View Full Version : Problem with current political system

July 15th, 2013, 07:47 AM
There is a big problem in the current government system. People coming in Judiciary and Bureaucratic system of the government are mostly well educated. Being educated they can foresee and experience the practical problems of everyday life. The process of Study in India itself is not a child's play. For earning lively hood a person first has to study hard with almost no resources or support from the government in any form. This also means travelling to far off places to study, borrowing money to pay for fee, eating food as and when one can get, sacrificing personal and family desires to achieve goals in-terms of a carrier oriented life and so on. I think, every individual in India who is studying or has studied has gone through this process.

After hard student life a person reaches a position where he is able to make some amount of money for a decent living. If he lands up in government circle for a job he is put through a cycle of corruption of extracting money from the public. At this point it seems all the hard work that the person did to reach that level is forgotten by the person and he becomes a educated tool to harass general public. This general public is mostly the educated and the middle class(lower middle, middle middle or higher middle). Interestingly this middle class is the highest payer of the taxes to the government, runs the economic sectors of the so called great Indian economy. In return all the educated class gets is a corrupt government inform of vision less, uneducated (with collage degrees but with no thought process) politicians who are no less then any petty thief trying to fill the bank balance of their own and their relatives. Political parties become a community oriented family parties. Which ever party that be, almost every party tries to build its image on certain community of people.

In the end the education in India seems a waste of time as education can not expose corrupt and serve justice.