View Full Version : Was the Kaaba Originally a Hindu Temple?

June 3rd, 2005, 10:50 AM

June 3rd, 2005, 02:44 PM
It is well known that the pre-islamic arabs were idol worshipers. However, I could not get any authentic records of their being Hindus. I wish some one gets the picture of the plaque as claimed by Mr Oak..


June 3rd, 2005, 10:26 PM
The word "But"(idol) in arabic language is a distorted from of word "Buddh" whose influence and teachings were prominent on the silk road; when islam which is a political movement spearheaded by the distorted minds took up sword they decided to root out previous cultures to make space for a new ideology;one of the targets was the the statues of Buddha (some of which were destroyed very recently in bamiyaan); they had very strong aversion to "butparasti" or idol worship; it was sad and surprising that india failed to tilt chinese attention to this long stretched campaign of destroying the buddhist values; the able leadership of BJP were capable of sleeping in front of crowds during speeches failed to display wisdom in choosing its words in condemation of the destruction of bamiyaan buddhas at that time; it is a shame that so called "learned" wise men did not allude to the long standing history of destroying cultures at that very oppurtune movement; why are we wasting time writing all this now?
Because awareness is the key.We must know to protect.

June 4th, 2005, 02:48 AM
This is a really interesting thread.

Does anybody know how far back does idol worshipping go in India? My thinking is that idol worshipping was/is not really acknowledged by any Ved, though I could be wrong. Although, they do not acknowledge idol worship, they overlook and ignore its practice. Cannot really cite any relevant portions of any Ved but that is my understanding.

On the other hand fire based rituals are found common in vedic times, havan or Yagya, as well as in avestan literature of Mesopotamia (Iran). I would be more inclined to see the connection through that route than idols.