View Full Version : iNDIA IN 1835

October 29th, 2011, 05:57 PM
मेरे धोरे एक मेल किसी जानकार ने भेजी स, हो सके स थारे धोरे भी आयी हो | मंने आछी लाग्गी और सोचा क्यों न आड़े सब के साथ बांटी जा | आप चाहो तो आपने विचार भी दे सकते हैं |

धन्यवाद् सहित |

See what OUR INDIA was at 1835.......

Read this carefully

They succeeded in demoralizing the country and people.

But now an Indian owns Britain's East India Company - Another circle got completed.


The East India Company which ruled India for more than 200 years is now ruled by an Indian Sanjiv Mehta who took over the company for $150 lac.

He said at an emotional level “as an Indian, when you think with your heart as I do, I had this huge feeling of redemption - this indescribable feeling of owning a company that once owned us”
But media is not interested in such great news. They were busy in useless Sania and Shoaib’s marriage.

Let us be the media … &... forward this mail to all Indians...