View Full Version : India and Pakistan (must read)

May 12th, 2010, 04:11 PM
I am reproducing a very interesting article from one Pakistani news papaer which tells everything about Pakistani mind set; (http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2010\05\12\story_12-5-2010_pg3_3)

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WASHINGTON DIARY: The terrorist question —Dr Manzur Ejaz

No other Muslim country sponsors private religious and sectarian militias for domestic use or to achieve strategic goals. Probably, every state, other than Pakistan, knows fully well that the rise of private militias is bound to threaten the state’s monopoly of using power and coercion

We may console ourselves by
parroting the ‘conspiracy against Pakistan’ mantra over and over but the fact remains that most bombers are traced back to Pakistan. American-Jewish-Hindu conspirators may be out there to target Pakistan, but how does one explain the failed Times Square bombing attempt by Faisal Shahzad, or Aimal Kansi, all originating from Pakistan? It is a puzzling question if one goes a bit deeper.

Afghanistan is occupied by the US, Palestine by Israel and Kashmir by India, but how come none of the terrorists caught in Mumbai, Washington or New York is an Afghan, Palestinian or Kashmiri? Why do the nationals of these countries struggle on their own land instead of throwing bombs in far off places like Mumbai and New York? Therefore, the claim that terrorism, emanating from Pakistan, is triggered by the oppression of Muslims does not hold. If it was so, the bomber should be coming from occupied lands or other Muslim countries like Indonesia and Malaysia as well. Therefore, an explanation other than ‘Muslim oppression’ has to be sought.

The main difference appears to be the perpetual indoctrination of morbid ideology and state sponsorship of private religious militias in Pakistan: no other Muslim country, even theological states like Saudi Arabia or Iran, sponsors private religious and sectarian militias for domestic use or to achieve strategic goals. Probably, every state, other than Pakistan, knows fully well that the rise of private militias is bound to threaten the state’s monopoly of using power and coercion.

In addition, the US funding and concoction of international jihad — never a part of Muslim ideology before the anti-Soviet crusade in Afghanistan — broke the camel’s back. Pakistani Muslims were always vulnerable to such a disastrous worldview because of the indoctrination based on fictional history of the Muslim invasion and conquest of India.

Most importantly, the Indian Muslims led by immigrants from north and central Asia had a streak of pan-Islamism. They seriously believed that they had conquered India, not for economic gains, but to spread Islam and end ‘kufr’. They had a typical imperialist mindset to perceive themselves as civilisers of the pagans and backward people. Like all colonists, the idea of universality of their faith or worldview and its imposition was essential to justify their occupation. The British, and later on the Americans, have used similar logic for colonialism and imperialism.

The Muslim intelligentsia, particularly the historians, presented exaggerated and distorted characterisations of their invading patrons. Every Muslim ruler was presented as a destroyer of idols and appropriator of pagan wealth. The numbers were fudged and exaggerated to make their patrons more palpable to occupiers/immigrants and the audience back home in north and central Asia.

For example, Mahmud of Ghazni is presented as the destroyer of the Somnath Temple, who took back home gold and silver loaded on 100 camels and horses. Ms Thapar, an Indian historian, has proved that old manuscripts (Pali, Gujrati, etc) do not show that Mahmud ever reached Somnath or it was ever a significantly wealthy Hindu temple. Instead, it was a local temple rarely maintained by the local Hindu rajas. Furthermore, given the size and impoverishment of the population of those days, the amount of gold looted from Somnath does not make any sense. Most probably, it is a make-believe story concocted by Muslim court-historians. It suited Hindu nationalists too to make a case against Muslim occupation and, therefore, they did not challenge it either.

The converted Muslims remained backward and looked up to the invader/immigrants’ intellectual leadership and adopted their worldview. After the decline of the Mughal Empire, the Muslim intelligentsia never gave up the idea of Muslim domination and was always keen to start revivalist movements. Like their perception of fictional history, they were so detached from world reality that while Turkey was taken over by the secularist Kemal Atatürk, Indian Muslims were demonstrating for the restoration of the Usmania (Ottoman Empire) caliphate. The movement for the restoration of the ‘Khilafat’ was the most farcical, to say the least. In those days a ‘danda force’ led by a lunatic named Ilam Din in Lahore exhibited the crude violence a Muslim revivalist movement can resort to.

Whichever way one interprets the twists and turns of the history of the Pakistan movement, the new Muslim state inherited the traditional Indian Muslim mindset. The invader/immigrant worldview of history was the ethos of the Pakistani state from the very beginning. Even Jinnah’s personal secular thinking and lifestyle could not sway the traditionalists and in a couple of years Islamisation was put on the agenda through the ‘Qarardad-e-Maqasid’ (Objectives Resolution). School curriculums were structured by the traditionalists, specifically the Deobandis, portraying the Muslim invasion of India as an act of benevolence by great Muslim emperors. Even invaders like Nadir Shah and Ahmad Shah Abdali, who just came for loot and plunder, were portrayed as great men. Pakistan’s naming of its missiles after these invaders’ names shows how much the morbid worldview of traditionalist Muslim history has been transferred to our new generations.

The core of the Pakistani establishment has always remained loyal to the traditionalist Indian Muslim skewed worldview. Even secularists like General Ayub Khan and Zulfikar Ali Bhutto could not change this discourse in a substantial way. In this backdrop, when Ziaul Haq intensified the process of Islamisation and private religious/sectarian militias were sponsored by the state, the dynamics of theocratic radicalisation and destabilisation were unleashed. The US funding and training of these militias transformed them into a lethal force. They were deployed against the Soviets and then against India, but ultimately they were going to threaten the state of Pakistan and its cohort superpower, the US.

The Pakistani establishment is forced to undo these private militias but at the same time it is trying to stick to the core traditionalist ideology. It has not confronted the essence of its self-created problem and has not found an alternative ideology to govern and achieve its strategic goals. The entire political establishment has grown up with the traditionalist Pakistan ideology. Therefore, sometimes, the National Assembly committees are more conservative than the bureaucracy and military establishment.

All in all, Pakistan remains very far from undoing the debilitating received traditionalist worldview that is the mother of every kind of religious extremism, sectarianism and proliferation of religious monasteries and militias.

The writer can be reached at manzurejaz@yahoo.com

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May 12th, 2010, 05:01 PM
Nice article.. thanks for sharing.
Many articles on the similar lines [distorted muslim history, army-ISI-jihadi nexus, sectarian violence, etc.] by Kamran Shafi, IA Rehman, Nadeem F Parcha, etc. (regulars in Dawn newspaper) are also interesting read.

May 12th, 2010, 05:16 PM
Nice article.. thanks for sharing.
Many articles on the similar lines [distorted muslim history, army-ISI-jihadi nexus, sectarian violence, etc.] by Kamran Shafi, IA Rehman, Nadeem F Parcha, etc. (regulars in Dawn newspaper) are also interesting read.

We have to be extremely careful of Pakistanis till they have this mindset. There are many guys like Zaid Hamid who talk of taking over India again under Islamic rule. Our armed forces have to be extremely strong to deal with Pakistan and China.


May 12th, 2010, 05:36 PM
We have to be extremely careful of Pakistanis till they have this mindset. There are many guys like Zaid Hamid who talk of taking over India again under Islamic rule. Our armed forces have to be extremely strong to deal with Pakistan and China.


Sir, I don't know why but that guy Zaid Hamid is hilarious... he's got 'crazy' conspiracy theories behind everything that is happening in Pakistan. People like hamid, are more dangerous to Pakistan than India!! Some time back, while on his "wake up Pakistan" tour, he was thrown out by some university students (apparently some Baluchs) and recently there is a FIR against him for murder!

Taking over India, Islamic is future, CIA-Israel-RAW-Mosad conspiracy against muslim all over the world... Come on.. that clown is better than any stand-up comedian!! :D

May 12th, 2010, 06:59 PM
Sir, I don't know why but that guy Zaid Hamid is hilarious... he's got 'crazy' conspiracy theories behind everything that is happening in Pakistan. People like hamid, are more dangerous to Pakistan than India!! Some time back, while on his "wake up Pakistan" tour, he was thrown out by some university students (apparently some Baluchs) and recently there is a FIR against him for murder!

Taking over India, Islamic is future, CIA-Israel-RAW-Mosad conspiracy against muslim all over the world... Come on.. that clown is better than any stand-up comedian!! :D

hahahaha.. whenever i get bored.. I watch his videos on youtube.. he is just amazing...

I can see hitler's propaganda when he talks about conspiracy theories. Pakistan need 30-40 Zaid Hamid

April 13th, 2011, 04:01 PM
पिछले दिनों प्रधानमंत्री मनमोहन सिंह ने पाकिस्तान के प्रधानमंत्री को क्रिकेट मैच देखने के लिए भारत बुलाया. वे आये और मैच देखकर चले गए पर इस क्रिकेट कूटनीति से भारत को क्या प्राप्त हुआ? क्या भारत उन्हें पाक अधिकृत कश्मीर खाली करने का सन्देश देने में सफल हुआ? क्या मनमोहन सिंह ने उन्हें पाक अधिकृत कश्मीर से उग्रवादी अड्डे बंद करने और भारत में पाक प्रायोजित उग्रवाद रोकने के लिए कहा? क्या भारत ने उन्हें पाक दूतावासों के माध्यम से जाली नोट भेजना बंद करने लिए कहा? क्या भारतीय प्रधानमंत्री ने उन्हें आई. एस. आई. द्वारा भारत में रचे जा रहे षडयंत्र रोकने और उग्रवादियों को सहायता देना बंद करने के लिए कहा और क्या भारत ने उन्हें मुंबई कांड के दोषी पाकिस्तान में बैठे उग्रवादी नेताओं को शीघ्रता शीघ्र दंड देने के लिए जोर दिया? क्या पाक प्रधानमंत्री इतने सक्षम हैं कि वे सेना को दरकिनार करके कुछ भी निर्णय ले सकें? यदि यह सब नहीं तो फिर भारतीय प्रधानमंत्री रह-रहकर पाकिस्तान को वार्ताओं के लिए क्यों आमंत्रित करते रहते हैं? क्या केवल अपने आका अमेरिका को प्रसन्न करने के लिए? पर क्यों? और परिणाम आने के लिए कितनी शताब्दियाँ चाहिए? क्योंकि आधी से अधिक शताब्दी तो पहले ही व्यतीत हो चुकी है और आज तक परिणाम शून्य ही है. भारत - पाकिस्तान के बीच मुख्य मुद्दा कश्मीर ही है परन्तु कश्मीर पर भारत की स्पष्ट नीति क्या है? अंत में पाकिस्तान है क्या? एक छोटा सा अदना सा देश जो हमने भिक्षा में दिया था, वो ही एक लम्बे समय से पावं में चुभ रहे कांटे की तरह ही है...इस कांटे को निकाल कर फेंकना ही होगा...

April 13th, 2011, 07:05 PM
We have to be extremely careful of Pakistanis till they have this mindset. There are many guys like Zaid Hamid who talk of taking over India again under Islamic rule. Our armed forces have to be extremely strong to deal with Pakistan and China.


Sir ji, we need to be very careful of what is happening to Hindu population in India,,the respective growth of Muslims and Christians seem to be exponential over the past few decades. This way hindus will be a minority in another century and than we don't need any invaders our insiders will be enough.

April 14th, 2011, 10:16 AM
First of all I would like to thank mr RK for sharing the artical, Secondly, I FEEL THAT BY INVITING PAK PM, we have achieved nothing but allowed few more foreign nationals to enter our country and hide/spy/create trouble. we have given opportunity to pakis to photo our few important locations and gave opportunity to manmohan to request pak PM to release few khalsa prisoners from pak jails and show to khalsas that he keeps their interest always on top. Also the Indian Govt could show to US and Indian public that the govt is alive to the problem & wants to have good relations with pak. FINALLY IT IS A PART OF INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMACY AND TO make the event and the cricket more important to earn more illegal money for politicians and business men of both the nations.
Thirdly I agree with Ravinder, the indications are very bad but nobody is realising the seriousness of the sichiuation.

April 20th, 2011, 05:17 PM
Sir ji, we need to be very careful of what is happening to Hindu population in India,,the respective growth of Muslims and Christians seem to be exponential over the past few decades. This way hindus will be a minority in another century and than we don't need any invaders our insiders will be enough.

Very much agree to it, I still can't can't ignore the pain of my grandmother while telling the story of Separation, My grandfather was brutally murdered by muslims in front of her, still she shiver when she recall those moments onlyee not me...there are many those have undergone same situations, I never understood when pakistan is given to muslims what they are doin here...in Hindustan, this is becoz India Always Forgive..They do War We make Peace...This is policy..our government has adopted..I don't want a separate place for a particular religion, becoz all are not wrong only few are asamajik tatv which make others to do like them..All in all Sath rhae yaa alag rhae atleast shant rhae, par woh bhi possible nhi hai koi naa koi mudda pakistan wale utha hi lete hai...like kashmir...Yeh log nhi sudhrengae humae apni policy badalni padegi....

April 21st, 2011, 03:23 PM
ur right.. but how can we be serious about this SICHIUATION? any action items on us?

the indications are very bad but nobody is realising the seriousness of the sichiuation.

April 22nd, 2011, 01:07 AM
ur right.. but how can we be serious about this SICHIUATION? any action items on us?

We are extremely good at finding out some unintentionally spelling mistakes and lets us take advantage of that if we don't have anything significant to say.

Is that GOUD enough to post a comment here ?

April 22nd, 2011, 01:20 AM
Very much agree to it, I still can't can't ignore the pain of my grandmother while telling the story of Separation, My grandfather was brutally murdered by muslims in front of her, still she shiver when she recall those moments onlyee not me...there are many those have undergone same situations, I never understood when pakistan is given to muslims what they are doin here...in Hindustan, this is becoz India Always Forgive..They do War We make Peace...This is policy..our government has adopted..I don't want a separate place for a particular religion, becoz all are not wrong only few are asamajik tatv which make others to do like them..All in all Sath rhae yaa alag rhae atleast shant rhae, par woh bhi possible nhi hai koi naa koi mudda pakistan wale utha hi lete hai...like kashmir...Yeh log nhi sudhrengae humae apni policy badalni padegi....

If we want a war then we are cruel but if we want peace we supposed to be cowards. We don't afraid of anything except our IMAGE which we don't have any at WORLD level.

Let's pay some handsome money to a retired, old and about to die Judge to interrogate the issue.

April 25th, 2011, 05:47 PM
ur right.. but how can we be serious about this SICHIUATION? any action items on us?
I am sorry for the spelling . As FOR AS YOUR QUESTION IS CONCERN, DEAR IT IS A BIG TOPIC BUT be nationalist, be Indian first, think for the nation & keep the national interest before every thing, the problem will be solved, Also be vigilent, be responsible & do your duty honestly& sincerely

April 26th, 2011, 02:07 AM
The weak are always conquered and dominated this is what history teaches us. We must first of all over come our own weakness and become a strong and dynamic race. Then no one will be able to dominate us. The effort starts with each individual and we should become strong till we have time on our side. The people who have power always expoloit the weak and disunited people. Imagine during the partation they were even raping women who has died after several men exploited them. This is the logic of power and greed they are absolutely merciless.

April 28th, 2011, 07:41 PM
The weak are always conquered and dominated this is what history teaches us. We must first of all over come our own weakness and become a strong and dynamic race. Then no one will be able to dominate us. The effort starts with each individual and we should become strong till we have time on our side. The people who have power always expoloit the weak and disunited people. Imagine during the partation they were even raping women who has died after several men exploited them. This is the logic of power and greed they are absolutely merciless. am agree wid u..we were slaves becoz we were not educated that time if every individual start playing its part properly that can also make a big difference