View Full Version : Predictions

January 13th, 2017, 04:28 PM

Chosen People are the Demonstration Nation of the world to teach us the Moral Laws through practical suffering when their Blind Guides, the Rabbis led their spiritually blind Disciples or students into the Pits of Holocausts. Here is what we can predict in the Light of Matt. 13v24-30:-

Never mind, we are in the Tribulation Period and the ATOMIC WAR is expected on 14 May, 2023 when Israel shall be 75 years old. This is how it will happen:-

Israel was established on 14 May, 1948 + 70 years of Protection as the Temple was destroyed in 70 A.D. If anyone knows the exact date of destruction, I would appreciate. By this time, there will be a mass movement of the Jews outwardly towards Israel in which the Jews of Semitic race would be bundled up – Matt. 13v24-30. Then, Israel would suffer attacks from the circumcised Gentiles, the fake sons of Abraham TILL 14 May, 2023. Remember that Circumcision is the tribal mark of Abraham to Isaac only and not to Ishmael, a son born of the slave woman. The greedy Temple Priests created these fake sons of Abraham and Angel Stephen warned them of the end results but they killed him.

I have over 5500 Youtube Videos to help you understand the subject by criticising my mistakes. In the spiritual Field, you must renew your Innerman, the Christ every day; otherwise you are dead in letters super donkey carrying the Holy Books. Gospel flows from your own heart and not from the dead letters of the Holy Books.


Your own choice; Inshmullah Islam of Shia Sunni Sharia or Inshallah Islam of Noor Free of Sharia.

The real Islam is of Allah, Sun, Primary Source of Light called NOOR. This Moon and Star Islam of Mullahs, Inshmullah, is of the Satan called Al-Djmar Al-Aksa and it is bearing fruits in Shia and Sunni of men and not of Allah. Real Islam is ba ilah or son of Man or of the tribal natural father to Ba Al-Ilah, our Supernatural Father Noor that is not Shia or Sunni. La-Ilah Islam is of Satan and that is why Kabah is kept to the left hand during going around for seven times. For greater details, visit my YouTube videos on Hajj; channel nijjhar1.

Youtube Video on this topic:-


What is the Gospel Truth?

Truths are of two types; natural truth that applies to physical nature which is “relative” and the spiritual Truth, which is of our Supernatural Father God and as it is Light, no relativity applies but it is “Absolute Truth”.

Here is a video:-

https://youtu.be/WGuAme-ThNI (https://youtu.be/WGuAme-ThNI)

Gist of Gospel Truth:-


Donald Trump would make Jews run for Israel to fulfill Matt. 13v24-30, which Hilary couldn't.

https://youtu.be/4TgQqovWous (https://youtu.be/4TgQqovWous)

Hi Brethren,

Remember that prayers were done to the demiurge Yahweh whilst our living Father within us only understands His Praises Preached in Gospel Truth. Tell me what the word "YeShua" stands for? The meaning of this very name can bring Peace in the world and these migrants can stay in their countries if they are explained, "Every plant which my heavenly father didn't plant shall be uprooted by the roots". So, with these fanciful robes and keeping their monks mute and deaf, the Abbotts have become Anti-Christs. Here is a video explaining this:-


These Monks and Abbotts buried in useless prayers and fasting deaf to the Season of Preaching Gospel, they themselves cannot get Salvation then how could they offer Salvation to others. They are Utter Blind leading the Blinds into UTTER DARKNESS.

Five simple questions:-

1. What is the difference between a Priest and a Royal Priest?
2. Why Yahweh created Adam first and Eve out of the rib of Adam and not both together?
3. Why a woman cannot teach but she can Preach Gospel?
4. Why Jesus made a whip and beat the traders when He Preached that if someone hits on one cheek then present the other?
5. What is the difference between the kingdom of heaven of the Rabbis and the Royal Kingdom of God that Jesus ushered in?

Why Jesus is not the Lord?:-
