View Full Version : Is jat an arrogant or proud community?

July 27th, 2014, 03:13 PM
​In Hisar Constituency of Parliament, the defeated candidate Mr Kuldeep Bishnoi, gave a slogan of anti-Jat to the Non-Jat communities to vote in his favour. The interesting thing to note is he has affixed his caste with his name and he was clamouring against caste-ism. Nevertheless he was defeated. I happen to come across overhearing a conversation between two non Jat persons. To my amazement, they were filled up with so much of hatred for Jats that they were lamenting and moaning on the victory of Mr Dushyant Chautala. In their wailful discussion they reiterated that now the Jats would not allow any non-Jat to exist respectfully in Haryana. I am forced to think why there is so much hatred for Jats in other communities. Is it due to Jat arrogance or pride- Jats happen to be at almost same economical, political, social levels as most other castes?
Therefore, let's probe and prove that the Jats are not arrogant or haughty as they sometimes foolishly demonstrate themselves. They are certainly a proud community.

July 28th, 2014, 10:04 AM
​In Hisar Constituency of Parliament, the defeated candidate Mr Kuldeep Bishnoi, gave a slogan of anti-Jat to the Non-Jat communities to vote in his favour. The interesting thing to note is he has affixed his caste with his name and he was clamouring against caste-ism. Nevertheless he was defeated. I happen to come across overhearing a conversation between two non Jat persons. To my amazement, they were filled up with so much of hatred for Jats that they were lamenting and moaning on the victory of Mr Dushyant Chautala. In their wailful discussion they reiterated that now the Jats would not allow any non-Jat to exist respectfully in Haryana. I am forced to think why there is so much hatred for Jats in other communities. Is it due to Jat arrogance or pride- Jats happen to be at almost same economical, political, social levels as most other castes?
Therefore, let's probe and prove that the Jats are not arrogant or haughty as they sometimes foolishly demonstrate themselves. They are certainly a proud community.
I guess its more of a perception rather a reality. When we say jat vs non-jat that means one side we stand and all non-jats on other side. There is no doubt they are jealous. I myself have observed what perception people carry about us, and some jats pretend not to be jats for the sake of their image, what a pity. I am not here to say on whether we are arrogant/haughty etc etc, but all I can say we are indeed special and can be best of all if we stay united. When people are after you that means you are growing :)

July 28th, 2014, 08:09 PM
मेरे जज़्बात मेरे नाम बिके, उनके ईमान सरे-आम बिके
ऐसी मंडी है ये सियासत जिसमे मेरे अल्लाह तेरे राम बिके

If politicians will not divide, who else will

July 28th, 2014, 08:27 PM
Jats are not arrogant at all. Yes they are proud of their glorious past, good present and bright future.

They are plain in their behaviour, straightforward in presentation of their views and true to their word.

Justice action and truth are basic ingredients of the Jat character.

If these characteristics are not liked by any other individual Jat damn bothers about that; whether the latter considers him arrogant or anything else it is his business not of the Jat.

July 28th, 2014, 08:36 PM
Jats are an extremely humble, docile, group of people, known for their intellectual prowess and quiet nature.

For reading a few more characteristics of the Jats, kindly visit my blog clicking the following Link:


July 30th, 2014, 02:05 PM
Jats are not arrogant at all. Yes they are proud of their glorious past, good present and bright future.

They are plain in their behaviour, straightforward in presentation of their views and true to their word.

Justice action and truth are basic ingredients of the Jat character.

If these characteristics are not liked by any other individual Jat damn bothers about that; whether the latter considers him arrogant or anything else it is his business not of the Jat.

I have great respect for Dr Singh. Sometimes I get confused when such a learned scholar presents perplexities by contradicting statement like " If these characteristics are not liked by any other individual Jat damn bothers about that... ." Is it humility or arrogance (at least not a valid statement by a proud community)?
Friends, the world is changing fast. He who is humble and polite wins in the end. We need to remember that the glory does not belong to haughty or arrogant. The brave is always polite and reasonable.

July 30th, 2014, 08:49 PM
I have great respect for Dr Singh. Sometimes I get confused when such a learned scholar presents perplexities by contradicting statement like " If these characteristics are not liked by any other individual Jat damn bothers about that... ." Is it humility or arrogance (at least not a valid statement by a proud community)?
Friends, the world is changing fast. He who is humble and polite wins in the end. We need to remember that the glory does not belong to haughty or arrogant. The brave is always polite and reasonable.

There is nothing contradictory in the statement as it represent Jat point of view on his own conduct.

He does not bother much what others think of him.

Good suggestion : change with the changing world !!

July 31st, 2014, 09:45 AM
I have great respect for Dr Singh. Sometimes I get confused when such a learned scholar presents perplexities by contradicting statement like " If these characteristics are not liked by any other individual Jat damn bothers about that... ." Is it humility or arrogance (at least not a valid statement by a proud community)?
Friends, the world is changing fast. He who is humble and polite wins in the end. We need to remember that the glory does not belong to haughty or arrogant. The brave is always polite and reasonable.
Our focus should be to grow and unite, not to prove anybody else what we were and what we are. Something which is in our bloodline would hardly be changed.

August 1st, 2014, 05:35 PM
Our focus should be to grow and unite, not to prove anybody else what we were and what we are. Something which is in our bloodline would hardly be changed.

You are right. Certainly, we needn't prove anybody else what we are. On the contrary we need to prove and remember ourselves what we were, what we are and what we shall be in future. Should this not be concern of all of us to peep into our souls and evaluate our collective personality? Draw backs if any should be pointed out in time and be get rid of.

August 1st, 2014, 07:34 PM
You are right. Certainly, we needn't prove anybody else what we are. On the contrary we need to prove and remember ourselves what we were, what we are and what we shall be in future. Should this not be concern of all of us to peep into our souls and evaluate our collective personality? Draw backs if any should be pointed out in time and be get rid of.

Good up-bringing of kids to fit in the changing world, nice thing.
Change for better education, personal conduct, behaviour, actions and so on, appreciable, no doubt about it.
But the change for the sake of pleasing others unacceptable proposition !





August 1st, 2014, 09:44 PM
I don't think Jats are arrogant. Problem is with our rough dialect which conveys the impression of being arrogant. Our spoken language is mostly "lathmaar". We don't train our kids in polite speech as we ourselves don't know what politeness is all about.


August 2nd, 2014, 01:20 AM
I don't think Jats are arrogant. Problem is with our rough dialect which conveys the impression of being arrogant. Our spoken language is mostly "lathmaar". We don't train our kids in polite speech as we ourselves don't know what politeness is all about.

you are wronge sir.lathmar is only sopoken beyond hisar to n.w of u.p.jats are polite in rajasthan.ganganager,sirsa and fbd are polite.its not a liguist problem
.peoples just hates us because we are jats

August 2nd, 2014, 01:33 AM
I don't think Jats are arrogant. Problem is with our rough dialect which conveys the impression of being arrogant. Our spoken language is mostly "lathmaar". We don't train our kids in polite speech as we ourselves don't know what politeness is all about.


Meetha admin jayda katarnaak hua kare. We have only rude language but soft and kind heart.

August 2nd, 2014, 03:21 AM

August 2nd, 2014, 08:02 AM
सबसे पहले तो मनदीप जी को साधुबाद जिन्होने इस हकीकत को यहाँ डिस्कशन के लिए उठाया....
सदस्यों के द्वारा दिए विचार कई मायने में महत्वपूर्ण है.... पर प्रश्न ज्यों का त्यों ही खड़ा है? क्या हमारे पास उत्तर है?????
हम अपनी तारीफ़ खुद करले... अपने आप तो टॉप पर समझले, अपने आप को सज्जन समझले..... हम बहुत अच्छे है, दिल के साफ है, वीर है, ...... अपने मियाँ मिठठू बनले, कोई क्यों सवाल खड़े करेगा...पर पुरखों की कमाई इज्जत पर कब तक मौज उड़ाएंगे....

पहले जाट की गाँव मे चलती थी, क्योंकि अमूमन गरीबी थे और जाट के पास जमीन थी, औरों को जीने के लिए जाटों की मदद की जरूरत होती थी, सहारे के लिए जाटों के खेतों मे काम और बेगार करते थे ...
पर समाज बदल रहा है... अन्य कौम के दूसरे लोग अब खेती पर ज्यादा आश्रित नही है, तो क्यों सुने जाटों की...क्या जाटों ने इसे ग्रहण किया?
तो क्या समय के साथ जाटों को भी बदलने की जरूरत है ?

दादालाई जमीन अब चौथी पीड़ी मे 1/16 रह गई है, फिर भी हमारे खून मे गर्मी तो है, हम उज्जद् तो है... अभी भी मूछ के शान में तो है... आन के लिए खेत भी बेच सकते है, पर झुकेंगे नही ... इसे क्या नाम दे, बुजुर्ग सदस्य अगर सही विश्लेषण करें तो सार्थक उत्तर जरूर मिलेगा उस प्रश्न का, जो मनदीप भाई ने उठाया है....

August 2nd, 2014, 08:39 AM
सबसे पहले तो मनदीप जी को साधुबाद जिन्होने इस हकीकत को यहाँ डिस्कशन के लिए उठाया....
सदस्यों के विचार कई मायने में महत्वपूर्ण है.... हम अपनी तारीफ़ खुद करले... अपने आप तो टॉप समझले..... पुरखों की कमाई इज्जत पर कब तक मौज उड़ाएंगे.... हम बहुत अच्छे है, दिल के साफ है, वीर है...... कोई क्यों सवाल खड़े करेगा...

पहले जाट की गाव मे चलती थी, क्योंकि उसके पास जमीन थी, औरों को जीने के लिए जाटों की मदद की जरूरत होती थी...
पर समाज बदल रहा है... दूसरे लोग अब खेती पर ज्यादा आश्रित नही है, तो क्यों सुने जाटों की...

हमारे खून मे गर्मी तो है, हम उज्जद् तो है... अभी भी मूछ के शान में तो है... आन के लिए खेत भी बेच सकते है, पर झुकेंगे नही ... इसे क्या नाम दे,बुजुर्ग सदस्य अगर सही विश्लेषण कर तो सार्थक उत्तर मे लेगा प्रश्नका, जो मनदीप बाई ने उठाया है....


First of all, it must be clearly understood that Jats' are not arrogant at all.
No over night change can be expected in the Jat community's behaviour and conduct that has been built through thousands of years of their hard lived lives.

Habits die hard and it takes ages to change the die-hard habits.

There is nothing to fear as the Jats are also changing their dress, speech, eating habits, profession and etiquettes with the changing times.

Rather, such changes are discernible in the younger generation that It would be difficult in due course of time to recognise difference between him/her and persons from other segments of society in urban areas.

However, the pace of changes in the Jat community in rural areas is not that we expect that it come up with neck break speed.

Thanks and regards

August 2nd, 2014, 09:14 AM
As other members have expressed the same. In short just be yourself.

August 2nd, 2014, 11:39 AM
Non Jat Community like Brahmin, Bania & Punjabi Khatri do not want Jats to rise because they think that due to rise of Jats their dadagiri will come down , all the other low cast consider Brahmin , Bania as their Hero because these three communities are expert in making them fool or great in propaganda and brain wash / drama. Due to rise of Jats the status of these three ( Bania, Brahmin & Punjabi Khatri ) has come down in Haryana & Punjab. Jats are not arrogant but these three community are arrogant and know the system well how to divide and rule.

​In Hisar Constituency of Parliament, the defeated candidate Mr Kuldeep Bishnoi, gave a slogan of anti-Jat to the Non-Jat communities to vote in his favour. The interesting thing to note is he has affixed his caste with his name and he was clamouring against caste-ism. Nevertheless he was defeated. I happen to come across overhearing a conversation between two non Jat persons. To my amazement, they were filled up with so much of hatred for Jats that they were lamenting and moaning on the victory of Mr Dushyant Chautala. In their wailful discussion they reiterated that now the Jats would not allow any non-Jat to exist respectfully in Haryana. I am forced to think why there is so much hatred for Jats in other communities. Is it due to Jat arrogance or pride- Jats happen to be at almost same economical, political, social levels as most other castes?
Therefore, let's probe and prove that the Jats are not arrogant or haughty as they sometimes foolishly demonstrate themselves. They are certainly a proud community.

August 2nd, 2014, 11:45 AM
You are right.
Jats are not arrogant . They have the courage to speak against injustice and dhong, this is their fault. They do not consider Brahmin , Bania & Khatri Punjabi as great and bow to them , that is their fault.
Jats with their hard work are well respected when they settle outside India but not in India.
Issue is not with Jats but issue is with the combination of three ( Bania , Brahmin & Punjabi Khatri )


First of all, it must be clearly understood that Jats' are not arrogant at all.
No over night change can be expected in the Jat community's behaviour and conduct that has been built through thousands of years of their hard lived lives.

Habits die hard and it takes ages to change the die-hard habits.

There is nothing to fear as the Jats are also changing their dress, speech, eating habits, profession and etiquettes with the changing times.

Rather, such changes are discernible in the younger generation that It would be difficult in due course of time to recognise difference between him/her and persons from other segments of society in urban areas.

However, the pace of changes in the Jat community in rural areas is not that we expect that it come up with neck break speed.

Thanks and regards

August 4th, 2014, 11:08 AM
Proud community which was being used by many and later termed as an arrogant community. I am happy that we are growing and uniting, in coming days things will improve further. I myself has experiened raula rapda ya aur koi kam ho jaye to sab bhai bhai karte aale hai, jab malai khane ka number aave hai jan kaun jat.

August 4th, 2014, 10:45 PM
Non Jat Community like Brahmin, Bania & Punjabi Khatri do not want Jats to rise because they think that due to rise of Jats their dadagiri will come down , .
no sir .............in my village a small land given to bahaman on mercy recorded in revanue recorde and khatri jin ko pakistani rafuggi kahtethey unko ijjat ki roti dee after 1947 .gamm n daya karke .
.....agar aise ghattia orr ahsan farmosh log jatto ko batteege ki wo kya h .........too ghanney jooott mara gay arr bina giney arr bina thambay :nonchalance:
jat h to hindustan h na too mantri bhaman arr bania /khatri muslman raja ka bhi raha s .

August 5th, 2014, 12:28 AM

August 5th, 2014, 12:55 PM
I don't think Jats are arrogant. Problem is with our rough dialect which conveys the impression of being arrogant. Our spoken language is mostly "lathmaar". We don't train our kids in polite speech as we ourselves don't know what politeness is all about.


You may be right sir. But don't you think dialect and vernacular is such a part of society that reflects its growth and ideology to a great extent? Had the 'lathmaar' been the sole reason for picturing Jats arrogant, the other castes dwelling in the same area would also be having the same considerations and blames as the Jats. But this is not so. I must agree to your view that we need to teach our kids politeness. Are we ready to do so, I am doubtful?

August 5th, 2014, 12:58 PM
Meetha admin jayda katarnaak hua kare. We have only rude language but soft and kind heart.
What shall we gain by becoming apparently rude and who bothers what you have in your heart- kindness and softness???

August 5th, 2014, 02:27 PM
What shall we gain by becoming apparently rude and who bothers what you have in your heart- kindness and softness???

1st of all just our language( boli) is rude.

How many jat are farmer, how many jat protecting country?

Kya ya wo meethi meethi Baat karke chori Patn ne softness and kindness bole hai.

We are the man of word,

Im haryanvi And I don't feel shame to speak haryanvi

People can speak punjabi but why not haryanvi

The method is simple : act freely and freedom will be your yours.

August 5th, 2014, 03:57 PM
1st of all just our language( boli) is rude.

How many jat are farmer, how many jat protecting country?

Kya ya wo meethi meethi Baat karke chori Patn ne softness and kindness bole hai.

We are the man of word,

Im haryanvi And I don't feel shame to speak haryanvi

People can speak punjabi but why not haryanvi

The method is simple : act freely and freedom will be your yours.

yes..seems reasonable..

what about a "mango" jat/jatt who does not have access to civilized and refined world due to education and language barriers...if anyone has issues with our mother tongue...go to hell....we are born this way and we will die like this..............

August 5th, 2014, 04:23 PM
Let me put it bluntly, " Only powerful can be arrogant".


August 5th, 2014, 05:42 PM
Let me put it bluntly, " Only powerful can be arrogant".


Thats a blunt assumption!

August 5th, 2014, 05:45 PM
What shall we gain by becoming apparently rude and who bothers what you have in your heart- kindness and softness???

Be yourself and at the same time throw a curve ball in whenever faced by vultures!

August 5th, 2014, 05:47 PM
1st of all just our language( boli) is rude.

How many jat are farmer, how many jat protecting country?

Kya ya wo meethi meethi Baat karke chori Patn ne softness and kindness bole hai.

We are the man of word,

Im haryanvi And I don't feel shame to speak haryanvi

People can speak punjabi but why not haryanvi

The method is simple : act freely and freedom will be your yours.
Yes my friend. Freedom is the essence of everything. Free people generally excel!

August 5th, 2014, 05:50 PM
yes..seems reasonable..

what about a "mango" jat/jatt who does not have access to civilized and refined world due to education and language barriers...if anyone has issues with our mother tongue...go to hell....we are born this way and we will die like this..............

But not everytime you work on myway or highway stuff. Negotiation skills are mandatory sometimes. also sometimes middle path may be the best solution.

August 5th, 2014, 05:52 PM
[QUOTE=mandeep333;365578]You may be right sir. But don't you think dialect and vernacular is such a part of society that reflects its growth and ideology to a great extent? Had the 'lathmaar' been the sole reason for picturing Jats arrogant, the other castes dwelling in the same area would also be having the same considerations and blames as the Jats. But this is not so. I must agree to your view that we need to teach our kids politeness. Are we ready to do so, I am doubtful?[/QUO

Its already happening in urban areas. People in rural areas are also learning when they go for jobs in metro.

August 5th, 2014, 07:00 PM
yes..seems reasonable..

what about a "mango" jat/jatt who does not have access to civilized and refined world due to education and language barriers...if anyone has issues with our mother tongue...go to hell....we are born this way and we will die like this..............

It's our culture, language, we must love it and respect it. I really don't know why people want to keep away their children from it.

If we can't respect it, can't give importance to it

Then how others can respect it?

My personal experience:- I feel haryanvi more enjoyably, funny, interesting language. We should learn English, Hindi but there is no need to forget Haryanvi.

There are people in other states too who like haryanvi language and they enjoy it.

Bhai hum Haryana main or ke Abric bolege.

August 5th, 2014, 08:58 PM
It's our culture, language, we must love it and respect it. I really don't know why people want to keep away their children from it.

If we can't respect it, can't give importance to it

Then how others can respect it?

My personal experience:-.
gurgaon /delhi m jab tak chorra school (english aly ) m hota h .....to maa baap n kahta h ki english m baat karo ptm m .......per college m jate hi haryanvi bolene lagta h self interest s ...........arr gharalye usne samjane lagte h bhai kyu addu banan lagya ......................
per wo college m jaker syad samajh leta h ki ye surviroo ki bhassha h ..........so haryanvi must h fratttadar english/french k sathh .

August 5th, 2014, 11:11 PM
gurgaon /delhi m jab tak chorra school (english aly ) m hota h .....to maa baap n kahta h ki english m baat karo ptm m .......per college m jate hi haryanvi bolene lagta h self interest s ...........arr gharalye usne samjane lagte h bhai kyu addu banan lagya ......................
per wo college m jaker syad samajh leta h ki ye surviroo ki bhassha h ..........so haryanvi must h fratttadar english/french k sathh .

Arry bhai Gurgaon ki baat ke sa,

Australia, England or che America ghum le, per jo baata ka jeesa haryana main sa wo kitti kona bhai.

August 5th, 2014, 11:31 PM
some old and gold joke from Jatland. This is who we are

shivji nei jab jat banaya to usee sab kuch diya lamba choda shareer, par jubaan na di, tu parvati boli "ki kitna suthra aadmi hai yeh jat ise bhi jubaan dei do taki yeh bhi bol sake"

sivji ne kaha" na yeh bina jubaan ke hee theek hai, par parvati kee jid ke chalte sivji ne jat ko jubaan dei dee.

jubaan milte hi jat bola" re mode(budhe) yo suthri see lugayee kit sei maree"

Ek baar ek molad apni susrad gaya. Uski saasu ne us tahi laapsi ghal di. Molad ne bhot-e aachi laggi. Molad ne poocha yo ke se, te sasu boli beta lapsi se , aur le le. Molad ne saram si aayee er socha gharan ja ke apni ma dhore banwaunga. Molad tawla sa uth ke chal pada. Lapsi lapsi karta raha ke kede bhool na jaaon. Kheton ke beechale ke bhaaja ja tha er lapsi lapsi karta ja tha. Ek nala a gaya us pe se koodan ke chakkar mein wo lapsi bhool gaya. Eb ke kare. Beechara bhola tha , soocha is nale mein pad gayi wo to eb dhoondu su. Pajama sangwa ke, karda ho ke mand gaya. Khet mein haali ne dekha , soocha bhahi kuch badi-e cheej pad gayi nale mein wo bhi galiyan doondan lagya. Haali ne jab kuch der tahi kuch bhi na deekha to bohla ' Re ya LAPSI to karwa di per yaa to bata ke dhoonde ke se"
Molad bola "Kaka Paa-gee, LAPSI, ya he te khoo rahi thi

ek baar ek jat aur baniyya ne shivji bhole ki pooja ki. Shivji ne darshan diye. Aur jat ko bole ke tu 3 var maang le.
Aur baniyye ko bole ki kyonki tu kai saal se meri pooja karta hai to jo bhi jat maangega uska doogna tum ko mil jaega.
Jat ne 100 bheege dharti maang li, to baniyya ko 200 bheege mil gayi. Jat ne ek joddi bail manngee to baniyaa ko do joddi mil gaye. Jat ko ye nahi bhayya, vaise hi usko baniyya pasand nahi tha. To jat thodi der sooch ke bola ' Shivji maharaj, tu bahut balwaan hai, tune mujh pe kripa ki hai. Ab tu mujhe itna mar ki mein adhmara ho jaaoon"

Bhai Tau kede bahamn na jimya karta tha, per Bhai tayee ke ghana-e kahne pe, ek purnmassi ne bahaman ne le aya.
Bahaman bhee bhot petoo tha, wo bhee Roti pe Roti, er ghana-e sara halwa tar gyaa. Tau ne bahamn kati-e pasand na tha, per eb le aya te awabhagat te karni-e thee, Tau Roti lya-lya ke preshan ho gyaa.
Kayee ser choon utar ke, bahaman ne dakar lee er hath dhon lag gyaa, to bhar te gali ka kuta aa-ke bath gyaa.
Bahamn Kute ko dekh ke bolya "Oh-ho tu te rahe gaya."
Tau bolya "Er Khasam isne te chhod de, ke eb isne bhee kha ga"

August 8th, 2014, 04:13 PM
1st of all just our language( boli) is rude.

How many jat are farmer, how many jat protecting country?

Kya ya wo meethi meethi Baat karke chori Patn ne softness and kindness bole hai.

We are the man of word,

Im haryanvi And I don't feel shame to speak haryanvi

People can speak punjabi but why not haryanvi

The method is simple : act freely and freedom will be your yours.

There is nothing wrong with becoming Haryanvi or having 'lathmaar' boli(dialect). Let's remember Haryana is not solely comprised of Jats and the 'lathmaar' dialect is also in the same way not the sole property of Jats. We must be proud but the point I raised is that: Let us probe whether we the Jats are proud or arrogant. Other inhabitants of Haryana(Actually I didn't wish to limit our discussion to Haryana only, anyway) use the same dialect; live in the same environment; have almost similar food habit and almost identical sense of pride for their state. Now, the question is why a Jat is usually blamed by other communities. And I am discussing these points here because this site is purely for Jats, isn't it? It will be more interesting if we don't limit ourselves to Haryana only because a Jat is a Jat no matter where he/she lives!

August 8th, 2014, 05:35 PM
There is nothing wrong with becoming Haryanvi or having 'lathmaar' boli(dialect). Let's remember Haryana is not solely comprised of Jats and the 'lathmaar' dialect is also in the same way not the sole property of Jats. We must be proud but the point I raised is that: Let us probe whether we the Jats are proud or arrogant. Other inhabitants of Haryana(Actually I didn't wish to limit our discussion to Haryana only, anyway) use the same dialect; live in the same environment; have almost similar food habit and almost identical sense of pride for their state. Now, the question is why a Jat is usually blamed by other communities. And I am discussing these points here because this site is purely for Jats, isn't it? It will be more interesting if we don't limit ourselves to Haryana only because a Jat is a Jat no matter where he/she lives!

Agree with your statements. other communities walo ki ye sirf soch bani hui. Jat ka dimag mota hota, wo rude hote, wo mar pitai karte hai. Or ye jo wo blame karte hai wo sirf meri language or personality ki waja se karte they. Now it's changing.

But we are not touching anybody, Only few people have ego problem about their Choudhar. Thats it

Asi to communities nhi jaha sab acche hai. Her field mein jat hai, success hai. phely sirt kheti karte they. eb flight udwe hai

Truth is that We're tough competitors for others.

August 10th, 2014, 09:19 AM
Ek kahawat hai -dur ke dhol suhawne

Per jaato ke bare mein iska ulta hai.sab humari outer shell ko dekh ke apna perception bna le hai jabki reality iski ekdum ulat hai.

Mera ek dost hai lucknow ka.wo bhi jaato ko rude arrogant etc etc kehta tha.last yr wo mere ghar aaya ek mahine ke liye.pehle toh mere ghar mein uska perception change ho gya.or jaise jaise wo mere sath alag alag jagah gya,uska perception ek dum change ho gya.ek bar Matan gya wo meri gel ek byah mein, ude sarre ke sarre pehalwan, per unte mil ke,baat karke wo bola ki bhai tumhara impression pta ni kyu itna rude arrogant hone ka hai,per tum ho nhi.

Ab kahi bahar hote hai toh jaato ko defend karne ki jarurat ni padti is mamle mein merko.wo apne aap vakalat kar leta hai meri od teh.

Jab wo ghar tha toh us time ek bar wo aaya or bola ki bhai,bahar ladai ho gyi hai.
Mene pucha kaha?
Wo bola ke aunty kissi pe chila rahi hai or wo bhi chila rahi hai.
Mene kahi ke bhai chilla ni rahi,wo bat kar rahe hai.

Ab aisi aisi bat har roz hoti hai or aas pados walle kamjor dil walle humne arrogant kawe toh mahri ke galti hai.

Rahi baat proud ki,wo te hum hai or rehwenge.

August 10th, 2014, 01:36 PM
Ek kahawat hai -dur ke dhol suhawne

Rahi baat proud ki,wo te hum hai or rehwenge.

baat ghamandi aur garviiley k antar ki hai bhai. हमें यह तो निश्चित करना होगा कि हम घमन्डी हैं या अपने आप और अपनी कौम पर गर्व करने वाले। हम समाजिक प्राणी हैं और समाज के साथ हमारे कैसे रिश्ते हैं यह बात भी महत्वपूर्ण है और इसे ध्यान में रखना ही होगा। हमारा आचरण ऐसा होना चाहिए कि सब जिसका अनुसरण करें । खामख्वाह की हवाबाजी में क्या रखा है। बात सर्वसमाज के आचरण की है और हम सभी एक एक मिलके ही समाज बनाते हैं।

August 13th, 2014, 02:56 PM
garv or ghamand ke bich ki antar bahut hi barik hai, jo kab cross ho jaye pta hi nhi chalta.

bahut hai aise log jo apne aap ko sabse upper mante hai.or ye sirf jaat community ka hi nhi hai,but jaato ke ander bhi different regions ke jaat apne aap ko upper mante hai dusre region wallo se.
or jaisa ki aapne kaha ki ek ek karne hi samaj banate hai,ussi tarah sirf kuch logo ke vichan jan lene se puri community ka pta nhi chal payega.

jis tarah se pacho ungliya barabar nhi hoti,ussi tarah ek community mein sarre log ek jaise nhi hote.kuch naram toh kuch garam hai,kuch akahd toh kuch saral behaviour walle hai

August 14th, 2014, 06:24 PM
garv or ghamand ke bich ki antar bahut hi barik hai, jo kab cross ho jaye pta hi nhi chalta.

bahut hai aise log jo apne aap ko sabse upper mante hai.or ye sirf jaat community ka hi nhi hai,but jaato ke ander bhi different regions ke jaat apne aap ko upper mante hai dusre region wallo se.
or jaisa ki aapne kaha ki ek ek karne hi samaj banate hai,ussi tarah sirf kuch logo ke vichan jan lene se puri community ka pta nhi chal payega.

jis tarah se pacho ungliya barabar nhi hoti,ussi tarah ek community mein sarre log ek jaise nhi hote.kuch naram toh kuch garam hai,kuch akahd toh kuch saral behaviour walle hai

Sumit bhai aap ne theek kahaa hai. Baat perception ki hai. It's right that Jats from different backgrounds have different attitude towards arrogance/pride. Why is a Jat generally considered brave? Because it's an established common perception and it doesn't mean that all non-Jats are not brave or they are simply cowards because they are not JAT. This will be a great fallacy. Here I want to bring into focus whether we are an arrogant community or a proud community. If we are arrogant- however thin maybe the dividing line between arrogance and pride- we must aptly move toward mending our attitude so that we become fully acceptable to other parts/castes of society. I hope Jat brethren will understand my goodwill.

September 3rd, 2014, 04:44 PM
Sumit bhai aap ne theek kahaa hai. Baat perception ki hai. It's right that Jats from different backgrounds have different attitude towards arrogance/pride. Why is a Jat generally considered brave? Because it's an established common perception and it doesn't mean that all non-Jats are not brave or they are simply cowards because they are not JAT. This will be a great fallacy. Here I want to bring into focus whether we are an arrogant community or a proud community. If we are arrogant- however thin maybe the dividing line between arrogance and pride- we must aptly move toward mending our attitude so that we become fully acceptable to other parts/castes of society. I hope Jat brethren will understand my goodwill.
I understand the goodwill, but how to ensure others are receptive enough?