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Thread: Khaps and the Urbanite India: Intersting article

  1. #41

    Ghaziabad panchayat allows couple of same gotra to live together

    By ANI
    Tuesday, June 22, 2010

    GHAZIABAD - The Amargarh village panchayat in Uttar Pradesh’s Ghaziabad District has allowed a couple of same gotra to live together.

    However, panchayat asked them to stay away from the village.

    Babloo and Gudia of the Amargarh village, had eloped 15 days ago fearing opposition to their relation from their families as they belong to the same gotra.

    Their families succeeded in tracing Babloo and Gudia in Delhi and brought them back to the village so that the panchayat could punish them.

    However, the panchayat allowed them to live together on the condition that they leave the village.

    It also directed their families to give them Rs 5,000 each.

    Babloo and Gudia have left the village without disclosing where they are going. (ANI)

  2. #42

    Senthilraja’s blog

    Khap democracy and Vote Democracy – a comparison →

    Khap panchayat demands – time to recognize native systems
    Posted on May 20, 2010 by senthil

    The recent controversy over khap panchayats demand for banning same gotra marriage, has created a controversary, and an adverse reactions from all liberal sections, left, centre and the right. Instead of listening to them, why does the government and the intellectual community takes a confronting and oppressing stand against the khaps?
    More about this below.

    History of Khaps:

    The wikipedia link has a detailed account of khap history. I will sum up the essence of it.
    The khap is a traditional republic system, which consisted of 84 villages. Each village is governed by the panchayat, which is an elected council of 5 members. These elected members of all 84 villages would then choose a khap leader, who would convene the meeting of khap panchayats.

    The khap panchayats exist for more than 2500 years, and they are predominantly an organisation of the kshatriyas. It is a means of governance and administrative system, which was highly decentralised but co-ordinated centrally. Every khap is a village republic, where a khap leader is chosen. Please note that they are chosen by the people in the villages and NOT Appointed.

    There is also a sarva khap, where leaders of all khap in a territory will assemble and discuss major issues. The sarva khap will cover an entire state, or province. For example, there is a sarva khap for haryana and malwa.

    The khap panchayats exist today in Haryana, Rajasthan, punjab, uttar pradesh and madhya pradesh. Its also present in some parts of pakistan too, which adjoins indian border.

    Functioning of Khaps:

    At each village, the panchayat is called whenever there is a dispute. The elected council of 5 members will attend the session, where every villager can participate and become a witness. The trials are conducted openly in front of the villagers, and the panchayat leader finally gives a judgement that is acceptable to all people. If its not acceptable, further discussion is carried out on why it is not acceptable. And then the final judgement is arrived, with consensus of all the parties involved.

    If still, any of the party is not satisfied with the panchayat’s decision, he can take his case to the khap level, again for further hearing.

    This article “Democracy in ancient India” gives an excellent account of our native systems and the colloborative administration followed.

    Similar systems in other parts of India:

    The panchayat system was prevalent through out india in one or other forms, before the british invasion. Indian polity was highly decentralised, with village republics as the fundamental self-adminstrating unit. The village republic was governed by the council of elected panchayat members. There was different title given to the panchayat leader, according to the region. For example, in southern districts of tamilnadu, the panchayat leader is given the title “Naattaamai”, whereas the western tamilnadu has the title “Gounders” or “Oor Gounder”.

    I dont have info about other regions, but essentially, all the village republics have the panchayat model.

    The structure of the panchayat system is also similar to khaps. In kongu region, the village head is called “Kothukaran”, whereas group of villages are administered by “Naattu Gavundas”. The Pattakarars rule over the nattu gavandas. The region is grouped in to “8 hamlets” or 18 hamlets. (Popularly called ettu patti or pathinettu patti).

    Thus there are varied native administrative through out india, but most of them are destroyed initially by colonial britishers and later by the independant governments of free india.
    Current Khap Issue and their demands:
    The ongoing issue regarding the khap panchayat is about marriage of same gotra people.

    The khap panchayat annuled the marriage of the couple, handing over them to their respective parents. This issue has been happening for long, but this time, the khaps called the assembly of Maha Panchayat, and discussed this issue. At the end of that meeting, they placed their demand that the Hindu Marriage Act should be amended so that Same Gothra Marriage is NOT recognized in law. In my opinion, the khap leaders had hit the nail, in this issue. By demanding an amendment in hindu marriage act, they are trying to have a legal status to the widely followed social ethics, NOT just among khaps, but among major castes all over india.

    Ethical Issues in Same Gothra Marriages:

    The major reason why same gothra marriage receives such widespread social condemnation (except for those liberals) is the extent of the social values that the people hold. In order to understand this, we have to understand how our society structure has evolved, and for that we have to understand the caste system.

    Before proceeding, we have to understand what is meant by a gothra. The kula/gothra is a famous phrase used widely among indians, as an identity to one. Kulam is a larger set of people group, and gothra is the sub-division based on common paternal ancestry.

    In india, caste system is mostly patri-lineal, except for few which has matri-lineal. Which means, a child inherits the gothra of his/her father (and NOT mother). So, a boy and girl belonging to same gothra, automatically becomes a brother and sister, even though they are NOT direct siblings of common parent. During marriage, brides or grooms are selected from a different gothram of the same Kulam. ie, jats have many gothrams within them, and bride from one gothra chooses groom from a different gothram but within jat kulam. Similarly the gujjars and the meenas and other caste groups.

    In North India, alliances are avoided both from mother’s gothra and father’s gothra. however in south india, only father’s gothra are seen, and girl/boy from mother’s gothra are accepted. (athai mahal/maman mahal).

    Having understood these different social values, when a couple within same gothra, all of a sudden marries and comes to a village, it creates a shock to the people residing there. It creates disturbances among the society who all hold the same value, which gets violated now.

    Now, How do they resolve this? Or how do we expect them to handle this?

    For those cultural refugees of the urban areas, these kind of social links are beyond their scope of understanding. Hence they often harp on individual rights and sensationalise such issues, and force their morality on the rural people, who have a different social ethics.
    That’s the reason, why the urban india, often looks down upon the rural india, with all the contempt. Since the colonial powers are handed over the urban elites who still hold the ruling power, ostracises the khap community, projecting them as villain, as those sticking to medieval era.

    Even the nationalists journalists like Kanchan Gupta, had also joined the liberal urban brigade, ostracising the khaps, comparing them to talibans.

    Idiotic Comparison with taliban:

    I will explain Why comparing khaps with taliban is idiotic. First talibans are autocrats, who are imposing the islamic quran over people. Second, the talibans are NOT elected by people, and they are NOT accountable to people. all they want is to force people to follow quran and shariah, which when violated, they attempt to punish.
    However, the khaps have a decentralised native administrative system, and they dont have any religious book to blindly follow. The Sarva khaps are councils of members from different areas, and they make decisions based on mutual consensus. Hence they are NOT autocratic not dictators. Any decision taken there is accepted by the people, as they are also consulted in the decision making.
    The main reason why the journalists and intellegentsia (mainly the leftist and elitist) are branding khaps is the honour killing. They think, as though honour killing is followed only by talibans. Its followed even among rich high class people, where they attempt to assasinate their daughter/son, who marries a poor person. Honour killing is followed by islamists, christians at many places in india.

    Honour killings are the result of the situation where the society or part of the society faces a sensitive ethical or cultural issue. They are NOT trained before to handle such situations and hence the reaction most often is violent.

    From insider point of view, every family holds it as a prestige, to conduct the marriages of their son/daughter in a grand manner, if not atleast in a way appreciated by the society.

    When there is a love marriage and both the boy and girl belongs to same caste but different gothra, then the family has no problem in accepting them.

    When either of the couple is from a different caste, the family faces an immense stress, but that is some what manageable, because the upper caste often disowns their son/daughter and get rid of them.

    In the case of same gothra marriage, its the most difficult issue to handle. The family can even accept a person from another caste. But how does a family accept a marriage, where the couple is seen as a brother and sister. I believe, even the so called elitists , the intelligentsia and the journalists could not accept such a situation.
    What is the solution for this?
    Arent the khap society in distress to handle this situation, just like an individual family would face?

    NOw, what legitimate rights do the indian state or the supreme court have to interfere in the social ethics? Why should government force the community to accept a marriage which they consider as ethically unacceptable?

  3. #43
    Arrogance of the Media:

    The most enraging thing in this issue is the way media sensationalise this issue. In this IBN News whose job is to debate, indulges in branding and ostracising the khap communities. And their arrogance is even further evident, from the way, they make Jindal, a congress MP from Haryana, as a villain, just because he supported the khap demands for amendment to hindu marriage act. Karan Thapar attempts to project, that Jindal is supporting honour killing, while the fact is that Jindal was taking only the khap demand of amendments.

    Another Tehelka articel spits out vicious hatred on the khap panchayat, instead of analysing it. They use all types of english jargons, to sensationalise the issue, throw various allegations against the khaps, and finally project them as people of medieval ages.
    Arent these medias creating an extreme hatred among their viewers, when their job is to present only the facts and leave the decision and opinion making to the viewers themselves?

    Its time for us to recognize our native system:

    I often ask this question to many. Why are we having so much negative connotation to anything native to india. When the khap panchayat has been continuing for more than 2500 years, naturally it should be a social asset for india, to learn from them and take the positives. More than that, the khaps represent the historic continuity of the traditional india to the modern india, and its imperative we have to preserve it, strengthen it, and streamline it.
    But so far, many of the native systems were systematically destroyed by the macauline colonisers after british left. In tamilnadu, the traditional panchayat system is NOT recognized and even made illegal. Because of that, the system got collapsed here. But it was intact in North india, which there was attempt going on to destroy those.
    Solution for the Khap issue:

    The solution for the Khap issue is NOT in oppressing the khap leaders. But in creating awareness among the next generation to understand how their society functions, what are their roles in it, and what are the ethical values being followed. The reason why sagothra marriage happens is because the youths are NOT properly taught about their society in their schools.

    Its time for the educated youths within the khap villages, to take up this task and create awareness among the next generation, so that they grow up with the knowledge of what is right and accepted within their society and what are wrong and unethical in the society.
    The khaps are NOT blind followers of the books. They are open minded, and they have an excellent native & superior democratic system which they continue for thousands of years. What is needed now is proper recognition of this system, and proper guidance from the educated sections in important matter. As Jindal points out in the above IBN interview, we should listen to what the khap leaders are saying.

    Ofcourse, when the government is ready to talk to terrorists and separatists, why is it taking an oppressive stand against the native people, who have legitimate concerns?

    If any of the readers belong to North india, and have experience in the khap panchayats, please share your thoughts in the comments section of this article.
    If there are any graduates who come from the khap villages, i request them to support the system and reform it from within, by understanding their issues and providing solutions.
    13 Responses to Khap panchayat demands – time to recognize native systems
    1. Kiran says:
    May 23, 2010 at 12:50 am

    The above things are really things which are practically going on. But why do we require all this is not explained. How it is successful(if it is sucessful) in the present Internet world stage is not explained. When this is not successful why should we even bother about this ?
    What is the definition of Caste or Kulam ? As far as I know above described definitions are false and correct definitions according to their invention are mentioned in my blog (
    So if we do not have patience to follow as they were formed. Why should we disrespect them by following falsely ?

    Or with your logic did you ever did a useful activity for development of India ? If yes, please let me know how you have done so that I can learn things.
    Thank You,
    o senthil says:
    May 29, 2010 at 7:34 pm
    Kiran.. you seem to confuse caste with Varna.. both are different.. YOu may not require gothra system.. but there are many who require this..
    When dealing with social issues, we have to think about society in general and NOT as per
    our personal wishes.
    2. Incognito says:
    May 29, 2010 at 1:19 pm
    o senthil says:
    May 29, 2010 at 8:24 pm
    thanks a lot for the links.. truly a sensible article..
    3. Incognito says:
    May 29, 2010 at 1:19 pm
    4. Pingback: Khap democracy and Vote Democracy – a comparison « Senthilraja’s blog
    5. Pingback: khap « Comments
    6. Samar says:
    October 8, 2010 at 11:11 am
    Dear author of this blog post,
    First of all I congratulate you for having a vision which is so uncommon in educated community of modern India. Most of it are media brain washed neo-liberals purely unaware of their roots craving for a little attention.
    Secondaly your article has mentioned certain authentic points about khaps.
    I ve put it at community website in the wiki section – How Media sees the Khaps.
    Keep writing good and informative articles about ethnic traditions else these modern liberal nazis would engulf these holy and pragmatic traditions.
    7. senthil says:
    October 12, 2010 at 7:18 pm
    Dear Samar,
    Thanks for your comment. We cannot expect anything from those urban elites, who unfortunately were calling shots so far. People from the traditional communities, who had the chance to get english education should take up the mantle and explain the truths.
    I am from rural india but got matric education, and i was able to see the lies deliberately propogated..
    8. Mandeep Singh says:
    November 6, 2010 at 4:50 pm
    Dear Senthil
    I must congratulate you for having presented your views about Khap and Panchayat. It’s true that our pseudo-elite class of pseudo-egalitarian undereducated people (most of media people-especially electronic), have no aim other than to sensationalize & commercialize everything. These people are least bothered about the impact of their actions on public. They can go to any extent only keeping in mind the TRP and let the common man go to hell. It’s not much fruitful to criticize them as they are too dogmatic and obstinate to mend their ways and do some research work in their presentations. The educated and enlightened people are a great welcome. Though it may seem difficult to make our younger generation enlightened about our social, cultural, moral and ethical heritage which has deep tentacles of our customs and rituals since the advent of human civilization in the Northern Parts of India. These have stood the tests of thousands of years. Today we need to counter the mala fide designs of pseudo-egalitarian confused persons. We need to make our young people aware of the genuineness and genetic (Chromosomal) requirement based on pure scientific facts that within “Gotra” the marrying couple will produce incompetent & sick offspring. They ought to be made clear that OUR HERITAGE has not been conferred upon us by any foreign invaders. It is time tested.
    o senthil says:
    November 6, 2010 at 8:16 pm
    Thanks mandeep singh .. what do you feel, we can do to counter this assault?
    9. Mandeep Singh says:
    November 7, 2010 at 9:05 pm
    Dear Senthil
    It’s well said and also a proven fact that United We Stand and Divided We Fall. I am quite optimistic despite our undereducated adversaries who don’t have depth of knowledge but have superficial knowledge. It is easier to reason with rational people at the same time it is almost impossible to reason rationally with persons who have no intelligence nor are such people get ready for awakening. Our younger generation needs to be reasoned with, heard of and made to understand of our traditional time tested VALUES. Evolution of mankind is an ongoing process but we as intelligent beings have to remodel our VALUES setting as a paradigm according to the need of the hour at the same time keeping the sublime part of our VAALUES>
    Mandeep Singh
    10. Amit says:
    November 7, 2010 at 9:09 pm
    Nice thoughts. Keep up.

  4. #44

    Great input

    Given a lot of inputs for our brains to feed with.Thanks a lot.

    Nothing is Impossible,
    Impossible takes a little longer than the Usual .

  5. #45
    Thanks for enlightening us.

  6. #46
    We often come across criticism on Khaps' interference on marriages. Khaps' do object to marriages which conflict the gotra matches, a mistake which sometimes takes place due to ignorance of social traditions by young generation. Many societies outside India do have a practice which prohibits cousin marriages. Such prohibition is based on scientific proofs. I came across an interesting article on the subject which is reproduced below.

    क्यों एक मुस्लिम बहुल देश ने चचेरे-ममेरे भाई-बहनों की शादी पर रोक लगाने का फैसला किया है?

    दुनिया के कई देशों में यह आम प्रथा है, खासकर मुस्लिमबहुल देशों में. इसलिए जब ताजिकिस्तान ने इस पर रोक लगाने का फैसला लिया तो दुनिया का चौंकना स्वाभाविक था.

    चीन, अफगानिस्तान, किर्गिस्तान और उज्बेकिस्तान के बीचों-बीच बसा ताजिकिस्तान मध्य एशिया का सबसे गरीब देश है. ऐसा दुर्लभ ही होता है कि इस देश की कोई घटना सारी दुनिया में चर्चा का विषय बन जाए. लेकिन बीती 13 जनवरी को यहां की संसद का एक फैसला अंतरराष्ट्रीय सुर्ख़ियों में शामिल हुआ. यह फैसला था देश में कॉन्सेंग्युनियस विवाह (रक्त संबंधियों से विवाह) पर प्रतिबंध लगाना. दुनिया के कई देशों, विशेषकर मुस्लिम बहुल देशों में कॉन्सेंग्युनियस विवाह बहुत ही आम प्रथा है. इसीलिए जब मुस्लिम बहुल ताजिकिस्तान ने इस प्रथा पर रोक लगाने का प्रगतिशील फैसला लिया तो इसने दुनिया भर के कई लोगों को हैरत में डाल दिया.

    ताजिकिस्तान ने यह फैसला लेते हुए माना है कि कॉन्सेंग्युनियस विवाह से पैदा होने वाले बच्चों में आनुवंशिक रोग होने की संभावनाएं ज्यादा होती हैं. यहां के स्वास्थ्य विभाग ने 25 हजार से ज्यादा विकलांग बच्चों का पंजीकरण और उनका अध्ययन करने के बाद बताया है कि इनमें से लगभग 35 प्रतिशत बच्चे ऐसे हैं जो कॉन्सेंग्युनियस विवाह से पैदा हुए हैं. कॉन्सेंग्युनियस विवाह से पैदा होने वाले बच्चों में आनुवंशिक रोग होने की संभावनाओं पर लंबे समय से चर्चा होती रही है. लेकिन यह चर्चा कभी भी इतने व्यापक स्तर पर नहीं हुई कि इस तरह के विवाहों पर प्रतिबंध लग सके.

    दुनिया के लगभग एक-चौथाई हिस्से में आज भी कॉन्सेंग्युनियस विवाह आम हैं. इनमें एशिया, उत्तरी अफ्रीका, स्विट्ज़रलैंड, मध्यपूर्व, और चीन, जापान और भारत के कई हिस्से शामिल हैं. इन सभी जगहों पर कॉन्सेंग्युनियस विवाह के अलग-अलग रूप देखने को मिलते हैं. मुख्यतः कॉन्सेंग्युनियस विवाह उसे कहा जाता है जब कोई व्यक्ति अपने चचेरे/ममेरे भाई/बहन या उससे भी निकट रक्तसंबंधी से शादी करे. दक्षिण भारत में कई जगह लड़कियों की उनके मामा से शादी होना भी कॉन्सेंग्युनियस विवाह का एक उदाहरण है.

    कई देश ऐसे भी हैं जहां कॉन्सेंग्युनियस विवाह पर पूरी तरह प्रतिबंध तो नहीं है लेकिन, यह आंशिक रूप से प्रतिबंधित है. उदाहरण के लिए कई अमरीकी राज्यों में कॉन्सेंग्युनियस विवाह की अनुमति सिर्फ उन्हीं लोगों को दी जाती है जिनकी उम्र 65 वर्ष से अधिक हो या जो बच्चे पैदा करने में असमर्थ हों. इसी तरह कुछ देश ऐसे भी हैं जहां सिर्फ चिकित्सकीय जांच के बाद ही कॉन्सेंग्युनियस विवाह की अनुमति दी जाती है. जानकारों का मानना है कि इन सभी देशों में इस तरह के प्रतिबंध सिर्फ इसीलिए लगाए गए हैं ताकि बच्चों में होने वाले आनुवंशिक रोगों को रोका जा सके.

    ऐसे कई अध्ययन हुए हैं जो इस बात की पुष्टि करते हैं कि आम बच्चों के मुकाबले कॉन्सेंग्युनियस विवाह से होने वाली संतानों में आनुवंशिक रोग होने की संभावनाएं कई गुना ज्यादा होती हैं. कुछ समय पहले ही ब्रिटेन के ब्रैडफोर्ड में भी ऐसा एक अध्ययन किया गया था. ब्रैडफोर्ड में पाकिस्तानी मूल के लोगों का बड़ा रिहाइशी इलाका है. यहां की कुल आबादी में लगभग 17 प्रतिशत आबादी पाकिस्तानी मुस्लिम लोगों की है. इन लोगों में से 75 प्रतिशत लोग अपने ही समुदाय में चचेरे/ममेरे भाई/बहनों से शादियां करते हैं. अध्ययन में सामने आया था कि यहां रहने वाले बच्चों में से कई आनुवंशिक रोगों का शिकार हैं और इसका मुख्य कारण कॉन्सेंग्युनियस विवाह ही है. एक अन्य अध्ययन के अनुसार ब्रिटेन में पैदा होने वाले बच्चों में पाकिस्तानी मूल के कुल तीन प्रतिशत बच्चे होते हैं. लेकिन आनुवंशिक रोग के पीड़ित ब्रिटेन के कुल बच्चों में से 13 प्रतिशत पाकिस्तानी मूल के ही हैं.

    दक्षिण भारत के कई इलाकों में भी कॉन्सेंग्युनियस विवाह का चलन है. यहां भी यह इस प्रथा के चलते बच्चों में कई तरह के रोग देखे जा सकते हैं. आंध्र प्रदेश की रहने वाली बिंदु शॉ इस विषय पर दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय से रिसर्च कर रही हैं. वे बताती हैं कि भारत में अब तक ऐसे शोध न के बराबर ही हुए हैं जिनमें कॉन्सेंग्युनियस विवाह और उनके कारण होने वाले आनुवंशिक रोगों को साथ में परखा गया हो. कॉन्सेंग्युनियस विवाह के सामाजिक पहलुओं और आनुवंशिक रोगों के चिकित्सकीय पहलुओं पर अलग-अलग तो कई शोध हो चुके हैं लेकिन इन पर साथ में शोध करने वाली बिंदु शायद पहली भारतीय ही हैं.

    बिंदु बताती हैं, 'मैंने दो सौ ऐसे परिवारों पर अध्ययन किया है जिन्होंने कॉन्सेंग्युनियस विवाह किया था. इनमें से 97 परिवारों के बच्चे आनुवंशिक रोग से पीड़ित थे. यह भी देखने में आया है कि चचेरे/ममेरे भाई/बहनों से हुई शादी की तुलना में मामा से शादी होने पर बच्चों में इस तरह के विकारों की संभावनाएं ज्यादा होती हैं.' वे आगे बताती हैं, 'जब भी कोई व्यक्ति अपने रक्तसंबंधियों से शादी करता है तो उनके कई जीन एक समान होते हैं. इस स्थिति में यदि उनके जीन में कोई विकार होता है तो उनके होने वाले बच्चे में ऐसे विकृत जीन की दो प्रतियां पहुंच जाती हैं. यही रोग का कारण बनता है. जबकि समुदाय से बाहर शादी होने पर जीन का दायरा बढ़ जाता है और इसलिए किसी विकृत जीन के बच्चों तक पहुंचने की संभावनाएं काफी कम हो जाती हैं.'

    रिसर्च के लिए यह विषय चुनने के बारे में बिंदु बताती हैं, 'मैं जब स्कूल में पढ़ती थी तब से ही इस विषय में मेरी रुचि रही है. हमारे समाज में यह प्रथा आम है और मेरे कई रिश्तेदार इसके चलते आनुवंशिक रोगों का शिकार हुए हैं. इसलिए मैं हमेशा से इस विषय पर रिसर्च करना चाहती थी.' कॉन्सेंग्युनियस विवाह के कई दुष्परिणामों को जानने के बाद भी क्या यह प्रथा सिर्फ धार्मिक और सांस्कृतिक मान्यताओं के चलते ही जारी है? इस सवाल के जवाब में बिंदु कहती हैं, 'मुझे लगता है कि धार्मिक मान्यताओं से ज्यादा सामाजिक पहलुओं के चलते लोग आज भी कॉन्सेंग्युनियस विवाह करते हैं. लोग मानते हैं कि अपने ही संबंधियों से शादी होने पर संपत्ति बाहर नहीं जाएगी और उसका बंटवारा नहीं होगा. इसके साथ ही लड़कियों के माता-पिता अपनी बेटी किसी अजनबी को सौंपने से बेहतर अपने किसी रिश्तेदार को सौंपना ही समझते हैं. विशेष तौर से ग्रामीण इलाकों में इस तरह की शादियों को ही ज्यादा वरीयता दी जाती है.'

    कॉन्सेंग्युनियस विवाह जिन समुदायों में प्रचलित है उनमें कई बार प्रेम संबंधों के चलते भी इस तरह के विवाह होते हैं. बिंदु बताती हैं, 'बच्चे बहुत छोटी उम्र से ही अपने चचेरे/ममेरे भाई-बहनों से मिलते हैं, उनके साथ खेलते हैं और साथ ही बड़े होते हैं. ऐसे में उनकी आपसी दोस्ती बहुत अच्छी होती है और जब उन्हें इस संभावना का पता होता है कि उनकी शादी हो सकती है तो यह दोस्ती प्रेम संबंधों में भी बदल जाती है.' इन तमाम पहलुओं के अलावा धार्मिक मान्यताओं को भी कई लोग कॉन्सेंग्युनियस विवाह का एक मुख्य कारण मानते हैं.

    कॉन्सेंग्युनियस विवाह को सही ठहराने वाले अक्सर यह तर्क देते हैं कि ऐसे विवाहों से होने वाले बच्चों में आनुवंशिक रोग की संभावनाओं को बढ़ा-चढ़ा कर दर्शाया जाता है. ताजिकिस्तान में लिए गए हालिया फैसले का विरोध करने वाले भी यही मांग कर रहे हैं कि इस तथ्य की पुष्टि के लिए ज्यदा आंकड़े प्रस्तुत किये जाएं कि कॉन्सेंग्युनियस विवाह ही आनुवंशिक रोगों का बड़ा कारण है. इन लोगों का तर्क है कि कॉन्सेंग्युनियस विवाह से होने वाले बच्चों के बीमार होने की उतनी ही संभावनाएं होती हैं जितनी किसी 40 वर्ष से अधिक उम्र की महिला के माँ बनने पर उसके बच्चे के बीमार होने की होती हैं. ताजिकिस्तान संसद के फैसले का विरोध करते हुए यह लोग सवाल कर रहे हैं कि जब किसी 40 वर्ष से अधिक उम्र की महिला को मां बनने से नहीं रोका जाता तो फिर कॉन्सेंग्युनियस विवाह करने वालों पर रोक क्यों लगाई जानी चाहिए?

    लेकिन चिकित्सा विज्ञान को समझने वाले जानकार मानते हैं कि कॉन्सेंग्युनियस विवाह को धार्मिक या सांस्कृतिक नज़रिए से नहीं बल्कि चिकित्सकीय नज़रिए से परखा जाना जरूरी है और इस लिहाज़ से ताजिकिस्तान के इस फैसले का स्वागत किया जाना चाहिए.

    तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय

  7. #47
    आज माननीय सर्वोच्च न्यायालय ने खाप के संबंध में फैसला दिया है। खाप सब की आँख में खटक रही हैं।
    Laxman Burdak

  8. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to lrburdak For This Useful Post:

    abhikrana (March 30th, 2018), neel6318 (April 7th, 2018)

  9. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by lrburdak View Post
    आज माननीय सर्वोच्च न्यायालय ने खाप के संबंध में फैसला दिया है। खाप सब की आँख में खटक रही हैं।
    self discipline would be in high demand, else crime inviting legal procedures is going to hit in villages.

  10. #49

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