View Full Version : Is not jatland a community forum?, Is not jat community a large family?,

December 7th, 2011, 05:23 PM
May I request all to give his/her fronk views on above,
two more questions please, Is jat land forum is a battle field, what are the aims/purposes of starting this forum please

December 7th, 2011, 05:51 PM
May I request all to give his/her fronk views on above,
two more questions please, Is jat land forum is a battle field, what are the aims/purposes of starting this forum please

Yes Jatland is a community forum and we all are family
its different forums itself explain its Aims and purposes (like social responsibility, general knowledge, humur and so on)
I think it is clear to all, but what is your purpose to start this sir ?

December 7th, 2011, 06:02 PM
May I request all to give his/her fronk views on above,
two more questions please, Is jat land forum is a battle field, what are the aims/purposes of starting this forum please

yes, JL is like a large, extended family. Just alike how sometimes we can witness battle like scenes in families/extended families/in laws etc - the same thing happens here on JL People here are like our family/extended family/in laws but with just the names and faces changed.

December 8th, 2011, 01:26 PM
Mr Sunil and Urmilaji, thanks for your prompt and kind response please. I also donot consider this forum as a battle field, so being defence officer leaving the forum has no connection as some of my wise brothers have high lighted in their posts, also I was out on some work for about 20days thus couldnot reply some of the posts on the thread -who will marry jat girls and now the thread is closed so I would like to reply through this new thread please.

a) For the information of some of my brothers who jumped in the discussion without reading all concerned posts, In post no 9 mr Rinku Seoran addressed Brig LS as mr bld, in post no 15 I mentioned very politely as a suggestion that a defence offier is not addressed as mr, in post no 21 respected Brig LS confirmed my point, in post no 45 urmilaji mentioned to write word retired, she was right but I had already mentioned the same thing, the correct way of writing is for example-Brigedier(retired) LS, NOW suddenly mr ss goyat comes up with his post no 62, I replied vide my post no 63, he replied vide his post no 64 than I replied vide my post no65, than mr VP came in support of ss goyat probably without reading/understanding the matter properly, Mr vp mentioned civil and military attitude, which was not at all required, He and others who believe in his point must not forget that my parents, the whole family, most relations, friends, my village, school, college and universities were all civilians, even during defence service my interaction with civilians was very active, since I had legal qualification, Army HQ got me enrolled as an advocate at bar council of Delhi and for many years I interacted with civilians in various courts in the country, I had few tenures in NCC where most of the people were civilians with whom I worked, I was posted on deputation to central administrative tribunal MP as Registrar where again I worked with all civilians and after retirement now my total dealings are with civilians in my business, social field or day today life, thus give me that much that I also atlist know the civil attitude/life/characterstics, Madam urmila commented that some wear age as official coat to demand respect, May I ask doesnot our civilian Indian and jat culture teaches us to respect elders, is not this is practiced in our families/society, and if go through all posts you can see clearly that the matter was how to address the defence officer and there was no point of respect/disrespect, elder/younger, Surender vide his post no 80 by wrong addressing got into criticism from mr vijay, surender sir, either you should have addressed me as Col fateh if you think that you are elder retd officer than me or if you are younger/junior even if elder, than you should have called me sir, so vijay was not wrong in his comments, Gulia ji you must note that it is a community forum and community is also a family and in a family we donot call our elders by their first name, to cut short, May I request to all please behave like family members, be ploite, donot play plitics on the forum, donot find faults unnecerily. with regards

December 8th, 2011, 02:54 PM
आदरणीय एवं प्रिय कर्नल फतह साहब ,

जाटलैंड फोरम एक परिवार से बढ़कर है ! सही शब्दों में कहू तो यह एक गाँव है ! एक गाँव की तरह यहाँ हर स्वाभाव के व्यक्ति है ! कोई मजाकिया , कोई विचारक , कोई फौजी , कोई सरपंच , कोई स्वादु , कोई शांत , कोई हुडदंगी , कोई खिलाडी , कोई उत्साही , कोई आश्वादी , कोई निराशावादी , कोई क्रोधी , कोई मास्टर , कोई मास्टरनी , कोई व्यापारी , कोई किसान, कोई नौकरी करने वाला , कोई विद्यार्थी , कोई अफसर इतियादी इतियादी ! जब इतनी विविधता यहाँ है तो संभवत: विचार आचार एवं व्यवहार की असमानता भी होगी , जो की होनी भी चाहिए अन्यथा ये फोरम बहुत रसहीन एवं एकसुर हो जाएगा ! संभव है की यहाँ लड़ाई भी होगी और रूसा- मानी भी ! और एक जवान अपनी उर्जा की वजह से अवश्य अतिउत्साह में आक्रमक विचार एवं विद्रोही व्यव्हार भी करेगा !

अब आपकी बात पर आते हैं ! वैसे तो आप हर मेम्बर को ''भाई'' से सम्भोदित करते हैं , किन्तु जब वो आपके विचार से सहमत नहीं होता , आप इसे सहज नहीं ले पाते और अपनी शैक्षिक एवं अनुभव की डिग्री का बण्डल उसके सामने खोल कर ''इज्ज़त'' करने , सम्मान करने का भावनात्मक ब्लेक मेल करते हैं ! मै आपसे उम्र एवं अनुभव में आपके बाल बराबर भी नहीं हूँ किन्तु एक फौजी का पौता हूँ जिन्होंने दुसरे विश्व युद्ध से लेकर 1971 तक के सभी युधों में भारतीय फ़ौज की सेवा की और 2 साल पाकिस्तान की जेल में बिताये ! मेरे गाँव में जब वो सब लोगो के साथ आसानी से मिल बैठते थे ! अक्सर कहा करते थे की गाँव में रहने के लिए , अंदर के फौजी को को ओबरे में रोकना पड़ता है ! अगर ये बहार आएगा तो मै खुद अपने परिवार एवं गाँव में सम्मलित नहीं हो पाऊंगा ! उस समय यह बात समझ नहीं आती थी किन्तु थोडा बड़ा हुआ तो समझ पाया की उनके कहने का तात्पर्य यह था की सेवानिवृत होने के बाद फ़ौज आपसे बन्दुक एवं वर्दी ले लेती है किन्तु फौजी को आपके अंदर ही छोड़ देती है ! ये अंदर का फौजी हर जगह को अपनी यूनिट का प्रागण समझ अवचेतन दीमाग से वैसे ही व्यव्हार करता है ! किन्तु तथ्य एवं सच्चाई ये है की आम आदमी आपको सामने सम्मान तो देगा लेकिन पीछे से कहेगा की की परेड कर कर दीमाग एड़ी में आ गया है !

आम जनता में हंसने बोलने के लिए आपको किसी कर्नल जैसी उपाधि की आवश्यकता नहीं है और न ही हर बार ये याद दिलाने की आपने क्या क्या डिग्री ली है ! औरो का पता नहीं किन्तु मुझे बड़ा कष्ट होता है जब आप इसी तरह का व्यवहार करते हैं तो ! लगता है की आपको सामने बैठ कर कहू की साहब हम आपकी इज्ज़त एवं सम्मान इन डिग्री के बैगर भी करते हैं ! इज्ज़त एवं सम्मान किसी से माँगा नहीं जा सकता यह अपने हाथ में होता है !

नोट :- हो सकता हो की आपको मेरी बात कडवी लगी हो , किन्तु सच बोलने में क्या घबराना ! आप गुस्सा हो सकते हैं , कुछ भी कह सकते हैं किन्तु मै अपनी बात गैर -शर्मशार एवं बिना क्षमाप्रार्थी हुए रखना बेहतर समझता हूँ ! इसके आगे न इस धागे में न तो मै और लिखूंगा और न ही आप जो जवाब देंगे उसका बुरा मानूंगा !

December 8th, 2011, 03:09 PM
में समर के लेख का १०० % समर्थन करता हूँ | ९५ % फोजी अपने अन्दर से फोजी को निकाल नहीं पाते और वे सब जगह उपहास का पात्र बन जाते हैं | एक फौजी की इज्ज़त अपनी जगह हे ,पर उनके क़िर्या- कलाप और उनकी सोच उनको अपने ही परिवार में उपेक्षित कर देते हैं, हमारे परिवार और रिस्तेदारिओं में अनेक फोजी सिपाही ,सूबेदार अवम ओफ्फिसर हैं ,पर कितना भी समझाने के बावजूद वे समझने के लिए तेयार नहीं होते ,और ये बात ही उनके मानसिक दुखों का कारण हे |----- सद-भावनाओं सहित |

December 8th, 2011, 03:18 PM
ना , एक फैमली क्यूकर होई, आपस मै, ब्याह शादी होण लाग री i एक फैमली होंदी तो फेर आपस में रिश्ते ही ना होंदे i यो जाटलैंड मेरे ख्याल मै जाट जाति का फोरम सै i
वैसे भी फैमली मै इतनी दुर्भावना नहीं होती जितनी यहाँ पर हो जाती है i खड़े लठ बाज्जैं सें, i चुगली-चाटी, घमंड, दिखावा, टांग-खिंचाई, अपमान-जनक भाषा का प्रयोग, आदि आदि इतनी अधिक मात्रा में परिवार में नहीं होते i ये तो दूर-दूर बैठे सें , नहीं तो मार-पिटाई की नौबत भी आ सकै सै i मैं तो इब रोहतक माह कै भी ध्यान तैं गुजरया करूं, बेरा ना कौन सा देहि का धणी गुद्दी दबोच ले कमजोर से माणस की i

December 8th, 2011, 03:34 PM
Good Day Col. Fateh Singh Sahab,
I am very SORRY, and I apologies to you again not mentioning Sir, hope as an elder you will forgive me and looking forward for good relationship from you. Thanks.
Nice to see you again on Jatland forum thats what I wanted

December 8th, 2011, 03:40 PM
आदरणीय एवं प्रिय कर्नल फतह साहब ,

जाटलैंड फोरम एक परिवार से बढ़कर है ! सही शब्दों में कहू तो यह एक गाँव है ! एक गाँव की तरह यहाँ हर स्वाभाव के व्यक्ति है ! कोई मजाकिया , कोई विचारक , कोई फौजी , कोई सरपंच , कोई स्वादु , कोई शांत , कोई हुडदंगी , कोई खिलाडी , कोई उत्साही , कोई आश्वादी , कोई निराशावादी , कोई क्रोधी , कोई मास्टर , कोई मास्टरनी , कोई व्यापारी , कोई किसान, कोई नौकरी करने वाला , कोई विद्यार्थी , कोई अफसर इतियादी इतियादी ! जब इतनी विविधता यहाँ है तो संभवत: विचार आचार एवं व्यवहार की असमानता भी होगी , जो की होनी भी चाहिए अन्यथा ये फोरम बहुत रसहीन एवं एकसुर हो जाएगा ! संभव है की यहाँ लड़ाई भी होगी और रूसा- मानी भी ! और एक जवान अपनी उर्जा की वजह से अवश्य अतिउत्साह में आक्रमक विचार एवं विद्रोही व्यव्हार भी करेगा !

अब आपकी बात पर आते हैं ! वैसे तो आप हर मेम्बर को ''भाई'' से सम्भोदित करते हैं , किन्तु जब वो आपके विचार से सहमत नहीं होता , आप इसे सहज नहीं ले पाते और अपनी शैक्षिक एवं अनुभव की डिग्री का बण्डल उसके सामने खोल कर ''इज्ज़त'' करने , सम्मान करने का भावनात्मक ब्लेक मेल करते हैं ! मै आपसे उम्र एवं अनुभव में आपके बाल बराबर भी नहीं हूँ किन्तु एक फौजी का पौता हूँ जिन्होंने दुसरे विश्व युद्ध से लेकर 1971 तक के सभी युधों में भारतीय फ़ौज की सेवा की और 2 साल पाकिस्तान की जेल में बिताये ! मेरे गाँव में जब वो सब लोगो के साथ आसानी से मिल बैठते थे ! अक्सर कहा करते थे की गाँव में रहने के लिए , अंदर के फौजी को को ओबरे में रोकना पड़ता है ! अगर ये बहार आएगा तो मै खुद अपने परिवार एवं गाँव में सम्मलित नहीं हो पाऊंगा ! उस समय यह बात समझ नहीं आती थी किन्तु थोडा बड़ा हुआ तो समझ पाया की उनके कहने का तात्पर्य यह था की सेवानिवृत होने के बाद फ़ौज आपसे बन्दुक एवं वर्दी ले लेती है किन्तु फौजी को आपके अंदर ही छोड़ देती है ! ये अंदर का फौजी हर जगह को अपनी यूनिट का प्रागण समझ अवचेतन दीमाग से वैसे ही व्यव्हार करता है ! किन्तु तथ्य एवं सच्चाई ये है की आम आदमी आपको सामने सम्मान तो देगा लेकिन पीछे से कहेगा की की परेड कर कर दीमाग एड़ी में आ गया है !

आम जनता में हंसने बोलने के लिए आपको किसी कर्नल जैसी उपाधि की आवश्यकता नहीं है और न ही हर बार ये याद दिलाने की आपने क्या क्या डिग्री ली है ! औरो का पता नहीं किन्तु मुझे बड़ा कष्ट होता है जब आप इसी तरह का व्यवहार करते हैं तो ! लगता है की आपको सामने बैठ कर कहू की साहब हम आपकी इज्ज़त एवं सम्मान इन डिग्री के बैगर भी करते हैं ! इज्ज़त एवं सम्मान किसी से माँगा नहीं जा सकता यह अपने हाथ में होता है !

नोट :- हो सकता हो की आपको मेरी बात कडवी लगी हो , किन्तु सच बोलने में क्या घबराना ! आप गुस्सा हो सकते हैं , कुछ भी कह सकते हैं किन्तु मै अपनी बात गैर -शर्मशार एवं बिना क्षमाप्रार्थी हुए रखना बेहतर समझता हूँ ! इसके आगे न इस धागे में न तो मै और लिखूंगा और न ही आप जो जवाब देंगे उसका बुरा मानूंगा !

I Like this type of kind understanding with in human being and these contribute a lot and clarify some of the mentle blocks what we have thanks Samar.

December 8th, 2011, 04:43 PM
आदरणीय एवं प्रिय कर्नल फतह साहब ,

जाटलैंड फोरम एक परिवार से बढ़कर है ! सही शब्दों में कहू तो यह एक गाँव है ! एक गाँव की तरह यहाँ हर स्वाभाव के व्यक्ति है ! कोई मजाकिया , कोई विचारक , कोई फौजी , कोई सरपंच , कोई स्वादु , कोई शांत , कोई हुडदंगी , कोई खिलाडी , कोई उत्साही , कोई आश्वादी , कोई निराशावादी , कोई क्रोधी , कोई मास्टर , कोई मास्टरनी , कोई व्यापारी , कोई किसान, कोई नौकरी करने वाला , कोई विद्यार्थी , कोई अफसर इतियादी इतियादी ! जब इतनी विविधता यहाँ है तो संभवत: विचार आचार एवं व्यवहार की असमानता भी होगी , जो की होनी भी चाहिए अन्यथा ये फोरम बहुत रसहीन एवं एकसुर हो जाएगा ! संभव है की यहाँ लड़ाई भी होगी और रूसा- मानी भी ! और एक जवान अपनी उर्जा की वजह से अवश्य अतिउत्साह में आक्रमक विचार एवं विद्रोही व्यव्हार भी करेगा !

अब आपकी बात पर आते हैं ! वैसे तो आप हर मेम्बर को ''भाई'' से सम्भोदित करते हैं , किन्तु जब वो आपके विचार से सहमत नहीं होता , आप इसे सहज नहीं ले पाते और अपनी शैक्षिक एवं अनुभव की डिग्री का बण्डल उसके सामने खोल कर ''इज्ज़त'' करने , सम्मान करने का भावनात्मक ब्लेक मेल करते हैं ! मै आपसे उम्र एवं अनुभव में आपके बाल बराबर भी नहीं हूँ किन्तु एक फौजी का पौता हूँ जिन्होंने दुसरे विश्व युद्ध से लेकर 1971 तक के सभी युधों में भारतीय फ़ौज की सेवा की और 2 साल पाकिस्तान की जेल में बिताये ! मेरे गाँव में जब वो सब लोगो के साथ आसानी से मिल बैठते थे ! अक्सर कहा करते थे की गाँव में रहने के लिए , अंदर के फौजी को को ओबरे में रोकना पड़ता है ! अगर ये बहार आएगा तो मै खुद अपने परिवार एवं गाँव में सम्मलित नहीं हो पाऊंगा ! उस समय यह बात समझ नहीं आती थी किन्तु थोडा बड़ा हुआ तो समझ पाया की उनके कहने का तात्पर्य यह था की सेवानिवृत होने के बाद फ़ौज आपसे बन्दुक एवं वर्दी ले लेती है किन्तु फौजी को आपके अंदर ही छोड़ देती है ! ये अंदर का फौजी हर जगह को अपनी यूनिट का प्रागण समझ अवचेतन दीमाग से वैसे ही व्यव्हार करता है ! किन्तु तथ्य एवं सच्चाई ये है की आम आदमी आपको सामने सम्मान तो देगा लेकिन पीछे से कहेगा की की परेड कर कर दीमाग एड़ी में आ गया है !

आम जनता में हंसने बोलने के लिए आपको किसी कर्नल जैसी उपाधि की आवश्यकता नहीं है और न ही हर बार ये याद दिलाने की आपने क्या क्या डिग्री ली है ! औरो का पता नहीं किन्तु मुझे बड़ा कष्ट होता है जब आप इसी तरह का व्यवहार करते हैं तो ! लगता है की आपको सामने बैठ कर कहू की साहब हम आपकी इज्ज़त एवं सम्मान इन डिग्री के बैगर भी करते हैं ! इज्ज़त एवं सम्मान किसी से माँगा नहीं जा सकता यह अपने हाथ में होता है !

नोट :- हो सकता हो की आपको मेरी बात कडवी लगी हो , किन्तु सच बोलने में क्या घबराना ! आप गुस्सा हो सकते हैं , कुछ भी कह सकते हैं किन्तु मै अपनी बात गैर -शर्मशार एवं बिना क्षमाप्रार्थी हुए रखना बेहतर समझता हूँ ! इसके आगे न इस धागे में न तो मै और लिखूंगा और न ही आप जो जवाब देंगे उसका बुरा मानूंगा !

Dear Samer, your point is correct but not applicable to me even i% as for as I feel, I was same as a stundent, before going to Army and I am same now also, my weakness is I am unable to tolrate nonsense, mischieves, canning behaviour etc, I am not interested to demand respect nor take help of degrees/position/rank, when ever I mention my some details these are to explaine the point nothing else, yes certain qualities of fauji which I consider good qualities , I would like to carry with me till my death weather some body like them or not, Samer, please donot mind, your knowledge about fauji seems limited to Jawans, JCOS OR MAXIMUM A RANKER OFFICER, Also you have not understood my post or I may not been able to explain properly but certainly you have written the post with biased/with salt in mouth without understanding my point of view, Fronkly speaking many of us donot know how to participate in a discussion, we come here with biased views such as on fauji, civilian, rajesthani, up wala haryanvi villagers, farmers etc and without knowing or trying to know, start giving verdict/judgements.it is not your mistake we all are behaving in similar manner, these discussions are to know each other, their views, to learn from each other and analyging the topic and not to for calling names, finding faults in each other or to show off, dear superiority/respect is earned by your knowledge, educated/matured behaviour, good deeds, respecting others, etc and not by naming a person with good quality a fauji fool, I can tell you samer, fauj gives good qualities but unfortunately most of us donot have correct knowledge about the service, samer I am also not keen to force my views , it is entirely on you to learn/understand/agree or not, I must tell that any fauji is batter person than any intelligent fox, with regards

December 8th, 2011, 04:46 PM
Good Day Col. Fateh Singh Sahab,
I am very SORRY, and I apologies to you again not mentioning Sir, hope as an elder you will forgive me and looking forward for good relationship from you. Thanks.
Nice to see you again on Jatland forum thats what I wanted

what a nice gesture!!!

December 8th, 2011, 04:51 PM
Good Day Col. Fateh Singh Sahab,
I am very SORRY, and I apologies to you again not mentioning Sir, hope as an elder you will forgive me and looking forward for good relationship from you. Thanks.
Nice to see you again on Jatland forum thats what I wanted

It is ok brother, please donot mind, it was a normal mention of your post, regards

December 8th, 2011, 04:55 PM
what a nice gesture!!!

another example of a fauji, this is difference between a person and a fox, regards

December 8th, 2011, 05:20 PM
Respected Sir,
Jat Land is a community forum where people can share there views and have discussions on various issues . Some may agree with U some may not .It is definately not a battlefield .It provides a lot of Information .Moreover, U get an oppourtunity to interact with folks from your community .So, It is a good Platform .It depends on an individual rather than a community how they perceive JatLand .

December 8th, 2011, 08:17 PM
में समर के लेख का १०० % समर्थन करता हूँ | ९५ % फोजी अपने अन्दर से फोजी को निकाल नहीं पाते और वे सब जगह उपहास का पात्र बन जाते हैं | एक फौजी की इज्ज़त अपनी जगह हे ,पर उनके क़िर्या- कलाप और उनकी सोच उनको अपने ही परिवार में उपेक्षित कर देते हैं, हमारे परिवार और रिस्तेदारिओं में अनेक फोजी सिपाही ,सूबेदार अवम ओफ्फिसर हैं ,पर कितना भी समझाने के बावजूद वे समझने के लिए तेयार नहीं होते ,और ये बात ही उनके मानसिक दुखों का कारण हे |----- सद-भावनाओं सहित |

समर भाई व बलहारा भाईसाहब, अपने सही कहा है कि कुछ फौजी (+ any rank /uniform driven organisation ) Retire होने के बाद समाज (non uniform /rank driven) भी अपने अंदर से Rank/Cadre/ Appointment /Post को नहीं निकाल पाते जिस कारण ये सब जगह हंसी का पात्र बन जाते है| जो जितना जल्दी इस दुखद बदलाव को समझ व अपना लेते हैं, वो आगे (second innings) कि पारी में सुखद, मंगलमय व प्रगतिशील जीवन बिताते हैं ... जो नहीं बदल पाते वो थोडा ज्यादा समय तक दुखद अनुभवों से गुजरते हैं.... परन्तु देर या सवेर ये बदलाव अपनाना ही पड़ता है.. क्यूंकि इस सारी समस्या कि जड़ ये बदलाव ही है....

में फ़तेह अंकल से भी विनम्र निवेदन करूँगा कि आप अपनी 'कर्नल साहब' ही कहलवाने कि जिद्द छोड़ दें...... हम आपकी उम्र और तजुर्बे कि कद्र व रेस्पेक्ट बिना rank के भी कर पाएंगे. ... और आप भी बेहतर तरीके से यहाँ व समाज में अपने आपको शामिल कर पाएंगे..

Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts.
~Arnold Bennett

They must often change, who would be constant in happiness or wisdom.

December 8th, 2011, 10:24 PM
अपने बड़ो का मन रखने के लिए कर्नल साब कह दो तोह क्या हर्ज़ है? ऊ के हम किस्से का कोई सा हो नाम नहीं धरते?
अर्र कुन्सा हम किस्से ते कुछ हो क़हन में डट जा है, चाहे संबोधन/रिश्ता कोई भी हो?

में फ़तेह अंकल से भी विनम्र निवेदन करूँगा कि आप अपनी 'कर्नल साहब' ही कहलवाने कि जिद्द छोड़ दें...... हम आपकी उम्र और तजुर्बे कि कद्र व रेस्पेक्ट बिना rank के भी कर पाएंगे. ... और आप भी बेहतर तरीके से यहाँ व समाज में अपने आपको शामिल कर पाएंगे..

December 8th, 2011, 10:48 PM
अपने बड़ो का मन रखने के लिए कर्नल साब कह दो तोह क्या हर्ज़ है? ऊ के हम किस्से का कोई सा हो नाम नहीं धरते?
अर्र कुन्सा हम किस्से ते कुछ हो क़हन में डट जा है, चाहे संबोधन/रिश्ता कोई भी हो?

सारा मुद्दा तो यही है न....समझ पाना अक फ़ौज से बाहर.... के समाज में रैंक और इज्जत का कोई 'corelation ' नहीं है ... इज्जत पाने के मापदंड .. सिर्फ रैंक कतई नहीं है... और बदलाव समझना पड़ेगा..

December 8th, 2011, 11:05 PM
आदत बदलना भी तो इतना आसान नहीं!!

सारा मुद्दा तो यही है न....समझ पाना अक फ़ौज से बाहर.... के समाज में रैंक और इज्जत का कोई 'corelation ' नहीं है ... इज्जत पाने के मापदंड .. सिर्फ रैंक कतई नहीं है... और बदलाव समझना पड़ेगा..

December 8th, 2011, 11:33 PM
..after reading all threads,i gv my support to all threads that say after retirement an army person think that still he is in army nd so find it difficult to adjust in civil society...specially army officers..
..m telling this by my personal experience..because i face atleast one army officer daily as my patient...
...offficers of 70-80s were the real officers nd i find them most understanding,intelligent and very coperative..(even as a patient).
..todays officer shows that he is the first and last officer of army...oh my god..attitude(hundred ppl can share)...
..and i can say its generalized and 90% are like this..
..i personally find 90% army officers highly irritating and i usually avoid talking to them nd want to finish their treatment as soon as possible....
..my father is also retired from army nd i m from army background.
..but i want to mention one thing that officers who hv raised from rural bacground specially north indian jat officers still carry attitude of real officer nd very down to earth...
..nd the most corrupt nd useless are the SHARMA"(PANDIT) ..officers..

December 9th, 2011, 09:25 AM
Col. Fateh Singh Sahab,
Indian Army


Sorry for having bad taste of Jatland but everyone on JL has had it during their time on JL. I always appreciate army ppl as these are the ppl who sacrifice their life for the nation. Life which is so precious & cannot be created again once lost. That time of life which can be spent in various kinds of enjoyments got passed in performing heavy duties. Living with so much discipline cannot be choice of an ordinary person in today's life.

I really feel fortunate that I got to read comments of Col.s on Jatland. Becoming Lieut., captain, brigadier,Col. Gen. is not a small feat....it requires one to have a lot of capabilities. Also the person who holds these ranks could have used his talent in business or other economic activities but they sacrificed it for the nation.

I request you not to leave Visiting JL as you can understand JATs can never be on same page. Everybody is unique and so his thinking. Please dont mind the remarks of some ppl. I have read your posts and dont find anything in the Statements of brother samar which is applicable to you. Maybe he misundertood your points. Your post does not resemble a person who carry attitude. High Rank officers of Army, Airforce, Navy are very few on JL and even in JAt community too........Please keep visiting and keep on contributing. Civilians dont like discipline so they make harsh comment on defence personnel.

December 9th, 2011, 09:47 AM
बणी बतंगड़ बात छोटी सी, इसने क्यों और बढ़ावो सो,
पुराणी आग बुझण नै होरी, क्यों पूला इसमै सरकावो सौ I
सब के सब अल्बादी माणस, आड़े कोए भी घाट नहीं ,
बात बात मै अल्बाद करण की किसे कै भी अंIट नहीं I
कोए मशखरा , कोए घमंडी, कोए कोए सै उद्दंड घणा,
प्यार का जै कोए छिड़ ज्या टोपिक, काढ़े भड़क जणा जणा I
कोए डिग्री के बोझ मरै, कोए पद का रोब दिखा रह्या,
पर विद्वान माणस अपने आप नै देशी जाट बता रहया I
कोए नेता का, कोए अभिनेता का खुद नै दोस्त बतावै,
झूठा अपणा विवरण देके, छोरियां नै खूब बह्कावैं,
NRI का टैग लगा के छोरी भी attitude दिखावैं ,
टॉम क्रूज़ की फिल्म देख के उसने घणा सहरावें I
फिल्म देख के होलीवुड की, अन्जोलिना तैं कम कोन्या,
सारी बात करैं आपस मैं, देशी फिल्म मैं दम कोन्या I
अंग्रेजी गाणे सुण -सुण के attitude स्नोब्बिश होग्या,
ना देशी गीत सुहावैं इन नै यो वी पी सिंह भी बेबश होग्या I
सतिंदर गोयत तो ठीक घणा सै, सेंसिबल सा छोरा,
अपमान करण की नीत नहीं थी , यू कोए मुगालता होरया I
इंदरजीत भी स्याणा माणस, यो बोल कहवै सौ सौ मण के,
पर कदे कदे यो दूण मार ज्या, रूंढा झोटा बण के,
फेर सहरावत भी भाज्ज्या आवै गेल पूंझड़ी ठा के
तेल छिडक के उल्टा हटज्या, चिंगारी भड़का के
मेरी भी छाती देखो मैं घूँट सबर के भर रह्या ,
शर्मीला भी डांट मार ज्या, मैं तीर जिगर पै धर रह्या I
इस टोपिक मैं कोए दम कोन्या, क्यों झूठा झगडा झो राख्या,
और भतेरे टोपिक सें क्यों बीज जहर का बो राख्या I

December 9th, 2011, 09:59 AM
वी पी सिंह जी, आपका कोटि-कोटि धन्यवाद!!! :singing:

पर कृष्ण साचा माणस सै अपने आप नै देशी जाट बता रह्या

December 9th, 2011, 10:06 AM
वी पी सिंह जी, आपका कोटि-कोटि धन्यवाद!!! :singing:

Sorry, I made a slight change which overlapped your comment. But, of course, people know that I am referring to you, 'the real deshi-jat'

December 9th, 2011, 10:11 AM
Now a days, in all multinational companies and everywhere, there is a trend to use first name.

My son is 3 years old and sometimes calls me "Anil" as he hears my colleagues and even my wife calling me by first name. Ebb wo time gaya ki wife bolegi " आं जी ... गोलू के बाबु सुनियो एक बे..."

Let us try to change with time. Calling by first name doesnt mean that you are not respected....

One of my relative is Major General (retired) from Indian Army and we call him "Tau ji". He is happy not to hear "General Saab Tau ji" from us. So I agree with Samar and Ravinderjeet bhai that only few people have a problem.

December 9th, 2011, 10:12 AM
बणी बतंगड़ बात छोटी सी, इसने क्यों और बढ़ावो सो,
पुराणी आग बुझण नै होरी, क्यों पूला इसमै सरकावो सौ I
सब के सब अल्बादी माणस, आड़े कोए भी घाट नहीं ,
बात बात मै अल्बाद करण की किसे कै भी अंIट नहीं I
कोए मशखरा , कोए घमंडी, कोए कोए सै उद्दंड घणा,
प्यार का जै कोए छिड़ ज्या टोपिक, काढ़े भड़क जणा जणा I
कोए डिग्री के बोझ मरै, कोए पद का रोब दिखा रह्या,
पर विद्वान माणस अपने आप नै देशी जाट बता रहया I
कोए नेता का, कोए अभिनेता का खुद नै दोस्त बतावै,
झूठा अपणा विवरण देके, छोरियां नै खूब बह्कावैं,
NRI का टैग लगा के छोरी भी attitude दिखावैं ,
टॉम क्रूज़ की फिल्म देख के उसने घणा सहरावें I
फिल्म देख के होलीवुड की, अन्जोलिना तैं कम कोन्या,
सारी बात करैं आपस मैं, देशी फिल्म मैं दम कोन्या I
अंग्रेजी गाणे सुण -सुण के attitude स्नोब्बिश होग्या,
ना देशी गीत सुहावैं इन नै यो वी पी सिंह भी बेबश होग्या I
सतिंदर गोयत तो ठीक घणा सै, सेंसिबल सा छोरा,
अपमान करण की नीत नहीं थी , यू कोए मुगालता होरया I
इंदरजीत भी स्याणा माणस, यो बोल कहवै सौ सौ मण के,
पर कदे कदे यो दूण मार ज्या, रूंढा झोटा बण के,
फेर सहरावत भी भाज्ज्या आवै गेल पूंझड़ी ठा के
तेल छिडक के उल्टा हटज्या, चिंगारी भड़का के
मेरी भी छाती देखो मैं घूँट सबर के भर रह्या ,
शर्मीला भी डांट मार ज्या, मैं तीर जिगर पै धर रह्या I
इस टोपिक मैं कोए दम कोन्या, क्यों झूठा झगडा झो राख्या,
और भतेरे टोपिक सें क्यों बीज जहर का बो राख्या I

सुवाद आग्या वि,पि. जी , तडके तड़क बढ़िया कलेवा दे दिया आपने |:angel::angel::angel:

December 9th, 2011, 10:14 AM
बणी बतंगड़ बात छोटी सी, इसने क्यों और बढ़ावो सो,
पुराणी आग बुझण नै होरी, क्यों पूला इसमै सरकावो सौ I
सब के सब अल्बादी माणस, आड़े कोए भी घाट नहीं ,
बात बात मै अल्बाद करण की किसे कै भी अंIट नहीं I
कोए मशखरा , कोए घमंडी, कोए कोए सै उद्दंड घणा,
प्यार का जै कोए छिड़ ज्या टोपिक, काढ़े भड़क जणा जणा I
कोए डिग्री के बोझ मरै, कोए पद का रोब दिखा रह्या,
पर विद्वान माणस अपने आप नै देशी जाट बता रहया I
कोए नेता का, कोए अभिनेता का खुद नै दोस्त बतावै,
झूठा अपणा विवरण देके, छोरियां नै खूब बह्कावैं,
NRI का टैग लगा के छोरी भी attitude दिखावैं ,
टॉम क्रूज़ की फिल्म देख के उसने घणा सहरावें I
फिल्म देख के होलीवुड की, अन्जोलिना तैं कम कोन्या,
सारी बात करैं आपस मैं, देशी फिल्म मैं दम कोन्या I
अंग्रेजी गाणे सुण -सुण के attitude स्नोब्बिश होग्या,
ना देशी गीत सुहावैं इन नै यो वी पी सिंह भी बेबश होग्या I
सतिंदर गोयत तो ठीक घणा सै, सेंसिबल सा छोरा,
अपमान करण की नीत नहीं थी , यू कोए मुगालता होरया I
इंदरजीत भी स्याणा माणस, यो बोल कहवै सौ सौ मण के,
पर कदे कदे यो दूण मार ज्या, रूंढा झोटा बण के,
फेर सहरावत भी भाज्ज्या आवै गेल पूंझड़ी ठा के
तेल छिडक के उल्टा हटज्या, चिंगारी भड़का के
मेरी भी छाती देखो मैं घूँट सबर के भर रह्या ,
शर्मीला भी डांट मार ज्या, मैं तीर जिगर पै धर रह्या I
इस टोपिक मैं कोए दम कोन्या, क्यों झूठा झगडा झो राख्या,
और भतेरे टोपिक सें क्यों बीज जहर का बो राख्या I

Very very nice composition VP Singh Ji...enjoyed reading it twice, though I understood the essence in the first reading itself :):)

December 9th, 2011, 10:23 AM
बणी बतंगड़ बात छोटी सी, इसने क्यों और बढ़ावो सो,
पुराणी आग बुझण नै होरी, क्यों पूला इसमै सरकावो सौ I
सब के सब अल्बादी माणस, आड़े कोए भी घाट नहीं ,
बात बात मै अल्बाद करण की किसे कै भी अंIट नहीं I
कोए मशखरा , कोए घमंडी, कोए कोए सै उद्दंड घणा,
प्यार का जै कोए छिड़ ज्या टोपिक, काढ़े भड़क जणा जणा I
कोए डिग्री के बोझ मरै, कोए पद का रोब दिखा रह्या,
पर विद्वान माणस अपने आप नै देशी जाट बता रहया I
कोए नेता का, कोए अभिनेता का खुद नै दोस्त बतावै,
झूठा अपणा विवरण देके, छोरियां नै खूब बह्कावैं,
NRI का टैग लगा के छोरी भी attitude दिखावैं ,
टॉम क्रूज़ की फिल्म देख के उसने घणा सहरावें I
फिल्म देख के होलीवुड की, अन्जोलिना तैं कम कोन्या,
सारी बात करैं आपस मैं, देशी फिल्म मैं दम कोन्या I
अंग्रेजी गाणे सुण -सुण के attitude स्नोब्बिश होग्या,
ना देशी गीत सुहावैं इन नै यो वी पी सिंह भी बेबश होग्या I
सतिंदर गोयत तो ठीक घणा सै, सेंसिबल सा छोरा,
अपमान करण की नीत नहीं थी , यू कोए मुगालता होरया I
इंदरजीत भी स्याणा माणस, यो बोल कहवै सौ सौ मण के,
पर कदे कदे यो दूण मार ज्या, रूंढा झोटा बण के,
फेर सहरावत भी भाज्ज्या आवै गेल पूंझड़ी ठा के
तेल छिडक के उल्टा हटज्या, चिंगारी भड़का के
मेरी भी छाती देखो मैं घूँट सबर के भर रह्या ,
शर्मीला भी डांट मार ज्या, मैं तीर जिगर पै धर रह्या I
इस टोपिक मैं कोए दम कोन्या, क्यों झूठा झगडा झो राख्या,
और भतेरे टोपिक सें क्यों बीज जहर का बो राख्या I
hahahahahahahahahaha!!! VP sir kamal ki composition...

December 9th, 2011, 10:28 AM
[QUOTE=vpsingh;290182]बणी बतंगड़ बात छोटी सी, इसने क्यों और बढ़ावो सो,
पुराणी आग बुझण नै होरी, क्यों पूला इसमै सरकावो सौ I
सब के सब अल्बादी माणस, आड़े कोए भी घाट नहीं ,
बात बात मै अल्बाद करण की किसे कै भी अंIट नहीं I
कोए मशखरा , कोए घमंडी, कोए कोए सै उद्दंड घणा,
प्यार का जै कोए छिड़ ज्या टोपिक, काढ़े भड़क जणा जणा I
कोए डिग्री के बोझ मरै, कोए पद का रोब दिखा रह्या,
पर विद्वान माणस अपने आप नै देशी जाट बता रहया I
कोए नेता का, कोए अभिनेता का खुद नै दोस्त बतावै,
झूठा अपणा विवरण देके, छोरियां नै खूब बह्कावैं,
NRI का टैग लगा के छोरी भी attitude दिखावैं ,
टॉम क्रूज़ की फिल्म देख के उसने घणा सहरावें I
फिल्म देख के होलीवुड की, अन्जोलिना तैं कम कोन्या,
सारी बात करैं आपस मैं, देशी फिल्म मैं दम कोन्या I
अंग्रेजी गाणे सुण -सुण के attitude स्नोब्बिश होग्या,
ना देशी गीत सुहावैं इन नै यो वी पी सिंह भी बेबश होग्या I
सतिंदर गोयत तो ठीक घणा सै, सेंसिबल सा छोरा,
अपमान करण की नीत नहीं थी , यू कोए मुगालता होरया I
इंदरजीत भी स्याणा माणस, यो बोल कहवै सौ सौ मण के,
पर कदे कदे यो दूण मार ज्या, रूंढा झोटा बण के,
फेर सहरावत भी भाज्ज्या आवै गेल पूंझड़ी ठा के
तेल छिडक के उल्टा हटज्या, चिंगारी भड़का के
मेरी भी छाती देखो मैं घूँट सबर के भर रह्या ,
शर्मीला भी डांट मार ज्या, मैं तीर जिगर पै धर रह्या I
इस टोपिक मैं कोए दम कोन्या, क्यों झूठा झगडा झो राख्या,
और भतेरे टोपिक सें क्य
dear brother it is good to know vp as poet, regards

December 9th, 2011, 10:31 AM
..but i want to mention one thing that officers who hv raised from rural bacground specially north indian jat officers still carry attitude of real officer nd very down to earth...
..nd the most corrupt nd useless are the SHARMA"(PANDIT) ..officers..

Karminder ji...oops...Dr. Karminder ji, I am sorry I cannot agree with whatever you have said about Jat Officers. I have found them more snobbish and 'lakir ke fakir' 'jee hazooriye' of their seniors in comparison to officers from other castes. I may tell you that I have officers of the rank of Group Captains, Air Commodores, Colonels from other castes in my friendship list but not a single Jat Commissioned officer. The reason is obvious. I can narrate some incidents also why I am so wary to have any kind of association with them. Even on this forum, the very few commissioned officers (retd or in service) hardly interact with the deshi-type members like me on JL. I have never seen them clicking a 'like' button. But having said that I would say that Col. Fateh Singh is an exception and he stands out. He is very down-to-earth person and I find him very social and unassuming. I may differ with him in many matters but he is a different and far better person among the stuff mentioned above.

December 9th, 2011, 10:34 AM
Yes, there is a trend to use first name, but professional etiquette advises to address a person with first name with his/her due permission. And when we don't follow it in our professional dealings, it is attributed to our ignorance and disregarded.

Now a days, in all multinational companies and everywhere, there is a trend to use first name.

December 9th, 2011, 10:53 AM
Yes, there is a trend to use first name, but professional etiquette advises to address a person with first name with his/her due permission. And when we don't follow it in our professional dealings, it is attributed to our ignorance and disregarded.

Yes, i had this same cultural shocks when i moved from a japanese co. (where every body uses suffix 'san' for respect with name, like our 'ji'), then typical Indian TATA company (sir,yes sir, no sir), then IT bellwether (where everybody calls by first name, i escalated one mail to Mr. Moorthy, by 'Hi Rajesh ', and he replied the same way), and now even the smaller companies are infusing this sense of equaility.

But these are organization specific, till the time you're with that organisation, you have to abide by their code or conduct. When you leave, you leave everything behind.

One has to adopt these differences slowly. Those who are conditioned to hear 'sir, yes sir' for decades find it very painful to adjust.

December 9th, 2011, 11:13 AM
Col. Fateh Singh Sahab,
Indian Army


Sorry for having bad taste of Jatland but everyone on JL has had it during their time on JL. I always appreciate army ppl as these are the ppl who sacrifice their life for the nation. Life which is so precious & cannot be created again once lost. That time of life which can be spent in various kinds of enjoyments got passed in performing heavy duties. Living with so much discipline cannot be choice of an ordinary person in today's life.

I really feel fortunate that I got to read comments of Col.s on Jatland. Becoming Lieut., captain, brigadier,Col. Gen. is not a small feat....it requires one to have a lot of capabilities. Also the person who holds these ranks could have used his talent in business or other economic activities but they sacrificed it for the nation.

I request you not to leave Visiting JL as you can understand JATs can never be on same page. Everybody is unique and so his thinking. Please dont mind the remarks of some ppl. I have read your posts and dont find anything in the Statements of brother samar which is applicable to you. Maybe he misundertood your points. Your post does not resemble a person who carry attitude. High Rank officers of Army, Airforce, Navy are very few on JL and even in JAt community too........Please keep visiting and keep on contributing. Civilians dont like discipline so they make harsh comment on defence personnel.

Brother, where can I go leaving my sweat family members, thanks a lot, regards

December 9th, 2011, 12:02 PM
A very humble request/prayer to all,

please try to understand, I never demanded calling me col, never demanded respect etc where some brothers have draged me and the toppic, please read my post no15 in (who will marry jat girls) TO EDUCATE THOSE WHO MAY NOT BE AWARE, Iinformed/suggested the proper way to address a defence officer because Rinku addressed mr bld to brig ls, my point was to tell him that mr and rank shouldnot be used together and generally we in our country, jat community also, donot call mr to a known elder, The proper way is address with his rank, I must tell you many of us may not be aware even now that defence personnel are officially authorised to write their rank before their name,even after their retirement, it is not that they are foud off. I AND MY RESPECT WAS NOT AT ALL INVOLVED IN THIS CONTROVERCY. Lateron mr goyat came up with unconnected points against my view after many days probably he wanted to contradict me because privately we exchanged few unpleasent words on other toppic, but still my answer to him was unobjectionable fron all angles, please refer my post no 63, I never went to my village/area in army uniform, I never wrote my rank with my name on name plates, even on jl, I have written fateh only, had I been found of listening col, I would have written col fateh, atlist few would have called me col, the fact is that I myself donot believe in such false prestise, yes I did mention many times my degrees and positions or experiences due to two reasons in India most of us think that all farmers and faujis are uneducated secondly I donot think that jl members may have read my all posts, brother samer may be exception.

December 9th, 2011, 01:39 PM
A very humble request/prayer to all,


Dear Uncle,

Good to see that things are now mellowing down. But sorry to see that you're still so after me (which more includes your post # 28, you edited lately though), right from day 0, or anyone whosoever even presses the 'like' button for my posts, or have views inline.

Please take any change/sugesstion in a positive n constructive manner. I guess you still not over with the previous suggestion, when i politely requested you to 'avoid using red fonts, bold, large sized'.which again meant no disrespect you made a mountain out of a mole hill, and i tried my every best to douse the fire.And you also agreed lately. Which you're now falsely referring as "privately we exchanged few unpleasent words on other topic".

I/We, never want you to leave this forum, or have any such intentions. It's only because you take things on heart / ego (possibly), and retaliate strongly (with loads of hidden sarcasm n demeaning.. one's viewpoints) with a cascading effect. And make things ugly for both the parties involved, which you also agree that un necessarily a scene gets created.

If you let it go off & be positive from now onwards.I'm sure, you'll enjoy here with no further unpleasent experiences. As VPji once rightly referred, to leave official coats behind, on outings.

Shall we now conclude this on a positive note ?? never to open any new thread again.
If you still feel there are anymore indifferences, my number is right there on my profile & you can PM me anytime you wish to.

Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.
~Winston Churchill

December 9th, 2011, 03:18 PM
You seems angry in this post but respectfull.

December 9th, 2011, 03:44 PM
Our Army has English tradition. In english an army officer should be addressed by his/her rank or Sir by a civilian.

First name may be used but only with his/her rank. Some other profession like Doctor also want you to do address them by their professional name like Doctor ABC or just Doctor. You shouldnt call/address a doctor just by first name.

To follow these however depends on you but you certainly are going to offend some people if you dont.

December 9th, 2011, 03:56 PM
Dear Uncle,

Good to see that things are now mellowing down. But sorry to see that you're still so after me (which more includes your post # 28, you edited lately though), right from day 0, or anyone whosoever even presses the 'like' button for my posts, or have views inline.

Please take any change/sugesstion in a positive n constructive manner. I guess you still not over with the previous suggestion, when i politely requested you to 'avoid using red fonts, bold, large sized'.which again meant no disrespect you made a mountain out of a mole hill, and i tried my every best to douse the fire.And you also agreed lately. Which you're now falsely referring as "privately we exchanged few unpleasent words on other topic".

I/We, never want you to leave this forum, or have any such intentions. It's only because you take things on heart / ego (possibly), and retaliate strongly (with loads of hidden sarcasm n demeaning.. one's viewpoints) with a cascading effect. And make things ugly for both the parties involved, which you also agree that un necessarily a scene gets created.

If you let it go off & be positive from now onwards.I'm sure, you'll enjoy here with no further unpleasent experiences. As VPji once rightly referred, to leave official coats behind, on outings.

Shall we now conclude this on a positive note ?? never to open any new thread again.
If you still feel there are anymore indifferences, my number is right there on my profile & you can PM me anytime you wish to.

Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.
~Winston Churchill
DearGoyat, fronkly speaking again you are finding difficult to understand my point, yes, I wanted to reply vp and wrote also, but later decided to forget every thing including you and adited the post and written the last post because there is no end, I cannot stop people expressing their views, but my reaction is in my control so AFTER FORGETING EVERY THING INCLUDING EGGO, Iwrote the last post but from your this post it seems that you have neither understood my version nor realised yourself. Brother, Anyway, please relex, remember the best method of teaching is by self example. thanks with lot of love

December 9th, 2011, 04:12 PM
भाइयो जैसा कि कर्नल खरब ( ईस धागे के पर्वर्तक) साहब ने अपनी अंतिम डाक मे लिखा है कि उन का उद्देश्य किसी को नीचा दिखाना या किसी का अपमान करना नहीं था और फिर भी अगर किसी कि भावनाओं को ठेस पहुंची है तो उन्हें खेद है |

उन कि इन्हीं भावनाओं का आदर करते हुए मेरी आप सब से एक नम्र निवेदन है कि आओ इस विषय को यहीं पूरणविराम लगायें और अपना समय और शक्ति कुछ मनोरंजनात्मक, ज्ञानवर्धक व सकारात्मक मुद्दों पर केन्द्रित करें |

धन्यवाद् सहित |

December 9th, 2011, 04:42 PM
Karminder ji...oops...Dr. Karminder ji, I am sorry I cannot agree with whatever you have said about Jat Officers. I have found them more snobbish and 'lakir ke fakir' 'jee hazooriye' of their seniors in comparison to officers from other castes. I may tell you that I have officers of the rank of Group Captains, Air Commodores, Colonels from other castes in my friendship list but not a single Jat Commissioned officer. The reason is obvious. I can narrate some incidents also why I am so wary to have any kind of association with them. Even on this forum, the very few commissioned officers (retd or in service) hardly interact with the deshi-type members like me on JL. I have never seen them clicking a 'like' button. But having said that I would say that Col. Fateh Singh is an exception and he stands out. He is very down-to-earth person and I find him very social and unassuming. I may differ with him in many matters but he is a different and far better person among the stuff mentioned above.

..sir please dont embarrass me by saying dr.karminder..i m the age of ur son...u can all me BETA...i hv added dr. in front of my name just to let jatland members know my profession so that i can be of sm source of help for them..thats all. o.k now ,v.p sir u hv ur experience nd i hv mine..either of us might be wrong...
bt wtever officers i hv treated and their families also i m in touch wd their personal and professional life..i also live wd the wards of army officers...
..so v.p sir d difference in our opinion might be coz of the difference in ur purpose and reason of meeting wd them..
..no doubt any army offficer if i will invite for tea will be nice wd me..but when it comes dealing with them professionally ...i find pandit officers ..the most unstable on their words,most selfish nd most coward...and mostly 90% of others.
..infact now i hv started avoiding them..i dont want to treat an army officer even if he is paying me double the cost of treatment..
.FATEH JI ..if i will talk about, if hv joined jatland nd is interacting in such issues is no doubt a good nd modest person nd i apolosize if i hurt his emotions..bt i know over certain points he will also agree wd me...

..this is my experience v.p ji...u mhgt not agree wd me..again as i said..we hv our independent opinion nd experience..

December 9th, 2011, 05:13 PM
this is my humble request to col.fateh(now i hv no doubt in calling him colonel) that please dont feel wtever is written in this thread my any member..
..bt atleast u get to know that hw much are ppl miffed wd bahaviour of army officers...nd hw much u had to face on JL because of some dirty officers..
...and if i will talk about the corruption by them in army...there will be no end..
..anyway sir, leave it here only..and i think its time to close this thread..

December 9th, 2011, 05:27 PM
..sir please dont embarrass me by saying dr.karminder..i m the age of ur son...u can all me BETA...i hv added dr. in front of my name just to let jatland members know my profession so that i can be of sm source of help for them..thats all. o.k now ,v.p sir u hv ur experience nd i hv mine..either of us might be wrong...
bt wtever officers i hv treated and their families also i m in touch wd their personal and professional life..i also live wd the wards of army officers...
..so v.p sir d difference in our opinion might be coz of the difference in ur purpose and reason of meeting wd them..
..no doubt any army offficer if i will invite for tea will be nice wd me..but when it comes dealing with them professionally ...i find pandit officers ..the most unstable on their words,most selfish nd most coward...and mostly 90% of others.
..infact now i hv started avoiding them..i dont want to treat an army officer even if he is paying me double the cost of treatment..
.FATEH JI ..if i will talk about, if hv joined jatland nd is interacting in such issues is no doubt a good nd modest person nd i apolosize if i hurt his emotions..bt i know over certain points he will also agree wd me...

..this is my experience v.p ji...u mhgt not agree wd me..again as i said..we hv our independent opinion nd experience..

Dear Dr Karminder, the difference between jat and brahamin officers is same as the difference between jat & brahamin community people, jat officers are hard working, sincere, kind, helpful, straight forward, honest, loyal, just and brave but not chaplus/chamchas, ofcourse, exceptions are every where. jat officers are intelligent but lack practical intelligence and they definetely rude in behaviour. I agree with your observation and openion.regards

December 9th, 2011, 05:35 PM
Dthis is my humble request to col.fateh(now i hv no doubt in calling him colonel) that please dont feel wtever is written in this thread my any member..
..bt atleast u get to know that hw much are ppl miffed wd bahaviour of army officers...nd hw much u had to face on JL because of some dirty officers..
...and if i will talk about the corruption by them in army...there will be no end..
..anyway sir, leave it here only..and i think its time to close this thread..

I have learent a lot from various posts, no issue now, thanks, regards

December 9th, 2011, 05:45 PM
I have learent a lot from various posts, no issue now, thanks, regards

Thank you Sir.

With Kind Regards.

December 9th, 2011, 06:45 PM
Karminder ji...oops...Dr. Karminder ji, I am sorry I cannot agree with whatever you have said about Jat Officers. I have found them more snobbish and 'lakir ke fakir' 'jee hazooriye' of their seniors in comparison to officers from other castes. I may tell you that I have officers of the rank of Group Captains, Air Commodores, Colonels from other castes in my friendship list but not a single Jat Commissioned officer. The reason is obvious. I can narrate some incidents also why I am so wary to have any kind of association with them. Even on this forum, the very few commissioned officers (retd or in service) hardly interact with the deshi-type members like me on JL. I have never seen them clicking a 'like' button. But having said that I would say that Col. Fateh Singh is an exception and he stands out. He is very down-to-earth person and I find him very social and unassuming. I may differ with him in many matters but he is a different and far better person among the stuff mentioned above.
I have found defense officers and their families very polite and nice to inteact with. Good, classy people :)

December 9th, 2011, 09:23 PM
I agree with you there is nothing wrong with defense officers.kanjoos hotte hai thodde(exceptions are always there)aur unki bibia thodi dikhawe baaj(may be because of fauzi parties culture).but aap please mujhe ye btao do ki what is the criterion to be classy.Meri friend jiske husband col. hai uska padosi col. roz daaru pii ke apni bibi ko english me gaalia de ke pitata hai.to kya gaalia english me deta hai issliye classy hai.
I have found defense officers and their families very polite and nice to inteact with. Good, classy people :) Have you tried to do some introspection as to why you could not get the best for yourself out of them?

December 9th, 2011, 09:31 PM
..after reading all threads,i gv my support to all threads that say after retirement an army person think that still he is in army nd so find it difficult to adjust in civil society...specially army officers..
..m telling this by my personal experience..because i face atleast one army officer daily as my patient...
...offficers of 70-80s were the real officers nd i find them most understanding,intelligent and very coperative..(even as a patient).
..todays officer shows that he is the first and last officer of army...oh my god..attitude(hundred ppl can share)...
..and i can say its generalized and 90% are like this..
..i personally find 90% army officers highly irritating and i usually avoid talking to them nd want to finish their treatment as soon as possible....
..my father is also retired from army nd i m from army background.
..but i want to mention one thing that officers who hv raised from rural bacground specially north indian jat officers still carry attitude of real officer nd very down to earth...
..nd the most corrupt nd useless are the SHARMA"(PANDIT) ..officers..
great observation bhai !!!!!
nd the most corrupt nd useless are the SHARMA"(PANDIT) ..officers..ar woh maara dhongi n nakli bhamno ko.

December 9th, 2011, 10:29 PM
After perusing all posts of this thread, i m surprised and searching for the rule makers of forum at JL. this thread starts with a question that "Is not jatland a community forum?, Is not jat community a large family?," when it comes to post no. 61 all the essence, curiosity and purpose for which it is started has lost completely. i have gone through the clashes of army personal n civilians, HIGH GENTRY and common man, young lads n grey heads and in the end i found it hard to digest when two well mature persons like Mr. VP Singh and Ms. Urmilaji had their ego clashed.
no rules can be formed to manage the threads. we start from somewhere, usually forgets our path and after going zig zag always takes on others who directly or indirectly (sarcasm) tried to hurt us.
Anyways, its life and after being born in jatland, socializing on jatland, n developing our mentality on jatland, ego clashes seems feeble. jatland is a family n we all are its members n members for life in true sense. kati free membership hai. te bhaiyo free mein enjoy karo ar auran ne bhi moj len do.

December 9th, 2011, 10:35 PM
After perusing all posts of this thread, i m surprised and searching for the rule makers of forum at JL. this thread starts with a question that "Is not jatland a community forum?, Is not jat community a large family?," when it comes to post no. 61 all the essence, curiosity and purpose for which it is started has lost completely. i have gone through the clashes of army personal n civilians, HIGH GENTRY and common man, young lads n grey heads and in the end i found it hard to digest when two well mature persons like Mr. VP Singh and Ms. Urmilaji had their ego clashed.
no rules can be formed to manage the threads. we start from somewhere, usually forgets our path and after going zig zag always takes on others who directly or indirectly (sarcasm) tried to hurt us.
Anyways, its life and after being born in jatland, socializing on jatland, n developing our mentality on jatland, ego clashes seems feeble. jatland is a family n we all are its members n members for life in true sense. kati free membership hai. te bhaiyo free mein enjoy karo ar auran ne bhi moj len do.

Really Good Post.
ek do post topic pe hai baki to Person Exp. start ho jata hai her thread main haha :very_drunk:

December 10th, 2011, 04:44 AM
On the topic.

I have no emotional sentiments for JL that many people have - that it is a large family, etc. etc. But I must say that it indeed works like a large family. Many people take things to such a personal level as if the fight / argument was with someone who is an inseparable part of their lives.

December 10th, 2011, 11:24 AM
Anyways, its life and after being born in jatland, socializing on jatland, n developing our mentality on jatland, ego clashes seems feeble. jatland is a family n we all are its members n members for life in true sense. kati free membership hai. te bhaiyo free mein enjoy karo ar auran ne bhi moj len do.

अंतिल साहब आड़े कोए किसे की ना सुणता, सब नाथ तुड़ा रे सं |

December 10th, 2011, 11:25 AM
I agree with you there is nothing wrong with defense officers.kanjoos hotte hai thodde(exceptions are always there)aur unki bibia thodi dikhawe baaj(may be because of fauzi parties culture).but aap please mujhe ye btao do ki what is the criterion to be classy.Meri friend jiske husband col. hai uska padosi col. roz daaru pii ke apni bibi ko english me gaalia de ke pitata hai.to kya gaalia english me deta hai issliye classy hai.

I am sorry to hear your negative experience. Overall, women enjoy the respect and socialization that army culture provides.

December 10th, 2011, 12:32 PM
...v.p sir..ji.. mera to gaon mein ek chota sa ghar hai...rural background se huin..
...apne relatives se paise udhar le kar padhai ki..us time mammi thi jiski only 3 thousand pension thi...
...bahut si jobs thukra di( i was called for joining army after my graduation as captain..but i got selected for M.D.S nd rejected d prposal)...phir M.D.S ke liye bank se loan liya...per aaz chaati choda karke doctors society mein baithta huin..
... ...phir is hisab se to mere ko sab se kam izzat ke point milenge.:nonchalance:..

v.p ji one funny incident i will tell u..

..i got a matrimonial match for me from u.s.a(only grl. mummy papa both doctors nd settled in u.s)..grls mummy called me nd expressed their interest..
..i was attending a conference at delhi on 11-14th last month...she called me nd told that if i can meet her sister at delhi nd said uske husband is major general(retired)..i immediately said yes :)..i will meet her..
..i went to their house at delhi cantt wd my frnd in morning...
...her husband asked me wts my father rank in army..i said he was retired as L/NK(very low rank in army)..
..his face became pale..
...u know wt he told his wife.."ye O.Rs(non officer rank) ke bacche itne uper chale gaye kya..ki haime apni ladki ke riste ke liye inko manana pad raha hai..."
....so thats officers attitude(only one example)...i hv lot.coz i live wd them..
.by d way after meeting him i immediately rejected their proposal...nd went to my conference wd fresh mood n me nd my frnd were laughing all d way...

December 10th, 2011, 01:34 PM
में ते भाई कर्मेंदर, इन पे एक नया तागा चला सकूँ सूं ,इतनी कहानी सें इन की मुरखताओं और गरूर की मेरे धोरे ,पर में न्यू रूक जाऊं सूं अक क्यूँ आपणे-ए भाइयां की भदद पीटी सोसल साईट पे | ---- सद- भावनाओं सहित |

December 10th, 2011, 01:51 PM
..i got a matrimonial match for me from u.s.a(only grl. mummy papa both doctors nd settled in u.s)..grls mummy called me nd expressed their interest..
..i was attending a conference at delhi on 11-14th last month...she called me nd told that if i can meet her sister at delhi nd said uske husband is major general(retired)..i immediately said yes :)..i will meet her..
..i went to their house at delhi cantt wd my frnd in morning...
...her husband asked me wts my father rank in army..i said he was retired as L/NK(very low rank in army)..
..his face became pale..
...u know wt he told his wife.."ye O.Rs(non officer rank) ke bacche itne uper chale gaye kya..ki haime apni ladki ke riste ke liye inko manana pad raha hai..."
....so thats officers attitude(only one example)...i hv lot.coz i live wd them..
.by d way after meeting him i immediately rejected their proposal...nd went to my conference wd fresh mood n me nd my frnd were laughing all d way...


These days even some newly comissioned kids (who mostly are <not all>, otherwise a failed resource in civil life) carry so much of attitude, as if they are on top of the world. The privileged & princely treatment doesn't go down well with their appetite, polluting their minds. And treat their men, down in hirearchy, very badly. No wonder, such cases get shot at, in 'friendly firing' by ill-treated jawans at the border outposts.

But yes, there are few good one's too, but very handful unfortunately, who leave an otherwise pretty decent civil career/higher studies to pursue their dreams. I happen to know such cases too.

In % terms, the quality has taken a beating now. Blame it, other good options available, or better economicenvironment after year 2000, or better awarenes.

These days, army officers are no longer in eligible groom's list for most of the parents, than what they used to be a dacade back.

Also, i found hell lot of difference b/w Army, Airforce & naval officers. The later one's have decent chunk of professional graduates, and professionalism is in their organisational culture. And hence top the charts in preference.

Dr. Karminder: I ignore such matrimonial proposals in very first sight, if i see their fathers are in top brass ranks.. Because you can't afford/manage the upbringing that they are so accustomed to, and their super inflated supreiriority complex attitude.

December 10th, 2011, 03:03 PM
...v.p sir..ji.. mera to gaon mein ek chota sa ghar hai...rural background se huin..
...apne relatives se paise udhar le kar padhai ki..us time mammi thi jiski only 3 thousand pension thi...
...bahut si jobs thukra di( i was called for joining army after my graduation as captain..but i got selected for M.D.S nd rejected d prposal)...phir M.D.S ke liye bank se loan liya...per aaz chaati choda karke doctors society mein baithta huin..
... ...phir is hisab se to mere ko sab se kam izzat ke point milenge.:nonchalance:..

v.p ji one funny incident i will tell u..

..i got a matrimonial match for me from u.s.a(only grl. mummy papa both doctors nd settled in u.s)..grls mummy called me nd expressed their interest..
..i was attending a conference at delhi on 11-14th last month...she called me nd told that if i can meet her sister at delhi nd said uske husband is major general(retired)..i immediately said yes :)..i will meet her..
..i went to their house at delhi cantt wd my frnd in morning...
...her husband asked me wts my father rank in army..i said he was retired as L/NK(very low rank in army)..
..his face became pale..
...u know wt he told his wife.."ye O.Rs(non officer rank) ke bacche itne uper chale gaye kya..ki haime apni ladki ke riste ke liye inko manana pad raha hai..."
....so thats officers attitude(only one example)...i hv lot.coz i live wd them..
.by d way after meeting him i immediately rejected their proposal...nd went to my conference wd fresh mood n me nd my frnd were laughing all d way...

Good One Karminder by sharing this you had done a great job and shown that everyone deserve respect. Unfortunatly some people doesnt know how to respect and what need to be respected. Keep this as a good memory in your life and let him keep this as bad memory. this will bring smile on your face, whenever you will remeber and hurt him because of his attitude. Difference need to be undestood.

December 10th, 2011, 03:56 PM
Dear Friends,

Enough has been commented on this issue and I feel we are creating differences rather than creating harmony now. As stated by Ravinder Ji, every one of us has gone through some bitter phase/experience in life and in my opinion they need not to be shared at this platform because remembrance/sharing of bitter incidents/ events will always generate negative feelings and energy. Whereas sharing of positive experiences will spread happiness and joy and I think that is the sole purpose for most of us to join this site. Secondly just by having gone through a few bitter incidences let us not generalize the issue & start criticizing the defence affinity as a whole.

Considering the above, I once again humbly request all Jatlander to please stop posting any further views on this topic or Moderators may kindly consider to close the thread.

With Thanks.

December 10th, 2011, 06:25 PM
...i m in favour of rana ji's request of closing this thread..moderators please consider it..

December 10th, 2011, 08:42 PM
Ritu Di, in the armed forces or any other service where people are from different states and are transferred to different states, what will be more practical to do- speak a language common to all (which is either english or hindi), or learn multiple languages/dialect? English is not always a show-off, but a requirement.

me ye kahna chah rahi thi in general fauzi angrezi jhaadte (exceptions are there) ye bahut hi aam trait hai unka aur unke parivaaro ka.

December 10th, 2011, 08:50 PM
aanchal bebe i fully agree with you on that .I objected to urmila ji calling them classy. you are very right that english is not always a show off.but mostly people get impressed by it .that is a fact also.
Ritu Di, in the armed forces or any other service where people are from different states and are transferred to different states, what will be more practical to do- speak a language common to all (which is either english or hindi), or learn multiple languages/dialect? English is not always a show-off, but a requirement.

December 10th, 2011, 08:53 PM
aanchal bebe i fully agree with you on that .I objected to urmila ji calling them classy. you are very right that english is not always a show off.but mostly people get impressed by it .that is a fact also.

my experience with them has been exceptionally good and I have found them classy. what is there to object about my experience ?

December 10th, 2011, 09:00 PM
but mostly people get impressed by it .that is a fact also.

yes, right.
अफसर का हर चीज़ में अच्छा होना military necessity भी है, तभी तो लोग उनकी इज़त करेंगे| और उन्हें इसी बात को ध्यान मे रख कर ट्रेन किया जाता है| सब psychology है |

December 10th, 2011, 09:10 PM
dear JLers, yo thread te chewing gum ki tariya lamba hota jan lag rah hai. berani kitni baar loga ne muh band karan ki request si kari hai par pher bi koi na manta. modde bi bera ni kit dessi pe ke ungan lag re hai. last mein sochu hu manne e kuch karna padega. childhood mein ek khel khela karte chu cha chap. te bhaiyo mein chu cha chap karu hu ar eb koe bolya te penalty lage gi ar saza ravinder bhai denge.