View Full Version : Community-based approach to healthcare in Tamil Nadu

March 20th, 2005, 08:27 AM

This is a good example, a pioneering intervention study, of how community medicine can significantly improve the quality of life of people with little or no access to healthcare, at minimal costs. End stage renal failure is a severe problem which is being tackled, and, in many cases, prevented in the present case, using simple and cost-effective means.

Also, this case should be read by the legions of naysayers, the purveyors of indifference and apathy--and we have quite a few here--according to whom all NGOs are frauds, collective efforts don't work, and poverty is just a fact of life. In other word **** happens, tough luck. But as this example (and there are a lot more) shows, even a small amount of input can make a huge difference.