View Full Version : No one is perfect that's why pencils have erasers

March 30th, 2009, 09:17 PM
:rolleyes:anyone can tell which things is perfect in the world
i mean by this"no one is perfect that's why pencils have erasers" line we can say that there nobady is perfect
what u think about it

many hands say that they are perfect ...................................

whats the reasion behind it

and what u think those people are really perfect or not

March 31st, 2009, 02:51 AM
Hi Manjeet,
I agree with you that nobody is perfect.
And the people who say that they are perfect are basically too lazy and they do not want to change:)

:rolleyes:anyone can tell which things is perfect in the world
i mean by this"no one is perfect that's why pencils have erasers" line we can say that there nobady is perfect
what u think about it

many hands say that they are perfect ...................................

whats the reasion behind it

and what u think those people are really perfect or not

March 31st, 2009, 06:42 PM
many hands say that they are perfect ...................................

whats the reasion behind it

and what u think those people are really perfect or not

I tried hard (trust me I really did !! ) to refrain from indulging into this thread! ( Reasons are purely personal!) but gave in !

Only a few couple of bullet points though:

1) I know someone who proclaims per fection!
2) Reason I don't know! ( My guesses would be they plan and execute that plan to perfection and that makes them believe so! )
3) Yes these people are really perfect in the sense they proclaim. :)

March 31st, 2009, 07:03 PM
Well, perfect is a subjective term. If some one aims something, execute perfectly (according to his/her own definition) and achieve it, then it is perfectly fine for him/her to proclaim perfection. Whats imperfect in it? :)

and well, some people use ball point or fountain pen; ergo eraser is useless for them. ;)

Perfect, no?? :D

April 1st, 2009, 04:46 PM
:rolleyes:anyone can tell which things is perfect in the world
i mean by this"no one is perfect that's why pencils have erasers" line we can say that there nobady is perfect
what u think about it

many hands say that they are perfect ...................................

whats the reasion behind it

and what u think those people are really perfect or not

Do you think pencils have erasers only for achieving the level of perfection? The same can be seen other way round. Erasers are there for pencils to remove the errors made by pencils.

Well, till date the level of perfection has not been determined by anyone in the world. Overall it's a subjective concept. The reason behind is very simple. Perfection for an individual is the utmost caliber which he/she has. And after performing the task if the person is satisfied then its nothing but "Perfection". But for the other it might not be the same :)

April 1st, 2009, 05:57 PM
satisfying perfection

do you think pencils have erasers only for achieving the level of perfection? The same can be seen other way round. Erasers are there for pencils to remove the errors made by pencils.

well, till date the level of perfection has not been determined by anyone in the world. Overall it's a subjective concept. The reason behind is very simple. Perfection for an individual is the utmost caliber which he/she has. And after performing the task if the person is satisfied then its nothing but "perfection". But for the other it might not be the same :)

April 1st, 2009, 06:14 PM
Hi Manjeet,
I agree with you that nobody is perfect.
And the people who say that they are perfect are basically too lazy and they do not want to change:)

Excellence is the word. Perfection is misnomer.Hence Perfection doesnt exist and we chase what doesnt exist and then create and define folly statements over perfection business.Change is nature's son, humans rely on improvement, positvely or negatively.

April 1st, 2009, 10:03 PM
"Don't fear perfection....you will never reach it"-Dali
Dali could make this statement because he was excellent in surreal art. Picasso was also excellent but in cubism. Both painters, both excellent but within a style...
Can excellence exist unless it is given boundaries of time, or area or population, etc, etc...?

Excellence is the word. Perfection is misnomer.Hence Perfection doesnt exist and we chase what doesnt exist and then create and define folly statements over perfection business.Change is nature's son, humans rely on improvement, positvely or negatively.

April 1st, 2009, 10:05 PM
Change is nature's son, humans rely on improvement, positvely or negatively.

Samar you missed a "should" !

Human should rely on improvement ! :)

The bars just keep rising !

Concur with you totally on this , nothing called perfection exists , Excellence is the word to treasure! :)

April 1st, 2009, 10:06 PM
I was just typing this on notepad, and i saw your post....;)

The bars just keep rising !

April 1st, 2009, 10:10 PM
"Don't fear perfection....you will never reach it"-Dali
Dali could make this statement because he was excellent in surreal art. Picasso was also excellent but in cubism. Both painters, both excellent but within a style...
Can excellence exist unless it is given boundaries of time, or area or population, etc, etc...?

Okies , l et me reply to you in "your" style!

" any observed statistical regularity will tend to collapse once pressure is placed upon it for control purposes "
-- Goodhart law

The essence of the law is that once a social or economic indicator or other surrogate measure is made a target for the purpose of conducting social or economic policy, then it will lose the information content that would qualify it to play such a role.

And how I relate to the context , you set a bar ( you call it excellence ) , many will achieve it in some time , and then the excellence disappears and Samar nailed it when he said : Keep improving ! :)

April 1st, 2009, 10:37 PM
So you do "better" (relative to something or someone or over time) in order to strive for excellence?

And how I relate to the context , you set a bar ( you call it excellence ) , many will achieve it in some time , and then the excellence disappears and Samar nailed it when he said : Keep improving ! :)

April 2nd, 2009, 08:52 AM
;)Nothing Is Perfect"

There's plenty of food
on the table
Lots of love in the house
The children all do what
they're able to do
We got so much to be happy about.

I got a woman standing beside me
She really knows
how to stand by her man
She's strong and she's soft
and she's honest to me
She really helps me
to be a good man.

But nothing is perfect
in God's perfect plan
Look in the shadow to see
He only gave us the good things
so we'd understand
What life without them would be.

There's plenty of wheat
on the prairies
Lots of coal in the mines
We got soldiers so strong
they can bury their dead
And still not go back
shooting blind.

There's women and men
on the workforce
Doing forty hours
plus overtime
So the hostages
held at the airport
Can come home
to something worthwhile.

But nothing is perfect
in God's perfect plan
Look in the shadow to see
He only gave us the good things
so we'd understand
What life without them would be.

And there's plenty of food
on the table
Lots of love in the house
The children all do
what they're able to do
We got so much to be happy about.

I got a woman standing beside me
She really knows
how to stand by her man
She's strong and she's soft
and she's honest to me
It really helps me
to be a good man.

But nothing is perfect
in God's perfect plan
He only gave us the good things
so we'd understand.
No, nothing is perfect
in God's perfect plan.

Hi Manjeet,
I agree with you that nobody is perfect.
And the people who say that they are perfect are basically too lazy and they do not want to change:)

April 6th, 2009, 03:47 PM
So you do "better" (relative to something or someone or over time) in order to strive for excellence?

No , That is a part of the target!

In finance terms that is "beta". Ofcourse I try for pure "alpha" as well!

In layman terms , I strive for doing better than "something" and then strive/push beyond as well! :)

Interesting question is : Whether life is an absolute return strategy or a relative return one ? :)

Kapil ? ;) thoughts !!