View Full Version : कानून हमारे लिये या हम कानून के लिये-कैसे ह

October 22nd, 2012, 09:04 PM
क्या समय नहीं आ गया है कि हम अपने वैयक़्तिक कानूनों (Personal Laws) को पुन: परिभाषित करें? First of all, let's discuss the sources of law. Customs or Customary Laws:

Custom is the oldest of all the sources of law and has held the most important place in the past though it's importance is now diminishing.
Custom is a habitual course of conduct observed uniformly and voluntarily by the people concerned.
It's been added by some modern scholars: No custom shall have the force of law if it in any manner violates the Fundamental Rights.

Requisites of a valid custom: In order to be valid and have a binding force as a law, a custom must have the following requisites: -

Continuous observance
Conformity with Statute law and public policy
Obligatory force.
Peaceable enjoyment

We can continue our discussion by keeping these points in mind.