bas kya tha.....
ek din nawab saheb uske ghar gaye, ladki ke pitaji se shaadi ki baat ki.
par ladki ke pita ne rishta thukra diya, vo hamare nawab saheb se jayda badi jaagir vale the.

ab to nawab saheb ki mano duniya hi uzad gayi, udas pareshan rahne lage.... nawab saheb ko pareshan dekhkar dostoon ne phir soccha ab kya kiya jaye...humne to bhale ki sochi thi ye to ulta ho gaya.:confused:

khair....har kisi ne apni apni tarkeeb ajmaeen par kuch hasil na hua..ulta nawab saheb din -b-din beemar hone lage.

ek din vahan ek fakir aaya, nawab ki havelii dekh ruk gaya....nawab saheb baithe the....unki bujhi bujhi halat dekh fakir ne puucha ''baccha pareshan hai, koi baat nahi teri beemari theek ho jayegi....ek pudia deta hoon ....roj subhah naha dhokar...ise dud ke saath lena bas ek cheez yaad rakhna jab ise lo to bandar ka khayal jahan mein naa aane paye, nahi to iska asar nahi hoga''

kain din beet gaye ..ek din nawab saheb ne soccha ab mujhe theek hona hai...mera bhaut nuksaan ho gaya....par dil phir kaam mein na lage.
phir unhe fakir ki pudiya ka khayal aaya, nawab ne socha shayad isse theek ho jaun...agle din naha dhokar nawab saheb pudiya lene baithe...
par ye kya pudiya se phele hi nawab saheb ne bandar ko yaad kar liya,
agle din bhi yahi hua....jaise hi pudiya lene jaaen vaise hi socchen ki bandar ko yaad nahi karna hai.....par bandar ko to unhone yaad kar hi liya.

bahut din beet gaye ab to bas bandar ke khayal se nawab saheb pareshan....becchare pudiya nahi le paye. raat din socche aaj to pudiya lekar hi dam lunga....par bandar ko phir yaad kar lein....nawab pudiya aur bandar mein ulajh kar rah jayein roz.

ek din vo fakir phir aaye....unhone poocha ''baccha kya hal pudiya li''

ab nawab saheb bole pudiya to jab loon jab bandar ka khayal mera piccha chode...fakir haasa bola....aur us ladki ko bhool gaya, nawab bhi hairran hau ki itne dino ek roz bhi uska khayal nahi aaya.

ab nawab saheb use bhool chuke the. aur unhe pata bhi nahi chala ki kab bhool gaye.


July 9th, 2008, 02:09 AM
very nice story pragya with a great message
no advise, no medication can help least one shud make up his/her mind n follow it wid strong will power whether it's about quiting smoking or any other habit.
i wanna share a kissa wid u all......mujhe sabki advice padkar yaad aa gaya...

ek bar ek Nawab saheb ko ek ladki se 'Ishq' ho gaya, nawab sab bade pareshan rat din usi ka khayal, uski tasvir aankho ke samne, na kisi kaam mein man lage, na kuch yaad rahe....bas us ladki ka khayal unka piccha na chode.
nawab saheb ne dostoon se poccha kya kiya jaye ki is pareshani se mukti mile, ek dost ne kaha us se shaadi kar lo. bas kya tha.....
ek din nawab saheb uske ghar gaye, ladki ke pitaji se shaadi ki baat ki.
par ladki ke pita ne rishta thukra diya, vo hamare nawab saheb se jayda badi jaagir vale the.

ab to nawab saheb ki mano duniya hi uzad gayi, udas pareshan rahne lage.... nawab saheb ko pareshan dekhkar dostoon ne phir soccha ab kya kiya jaye...humne to bhale ki sochi thi ye to ulta ho gaya.:confused:

khair....har kisi ne apni apni tarkeeb ajmaeen par kuch hasil na hua..ulta nawab saheb din -b-din beemar hone lage.

ek din vahan ek fakir aaya, nawab ki havelii dekh ruk gaya....nawab saheb baithe the....unki bujhi bujhi halat dekh fakir ne puucha ''baccha pareshan hai, koi baat nahi teri beemari theek ho jayegi....ek pudia deta hoon ....roj subhah naha dhokar...ise dud ke saath lena bas ek cheez yaad rakhna jab ise lo to bandar ka khayal jahan mein naa aane paye, nahi to iska asar nahi hoga''

kain din beet gaye ..ek din nawab saheb ne soccha ab mujhe theek hona hai...mera bhaut nuksaan ho gaya....par dil phir kaam mein na lage.
phir unhe fakir ki pudiya ka khayal aaya, nawab ne socha shayad isse theek ho jaun...agle din naha dhokar nawab saheb pudiya lene baithe...
par ye kya pudiya se phele hi nawab saheb ne bandar ko yaad kar liya,
agle din bhi yahi hua....jaise hi pudiya lene jaaen vaise hi socchen ki bandar ko yaad nahi karna hai.....par bandar ko to unhone yaad kar hi liya.

bahut din beet gaye ab to bas bandar ke khayal se nawab saheb pareshan....becchare pudiya nahi le paye. raat din socche aaj to pudiya lekar hi dam lunga....par bandar ko phir yaad kar lein....nawab pudiya aur bandar mein ulajh kar rah jayein roz.

ek din vo fakir phir aaye....unhone poocha ''baccha kya hal pudiya li''

ab nawab saheb bole pudiya to jab loon jab bandar ka khayal mera piccha chode...fakir haasa bola....aur us ladki ko bhool gaya, nawab bhi hairran hau ki itne dino ek roz bhi uska khayal nahi aaya.

ab nawab saheb use bhool chuke the. aur unhe pata bhi nahi chala ki kab bhool gaye.


July 10th, 2008, 09:13 AM
Its a monster which kills...please do not start ..those who have not touched it yet.It is the biggest single killer and distributor of sufferings to millions.Say NO to Smoking and spread a word every where regarding the harms it causes to the human body and mind.


Cigarette pee pee ke muh kisa hora se, chusee hui aambi jisa!
mein bhi jab piya karta issa e dikha karta, ibb dekho photo mein kissa goll ho reha se!

Adde bade 2 sabd likhan te na chhute!
Ghar aale jab bol chal band kar denge , jab maanoge!
Iss baar jib cigarette packet mein te kado, te ek baar sochna, ki aap se bahut log inspire hein, aapka aadar karte hein, aap se salah mashwira karte hein! Do you you deserve that?
Than don't light the cigarette again, bas kah diya !

Aap jaise strong aadmi ke liye kuchh monester wonester naa se!
Tip: Keep away from smokers and environment for a while, Specially close one, like Shailender ji.Does he also smoke?

IT is test of your will power! Will power of a leader!


July 10th, 2008, 09:30 AM
Cigarette pee pee ke muh kisa hora se, chusee hui aambi jisa!
mein bhi jab piya karta issa e dikha karta, ibb dekho photo mein kissa goll ho reha se!

Adde bade 2 sabd likhan te na chhute!
Ghar aale jab bol chal band kar denge , jab maanoge!
Iss baar jib cigarette packet mein te kado, te ek baar sochna, ki aap se bahut log inspire hein, aapka aadar karte hein, aap se salah mashwira karte hein! Do you you deserve that?
Than don't light the cigarette again, bas kah diya !

Aap jaise strong aadmi ke liye kuchh monester wonester naa se!
Tip: Keep away from smokers and environment for a while, Specially close one, like Shailender ji.Does he also smoke?

IT is test of your will power! Will power of a leader!


RISTEDAAR......MEINE iss Monster ko kab ka daffna diya.........Never will smoke ever...........It was self destructive habit and foolishness of highest order.My request to all ...PLEASE LEAVE IT........It kills!...THANKS FOR THE GREAT CONCERN AND KIND WORDS RISTEDAAR.


July 10th, 2008, 08:57 PM
Sorry Dahiya ji,

I got it wrong. In fact, I myself struggled for years to give up this evil habit.
I was greatly helped by family and friends. I appeal to all Jatlander to take
a vow to quit as soon as possible! It could be the greatest gift to the kids who are constantly exposed to smoking. It is not only the passive smoking , but young ones always try to imitate elders silently!


July 10th, 2008, 09:20 PM
RISTEDAAR......MEINE iss Monster ko kab ka daffna diya.........Never will smoke ever...........It was self destructive habit and foolishness of highest order.My request to all ...PLEASE LEAVE IT........It kills!...THANKS FOR THE GREAT CONCERN AND KIND WORDS RISTEDAAR.


ooh comeon kaklu u know it quite well why and how you got rid of this habit.........jibb kaki nei aapke saare pajame retire karr diye.....jinme aapne biddi er ciggiz pii-pii ke ghattu karr diye the to aaaapke paass Raam-lubhaya ke kache bach ge the....and u cud not afford to go out on walk with your dog in those kachas.....isnt it so ???

so here jlanders........one more of a few reasons how u can get rid of smoking.....deb dahiya ki tarha pajame mein ghattu hojayenge

July 10th, 2008, 09:36 PM
@ Ritu: Nice idea for MEN who are married..Emotional Blackmail really works.:rock It sounds very efficient tools to tame married men.

@Keshav: Keshav, do you mean I do Smoke.?

@Manoj: Very good..Spread this around in your circle..Jaise mandir mein nem thuwate hain waise it works as well.:D Aur dobara pakda jaye to ? Pani pani kar do guilt ki balti bhar ke phenk do....Apne aap line per :p

@ Braham ji: I'm happy. :D

@YS: Very informative sir...:)

@Neelam: Gaana to ek aur accha hai..Mai Fikar ko dhume mein udata chala gaya.....Mai zindagi ka saath nibhata chala gaya...Stressbuster....for a while...Marte to Non Smoker pujari bhi hain....Its unfair to judge smokers as sinners...

@Vineeta: Yes fruits.....Cheeku is best substitute.

@Rajeev: Sir..World will not defintely come to an end but the bill of lung specialist would give sleepless nights:mad: and a thought of admitting there.

@ Pragya : Very inspiring story..:) Govt yahi will power dikha de to ye thread hi na chale kabhi...Thats another point..But personaly WILL power is the key for anything n esp for this addiction...

We found two good examples of quitting this habbit as inspiration,

Deshwal and Dahiya Sir.....

Its nice both of you quit it Sirs, but how did you control the urge.? and initially how much time you required to come out of withdrawal...?
Any medication?
Just family n Friends Support?

How do you feel now?

Deshwal Sir Surely you have gained a decent amount of weight after quitting.

@Keshav: Bhai pajjame/kacche chek karne kaise pahunch gaye ya sirf wild imagination? ,ya khud ka experience ? ..:thappad:eek: Sharm ki koi baat nahi hai bata do ;)

July 10th, 2008, 11:46 PM
hahaahhaahah bhai tu laughter challenge me chala hi ja....vo siddhu haas haas mar jaaga
ooh comeon kaklu u know it quite well why and how you got rid of this habit.........jibb kaki nei aapke saare pajame retire karr diye.....jinme aapne biddi er ciggiz pii-pii ke ghattu karr diye the to aaaapke paass Raam-lubhaya ke kache bach ge the....and u cud not afford to go out on walk with your dog in those kachas.....isnt it so ???

so here jlanders........one more of a few reasons how u can get rid of smoking.....deb dahiya ki tarha pajame mein ghattu hojayenge

July 10th, 2008, 11:53 PM
@ Ritu: Nice idea for MEN who are married..Emotional Blackmail really works.:rock It sounds very efficient tools to tame married men.

by the way married man is not an animal which can be tamed.a father quit for his son.ask all those who quit and are married.none of them might have done it for their spouses.

July 11th, 2008, 04:04 AM
Samar singh tu bhi kamiliiiiiiiaaaaaa khaatirrr chhod de... eh mer-yaar... dradh sankalp honaa chaahiye kisse bhi kaam khaattirr... its very easy to do that after that...........Dedication is key to do anything thing.. so Quit smoking is same........

July 11th, 2008, 06:21 AM
@Keshav: Keshav, do you mean I do Smoke.?

@Keshav: Bhai pajjame/kacche chek karne kaise pahunch gaye ya sirf wild imagination? ,ya khud ka experience ? ..:thappad:eek: Sharm ki koi baat nahi hai bata do ;)

Bhai Samar Singh ji...pehli baat to manne ritu jii ko gyaat karwaya tha ki kahin woh yunn to nahi samajh rahi ki aap smokte ho.......I didnt anywhere mentioned about you being a smoker or "NOT"....er manne karna bhi ke hai ??? ;)

Dusrri baat...Deb dahiya ji ke pajamme ki khabber tei bhai kayi akhbaar mein bhi aa rehi sei :eek:.....balkiii iib tei unke pajamme pei shayd koi kitaab bhi likkhe sei....:p
mannei to apna kacha/pjama check karann ka-e time konya......er jei manne apne kaklu ki checking karr bhi li to sharam ki ke baat sei :D :p......E marre yaar Samar kisssi baat karre hai........hehehehehe

July 11th, 2008, 06:28 AM
hahaahhaahah bhai tu laughter challenge me chala hi ja....vo siddhu haas haas mar jaaga

aaap to piche hi padd gayi mere :D.....iisii to laughter aaali baat bhi na ki thi mannei.....er Sidhu Sardaar milya hansan hasaaan nei.....aadei bhi to kayi log yawa haanstte rehwei sein saari haan......kyun ?? :p
waise getting back to the smoking topic......its strange that no Sikh is heard of smoking......its a matter of control as to what habits we inculcate and how we drive ourself in life....then let it be smoking or any other vice.....it takes pain to lead a disciplined life......

July 11th, 2008, 04:18 PM
@ Ritu: Nice idea for MEN who are married..Emotional Blackmail really works.:rock It sounds very efficient tools to tame married men.

@Keshav: Keshav, do you mean I do Smoke.?

@Manoj: Very good..Spread this around in your circle..Jaise mandir mein nem thuwate hain waise it works as well.:D Aur dobara pakda jaye to ? Pani pani kar do guilt ki balti bhar ke phenk do....Apne aap line per :p

@ Braham ji: I'm happy. :D

@YS: Very informative sir...:)

@Neelam: Gaana to ek aur accha hai..Mai Fikar ko dhume mein udata chala gaya.....Mai zindagi ka saath nibhata chala gaya...Stressbuster....for a while...Marte to Non Smoker pujari bhi hain....Its unfair to judge smokers as sinners...

@Vineeta: Yes fruits.....Cheeku is best substitute.

@Rajeev: Sir..World will not defintely come to an end but the bill of lung specialist would give sleepless nights:mad: and a thought of admitting there.

@ Pragya : Very inspiring story..:) Govt yahi will power dikha de to ye thread hi na chale kabhi...Thats another point..But personaly WILL power is the key for anything n esp for this addiction...

We found two good examples of quitting this habbit as inspiration,

Deshwal and Dahiya Sir.....

Its nice both of you quit it Sirs, but how did you control the urge.? and initially how much time you required to come out of withdrawal...?
Any medication?
Just family n Friends Support?

How do you feel now?

Deshwal Sir Surely you have gained a decent amount of weight after quitting.

@Keshav: Bhai pajjame/kacche chek karne kaise pahunch gaye ya sirf wild imagination? ,ya khud ka experience ? ..:thappad:eek: Sharm ki koi baat nahi hai bata do ;)

samar pehle to yeh batao are u for smokin or u r against smoking.......tumne to dono hi sides ke supportin views de diye.....

July 12th, 2008, 06:44 AM
samar pehle to yeh batao are u for smokin or u r against smoking.......tumne to dono hi sides ke supportin views de diye.....

Bhavna JI I'm against smoking for sure but I'm also against abandoning of Smokers.:D

Do you also have any such experience? if yes how did you motivate/demotivate that person/friend?

It may be an add on to the confidence of some.

July 12th, 2008, 07:11 PM
samar pehle to yeh batao are u for smokin or u r against smoking.......tumne to dono hi sides ke supportin views de diye.....

hahaha....ye dal badlu insaan hai....kabhi yahan to kabhi wahan

July 12th, 2008, 09:12 PM
hahaha....ye dal badlu insaan hai....kabhi yahan to kabhi wahan

@Neelam JI : , ye kuch jyada nahi ho gaya? Hmmm Chaliye koi baat nahi...Improve your understanding with a loud laugh .:)

More on smoking
..According to BestSyndication.com , "Women who smoked one to 10 cigarettes while they were pregnant had a 29% greater risk of having a child with a finger or toe deformity. As the number of cigarettes increases so did the risk. Women that smoked 11 to 20 cigarettes per day increased their chances to 38%. Smoking more than 20 cigarettes per day raised the risk by 78%."

Ladies, if you're pregnant and still smoking, do your unborn child a favor and stop smoking TODAY! It's bad enough you're hurting yourself, but don't subject your unborn child to years and years of ridicule and shame due to birth defects caused by your reckless behavior...

according to DentalGentleCare.com, "smoking increases the risk and severity of gum recession and gum disease leading to tooth and bone loss. Tooth loss in smokers occurs at a rate of 2.9 teeth every 10 years for men and 1.5 teeth every 10 years for women (two times the rate of tooth loss in nonsmokers).

If you start smoking at age 18 and smoke a pack a day, you could lose four to five teeth by the time you are 35!"

Found Picture attached for Proof..:)

September 5th, 2008, 12:00 AM
Samar bhai i don't think we need to give any instances or cases which can inspire people to quit this habbit of smoking !

@ Topic...We all r educated enough to see and realise the right & the wrong habbits !

I read it somewhr that smoking is harmful for each and every organ of the body.
Or in simple words, we can say that smokers are near death stage.

Nicotine is a highly addictive drug found in tobacco. The intake of this drug stops your body growth and results in causing various diseases.
Smoking results in causing the following :
mouth and throat cancer
larynx cancer
various heart diseases
pulmonary disease
bladder and cervical cancer.... kum lag rahi hain to r bhi hai :confused:....

I don't understand why people r causing problems not only to themselves but to others also ....thru passive smoking :mad: !!
Give up this habbit ..cz this world is a beautiful place...if u really want to live... otherwise also stop playing wid others life ... :mad:
Smoking should be a crime in public places :)

September 5th, 2008, 07:36 PM
Samar showing serious concerns for ladies being addicted to smoking....hehe.....i don't feel ki Jat Women are falling in any such bad trap :D.....kyun lady members ?????.....are you????.....atleast m not :D

now that's all in the lighter mode (which i learnt from some smart characters here, baat bhi kah jaao aur lighter note/mode add karke baat ko wahin dafna do....koi kuch nahin kah sakta....:D)

anyways, if one really wanna quit this bad habit, then here's a little suggestion if one like it...

sip apple juice on daily basis (apple juice being the potent de-motivator in against of bad addictions)
don't quit it immediately (i think this can be understood by anybody, kyunki adat pakadna asaan hai lekin chhodna kaafi mushkil)
use chewing-gum whenever u feel the desire for it
stress can be best relieved from YOGA/other exercise work-outs

September 5th, 2008, 08:39 PM
Samar showing serious concerns for ladies being addicted to smoking....hehe.....i don't feel ki Jat Women are falling in any such bad trap :D.....kyun lady members ?????.....are you????.....atleast m not :D

झूठ बोल रहीं हैं आप... हमारी बूढियाओं को देखा है क्या ? सारे दिन चिलम फूंकती हैं... और किन लेडीज की बात कर रहीं हैं आप, बुढापे में ये सब यही करेंगी चाहे वो australia में हों या फिर UK में. :p:rock:D:rock:p

September 5th, 2008, 10:42 PM
झूठ बोल रहीं हैं आप... हमारी बूढियाओं को देखा है क्या ? सारे दिन चिलम फूंकती हैं... और किन लेडीज की बात कर रहीं हैं आप, बुढापे में ये सब यही करेंगी चाहे वो australia में हों या फिर UK में. :p:rock:D:rock:p

yo de maaryaaaaaaa .. huhuhahahaha

September 5th, 2008, 10:46 PM
Samar bhai i don't think we need to give any instances or cases which can inspire people to quit this habbit of smoking !

@ Topic...We all r educated enough to see and realise the right & the wrong habbits !

I read it somewhr that smoking is harmful for each and every organ of the body.
Or in simple words, we can say that smokers are near death stage.

Nicotine is a highly addictive drug found in tobacco. The intake of this drug stops your body growth and results in causing various diseases.
Smoking results in causing the following :
mouth and throat cancer
larynx cancer
various heart diseases
pulmonary disease
bladder and cervical cancer.... kum lag rahi hain to r bhi hai :confused:....

I don't understand why people r causing problems not only to themselves but to others also ....thru passive smoking :mad: !!
Give up this habbit ..cz this world is a beautiful place...if u really want to live... otherwise also stop playing wid others life ... :mad:
Smoking should be a crime in public places :)

WAY too much has been said about the 'ill-effects' of smoking, what it could 'do' to you and other crap. The effects of smoking have been greatly exaggerated, and it's us smokers who have to face the public sentiment on this.

Anyways, what is the big deal if I smoke? People will often come up to me and tell me, "Smoking can kill you, you know?" I promptly reply with some smartass remark like "Really? THANK you for telling me!" Yeah, Sherlocks. I'm too stupid and illiterate to read the warning on the pack, let alone understand it. I have this feeling that not smoking actually makes people so stupid, they don't realize that smokers already know what they're doing to their bodies. Hey, I know my lungs have taken on a distinct coloration of black, with pink patches here and there. I know that I'll be hacking up blood in my cough, a couple years from now. Who gives a damn?

I have a hectic and inundated life, and I'd like to take a break from it all to enjoy the relief that the cigarette can bring to me. The last thing I need is for yet another self-appointed Samaritan coming near me to tell me what I'm doing to my body, or why they object to me puffing around. It's not like I'm going up to them and telling them, "Excuse me, sir, could you please go elsewhere, you're in my smoking space." I'd really love to do that though, I don't think that they're even worthy of breathing my 2nd hand smoke.

How many of you readers smoke? How many of you are ferverent anti-smoking lobbyists? What IS your problem with smokers? Till date, I haven't seen a good answer for that last question.

I've made a list of 20 points I'd like to make for the case of smoking. If anyone can, what is the case against smoking/second-hand smoking?

Here's my spit:

Increases concentration.
People often go with the general sentiment on things like these, most of what you hear is hogwash. Cases of cancer are linked with smoking, but it's not proof. Only 1 in 3 of us will get lung cancer. (By "us" I also include non smokers).
Smokers are a persecuted lot, since this habit has been banned from workplaces, restaurants, buses, subways and planes. You don't think they'd outlaw breathing for christ's sake.
Smokers have the only real community that's left in the workplace today.
Smokers suffer from less stress, since they actually take a few breaks per day.
That bruhaha about second hand smoking is a load of crap. it's just a phrase made up to get normal people who earlier didn't care about it, to go and further persecute the smokers.
It's cool to smoke. Ever seen a hacker or a real artist with a health shake?
Smokers support the economy by paying all those taxes, which *AHEM* some of us don't.
The Surgeon General fails to warn you that non-smokers die every day
Studies have shown that prolonged contact (as in several years) with second hand smoking can cause mild lung problems. Second hand smoke has no immediate harmful effects.
Actually, why not just ban non-smokers? :D
Too much is made of the 4000 chemicals that make up a cigarette. Several carcinogens found in cigarettes are found in peppers, carrots, strawberries, tomatoes, onions and grapefruit.
Believe it or not, nicotine is actually "a surprisingly potent drug for a variety of diseases that afflict the brain, including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Tourette’s syndrome." (An image makeover for nicotine: It shows promise against brain diseases, HealthCentral.com - Feb. 21, 2000) Smokers have a 60% lower risk of Parkinson's disease
Nicotine has a positive effect on ulcerative colitis, which is an inflammation of the stomach lining, and this disorder affects nonsmokers more than smokers.
Smokers actually recovered better from a heart attack than nonsmokers
Smoking was found to reduce the risk of estrogen-dependent endometrial cancer (dunno what that means, it just sounds really cool)
Schizophrenics (4 million Americans) who smoke can get enough nicotine stimulation to switch on a brain receptor that helps filter information.
Stanford researchers have discovered that low doses of nicotine - a major component of cigarette smoke - appear to promote new blood vessel growth (in mice). (“Nicotine to be used to treat heart disease,” Reuters Health, HealthCentral.com - Sept. 2000)
Alcohol is even more harmful than smoking. Yet not much is said against it as compared to smoking. Half a bottle of wine can supply you with 32-40 times the amount of lead a whole pack of smokes can give you.
"Sick smokers may burden a country's health care system but dead smokers save governments money"

A single drive to work puts out more deadly fumes and toxins in the air, than a smoker could possibly do in one year. If you drive a car, your car puts out more deadly poisons and toxins in one drive to work than my smoking does in a year. When you go home again, that's another year. So in a couple months, you've created more deadly toxins in the environment than my smoking will in a lifetime. But it's always easier to point fingers at other people, isn't it?

If you're really concerned about your health then put your money where your mouth is. Stop buying products that are painted (all kinds of toxins put into the environment) or made of plastic (here's some stuff that's good for your health, right?) and stop driving a car. You can survive that way - a lot of people do it. But I'll bet you don't want to give up the conveniences these things offer.

I'm really tired of hearing people complain about the health risks that smokers present to them when they aren't willing to make changes to their own lifestyle that WOULD AFFECT THEM MORE than having any number of smokers quit.

I'm a smoker and to be honest, I really hate seeing butts all over the ground. But I'm also tired of seeing McDonalds wrappers all over the place. When a non-smoker sees a butt on the ground, they always say something like, "ALL smokers should have to clean these up." or something along the lines of punishment for ALL smokers. But they never say "every person who eats at McDonalds should have to clean these up."

When was the last time you heard this one:
"He went to the bar after work, had one smoke too many and went home and beat the crap out of his wife and kids?"
"That auto accident was caused by someone who smoked one too many? (we're talking about tobacco here)."

September 6th, 2008, 10:53 AM
Pehle paise funko ......

Fer apni lungs aur poore body ko funko ......

Fer aapse pyar karne waale logo ke dilo ko funko ......


Ye keemat kuch jyada nahi hai ? Mujhe samajh nahi aata log aisi aadatein daalte hi kyo hain, jabki cigarette aisi cheez hai jo shuru me kuch baar peene me to shayad irritate jayada karti hai instead of giving any pleasure..... :confused:

BTW, isko peene se kis type ka pleasure/releif mehsoos hota hai jo padhe likhe log bhi sab kuch jaante hue bhi iski aadat ko apne gale daalte hain jaan bujhkar ?

September 6th, 2008, 01:02 PM
Samar showing serious concerns for ladies being addicted to smoking....hehe.....i don't feel ki Jat Women are falling in any such bad trap :D.....kyun lady members ?????.....are you????.....atleast m not :D

trust me....they r....:)

September 6th, 2008, 01:21 PM
trust me....they r....:)

then i need to expand my social horizons as i only noticed such things in other communities but not in ours

and Brahm Sir, pls exclude our predecessors from the list :D....unhe chilam/hukke ki adat pad gayi so pad gayi.....aaj ke log to samajhdar hain, aur apne aas-paas ke logon ki taqleef ko samajh sakte hain

i think u only said somewhere, smart r the people who learn from others mistakes.....to bade-budhon se ye seekh lete kyun nahin :D

September 6th, 2008, 02:34 PM
The effects of smoking have been greatly exaggerated, and it's us smokers who have to face the public sentiment on this.
Sorry ! Don’t be under such misconception. It hasn’t been exaggerated at all, in fact many a dark facts are still not mentioned ! And who will face the public sentiment – the doer or the taker, I think it has to be doer or not?

Anyways, what is the big deal if I smoke?
Naa…….. No big deal at all, but fortunately or unfortunately man is a social animal and his acts elongate to reach out to others with the ill-effects imbibed therein – you want it or not YOU cant help it.

People will often come up to me and tell me, "Smoking can kill you, you know?" I promptly reply with some smartass remark like "Really? THANK you for telling me!" Yeah, Sherlocks. I'm too stupid and illiterate to read the warning on the pack, let alone understand it.
That’s the irony dear ! It you were illiterate then it could have been understood that you cant understand the consequences that much wisely or rationally, but people tell you this time and again to remind you that you are not illiterate dude ….. then how come you are seemingly ready to fall into the dark well ……..! Knowingly falling into a bullshit is not expected from literates actually, may be that’s why they remind you.

I have this feeling that not smoking actually makes people so stupid, they don't realize that smokers already know what they're doing to their bodies.
It’s the other way round actually. Smoking makes people so stupid that they don’t realize that they are doing bad to themselves and this is too bad a thing - I mean it’s asinine, idiotic, illogical and unthoughtful

Hey, I know my lungs have taken on a distinct coloration of black, with pink patches here and there. I know that I'll be hacking up blood in my cough, a couple years from now. Who gives a damn?
May be you don’t give a damn, but your family, your mother, your wife etc will surely give. And it’s so unfortunate to hear that you don’t give a damn to what they will feel on seeing you coughing with blood hacked up in it and dying each day passing and that too in a torturous manner.

May be AND take my word for it IT WILL SUELY HAPPEN that one day you will yearn for life and life will be bidding you farewell in new style each day. You made fun of life whole your life and it will make fun of you at that time – you will neither live nor die and will long for few healthy moments : BUT all this will not reverse back that day.

Am sorry to mention all this but I see EACH heavy smoker meeting this fate some day (And these are the same smokers who used to mention this lines once upon a good time !) Alas!

I have a hectic and inundated life, and I'd like to take a break from it all to enjoy the relief that the cigarette can bring to me. .......... I don't think that they're even worthy of breathing my 2nd hand smoke.
Sorry again, but you aren’t worthy of their advise actually !Many others have a hectic life but does that means loose your brains

How many of you readers smoke? How many of you are ferverent anti-smoking lobbyists? What IS your problem with smokers? Till date, I haven't seen a good answer for that last question.
I am aint any kind of lobbyist but my problem with smokers is that they burn their money to burn their energy & eventually they end up burning their life with each smoke they emit proudly. This could have been ok, but when the ones left behind see such persons dying slowly each day then that’s the worst thing. You cant realize – you being on the wrong side and thereby you lose your eligibility to comment.


All the pleas put here are really funny.

Now 100 baat ki 1 baat :

You can cover up your face from a problem (by putting a silk cloth, or a gold embroidered cloth may be.... :D) but that does not means that there is no problem !! :)

September 6th, 2008, 02:37 PM
Now here's my pointwise answers to your spit:

1-Meditation and yoga can also do so. That’s free of cost also. And it does not take much time too as compared to its benefits. Cost-benefit analysis you see.

2- 1 out of 3 is a very Big chance. And it is not a general sentiment. YOU mentioned that “ I know my lungs have taken on a distinct coloration of black, with pink patches here and there. I know that I'll be hacking up blood in my cough, a couple years from now. Who gives a damn?” – Now don’t jump off from this. This proves that you know its BAD. :thappad

3- All these places observe what is widely accepted “Demotivate Smokers- Smoking kills” Whats the wrong with that, do you want these places too in the grab of ‘Suttebaaj’ lying here & there, with smokes flying everywhere and even the non smokers breathing your sins… Oh Come on, atleast don’t be childish in calling it a persecution, its pragmatism!! :cool:

4- Thotha chana baaje Ghana……. Apne muh miya mitthu to koi bhi ban sake hai ….:thappad

5- Ja ke namkeen kha aaoge to bhi ….you will be able to take a tasty break ! I mean this excuse is really without any class.

6- Hahaaaaa now this is hilarious. BTW, how have you been persecuted… I mean tumko kya log muh chidaate hain ? Ab tum kisi ko dheema zeher pilaoge to wo chuun bhi na kare kya … had hai …… infact you are persecuting them. :(

7- Yeah have seen plenty …… you can also see many, but with your eyes shut it will not be possible !
Actually its cool not to smoke, what say? Now don’t just jump and try reversing the statement. Coolness is person specific dear. You find it cool – I find it utter stupidity. And please don’t expect the world to take your opinion, its majority that prevails.:cool:

8- Aur wohi smokers apne business me loss dikha ke laakho ka income tax na dete.
Smokers ki neeyat tax bharne ki nahi hoti bas apni talab bharne ki hoti hai, no need to cover up the ‘neeyat’ that lay behind. Everyone knows that.:rock

9- oh... really !!Gyan ki baarish .... ;)

10- Second ki baat chalo chod do aap first ki hi maan leyo na …. :tamatar

11- Good idea, but then this earth will turn into a land of people coughing with blood hacked in their coughs, blood and cough all around – yakkkk ….

12- you don’t eat 20 peppers or onions a day ! Moreover the quantum of it differs if it is so.

13- Parkinson’s disease lagne se pehle unko kaafi disease lag jaati hain actually. Anyways, is fact me quantum of nicotine bhi koi maayne rakhta hoga surely!

14- Ek disorder se bachne ke liye ya fir ek positive effect paane ke liye duniya bhar ke disorder gale laga lo – samajhdaar insaan nahi karega kabhi.

15-Hahhaaaaa just to enjoy their bronchitis & all and die slowly and steadily instead of getting relieved of their pitiful stage instantly owing to a heart attack.

16- Tumko hai kya ye cool disease?

17- Tum Schizophrenics ho kya?:confused:

18- Tum mice hoooooooo ??????? Jatland mice ko allow nahi karti as a member I guess…..:thappad

19- This is like comparing a murderer with a rapist – murderer is 40 times less bad than a rapist something like that oops

20- Apne money ki chinta kar lo pehle, wo ho jaaye to family ke money ki kar lena, government se itna bhi pyar nahi hoga aapko

September 6th, 2008, 02:47 PM
then i need to expand my social horizons as i only noticed such things in other communities but not in ours

and Brahm Sir, pls exclude our predecessors from the list :D....unhe chilam/hukke ki adat pad gayi so pad gayi.....aaj ke log to samajhdar hain, aur apne aas-paas ke logon ki taqleef ko samajh sakte hain

i think u only said somewhere, smart r the people who learn from others mistakes.....to bade-budhon se ye seekh lete kyun nahin :D

Iska matlab hamare bade budh bevakoof the ?:p

September 6th, 2008, 03:43 PM
Nelam Kuldeep is right....even myself, saw many girls/ladies smoking but most smoke in toilets with an exhaust fan on....or put it out if bhai/ father comes....the kinda embarrassing situation i always laugh at> That these ladies themselves know that they are WRONG thats why they hide:confused:and yes Hukke ko itna bura nahi maana jata tha....pata nahi kyu?
then i need to expand my social horizons as i only noticed such things in other communities but not in ours

and Brahm Sir, pls exclude our predecessors from the list :D....unhe chilam/hukke ki adat pad gayi so pad gayi.....aaj ke log to samajhdar hain, aur apne aas-paas ke logon ki taqleef ko samajh sakte hain

i think u only said somewhere, smart r the people who learn from others mistakes.....to bade-budhon se ye seekh lete kyun nahin :D

September 7th, 2008, 05:12 AM

Millions of people and thousands of NGO already doing the same job including our honorable health minister....ANTI SMOKING CAMPAIGN uses papers, tv, radio, even emails....... to tell worse affects of smoking........

Then what is the purpose of this thread.......Just like that.......

Or what do you think Samar after reading these 40 messages (or few more ) people will stop smoking.........

CAN anybody tell me how many smoker are there on JL??????????????

September 7th, 2008, 04:33 PM
Iska matlab hamare bade budh bevakoof the ?:p

ye to aapke sochne ki disha hai :D....(my sixth sense was very sure that somebody will surely react like that :p)

September 7th, 2008, 04:42 PM
Nelam Kuldeep is right....even myself, saw many girls/ladies smoking but most smoke in toilets with an exhaust fan on....or put it out if bhai/ father comes....the kinda embarrassing situation i always laugh at> That these ladies themselves know that they are WRONG thats why they hide:confused:and yes Hukke ko itna bura nahi maana jata tha....pata nahi kyu?

again i only read here in your reply.....never observed like that....very strange....normally, such cases are of poor/improper upbringing of the child.....isn't it????

and ya, i do agree ki hukke ko aaj bhi itna bura nahin mana jata.....pata nahin kyun :)

September 8th, 2008, 12:14 PM
Neelam....it was kind of shock of my life when i entered the very first day in my room of a working Girls Hostel....
1.i knocked at the door....another gal opened and there was my roommate smoking the clouds of smoke out of her mouth....i cant explain how difficult it was not to show my eyes-wide-opened;) but i always walked out of the room whenever she lit her ciggy and yes i slapped my roommate once when she was forcing aonther gal to learn how to smoke:D

2. I was invited by my friend to spend some time with her at Vertex(BPO) near Hewitt in Gurgaon....we were on the terrace....an ordinary looking girl came....with Khadi bengali kurta and while cotton salwar....i said Such simply dressed employees work in a BPO? and she smiled> abhi dekhtey jao kya hota hai....and next momemet the gal took out a packet lit up and smoked so fast that we failed she had a ciggy....so its just they do BUT THE HIDE
again i only read here in your reply.....never observed like that....very strange....normally, such cases are of poor/improper upbringing of the child.....isn't it????

and ya, i do agree ki hukke ko aaj bhi itna bura nahin mana jata.....pata nahin kyun :)

September 8th, 2008, 12:44 PM
ye to aapke sochne ki disha hai :D....(my sixth sense was very sure that somebody will surely react like that :p)

Well, thisis not sixth sense baltki thats quite obvious. Abb coment hi aisa hai toh uss par ye comment aana laazmi tha .. :p

and ya, i do agree ki hukke ko aaj bhi itna bura nahin mana jata.....pata nahin kyun :)

Kyunki hukke ka filter mast hota hai .. .smoke paani mein filter ho kar aata hai ... and psycologically hum usko accept kar chukke hai .. kyuki hum waisa roz dekhte hai/the apne gharo mein toh woh itni buri cheez nahi lagti ... but see if a young boy smokes hukka u will find it equally bad.

September 8th, 2008, 01:04 PM
log to bolte hai ki mobile pe jyada baat krne se bhi koi cancer hota hai,
jyada dhoodh,ghee khaao to aadmi mota ho jaaye,aur 150 nayi bimaari lag jaati hai,
traffice pollution ciggrete se pattaa nahi kitna jyada hai,
ho saktaa hai ciggrette kharaab aadt ho,
lekin jyadatar aadat dusro ko kharaab hi lgti
jaise jyada hassne ki aadat,jyada bolne ki aadat,
ye to personal decision hai

September 8th, 2008, 04:36 PM
log to bolte hai ki mobile pe jyada baat krne se bhi koi cancer hota hai,
jyada dhoodh,ghee khaao to aadmi mota ho jaaye,aur 150 nayi bimaari lag jaati hai,
traffice pollution ciggrete se pattaa nahi kitna jyada hai,
ho saktaa hai ciggrette kharaab aadt ho,
lekin jyadatar aadat dusro ko kharaab hi lgti
jaise jyada hassne ki aadat,jyada bolne ki aadat,
ye to personal decision hai

Kitni e ak khinch le hai chorre din mein ?:rock

September 8th, 2008, 04:39 PM
Neelam....it was kind of shock of my life when i entered the very first day in my room of a working Girls Hostel....
1.i knocked at the door....another gal opened and there was my roommate smoking the clouds of smoke out of her mouth....i cant explain how difficult it was not to show my eyes-wide-opened;) but i always walked out of the room whenever she lit her ciggy and yes i slapped my roommate once when she was forcing aonther gal to learn how to smoke:D

2. I was invited by my friend to spend some time with her at Vertex(BPO) near Hewitt in Gurgaon....we were on the terrace....an ordinary looking girl came....with Khadi bengali kurta and while cotton salwar....i said Such simply dressed employees work in a BPO? and she smiled> abhi dekhtey jao kya hota hai....and next momemet the gal took out a packet lit up and smoked so fast that we failed she had a ciggy....so its just they do BUT THE HIDE

First thing, i liked your attitude...for which u slapped nicely :D the one trying to make other victim.....and i can imagine about your feelings and reactions to such situations

and for second situation, simply say that.....such girls are ruining the beautiful image of girls....wo waali baat hai....upar se sadhu, andar se chor

September 8th, 2008, 04:39 PM
quiting ka toh pata nahi par ek baat yaad aa gayi .. jab hum chotte the tab kagaz ko gol gol fold karke cigarette banate the aur usse bado ki tarah peete the fir ek puff mein hi khaansi aur tab kulla karna ... yaar kya din the smoking ke woh bhi.

September 8th, 2008, 04:52 PM
log to bolte hai ki mobile pe jyada baat krne se bhi koi cancer hota hai,
jyada dhoodh,ghee khaao to aadmi mota ho jaaye,aur 150 nayi bimaari lag jaati hai,
traffice pollution ciggrete se pattaa nahi kitna jyada hai,
ho saktaa hai ciggrette kharaab aadt ho,
lekin jyadatar aadat dusro ko kharaab hi lgti
jaise jyada hassne ki aadat,jyada bolne ki aadat,
ye to personal decision hai

yahan smoking ek gandi habit hai, iski baat ho rahi hai.....ab baaki buri adaton ke sahare iss baat ko dabaoge.....to ye galat baat

rahi doodh, ghee khaane ki baat...to kaam karoge to pata bhi nahin chalega ki kahan gaya khaaya-piya.....pahli generation ko dekh lo....hum agar unke jaisi diet le lein to tabiyat bigad jaati hai, kyunki unke jitna kaam nahin karte hum.....our work is of different kind, even the lifestyle has changed

and ofcourse traffic/industrial smokes also do a lot harm to our health but iska matlab ye to nahin ki.....ek aur afat khud mol le lein.....baaki aapki baat bilkul sahi hai....ki ye sab personal decisions hain (apne pair par khud kulhari maaro :D:p)

September 8th, 2008, 04:55 PM
Neelam....it was kind of shock of my life when i entered the very first day in my room of a working Girls Hostel....
1.i knocked at the door....another gal opened and there was my roommate smoking the clouds of smoke out of her mouth....i cant explain how difficult it was not to show my eyes-wide-opened;) but i always walked out of the room whenever she lit her ciggy and yes i slapped my roommate once when she was forcing aonther gal to learn how to smoke:D

2. I was invited by my friend to spend some time with her at Vertex(BPO) near Hewitt in Gurgaon....we were on the terrace....an ordinary looking girl came....with Khadi bengali kurta and while cotton salwar....i said Such simply dressed employees work in a BPO? and she smiled> abhi dekhtey jao kya hota hai....and next momemet the gal took out a packet lit up and smoked so fast that we failed she had a ciggy....so its just they do BUT THE HIDE

Are u sure they all were Jats ?
Smoking is quite common in gals ... m amazed that u gals never saw and were surprized to see that. Here, i see the most beutiful gals smoke more. Dunno they are beutiful coz of smoking or just a coincidence :D .. hahaha
And u know they know how to make rings of the exhaled smoke. They are fast lerners and experts of this field. I can say gals are second to none at least if smoking is concerned... hehehe

First thing, i liked your attitude...for which u slapped nicely :D the one trying to make other victim.....and i can imagine about your feelings and reactions to such situations

and for second situation, simply say that.....such girls are ruining the beautiful image of girls....wo waali baat hai....upar se sadhu, andar se chor

ooommyy god ... beautiful image of gals ... hahaha
madam ji koun si duniya mein hai aap ;) Ladkiya agar harami pane par aati haina toh ladko ko kosso door chodd deti hai ...

Ismein koi nayi baat nahi ki ladkiyan smoke karti hai ... smoking is injurious to health so its applicable for all the genders(including eunuchs :D) ... but yeah i heard biologically its more harmful for gals ... so again god is lil bit linient abt smoking towards boys.

Topic par wapas aao ... how to quit
well lemme tell u an incident

I got a very gud firnd ... he is a south indian, i met him in Bangalore, Honeywell itself. Damn gud guy. He used to smoke a lot, almost a pack a day... he told m not gonna stop... i enjoy it ... for months i kept on saying quit quit ... he didn listen .. one day he realized he shud stop it and he called me and said i will quit from monday( the day was sat) and i was juss making fun of him ki how come such an addict quit it at a sudden. Monday came, whole day he didn smoke whole week gone then month ... and he doesn have allergy with smoking other... he accompany them stay there till they finish their fag but never smoke even a single puff ...
he always says ki this one puff is very critical ... agar ek liya toh fir wapas aadat lag jaayegi ... now its 5 months gone he hasnt smoke.

So, guys this is a true incident and i have seen ... its all abt determinition. If u say i will stop it slowly... no way ... jab pressure aayega tab fir badh jaayegi .. stop it ekdum. Jat ke liye kuch asambhav nahi.

All the best guys :)

September 8th, 2008, 04:57 PM
Well, thisis not sixth sense baltki thats quite obvious. Abb coment hi aisa hai toh uss par ye comment aana laazmi tha .. :p

aisa comment tumhara hi kyun aaya.....kisi aur ka nahin aaya :D.....anyways, ab aur bahas nahin iss par...this thread is for something else :)

September 8th, 2008, 05:10 PM
aisa comment tumhara hi kyun aaya.....kisi aur ka nahin aaya :D.....anyways, ab aur bahas nahin iss par...this thread is for something else :)

hahaha .. mere sochne ki disha hai auro se bilkul judaaaaaa

Agar mera comment bhi nahi aata toh tumhaari expectations(kyunki tumne aisa comment expect kiya tha) mitti mein mil jaate toh tumhara dil rakhne ke liye comment kiya :)

Back to topic.

Smoking is bad for those who smoke and who dont smoke. Although its personal decision but everyone knows its bad so there i snot point to discuss whether its gud or bad, its bad alwyassssssss
I smoke cigarette and cigarette is smoking me is my fav quote.
Mein cigarette ko pe raha hoon aur cigarette mujhe pe rahi hai kitna sach hai na.

Khair better than discussing whether its gud or bad i feel we shud discuss how to quit and what for the thread was started.
I have seen many boards, posters on road dividers if u wanna quit smoking then consult ur doctor , there is an easy way to quit if u dont have strong determination. So, guys consult ur doctor and quit smoking.

September 8th, 2008, 05:11 PM
Are u sure they all were Jats ?

yahi to....aisi Jat girls bahaut rare dekhne ko milengi

Smoking is quite common in gals. They are fast lerners and experts of this field. I can say gals are second to none at least if smoking is concerned.

i agree, ab itna sunne ke baad to lagne laga hai

Ladkiya agar harami pane par aati haina toh ladko ko kosso door chodd deti hai ...

Very nice way to express the things :rolleyes:

anyways, you are right that willingness works.....another good example...my father also is completely out of this bad trap.....his will-power is quite good but he was not ready to quit the habit which is now changed....maybe b'coz of emotional influence :D (as i'm papa's girl)

September 8th, 2008, 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by dkumars http://www.jatland.com/forums/images/kirsch/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://www.jatland.com/forums/showthread.php?p=180028#post180028)
Ladkiya agar harami pane par aati haina toh ladko ko kosso door chodd deti hai ...

Very nice way to express the things :rolleyes:

Well, don mind gals i may look very crude and harsh on this .. may be maine achhi lang use nhi ki but this is a fact. Aur sarra mera dekha hua hai so ye muh bakka(:rolleyes:) karna achha nahi :D

September 8th, 2008, 05:22 PM
log to bolte hai ki mobile pe jyada baat krne se bhi koi cancer hota hai,
jyada dhoodh,ghee khaao to aadmi mota ho jaaye,aur 150 nayi bimaari lag jaati hai,
traffice pollution ciggrete se pattaa nahi kitna jyada hai,
ho saktaa hai ciggrette kharaab aadt ho,
lekin jyadatar aadat dusro ko kharaab hi lgti
jaise jyada hassne ki aadat,jyada bolne ki aadat,
ye to personal decision hai

Sahe hai dost log apne satisfaction k liye kuch na kuch dhood hee lete hain jaise ke Drink karne waale kehte hain k Shiv g bhi to bhaang peete thee but dost it doesn't mean k woh aadat sahe hai but anyways Cigratte packet waale bhi likhte to yahee hain k its injurious to healh. Aur bhai sahe me its not a good thing u have lot of other good things to eat and drink. Lekin bhai apke marji. But i can't stand with a person who smokes its horrible:eek:

September 8th, 2008, 06:02 PM
god n'vr wanted us to smoke, otherwise he wud have installed chimney on our heads. ;):D:D

September 8th, 2008, 06:47 PM
God n'vr wanted us to smoke, otherwise he wud have installed chimney on our heads.

This beautiful innate thought should be awarded as best Quote at Jatland :D

September 9th, 2008, 12:01 AM
god n'vr wanted us to smoke, otherwise he wud have installed chimney on our heads. ;):D:D

Man is the only animal among 84 lakh yonis who is ........

1. eating cooked food.
2. wearing cloths.
3. having families.
4. living in built house.
5. drinking other animals milk.
6. drink Alcohol.
7. drink tea
8. drink coffee.
9.Drink Cigarettes.

otherwise god did made ...............(do you really know what god wants...)

Going against nature is progress.

Now I am not the advocate of smoking or I assume not a single intellectual on JL will give attention on one's SPIT

Normal people are always superstitious previously they were religious superstitious and nowadays
they are scientific superstitious.........

same for anti-smokers ----- Sikhs hate smoking because its against their religion { why -- few sikhs might be knwoing - its religious superstition)

And now Scientific superstition - Smoking----

Many comments........many arguments ......... many discussions...........many rubbish................

Just tell it is proved in Havard and people are ready to believe..........
scientifically its proved............
scientifically thats proved............

ANd people are ready to accept everything........Tea, sugar, coffee, Cold drinks, antibiotics, medication, YOGA, Meditation...................
How many persons are using their brain to judge ........

Its Scientific Superstition..........

All observations against smoking is based of studies in US ( or health department of Indian spent money on research, I have big doubt)........

I am not in the favor of smoking, its not at all good for Physical health.......

There are 3 manifestations of human life --------physical, mental and intellectual.

When I was very small there was a fight between King Kong and Dara Singh in early seventies... same time I heard these 3 dimensions and there representatives in 19th century.......

Ramakrishna Paramhans at extreme of mental manifestation ( HE was GOD)

Einstein was at the extreme of intellect ( At the age of 21 he had written 5 papers and all are eligible to get a Nobel Prize).

And Kingkong ( now I can put Khali or mike tyson in same categoty, but I dont find anybody to put in the categories Ramakrrishna or Einstein).

And Smoking can affect only Kingkong, not Ramakrishna or Einstein ( Both were smoker). And I do not think anybody want to be Kingkong, khali or tyson or want their sons to be.

I am not in the favor of smoking, its not at all good for Physical health......
2000 degree temperature, enough for mouth cancer.

But still I am against SUPERSTITIONS whether Scientific or Religious. Its always better to use Reasoning before believing anything.

I am not the advocate of smoking or I assume not a single intellectual on JL will give attention on one's SPIT

September 9th, 2008, 02:39 AM
Topic par wapas aao ... how to quit
well lemme tell u an incident

I got a very gud firnd ... he is a south indian, i met him in Bangalore, Honeywell itself. Damn gud guy. He used to smoke a lot, almost a pack a day... he told m not gonna stop... i enjoy it ... for months i kept on saying quit quit ... he didn listen .. one day he realized he shud stop it and he called me and said i will quit from monday( the day was sat) and i was juss making fun of him ki how come such an addict quit it at a sudden. Monday came, whole day he didn smoke whole week gone then month ... and he doesn have allergy with smoking other... he accompany them stay there till they finish their fag but never smoke even a single puff ...
he always says ki this one puff is very critical ... agar ek liya toh fir wapas aadat lag jaayegi ... now its 5 months gone he hasnt smoke.

So, guys this is a true incident and i have seen ... its all abt determinition. If u say i will stop it slowly... no way ... jab pressure aayega tab fir badh jaayegi .. stop it ekdum. Jat ke liye kuch asambhav nahi.

All the best guys :)

Good incident DK.Cause and effect work at very miniscule levels, with or without our awareness.Cigarette smoking cant be related with mental health.Simply it is the same addiction as does shopping ;). Both are harmful economically.Tobacco consumption is age old, but rating smokers as sinners is surely a bad idea be women promote it or men.

I found quitting smoking very easy by quitting it hundreds of times. ;)
I believe a positive motivation always lacks in making a smoker's mind to say good bye to sticks.Criticism always put smoker in taking it again and with more intensity. Taunts, victimisation easily put a person in defending mode.Funny but true.

A positive motivation without victimising the smoker can be a good approach.
I believe men have invented smoking and many other things including maha-addiction which is shopping [;)] so lets keep God out of this business.

Lets try to put some motivational incidents here rather than discussing problem and exagerrating it as we always do here.Subject specific not person specific, I hope this will help more than bakar-bakar.


September 9th, 2008, 04:23 AM
This Deepawali, it would fifteen years, when i had given up smoking.
It was my wife who forced and helped me to quit smoking after a 18 years long struggle. It could be hundreds of times i had broken a pack and many a times picked from the ground and smoked the 'tote'( small piece).

My wife is very tough headed jatni. Strong point of her personalty, no dilemmas. han to han , naa to naa.

It was morning of Deewali in 1993 and I ask her to accompany me to a friends place to give some sweets. For some reason she said no. I requested her many times but her resolve of not visiting that family became stronger and stronger . I was getting irritated. Suddenly an idea came to my mind. I told her, " I would quit smoking if you accompany me today" She quipped, " Such keh rahe ho"?
I said, " yes, believe me"! " Fer kadde haath nahi Lagaana hai"

Dosto, believe me, since that day i haven't touched a cigarette!
I had been helped by quite a few people including family members and friends in those initial tough days.

For example, after a month or so I was visiting a friend in Mumbai.
We were traveling towards Mumbai airport and my friend Jagjeet Sansanwal pulled a cigarette pack from his pocket, half removed fag from the pack and offered me. I should tell you friends here that Jagjeet was not only a good friend but also a person of strong personality. Saying no to him would have been hard , if he had insisted second time. The next moment his hand was out of window. When he pulled his hand in, it was empty.

Here I must advise all those friends who want to give up smoking, do it today.
Giving up smoking today, makes this itself a special and important day.

Secondly, tell as many people as possible that you have given up smoking, so that you wouldn't lit a cigarette in front of them.

Change your living and work environment if possible.
Start giving Reward to yourself ( shabashi) from the day one and share with others!
Try to pat yourself, saying to yourself, " After how long , I haven't smoked today, for two days, for one week or two weeks)

Visualise yourself in a better healthy body and mind after you would have given it up!

I sincerely wish for all those who want to quit smoking.

Listen to this Bhajan and make a resolve today:

Jaise suraj ki garmee se jalte hue tan komil jaye tarwar ki chhaya
aissa hi sukh mere man ko mila hai mein jab se sharan teri aaya

Fullono mein tarrono mein
Patjhadd baharono mein, mein naa kabhi dagmagaaun


I hope, you can and you will do it!


September 9th, 2008, 10:47 AM
Just curious to know>>>> Would you like to be married to a beautiful girl or ugly ?Byah ka nyota de diye jai suthri paayi chhori to.....:D:D
Are u sure they all were Jats ?
Smoking is quite common in gals ... m amazed that u gals never saw and were surprized to see that. Here, i see the most beutiful gals smoke more. Dunno they are beutiful coz of smoking or just a coincidence :D .. hahaha
And u know they know how to make rings of the exhaled smoke. They are fast lerners and experts of this field. I can say gals are second to none at least if smoking is concerned... hehehe

ooommyy god ... beautiful image of gals ... hahaha
madam ji koun si duniya mein hai aap ;) Ladkiya agar harami pane par aati haina toh ladko ko kosso door chodd deti hai ...

Ismein koi nayi baat nahi ki ladkiyan smoke karti hai ... smoking is injurious to health so its applicable for all the genders(including eunuchs :D) ... but yeah i heard biologically its more harmful for gals ... so again god is lil bit linient abt smoking towards boys.

Topic par wapas aao ... how to quit
well lemme tell u an incident

I got a very gud firnd ... he is a south indian, i met him in Bangalore, Honeywell itself. Damn gud guy. He used to smoke a lot, almost a pack a day... he told m not gonna stop... i enjoy it ... for months i kept on saying quit quit ... he didn listen .. one day he realized he shud stop it and he called me and said i will quit from monday( the day was sat) and i was juss making fun of him ki how come such an addict quit it at a sudden. Monday came, whole day he didn smoke whole week gone then month ... and he doesn have allergy with smoking other... he accompany them stay there till they finish their fag but never smoke even a single puff ...
he always says ki this one puff is very critical ... agar ek liya toh fir wapas aadat lag jaayegi ... now its 5 months gone he hasnt smoke.

So, guys this is a true incident and i have seen ... its all abt determinition. If u say i will stop it slowly... no way ... jab pressure aayega tab fir badh jaayegi .. stop it ekdum. Jat ke liye kuch asambhav nahi.

All the best guys :)

September 9th, 2008, 12:18 PM
Just curious to know>>>> Would you like to be married to a beautiful girl or ugly ?Byah ka nyota de diye jai suthri paayi chhori to.....:D:D

hehehehe.....these guys need to be dealt by some strong personalities like u....otherwise they don't know how to praise or keep mum...;):D

and it was nice reading about u Deswal Sir, that u also are not into smoking habit.....sometimes sharing one's own experience gives a motivation to the other regarding the same :)

September 9th, 2008, 01:35 PM
This Deepawali, it would fifteen years, when i had given up smoking.
It was my wife who forced and helped me to quit smoking after a 18 years long struggle. It could be hundreds of times i had broken a pack and many a times picked from the ground and smoked the 'tote'( small piece).

My wife is very tough headed jatni. Strong point of her personalty, no dilemmas. han to han , naa to naa.

It was morning of Deewali in 1993 and I ask her to accompany me to a friends place to give some sweets. For some reason she said no. I requested her many times but her resolve of not visiting that family became stronger and stronger . I was getting irritated. Suddenly an idea came to my mind. I told her, " I would quit smoking if you accompany me today" She quipped, " Such keh rahe ho"?
I said, " yes, believe me"! " Fer kadde haath nahi Lagaana hai"

Dosto, believe me, since that day i haven't touched a cigarette!
I had been helped by quite a few people including family members and friends in those initial tough days.

For example, after a month or so I was visiting a friend in Mumbai.
We were traveling towards Mumbai airport and my friend Jagjeet Sansanwal pulled a cigarette pack from his pocket, half removed fag from the pack and offered me. I should tell you friends here that Jagjeet was not only a good friend but also a person of strong personality. Saying no to him would have been hard , if he had insisted second time. The next moment his hand was out of window. When he pulled his hand in, it was empty.

Here I must advise all those friends who want to give up smoking, do it today.
Giving up smoking today, makes this itself a special and important day.

Secondly, tell as many people as possible that you have given up smoking, so that you wouldn't lit a cigarette in front of them.

Change your living and work environment if possible.
Start giving Reward to yourself ( shabashi) from the day one and share with others!
Try to pat yourself, saying to yourself, " After how long , I haven't smoked today, for two days, for one week or two weeks)

Visualise yourself in a better healthy body and mind after you would have given it up!

I sincerely wish for all those who want to quit smoking.

Listen to this Bhajan and make a resolve today:

Jaise suraj ki garmee se jalte hue tan komil jaye tarwar ki chhaya
aissa hi sukh mere man ko mila hai mein jab se sharan teri aaya

Fullono mein tarrono mein
Patjhadd baharono mein, mein naa kabhi dagmagaaun


I hope, you can and you will do it!


Hope it will help someone to quit smoking really its one of the worst thing to smoke.

September 9th, 2008, 02:06 PM
any idea about quitting this 'royal' habbit.:rock

those who have quit can share their experience.

Those who want to quit can commit here and start progressing.

Others can speak about economical=dependence of country on tobacoo.

Many can also speak how not to quit.;):eek:

Most of folks can hate those who advocate it here.lol

it could help many.

@ ritu: Nice idea for men who are married..emotional blackmail really works.:rock it sounds very efficient tools to tame married men.

@keshav: Keshav, do you mean i do smoke.?

@manoj: Very good..spread this around in your circle..jaise mandir mein nem thuwate hain waise it works as well.:d aur dobara pakda jaye to ? Pani pani kar do guilt ki balti bhar ke phenk do....apne aap line per :p

@ braham ji: I'm happy. :d

@ys: Very informative sir...:)

@neelam: Gaana to ek aur accha hai..mai fikar ko dhume mein udata chala gaya.....mai zindagi ka saath nibhata chala gaya...stressbuster....for a while...marte to non smoker pujari bhi hain....its unfair to judge smokers as sinners...

@vineeta: Yes fruits.....cheeku is best substitute.

@rajeev: Sir..world will not defintely come to an end but the bill of lung specialist would give sleepless nights:mad: And a thought of admitting there.

@ pragya : Very inspiring story.. Govt yahi will power dikha de to ye thread hi na chale kabhi...thats another point..but personaly will power is the key for anything n esp for this addiction...

We found two good examples of quitting this habbit as inspiration,

deshwal and dahiya sir.....

Its nice both of you quit it sirs, but how did you control the urge.? And initially how much time you required to come out of withdrawal...?
Any medication?
Just family n friends support?

How do you feel now?

Deshwal sir surely you have gained a decent amount of weight after quitting.

@keshav: Bhai pajjame/kacche chek karne kaise pahunch gaye ya sirf wild imagination? ,ya khud ka experience ? ..:thappadsharm ki koi baat nahi hai bata do

lets try to put some motivational incidents here rather than discussing problem and exagerrating it as we always do here.subject specific not person specific, i hope this will help more than bakar-bakar.

.......... :)

September 9th, 2008, 02:06 PM
dear ( summer :D )

p.s. (pre-script) 1: since there were no smileys left, so i continue here cos u've gobbled all the smileys. the usage of smileys was imperative in this post of mine :p
p.s. (pre-script) 2: subject - offense taken against the usage of word bakar-bakar
p.s. (pre-script) 3: reference - yr. above quotes (1st one being the title post)
p.s. (pre-script) 4: refer p.s. (post script)

the contents of this post nd yr. abv. quoted posts r self-explanatory. luking at the title post nd the usage of words there-in, i guess anyone can infer tht this is not a vry serious thread... confirming my viewpoint further, i wud request u to refer to yr. abv. quoted post no. 2 abv. (#post 20 in the thread) where u... yr.self seems to be applauding the efforts of ppl doing bakar-bakar :p

pls. justify (if u feel like ;)) the usage of word bakar-bakar :D

p.s. (post script) 1 : pls. take it on a lighter note :)
p.s. (post script) 2 : sorry for being off-topic :thappad:D:D:thappad

September 9th, 2008, 06:58 PM
This Deepawali, it would fifteen years, when i had given up smoking.
It was my wife who forced and helped me to quit smoking after a 18 years long struggle. It could be hundreds of times i had broken a pack and many a times picked from the ground and smoked the 'tote'( small piece).

My wife is very tough headed jatni. Strong point of her personalty, no dilemmas. han to han , naa to naa.

It was morning of Deewali in 1993 and I ask her to accompany me to a friends place to give some sweets. For some reason she said no. I requested her many times but her resolve of not visiting that family became stronger and stronger . I was getting irritated. Suddenly an idea came to my mind. I told her, " I would quit smoking if you accompany me today" She quipped, " Such keh rahe ho"?
I said, " yes, believe me"! " Fer kadde haath nahi Lagaana hai"

Dosto, believe me, since that day i haven't touched a cigarette!
I had been helped by quite a few people including family members and friends in those initial tough days.

I hope, you can and you will do it!


Deshwal Sir, this is really inspiring and motivating in the sense that you were not being victimised.Positive motivation really helps.I can sense the lucky pride in writing about your life partner.Family support really matters else we all know bad and worst of smoking.

September 10th, 2008, 01:31 PM
I think govt. is also taking the look of our JL that's why they decided to impose fine on smoking at public places, i hope that will provide some help to the people who wants to quit smoking.

Article from Times of India.
NEW DELHI: Desperate to catch a smoke? From next month, you'll have to head for the road or a park. In an interesting directive issued by the Union health ministry under its Prohibition of Smoking in Public Places Rules, 2008, that bans tobacco consumption in all government or private buildings from October 2, the road or a park does not come under the definition of a public place.

Instead, public places have been defined as small cafes, restaurants, schools, pubs or discotheques, stadia, airports, hospitals and bus stands.

Those caught smoking in these "public places" will be fined Rs 200. But according to health minister A Ramadoss, the amount will be increased to Rs 1,000 in the future.

Organisations, which allow employees to smoke within their building premises, will in turn have to pay Rs 5,000 per employee caught smoking.

Hotels having 30 or more rooms and restaurants having seating capacity of 30 persons or more would have to create a separate enclosure for smokers and a separate ventilation arrangement as per the Act.

"Smoking on the road or the park will save others from the wrath of passive smoking. We will empower NGOs, besides train ticket collectors, bus conductors, school headmasters to impose the fine. States like Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra and Gujarat have already promised to put the regulatory mechanism in place," Ramadoss said.

He said that 250-300 million Indians consume some form of tobacco. And around 14.1% of school-going children have started to smoke.

"Research has shown that smoking would kill 10 lakh people in India annually from 2010. At present, we estimate that 40% of India's health problems stem from tobacco use. So a smoking ban is essential to save India's future. A similar smoke-free policy introduced by England and Scotland last year saw 45,000 people giving up smoking in just 10 months," Ramadoss added.

http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/India/Smoking_to_be_banned_in_public_places_from_October _2_/articleshow/3464490.cms

September 10th, 2008, 01:34 PM
god n'vr wanted us to smoke, otherwise he wud have installed chimney on our heads. ;):D:D

ha ha ha ha ha ha..:):)................crux of the thread !!!!...........

September 10th, 2008, 02:01 PM
India, home to nearly 12 crore smokers, has finally come up with a concrete tobacco cessation plan. Over the next two years, the health ministry will set up 100 tobacco cessation clinics across the country.

Manned by a clinical psychologist and a counsellor, the clinics besides counselling chain smokers on behavioural changes will introduce them to meditation techniques which will help them quit smoking besides putting them on Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT).

The ministry is also planning to make it mandatory for the country's 275 medical colleges — both public and
private — and 600 district headquarter hospitals to start similar cessation clinics.

"In the next two years, India will have an additional 1,000 tobacco cessation clinics. These clinics will
run 4-6 week cessation and counselling programme for early and chain smokers," Union health minister A Ramadoss said.

In a meeting chaired by director-general of health services Dr R K Srivastava last Friday, four hospitals in Delhi — Maulana Azad Medical College, Safdarjung hospital, Lady Hardinge and Ram Manohar Lohia hospital —
decided to become smoke free and start the clinics.

RML is also starting a workplace cessation model at Nirmal Bhavan home to the health ministry, where smokers can come two days a week to find out how to quit smoking.

A recent survey said the quit rate in India is abysmally low — 2%.

Till now, the WHO and the health ministry together ran 18 cessation clinics in 17 states. The first such clinic came up in Delhi in 2002. Since then, 40,000 smokers have visited these 18 clinics with a quit rate of 15%-20%.

Increase this rate and quit smoking :)

September 10th, 2008, 04:20 PM
abe ye to galat baat h naishant bhai aapki
mainne to aaj tak nahi peeyi
naa hi muje peene vaalo se koi dikkat hai

maine to ye lines unke liye likhi thi
jo jyada hi kammiya nikaal rahe the
cigrette se juddi hui cheejo mo
kuchh log yahan pe aisa behave kr rahe the jaise
dunia ki sabhi prblms cigrette se hi hai
mera kehne ka matlab hai ki
jo jo problm cigrette se hai
ve baaki cheejo se bhi hai,jinke saath hum log reh rahe hai
ye baat theek hai cigrette ek buri adat hai
bahut jyada buri

Sahe hai dost log apne satisfaction k liye kuch na kuch dhood hee lete hain jaise ke Drink karne waale kehte hain k Shiv g bhi to bhaang peete thee but dost it doesn't mean k woh aadat sahe hai but anyways Cigratte packet waale bhi likhte to yahee hain k its injurious to healh. Aur bhai sahe me its not a good thing u have lot of other good things to eat and drink. Lekin bhai apke marji. But i can't stand with a person who smokes its horrible:eek:

September 10th, 2008, 04:36 PM
Bebbey tu behosh na huyi jehreelee fukaadd soongh ke....... :rock
Mera te jee likkddan ne ho jaya kare jab koi bagal mein baith k "BAADALL Banawann" laag jaya kare....... :D

2. I was invited by my friend to spend some time with her at Vertex(BPO) near Hewitt in Gurgaon....we were on the terrace....an ordinary looking girl came....with Khadi bengali kurta and while cotton salwar....i said Such simply dressed employees work in a BPO? and she smiled> abhi dekhtey jao kya hota hai....and next momemet the gal took out a packet lit up and smoked so fast that we failed she had a ciggy....so its just they do BUT THE HIDE

September 10th, 2008, 07:50 PM
Nishant, u r right that some sector of govt. is trying to overcome this health hazard, but there's another sector of that govt. which is always looking for revenues from the supply of dreadful products

alcohol comsuming is such a bad addiction which is killing not only the individual but also the society.....and govt. is not in the favour to put any ban on such productions (but had asked the manufacturers to sell such products with some advisable msg, and the decision is left on the buyer then).....so, neither this govt. can be praised nor it can be demoralised for the same, as its completely one's own decision (to live life or to move around like half-dead)

September 11th, 2008, 12:23 AM
Just curious to know>>>> Would you like to be married to a beautiful girl or ugly ?Byah ka nyota de diye jai suthri paayi chhori to.....:D:D

I want beautiful one ... sone pe suhaga ... may be she will accompany me aur agar piyaak mil jaaye toh jannat hi jannat ... yooooooo :rock

September 11th, 2008, 12:26 AM
Deshwal Sir, this is really inspiring and motivating in the sense that you were not being victimised.Positive motivation really helps.I can sense the lucky pride in writing about your life partner.Family support really matters else we all know bad and worst of smoking.

Samar abhi diwali door hai .. ye nahi toh agli lekin chodenge Diwali par hi :)

September 11th, 2008, 12:32 AM
I found quitting smoking very easy by quitting it hundreds of times. ;)
I believe a positive motivation always lacks in making a smoker's mind to say good bye to sticks.Criticism always put smoker in taking it again and with more intensity. Taunts, victimisation easily put a person in defending mode.Funny but true.

Exactly! For me it is also very easy not to smoke. I enjoy smoking so never thought to quit it. But in flight or train or in singapore when I don't get a chance to smoke, I don't feel like dying for it. And it was same when smoking was allowed in AIR INDIA ( only int. flight giving this privilege to their passengers) and indian buses/train.

But why govt. want to play this choohe-billi ka game. Just ban Cigarettes/Bidis production in India when they are so much worried of future of India. And Smoking is such a big disaster. After all Revenue is not so important when future of a nation is in danger.

You can smoke here, you can smoke there. tobacco cessation clinics to get rid of this habit ( in Europe my english friends called it Addiction). Nicotine Patches.......

There is big difference in European and Indian Populace, There is no guarantee what is successful there will work here too. And also in cigarettes, in west they use roasted Tobacco but in India Raw tobacco is used.

September 11th, 2008, 03:37 AM
Samar abhi diwali door hai .. ye nahi toh agli lekin chodenge Diwali par hi :)

Aagli Deewali tak, ek kilo tarcoal aapke lungs pe aur jum lega!
Jee sa karda karke, iss Deewali ne hi chhod de!


September 11th, 2008, 08:26 PM
Aagli Deewali tak, ek kilo tarcoal aapke lungs pe aur jum lega!
Jee sa karda karke, iss Deewali ne hi chhod de!


Deshwal ji, Dev kisi Baba se nam lega, phir chodega..Agli Diwali to bahana hai..:D

September 13th, 2008, 06:30 PM
yeh post padd kar kisney smoking chhodi hai....:D...otherwise..yeh post total waste hai :rolleyes:..discussion karney se kya hota hai.......Samar tumney shruu ki thi yeh thread...tum kab smoking chhod rahe ho :confused:

September 16th, 2008, 11:54 AM
chhoddan ki baat te door ek aadh ne shuru aur kar li hogi,
nyu dekhan tayi ek saachi me e muskil se ke chhodanni

yeh post padd kar kisney smoking chhodi hai....:D...otherwise..yeh post total waste hai :rolleyes:..discussion karney se kya hota hai.......Samar tumney shruu ki thi yeh thread...tum kab smoking chhod rahe ho :confused:

September 16th, 2008, 05:05 PM
chhoddan ki baat te door ek aadh ne shuru aur kar li hogi,
nyu dekhan tayi ek saachi me e muskil se ke chhodanni

Bhai can any one tell me the effect intensity of 3 dhumrpan dandika which I am taking daily.:p

September 16th, 2008, 05:14 PM
Bhai can any one tell me the effect intensity of 3 dhumrpan dandika which I am taking daily.:p

Its intensity is just like a nuclear chain reaction. The energy emitted can be calculated with this formula.


The reaction is described below http://upload.wikimedia.org/math/3/d/d/3dd977157883544970fd89c3ada21432.pnghttp://upload.wikimedia.org/math/0/0/c/00c4f3f79b1f80419ba1abd04281ea48.png
Mean generation time can be calculated with

http://upload.wikimedia.org/math/7/4/8/748b1a15d867720f412fe773302fb629.png In this formula, k is the effective neutron multiplication factor.

Please calculate and let me know also, i wanna see how long are u with us :)

September 16th, 2008, 05:22 PM
Its intensity is just like a nuclear chain reaction. The energy emitted can be calculated with this formula.


The reaction is described below http://upload.wikimedia.org/math/3/d/d/3dd977157883544970fd89c3ada21432.pnghttp://upload.wikimedia.org/math/0/0/c/00c4f3f79b1f80419ba1abd04281ea48.png
Mean generation time can be calculated with

http://upload.wikimedia.org/math/7/4/8/748b1a15d867720f412fe773302fb629.png In this formula, k is the effective neutron multiplication factor.

Please calculate and let me know also, i wanna see how long are u with us :)

Are bhai purani dushmani likad raha ke ;)...itna effect to smoking ka bhi na hone ka jitna ise solve karne mein mind damage ho ja ga...

September 16th, 2008, 05:50 PM
Its intensity is just like a nuclear chain reaction. The energy emitted can be calculated with this formula.

The reaction is described below http://upload.wikimedia.org/math/3/d/d/3dd977157883544970fd89c3ada21432.pnghttp://upload.wikimedia.org/math/0/0/c/00c4f3f79b1f80419ba1abd04281ea48.png

dear dev... pls also explain the uncontrolled chain reaction if you take 237 U uranium isotope instead of 235 U and smoking 3-1/2 cigarettes instead of 3. :D

September 17th, 2008, 10:16 AM
Its intensity is just like a nuclear chain reaction. The energy emitted can be calculated with this formula.


The reaction is described below http://upload.wikimedia.org/math/3/d/d/3dd977157883544970fd89c3ada21432.pnghttp://upload.wikimedia.org/math/0/0/c/00c4f3f79b1f80419ba1abd04281ea48.png
Mean generation time can be calculated with

http://upload.wikimedia.org/math/7/4/8/748b1a15d867720f412fe773302fb629.png In this formula, k is the effective neutron multiplication factor.

Please calculate and let me know also, i wanna see how long are u with us :)

Bhai re tujhe Hindi me naaa aate baat karne :D

September 17th, 2008, 10:29 AM
I also don't smoke...but there r many other issues to be addressed. It is upto the individual to decide about his/her health...

Putting ban on smoking is public place is a god idea, but i am sure it won't be impleted sincerely but authorities & even the people.

September 17th, 2008, 05:05 PM
Pls explain the definition of public place. I think public place is the place where we can find peoples. If it's right then there is no place to smoke. ..aur ghar mein bhi parents hote hai...

Jaye to jaye khan......:)

September 17th, 2008, 06:01 PM
Pls explain the definition of public place. I think public place is the place where we can find peoples. If it's right then there is no place to smoke. ..aur ghar mein bhi parents hote hai...

Jaye to jaye khan......:)

Ek island khareed le ... arr jitna jee kare laambe laambe kheench :)

October 3rd, 2008, 08:01 PM
Indian health minister has imposed a ban of smoking in public places.Though the very first the official who supposed to implement this much appreciated law were caught on camera red handed with smoking gun in their hand .:D

This could be a little set back to tobacco industry but law breaking is everyone's cup of tea in country especially by those who are supposed to take care of it. It remindes me of Bansilal's liquor ban in state and Janta Party's ban on coke in late 70s.

But surprisingly govt never reduce taxes on tobacco and liquor as these are biggest cash cows. It is like controlled suppression which ultimately leads to more consumption in the end.

Whats your say?

Is it going to help the 'passive-smoker's' any how? (as they claim this is the only dangerous smoke overlooking the other pollutants.)

Hukka generally is being enjoyed in village's chaupal, so how Mr Minister is going to deal with this?:D

October 5th, 2008, 02:11 PM
[quote=vivektaliyan;180897]Pls explain the definition of public place. I think public place is the place where we can find peoples. If it's right then there is no place to smoke. ..aur ghar mein bhi parents hote hai...

Jaye to jaye khan......:)[/quote

dear members..undoubtdly smoking is purely is a personal matter but unfortunatley it effect public also.whn one smoke at pubic place..aur smoking aap public ya parents ki presance mein nhi kar saktey..to y dont u quit it?
kitni baar sharminda hona padta hai..jab GF muh bana kar kehti hai..smoke karte ho???????????????? bad boy!!!! ma-baap sey khari khoti sunni padti hai..aur aisa hi bohat kutch..even i personally dislike smokers!
kutch aadtey chhod di jyein to accha hai aapkey k liye bhi aur aapkey aapno k liye bhi...aur kam sey kam aisa karney k liye govt.orders k wait hum na karein to jyada behtar !!!
so be jats in real terms..and quit smokiing...!

October 5th, 2008, 05:07 PM
[quote=vivektaliyan;180897]Pls explain the definition of public place. I think public place is the place where we can find peoples. If it's right then there is no place to smoke. ..aur ghar mein bhi parents hote hai...

Jaye to jaye khan......:)[/quote

dear members..undoubtdly smoking is purely is a personal matter but unfortunatley it effect public also.whn one smoke at pubic place..aur smoking aap public ya parents ki presance mein nhi kar saktey..to y dont u quit it?
kitni baar sharminda hona padta hai..jab GF muh bana kar kehti hai..smoke karte ho???????????????? bad boy!!!! ma-baap sey khari khoti sunni padti hai..aur aisa hi bohat kutch..even i personally dislike smokers!
kutch aadtey chhod di jyein to accha hai aapkey k liye bhi aur aapkey aapno k liye bhi...aur kam sey kam aisa karney k liye govt.orders k wait hum na karein to jyada behtar !!!
so be jats in real terms..and quit smokiing...!

Minakshi ji agar jato ki histroy uthaye in terms of smoking to aap payegi ki hukka kafi pehle se use kiya jata hai. Aur gaon mein to aab bhi ghar ki badi budhiya kali peti hain. Smoke is the reson behind public relation. Jaha par huka hota hai..koi na koi to pahuch hi jata hai do ghoot marne. Aur apne sukh -dukh ki batlate hai..and start discussion also about socitey,politics, about the country also.

According to me smoking is the best thing to bring people under one roof:D

October 5th, 2008, 11:08 PM
Tusi great ho Vivel bhai ! :eek: :D
Itane sunder shabdon me Hukke ki maheema ka bhkaan koi virala hi kar sakta hai..... ;) :rolleyes: :cool:


Minakshi ji agar jato ki histroy uthaye in terms of smoking to aap payegi ki hukka kafi pehle se use kiya jata hai. Aur gaon mein to aab bhi ghar ki badi budhiya kali peti hain. Smoke is the reson behind public relation. Jaha par huka hota hai..koi na koi to pahuch hi jata hai do ghoot marne. Aur apne sukh -dukh ki batlate hai..and start discussion also about socitey,politics, about the country also.

According to me smoking is the best thing to bring people under one roof:D

October 6th, 2008, 12:45 AM
kitni baar sharminda hona padta hai..jab GF muh bana kar kehti hai..smoke karte ho???????????????? bad boy!!!!

GF problem can be solved easily :p...so simple....GF aisi banao jo smoke karti ho :D.....

October 6th, 2008, 09:39 AM

Minakshi ji agar jato ki histroy uthaye in terms of smoking to aap payegi ki hukka kafi pehle se use kiya jata hai. Aur gaon mein to aab bhi ghar ki badi budhiya kali peti hain. Smoke is the reson behind public relation. Jaha par huka hota hai..koi na koi to pahuch hi jata hai do ghoot marne. Aur apne sukh -dukh ki batlate hai..and start discussion also about socitey,politics, about the country also.

According to me smoking is the best thing to bring people under one roof:D

Wow Vivek bhai kya baat bataiye hai Smoking ke faydee bhii haan yaane ke kuch :D Mai to samjhu tha nuksaan he nuksaan hai laaga reh bhai :D

October 6th, 2008, 11:54 AM
A single act will work....strong "Will Power"

November 26th, 2008, 02:29 PM
[quote=vivektaliyan;180897]Pls explain the definition of public place. I think public place is the place where we can find peoples. If it's right then there is no place to smoke. ..aur ghar mein bhi parents hote hai...

Jaye to jaye khan......:)[/quote

dear members..undoubtdly smoking is purely is a personal matter but unfortunatley it effect public also.whn one smoke at pubic place..aur smoking aap public ya parents ki presance mein nhi kar saktey..to y dont u quit it?
kitni baar sharminda hona padta hai..jab GF muh bana kar kehti hai..smoke karte ho???????????????? bad boy!!!! ma-baap sey khari khoti sunni padti hai..aur aisa hi bohat kutch..even i personally dislike smokers!
kutch aadtey chhod di jyein to accha hai aapkey k liye bhi aur aapkey aapno k liye bhi...aur kam sey kam aisa karney k liye govt.orders k wait hum na karein to jyada behtar !!!
so be jats in real terms..and quit smokiing...!

:rockhosh waalon ko khabar kyaa bekhudi kyaa cheez hai !
cigerrate pijiye to samajhiye zindgee kyaa cheez hai ! (really )

or waise bhee it is common saying in Haryana that
" one who loves not smoke wine and song
remains a fool for his whole life long "

November 26th, 2008, 02:54 PM

:rockhosh waalon ko khabar kyaa bekhudi kyaa cheez hai !
cigerrate pijiye to samajhiye zindgee kyaa cheez hai ! (really )

or waise bhee it is common saying in Haryana that
" one who loves not smoke wine and song
remains a fool for his whole life long "
Yeah .... smoking is the best thing !

You give 1000's of Rupees to the government & cigarette manufacturers when you buy them ..... and another 1000's when you get Bronchitis etc. to the docs ..... and when smokers die of cancer, they reduce the burden of population on our already over-populated country ....

A very nice Social Service .....

We dont value your lungs at all really !! You just fill them with harmful things we wont mind !! :rock

Life is just for enjoying !!! Just enjoy, dont think about future !! Future kisne dekha hai .... :D ..... kal ko kahi pade rahoge aur koi naam tak puchne waala bhi nahi hoga who cares :rock

November 26th, 2008, 03:02 PM
Yeah .... smoking is the best thing !

You give 1000's of Rupees to the government & cigarette manufacturers when you buy them ..... and another 1000's when you get Bronchitis etc. to the docs ..... and when smokers die of cancer, they reduce the burden of population on our already over-populated country ....

A very nice Social Service .....

We dont value your lungs at all really !! You just fill them with harmful things we wont mind !! :rock

Life is just for enjoying !!! Just enjoy, dont think about future !! Future kisne dekha hai .... :D ..... kal ko kahi pade rahoge aur koi naam tak puchne waala bhi nahi hoga who cares :rock


:rockhosh waalon ko khabar kyaa bekhudi kyaa cheez hai !
cigerrate pijiye to samajhiye zindgee kyaa cheez hai ! (really )

or waise bhee it is common saying in Haryana that
" one who loves not smoke wine and song
remains a fool for his whole life long "

Le bhai Jawab to SD ne de hee diya hai likin aur suggestion hai bhai Train bhi chaalte hai life me sab cheej kaa maaja lena chaaheye choote se life hai 1-2 baar chalte train k aage bhi ghoom k dekho patri patri par:D

November 26th, 2008, 03:52 PM
I have never noticed the thing that "Smoking is injurious to health" is not written on bandals in any language but its on Cigarrete.

Suresh Abela said "beedi ke bandal pe ye isliye nahi likha hota ... kyonki beedi ko gareeb aadmi peeta hai ... aur gareeb to iss desh mein marne ke liye hi hota hai" something like that .... It was good observation indeed.

November 27th, 2008, 03:04 PM
Yeah .... smoking is the best thing !

You give 1000's of Rupees to the government & cigarette manufacturers when you buy them ..... and another 1000's when you get Bronchitis etc. to the docs ..... and when smokers die of cancer, they reduce the burden of population on our already over-populated country ....

A very nice Social Service .....

We dont value your lungs at all really !! You just fill them with harmful things we wont mind !! :rock

Life is just for enjoying !!! Just enjoy, dont think about future !! Future kisne dekha hai .... :D ..... kal ko kahi pade rahoge aur koi naam tak puchne waala bhi nahi hoga who cares :rock

hi shweta !
thanks for the lines , u wrote no body cares for anybody but from your lines anybody can see that u care alot of ur knowns and friends ! this is good thing as a girl and as a human being !

now ! no offence but u r also like typical jat girl " chotti see baat pe itnaa hai toba machaa detee ho ki saamne waalaa sochta hai pataa nhee kyaa kar diyaa "

really it's not a big deal (smoking ) , if u smoke in control it is very good . it takes u to heaven , it makes u feel much better ! really !

am very health conscious , i go to gym daily . but what would be the benifit of that healthy body if u can't njoy these basic things even.

have u ever tried smoking if not then try once ! after that i'll see u how u give these type of "bol wachann " (kidding :-) ) .

November 27th, 2008, 03:20 PM


Le bhai Jawab to SD ne de hee diya hai likin aur suggestion hai bhai Train bhi chaalte hai life me sab cheej kaa maaja lena chaaheye choote se life hai 1-2 baar chalte train k aage bhi ghoom k dekho patri patri par:D

kamaal hai yaar raathi tu bhee chhoriyaan ki baattaan main aa gyaa , see these are manly things ! SD to bholee chhoree sai usnai dunya daaree ka ke bera .

see brother in life there are so many things for what u don't apply ur mind
for example if u see a foreigner girl in ur office building what do u think , simply u just think what if she could come with u , what if she would talk with u , you know that ur not going to be serious with her but this is heart that forces u to talk to her . at that time u just follow ur heart .

same case is for smoking also , believe me.

aur rahee baat rail kai aaggai aan ki , jat hain paaggal nhee hain bhale bure ka sabb berra hai beeraa !

November 27th, 2008, 03:47 PM

kamaal hai yaar raathi tu bhee chhoriyaan ki baattaan main aa gyaa , see these are manly things ! SD to bholee chhoree sai usnai dunya daaree ka ke bera .

see brother in life there are so many things for what u don't apply ur mind
for example if u see a foreigner girl in ur office building what do u think , simply u just think what if she could come with u , what if she would talk with u , you know that ur not going to be serious with her but this is heart that forces u to talk to her . at that time u just follow ur heart .

same case is for smoking also , believe me.

aur rahee baat rail kai aaggai aan ki , jat hain paaggal nhee hain bhale bure ka sabb berra hai beeraa !

Na bhai meera naa kaarta maan Videshi chooreyo ko dekh kar mahre Hindustaani best hain aur bhai tere last line ka matlab ye k Cigratte peena accha hai ya feer bhai apko sahe me naahe paata bhaale buure ka

November 27th, 2008, 04:25 PM

Na bhai meera naa kaarta maan Videshi chooreyo ko dekh kar mahre Hindustaani best hain aur bhai tere last line ka matlab ye k Cigratte peena accha hai ya feer bhai apko sahe me naahe paata bhaale buure ka

:(ok brother am confused in life , ok let's assume you are right in every thing but how can u say that " ya feer bhai apko sahe me naahe paata bhaale buure ka" . it hurts man , how can u talk so flatly .

aaj tak maine itna flat coment nhee suna , just be little bit polite , u can express ur self in a polite way also .this is amazing !

December 19th, 2008, 02:42 PM
[quote=Samarkadian;174583]Any idea about quitting this 'Royal' habbit.:rock

Those who have quit can share their experience.

Those who want to quit can commit here and start progressing.

Others can speak about economical=dependence of country on tobacoo.

Many can also speak How not to quit.;):eek:

Most of folks can hate those who advocate it here.lol

Hi samar,
Two easiest way to quit smoking :
1. Whenever feel like smoking - go for a chewing gum.
2. Never smoke with freinds, as far as possible smoke alone thinking that this is nothing but waste.

December 28th, 2008, 01:03 PM

hi shweta !
thanks for the lines , u wrote no body cares for anybody but from your lines anybody can see that u care alot of ur knowns and friends ! this is good thing as a girl and as a human being !

now ! no offence but u r also like typical jat girl " chotti see baat pe itnaa hai toba machaa detee ho ki saamne waalaa sochta hai pataa nhee kyaa kar diyaa "

really it's not a big deal (smoking ) , if u smoke in control it is very good . it takes u to heaven , it makes u feel much better ! really !

am very health conscious , i go to gym daily . but what would be the benifit of that healthy body if u can't njoy these basic things even.

have u ever tried smoking if not then try once ! after that i'll see u how u give these type of "bol wachann " (kidding :-) ) .

Brother u have rightly said...it takes to u heaven....Just take a one and I will give u assurance that u will forget every thing for a little time....

We are here to live life. Enjoy every thing in this world for ur benefit and not for ur loss....So smoke to enjoy not to be a home of deceases.:p

January 2nd, 2009, 01:07 PM
Mann bhaiya maine to ye saying kahin nah sunni ab tak, na bhaiyo se,na papa/chacha/tau aur na dada se, kaunse Haryana ki baat ho rahi hia yahan;)

:rockhosh waalon ko khabar kyaa bekhudi kyaa cheez hai !
cigerrate pijiye to samajhiye zindgee kyaa cheez hai ! (really )

or waise bhee it is common saying in Haryana that
" one who loves not smoke wine and song
remains a fool for his whole life long "

January 3rd, 2009, 07:01 PM
Mann bhaiya maine to ye saying kahin nah sunni ab tak, na bhaiyo se,na papa/chacha/tau aur na dada se, kaunse Haryana ki baat ho rahi hia yahan;)[QUOTE=mhundpuriamann;188907]

Bhai dher sari aise baat hove hai jo kahin na suni jaati ar jinki koi sense na hote..par fer bhi unka sabko pata rehve hai...:p

January 4th, 2009, 10:59 AM
Aap kah rahe to theek hai, otherwise ye to Jats ki image pe ek badda "?" tha;);)
[QUOTE=AmitGahlawat;192968]Mann bhaiya maine to ye saying kahin nah sunni ab tak, na bhaiyo se,na papa/chacha/tau aur na dada se, kaunse Haryana ki baat ho rahi hia yahan;)

Bhai dher sari aise baat hove hai jo kahin na suni jaati ar jinki koi sense na hote..par fer bhi unka sabko pata rehve hai...:p

January 5th, 2009, 03:51 PM

hi shweta !
thanks for the lines , u wrote no body cares for anybody but from your lines anybody can see that u care alot of ur knowns and friends ! this is good thing as a girl and as a human being !

now ! no offence but u r also like typical jat girl " chotti see baat pe itnaa hai toba machaa detee ho ki saamne waalaa sochta hai pataa nhee kyaa kar diyaa "

really it's not a big deal (smoking ) , if u smoke in control it is very good . it takes u to heaven , it makes u feel much better ! really ! .

Jitender bhai, there is no prescibed limit of smoking for mankind.it is just the nicotine which makes you to smoke cigrette.by smoking you are just satisfying the craving for nicotine and nothing else.it can't give you a better feel.


am very health conscious , i go to gym daily . but what would be the benifit of that healthy body if u can't njoy these basic things even. .

As you say that you are a fitness freak then, you must be knowing that smoking can hamper your stamina.one more thing dear that everbody has got a different definition of enjoy so you can't generalize that smoking is enjoying basic things.

January 5th, 2009, 03:59 PM
You know that smoking is bad for your health. It can cause lung cancer and a lot of other problems. It can also cause problems with your mouth. Bad breath, halitosis and even oral cancer are all problems associated with smoking. So you know that smoking is bad for you—why not stop now and prevent future problems?
Problems with smoking: There are many problems associated with smoking. For one, you can get a whole host of medical issues. When you think about that, you will want to stop smoking. Strokes, lung cancer, heart disease and upper respiratory problems are all common. You can also develop skin cancer and cancer in your mouth. Even if you don’t smoke, you can develop problems associated with second hand smoking. No one needs to tell you that it is bad for you.
Problems in your mouth: Now think about your mouth. Smoking can cause serious problems with your gums and teeth. Who wants to get close to a smoker mouth? When you smoke, you can easily get stained teeth. The yellowing is almost impossible to remove, even with a good cleaning from your dentist. Have you ever heard of a hairy tongue? It can happen when you smoke. Brown hairy tongue, in fact. It is yucky and is causes bad breath. Long term smoking will also cause tooth decay and gum diseases.
Losing teeth when you smoke: If it is not a big enough problem to have bad breath, then think about the health of your teeth. Gum disease is a major problem among smokers. Gum disease can be mild or serious, but if you let it go, it will certainly lead to tooth lose. In fact, you may find that many long term smokers also end up as denture wearers. Is it worth it?
Oral cancer problems: If you smoke then you need to be aware that you can develop serious oral cancer. There are early warning signs that you should be aware of. First of all, you should look for swelling or lumps that are hard to heal. This could be in your mouth or in the neck. If you find lumps like this, you need to make an appointment with your doctor right away. You can also look for red or white patches in your mouth. These may show up on your tongue or on the inside of your cheeks. This could indicate oral cancer and should not be ignored. In addition, if you feel like you have a persistent sore throat or start losing teeth for no reason, then you need to pay attention. Do not let this get out of hand. Other warning signs of oral cancer include bleeding that will not stop and numbness in the mouth or tongue.
Early detection is the key when it comes to oral cancer. Don’t get fooled into thinking that bad breath is the only problem you can get with smoking. It can be much more serious. If you see any of these signs, then you should see your doctor right away

January 5th, 2009, 04:47 PM
Copy paste material from below link


Better post link itself !

PS: Mods, Where are you? Kindly close this thread with "Peetalll waala Taala"

You know that smoking is bad for your health. It can cause lung cancer and a lot of other problems. It can also cause problems with your mouth. Bad breath, halitosis and even oral cancer are all problems associated with smoking. So you know that smoking is bad for you—why not stop now and prevent future problems?
Problems with smoking: There are many problems associated with smoking. For one, you can get a whole host of medical issues. When you think about that, you will want to stop smoking. Strokes, lung cancer, heart disease and upper respiratory problems are all common. You can also develop skin cancer and cancer in your mouth. Even if you don’t smoke, you can develop problems associated with second hand smoking. No one needs to tell you that it is bad for you.
Problems in your mouth: Now think about your mouth. Smoking can cause serious problems with your gums and teeth. Who wants to get close to a smoker mouth? When you smoke, you can easily get stained teeth. The yellowing is almost impossible to remove, even with a good cleaning from your dentist. Have you ever heard of a hairy tongue? It can happen when you smoke. Brown hairy tongue, in fact. It is yucky and is causes bad breath. Long term smoking will also cause tooth decay and gum diseases.
Losing teeth when you smoke: If it is not a big enough problem to have bad breath, then think about the health of your teeth. Gum disease is a major problem among smokers. Gum disease can be mild or serious, but if you let it go, it will certainly lead to tooth lose. In fact, you may find that many long term smokers also end up as denture wearers. Is it worth it?
Oral cancer problems: If you smoke then you need to be aware that you can develop serious oral cancer. There are early warning signs that you should be aware of. First of all, you should look for swelling or lumps that are hard to heal. This could be in your mouth or in the neck. If you find lumps like this, you need to make an appointment with your doctor right away. You can also look for red or white patches in your mouth. These may show up on your tongue or on the inside of your cheeks. This could indicate oral cancer and should not be ignored. In addition, if you feel like you have a persistent sore throat or start losing teeth for no reason, then you need to pay attention. Do not let this get out of hand. Other warning signs of oral cancer include bleeding that will not stop and numbness in the mouth or tongue.
Early detection is the key when it comes to oral cancer. Don’t get fooled into thinking that bad breath is the only problem you can get with smoking. It can be much more serious. If you see any of these signs, then you should see your doctor right away

January 5th, 2009, 05:22 PM
Agreed word by word !

January 10th, 2009, 09:15 PM
I want to share my experience…..
I used to smoke 2 packet of cigarette daily till October 10, 2001. Keeping in mind all the evils of smoking, one day I decided to quit it. On 9th and 10th October, 2001 our team conducted an Income Tax raid. I decided to quit this bad habit from 11th October, 2001. I announced my decision amongst my social circle. Few of my friends warned me that it is very difficult. I had taken it as challenge. From 11th October till today I never smoke. Due to strong ‘Will Power’ I get rid over this bad habit.

January 10th, 2009, 09:39 PM
I want to share my experience…..
I used to smoke 2 packet of cigarette daily till October 10, 2001. Keeping in mind all the evils of smoking, one day I decided to quit it. On 9th and 10th October, 2001 our team conducted an Income Tax raid. I decided to quit this bad habit from 11th October, 2001. I announced my decision amongst my social circle. Few of my friends warned me that it is very difficult. I had taken it as challenge. From 11th October till today I never smoke. Due to strong ‘Will Power’ I get rid over this bad habit.

good will power, dharampal ji, hats off

on lighter note, i believe, u were smoking the WILLS (brand) cigarette to achieve that much of will.

January 13th, 2009, 11:17 PM
[quote=AmitGahlawat;192968]Mann bhaiya maine to ye saying kahin nah sunni ab tak, na bhaiyo se,na papa/chacha/tau aur na dada se, kaunse Haryana ki baat ho rahi hia yahan;)

yaa bhee kahavatt hai yaar maan le mann ki , yaa kahavatt feemchiyaan ke haryane main ho sai , din bakki duniyaa raat baabyaan ki , raat aale haryane mein issi bhot saaree baat hain jo din waalon ko nahee pataa.;)

January 14th, 2009, 02:32 PM
Copy paste material from below link


Better post link itself !

PS: Mods, Where are you? Kindly close this thread with "Peetalll waala Taala"

Are bhai kyon thread ko band karvan ke pacche laga rehve hai...auro ko bhi apni aap biti suna lendekar....:p

January 14th, 2009, 02:42 PM
You know that smoking is bad for your health. It can cause lung cancer and a lot of other problems. It can also cause problems with your mouth. Bad breath, halitosis and even oral cancer are all problems associated with smoking. So you know that smoking is bad for you—why not stop now and prevent future problems?
Problems with smoking: There are many problems associated with smoking. For one, you can get a whole host of medical issues. When you think about that, you will want to stop smoking. Strokes, lung cancer, heart disease and upper respiratory problems are all common. You can also develop skin cancer and cancer in your mouth. Even if you don’t smoke, you can develop problems associated with second hand smoking. No one needs to tell you that it is bad for you.
Problems in your mouth: Now think about your mouth. Smoking can cause serious problems with your gums and teeth. Who wants to get close to a smoker mouth? When you smoke, you can easily get stained teeth. The yellowing is almost impossible to remove, even with a good cleaning from your dentist. Have you ever heard of a hairy tongue? It can happen when you smoke. Brown hairy tongue, in fact. It is yucky and is causes bad breath. Long term smoking will also cause tooth decay and gum diseases.
Losing teeth when you smoke: If it is not a big enough problem to have bad breath, then think about the health of your teeth. Gum disease is a major problem among smokers. Gum disease can be mild or serious, but if you let it go, it will certainly lead to tooth lose. In fact, you may find that many long term smokers also end up as denture wearers. Is it worth it?
Oral cancer problems: If you smoke then you need to be aware that you can develop serious oral cancer. There are early warning signs that you should be aware of. First of all, you should look for swelling or lumps that are hard to heal. This could be in your mouth or in the neck. If you find lumps like this, you need to make an appointment with your doctor right away. You can also look for red or white patches in your mouth. These may show up on your tongue or on the inside of your cheeks. This could indicate oral cancer and should not be ignored. In addition, if you feel like you have a persistent sore throat or start losing teeth for no reason, then you need to pay attention. Do not let this get out of hand. Other warning signs of oral cancer include bleeding that will not stop and numbness in the mouth or tongue.
Early detection is the key when it comes to oral cancer. Don’t get fooled into thinking that bad breath is the only problem you can get with smoking. It can be much more serious. If you see any of these signs, then you should see your doctor right away

Dear Jaglan bhai. Pls stop copy past of material and be realistic. You are rightly said about the problems due to smoking but let me know how many pepole you know personaly facing the above problems due to smoking. I agree that high intensity of smoking increases the diseases but do in a limit. use or consumption of any thing in over limit Definitely harm you.

Kitne buddho are budiyaon ke teeth jhad gaye ar kitno ke muh se smell aave hai..Mere dadaji 14 saal ki umar te hukka peve hai se ar dadi bhi ...dono ki umar 75 ke lapate mein hai..aab bhi itne teeth hai ak ve ganda chuse hai..are koi bimari na hui are bad breeth bhi na hai....

rahi baat stamina ki...ebhi dilli police ki bharti hui hai..usme 60 persent race jitne vale daily smoke kare the...stamina smoke the kam to have hai par use control karna aapne hath ki baat se....

jitne bhi bihari naukkar gaon mein hove se unme the sab 90% nicotin use kare hai by any means are ve mahre the bhi jyada cholle hai ar sare din puli dhove hai...dekha unka stemina...

pata main chiz kya hai...jaam ke khao ...ar aish lo....

use a good toothpast and use mouth freshner...enjoy:p

January 15th, 2009, 09:57 AM
Hi all,
I think in the first post samar has asked to share some experience or ways to quit smoking, so this is sincere request to all JL member to pour in some suugestive ways on how to quit smoking and please do not indulge in leg pulling by saying that "its a copy paste material or stop coping the material"
Do not deviate from the centre theme.

Hope u all will take it in a positive manner.


January 20th, 2009, 07:00 PM
Dear members, I would like to share my personal experience for the benifit of our brothers. I started smoking 1965 in college, slowly picked up speed and in 1989 my daily consumtion was about 6 to 7 packets. NO self prays but many people know that I was an outstanding sports man. I represented Haryana in volley ball in 1968, Punjab Universiy in inter university Badminton championship. people in army know my achievements in cross country, Commondo course Khad race etc. But slowly the smoking tookaway my entire energy, started falling sick frequently even with a change of cig brand. My wife & childern never ilked smoke. I tried many times to leave smoking but couldnot do it. In 1989 december, two of my friends came to us at Nanital. (late sh Dharambir EXN canals Bhiwani & sh Vijay prakash EXN public Health who later retd as Chief Engineer, now poliitician) Sh Dharam bir used to drink a lot. We wated him to leave drinking, thus on 08 Dec 1989 while coming to Delhi from Nanital, we took him to Gangaji nr Gadganga, stood in wholy water & asked him to take a pledge. Since he was not interested to leave, he asked me to leave smoking & than he will leave drinks. Brother, that was the DAY,I Ieft smoking & I will remain grareflul to sh Dharambir Forever. Though, he couldnot & died after some time. To cut short, I am very sure if one wants to leave the bad habbit, he can do it. Strong determination, keep on talking to yourself that smoking is worst habbit & you will never smoke again. you should start asking others to leave smoking. Be positive, have self confidence & full faith in yourself. Donot avoide smokers, you can be with them, keepon talking to you & others against smoking. After two years of leaving smoking, your langs & other bad effects on your health will be over. Brother fronkly speaking I have become again young after leaving smoking. I always agree that worst act of my life was to start smoking & best act for self was to leave smoking. If ican do it you all can do it, please leave today & just now. Regards

January 21st, 2009, 09:53 AM
Hello freinds,

The simple method is the best way to quit smoking.
Do not try to quit this bad habit in a single day becoz in that case you are going to suppress the craving for smoking which in turn will do nothing but move you more closure to smoking.
Better try to curtail the number of ciggrettes you inhale in a day and one day you will see yourself coming out as a winner.

The golden words: Health is wealth.

January 21st, 2009, 10:35 AM
I want to share my father's decision on same ....he quitted drinking in 1980, declared all of a sudden and we used to count days/weeks/months and finally years and same he did to smoking and been years. Who have strong will power they need excuses for anything.
I want to share my experience…..
I used to smoke 2 packet of cigarette daily till October 10, 2001. Keeping in mind all the evils of smoking, one day I decided to quit it. On 9th and 10th October, 2001 our team conducted an Income Tax raid. I decided to quit this bad habit from 11th October, 2001. I announced my decision amongst my social circle. Few of my friends warned me that it is very difficult. I had taken it as challenge. From 11th October till today I never smoke. Due to strong ‘Will Power’ I get rid over this bad habit.

January 21st, 2009, 03:41 PM
I think anyone can quit smoking but u only need "will power"
my DAD started smoking when he was in 9th class in school (1962) class and quited in 1992 ...
so wht u need is WILL POWER

January 21st, 2009, 05:21 PM
I donot say one method can work on every one, but if you want to leave smoking than, with a strong wll power one has to leave at once, reducing no of cig & slowly givingup smoking is much less sucessful method. Any way what sever method one follows, but leaving smoking is equal to new life. regards

January 21st, 2009, 11:12 PM
the best and easy way to quit smoking is never smoke while ur sleeping....;)

January 21st, 2009, 11:25 PM
Downy, tu to jukar nasha mein Ciggy laga ke sotha dikhe :rolleyes:

the best and easy way to quit smoking is never smoke while ur sleeping....;)

January 29th, 2009, 01:53 PM
3 way to quit soking......
(1) Chillad rakhna band kar do......
(2) Mirror ke samne cig ka kash lo..aur smoke ko dekho..kuchh din baad tum bhi aisi hi ho jaoge.....

(3) 1 GF bana lo jo smoking pasand na karti ho..but ye jyada risky hai ..dhayan rakhna aisi mat banana jo chhod jaye.nahi to fir cig ki counting nahi kar paoge...aur sab treeke fail ho jayenge...

February 1st, 2009, 06:51 PM
Sunita, I think we(I & your father) have the same vibrations. I also quitted drinking in 2004. Actually this is possible with the help of strong will power only
I want to share my father's decision on same ....he quitted drinking in 1980, declared all of a sudden and we used to count days/weeks/months and finally years and same he did to smoking and been years. Who have strong will power they need excuses for anything.

February 2nd, 2009, 08:13 PM
To quit smoking and drinking, you need strong will power. JJad piya karta to neat piyi. fer ek din chan chak chodd di arr woh din tha 1st jan 2004. Even now European culture doesn't affect me.