View Full Version : The Heart Of living

October 16th, 2003, 02:31 PM
Hi! friends . Just want to share this beautiful article about life with all of u. Hope u all like it.

The heart of living

Life is not heroics, but small practical things that come together to give effectiveness.

It consists of small discreet goals that become an entire universe. Little things console us because little things afflict us.

An average person is programmed for safety and fear is a dominant component of his internal operating system. Both courage and fear emanate from within. There are no wins where fear and safety dominate. Fear and security are antithetic to the creative process. People remain trapped in their own fears and anxieties .Our pre-determined limitations are our natural enemies. Mind, Body and emotional system are closely aligned. One is optimally situated between euphoria and depression, boredom and excitement, relaxation and anxiety.

A fine line exists between “psyched-up” and “psyched- out” and that optimal performance occurs right in the middle of two extremes. This is a state of harmony – of complete mental and physical coordination. Removing the risk is not the answer, managing it is. Achievement is what you do to yourself, not what you do to others. Success is currency of life.

Feelings of confidence depend upon the type of thoughts that habitually occupy your mind Thoughts define our minds health. Evil thoughts are the most powerful of man’s interior enemies .
Our lives are made by thoughts and ideas. We become finally what we think. Habits of thoughts are mental magnets that draw to us certain things, people and conditions. Self-confidence is the external expression of our inner view of our self. It shows a strong internal belief system. We can do almost anything we believe we can and are incapable of performing the simplest task if we are insecure or fearful.

Confident & successful people are holistic, not myopic. They are macro, not micro. They are qualitative and not quantitative. They operate inductively not deductively. Pervasive of all minds defense system is belief in self and life. Psychologists refer to it as ”self acceptance”- the power that enables us to see realistically and to concentrate on our assets so that we come to like what we see. This is also called ‘inner strength”, which we all have in varying degrees. We have to find our own insight and then follow it. Each individual is unique and each individual life has a beauty in its uniqueness.

Invest yourself in everything in you do. It is better to wear out than to rust out. You do what can be done. You do what you can do. Tackle any hiccup and get back on the road. Recognize your limitations, but focus on your strengths.

Focus on benefit, constructive thinking and making things happen. Flexibility is the key aspect. You change your behavior as the situation changes. People do things for their own reasons & not yours. Do what is sensible & practical at every moment. Learn to sense the mood around you directly. Each step should be determined by the evolving situations. The choice of action at a particular moment should be purely practical. You can’t catch fish unless you put your line in the water. As Arthur Koestler puts it "if the creator had a purpose in equipping us with a neck, he certainly meant for us to stick it out.”

Retain your poise and calmness. You should be actively calm, and calmly active. Ordinary life is like a pendulum, ceaselessly swinging back and forth. Activity should be under control of your calmness. Nothing can influence you unless you choose to accept it. The mental climate a person creates determines whether he shall have hope even when things seem hopeless. Have courage even when apprehensive factors appear, or live in fear because of hopelessness & apprehension .You can think your way into the dark morass of fear and misery. For people with a negative attitude, excellence can become painful.

If you can’t control yourself, you can’t control the situation. It starts with you. You have to be in control to create control. Once you have control inside, you will have control outside. When you react, you are being controlled by the situation. When you respond you are dealing with it. You should respond & not react to situations. . Control your emotions or they will control you. Control does not mean suppression; it means regulation, channelisation. Control adds tempo to performance, daring to vision and brilliance to performance. In the power of self-control lie the seeds of eternal freedom and internal growth.

Use the chisel of wisdom to build a protective hedge of self-discipline. Self discipline is self-caring. Temptations and desires are like a dice rattling before a gambler. There is nothing greater than the power of mind Resurrect your mind and reconstruct your life. Most people behave like puppets, manipulated by environment, other people & circumstances. Work out a compromise between your idealistic desires and practical duties of life. Make mental blueprints of little things and keep on making them materialize until you make your big dreams also come true.

You possess the power of thought and power of will. Utilize to utmost these divine gifts. Don’t worry vaguely and without focus. We are greater than we know. There is nothing greater than contentment.
Contentment gives person radiance. . For some people life becomes an archive of unhappiness. A person’s joy announces itself as his misery or an inherent contentment as readily as a permeating sorrow. Every person has an aura, an atmosphere, and a vibration that is characteristic and unmistakable. It is easy to detect a miserable man -his smell of sorrow, his rages; his dead brain cells cultivate the habit of happiness. At times we are miserable because we over estimate the good fortune and happiness of others. Despair has no ally except one’s own self.”

The ideal Character best able to enjoy life is a warm, carefree and unafraid soul. Menaces enumerated the three “mature virtues” of great men as “wisdom, compassion and courage. He is most wisely drunk who is half drunk. The ideal philosopher is the one who understands the charms of women without being coarse who loves life heartily, but loves it with restraint and who sees the reality of successes and failures.

Be decisive and action oriented even if a decision does not work out, taking action breeds the possibility of taking mere actions. Whereas doing nothing increases the possibility that the next time there is a choice, you will again simply drift with current. Drifting is easy and it may be tempting when the alternative is to turn and row upstream .Be careful or what you choose, you may get it.

Take charge of your life. Assume responsibility of yourself. Effort is everything .You should make more effort to improve all your abilities in a; walks of life .You have to do much yourself. No one, howsoever powerful, can do everything for you.

Life is a do-it-yourself affair. Find out your inherent sources of strength .You will never become lost if you are searching something outside yourself. The search lies within. We keep on, looking through the amber sunsets of nostalgia about the lost weekends of youth and good times. That creates unhappiness. Live in the present. Enjoy the moment.


October 16th, 2003, 03:21 PM
nirupama ji
i fully agree what u have witten
there s nothing that a man cant achieve
as napoleon bonapart once said"impossible word exists in the dictionary of fools only"
what one needs to do is
idetify ones goals and then give 100 %to that
without looking forward to results
and besides patience is a great tool for success in life and which i personally feel is lacking in jats
and if we start maintaining patience then results are bound to happen .may be quite later
thats what my personal experience says
after i completed my Xll,i anyhow joined hotel mgt.,diploma course
after i completed when i started working in hotels,over a period of time i realised,my attitude,style,way of talking was not acceptable to the hotel industry. and for 3 years i saw people getting promoted who used to come to me for advice or in special situation handling.
i was surprised,got quite depressed also
and was on the verge of leaving the organization.but at that time my jat ego and patience helped me in reaching greater heights
and now i m working for a us based cruise liner company,earning 10 times than earlier
my jat ego said ,parmnder you ll have to prove that u r not a falure ",and that kept me in the same industry,
and my patience said boss,i m not going to leave the company unless i get a better offer,better position and better money.
you ll be surprised to know that i worked for that company for 2 years just waiting for a better opportunity,i kept trying,may be during that time i appeared for more than 100 interviews,that desperate i was to leave the job.
and finally when i got the job,got my us visa,i felt to be the happiest man on earth
felt like a real winner

regards parmender

October 16th, 2003, 11:49 PM
Very inspiring article Nirupama Ji .

Thanks a lot for sharing such a beautiful article with all of us.

Welcome to JatLand !
Looking forward to more such articles from you.