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Thread: आइये जाट जाति के दस गुरु चुनें...

  1. #1

    आइये जाट जाति के दस गुरु चुनें...

    अगर जाट जाति को सिखों की तर्ज पर अपने लिए दस गुरु चुनने को कहा जाए तो आप किसको इस लिस्ट में देखना चाहेंगे?

    अपने मत को तर्क और विद्वता की कसौटी पे खरा उतारने और उचित ठहराने हेतु सन्दर्भ (context/reason) भी अवश्य पेश करें।

    इस धागे का पहला मकसद ऐसे तमाम जाट योद्धेयों की सूची बनाना है जिसमें जाट जाति के गुरु कहलाने लायक योद्धेयों के नाम शामिल किये जा सकें।

    फिर उस सूची में से 100 (if list touches the 100 mark else whatever number it will reach) नाम छांटे जायेंगे और फिर

    First Pole: उन 100 पे जाटलैंड के तमाम मेंबर्स से वोटिंग करने का आहवान किया जायेगा और वोटिंग के आधार पर टॉप 10 नाम निकाले जायेंगे

    Second Pole: और फिर से उन टॉप 10 के लिए वोटिंग करवाई जाएगी; जिसमें कि जिन्होंने टॉप 10 के अतिरिक्त को वोटिंग की है उनको टॉप 10 के साथ जुड़ने को कहा जायेगा और वोटिंग करवाई जाएगी।

    Third Pole: और फिर टॉप 10 में से टॉप 2 में सीधा वोटिंग करवाई जाएगी। ताकि टॉप 2 positions पे अधिक से अधिक वोट आमजन मत के साथ गुरु सीधे आमजन द्वारा चुने हुए हों|

    1) टॉप 100 में से टॉप 10 चुनने के लिए प्रायोरिटी सिस्टम पोलिंग (priority system polling) होगी ताकि आप टॉप 10 चुनते वक़्त अपनी वरीयता भी दे सकें| और यही वरीयता टॉप 10 में से टॉप 2 और फिर टॉप 2 में से First and Second निर्धारित करने के लिए प्रयोग की जाएगी| वोटिंग के हर चरण में जाटलैंड के तमाम मेंबर्स को वोट डालने का आह्वान किया जायेगा|
    2) और एक बात ये दस गुरु और इन दस में भी टॉप के दो गुरु भारत के तमाम जाटों में से किसी भी राज्य, जिला, गाँव के हो सकते हैं।
    3) इस प्रक्रिया के बाकी के बिंदु और नियम जैसे-जैसे पोलिंग प्रक्रिया आगे बढती है वैसे ही मेम्बर्स के विचारों को विचार-पट्टल पे रखते हुए आगे बढ़ाएंगे। तो आइये शुरू करें और देखें की जाटलैंड के मेंबर्स अपनी जाति में किसको जाट जाति का सार्वकालिक और महानतम गुरु मानते हैं…
    4) जाटलैंड पे हुए इस पोलिंग को जाटलैंड मेंबर्स तो जान ही सकेंगे, साथ ही जाटलैंड वेबसाइट के एडमिन ग्रुप से इसको सत्यापित करवा के, जाटलैंड और तमाम मीडिया में जहां तक हो सकेगा वहाँ तक इसको छपवा कर, जनता में आपके मत को बतलवाया जायेगा| ताकि जाट जाति के नॉन-जाटलैंड मेंबर्स (people who are not on, local public) भी जाटलैंड के इस सभ्रांत ग्रुप की राय जान सके और देश के तमाम जाटों में इस पोलिंग के जरिये एक बड़ा नजरिया बनाया जा सके| इसलिए अधिक से अधिक इस पोलिंग में अपना योगदान दें|
    5) इस लिस्ट में नाम सुझाते वक़्त आपमें कोई झिझक नहीं होनी चाहिए, फिर चाहे आप जिसका नाम सुझा रहे हैं वो आपका कितना ही नजदीकी क्यों ना हो। क्योंकि अगर वो आम जाट जनता में भी इतने ही लोकप्रिय हैं जितने की आपके लिए तो वो इस पोलिंग में स्वत: ही टॉप पर आ जायेंगे। बस आप इतना जरूर ध्यान रखें कि उनके कार्य, बलिदान और कौम के लिए त्याग इस स्तर के जरूर हों कि जाट जनता उनको मान्यता देती हो। थोड़ी जनता मान्यता देती है या अधिकतम, यह इस पोलिंग पे छोड़ दें|

    विशेष अनुरोध: इस वोटिंग प्रक्रिया को सफल, पारदर्शी और निष्पक्ष बनाने हेतु अपने सुझाव भी जरूर रखते रहें। सुझाव रखने के लिए अपनी पोस्ट के अंत में, "चुनावी प्रक्रिया सम्बन्धी सुझाव" लिख के उसके आगे ही अपना सुझाव डाल दें, इसके लिए अलग से पोस्ट ना लिखें|
    Last edited by phoolkumar; September 7th, 2013 at 03:20 AM.
    One who doesn't know own roots and culture, their social identity is like a letter without address and they are culturally slave to philosophies of others.

    Reunion of Haryana state of pre-1857 is the best way possible to get Jats united.

    Phool Kumar Malik - Gathwala Khap - Nidana Heights

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to phoolkumar For This Useful Post:

    rajpaldular (September 10th, 2013)

  3. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by phoolkumar View Post
    अगर जाट जाति को सिखों की तर्ज पर अपने लिए दस गुरु चुनने को कहा जाए तो आप किसको इस लिस्ट में देखना चाहेंगे?

    अपने मत को तर्क और विद्वता की कसौटी पे खरा उतारने और उचित ठहराने हेतु सन्दर्भ (context/reason) भी अवश्य पेश करें।

    इस धागे का पहला मकसद ऐसे तमाम जाट योद्धेयों की सूची बनाना है जिसमें जाट जाति के गुरु कहलाने लायक योद्धेयों के नाम शामिल किये जा सकें।

    फिर उस सूची में से 100 (if list touches the 100 mark else whatever number it will reach) नाम छांटे जायेंगे और फिर

    First Pole: उन 100 पे जाटलैंड के तमाम मेंबर्स से वोटिंग करने का आहवान किया जायेगा और वोटिंग के आधार पर टॉप 10 नाम निकाले जायेंगे

    Second Pole: और फिर से उन टॉप 10 के लिए वोटिंग करवाई जाएगी; जिसमें कि जिन्होंने टॉप 10 के अतिरिक्त को वोटिंग की है उनको टॉप 10 के साथ जुड़ने को कहा जायेगा और वोटिंग करवाई जाएगी।

    Third Pole: और फिर टॉप 10 में से टॉप 2 में सीधा वोटिंग करवाई जाएगी। ताकि टॉप 2 positions पे अधिक से अधिक वोट आमजन मत के साथ गुरु सीधे आमजन द्वारा चुने हुए हों|

    1) टॉप 100 में से टॉप 10 चुनने के लिए प्रायोरिटी सिस्टम पोलिंग (priority system polling) होगी ताकि आप टॉप 10 चुनते वक़्त अपनी वरीयता भी दे सकें| और यही वरीयता टॉप 10 में से टॉप 2 और फिर टॉप 2 में से First and Second निर्धारित करने के लिए प्रयोग की जाएगी| वोटिंग के हर चरण में जाटलैंड के तमाम मेंबर्स को वोट डालने का आह्वान किया जायेगा|
    2) और एक बात ये दस गुरु और इन दस में भी टॉप के दो गुरु भारत के तमाम जाटों में से किसी भी राज्य, जिला, गाँव के हो सकते हैं।
    3) इस प्रक्रिया के बाकी के बिंदु और नियम जैसे-जैसे पोलिंग प्रक्रिया आगे बढती है वैसे ही मेम्बर्स के विचारों को विचार-पट्टल पे रखते हुए आगे बढ़ाएंगे। तो आइये शुरू करें और देखें की जाटलैंड के मेंबर्स अपनी जाति में किसको जाट जाति का सार्वकालिक और महानतम गुरु मानते हैं…
    4) जाटलैंड पे हुए इस पोलिंग को जाटलैंड मेंबर्स तो जान ही सकेंगे, साथ ही जाटलैंड वेबसाइट के एडमिन ग्रुप से इसको सत्यापित करवा के, जाटलैंड और तमाम मीडिया में जहां तक हो सकेगा वहाँ तक इसको छपवा कर, जनता में आपके मत को बतलवाया जायेगा| ताकि जाट जाति के नॉन-जाटलैंड मेंबर्स (people who are not on, local public) भी जाटलैंड के इस सभ्रांत ग्रुप की राय जान सके और देश के तमाम जाटों में इस पोलिंग के जरिये एक बड़ा नजरिया बनाया जा सके| इसलिए अधिक से अधिक इस पोलिंग में अपना योगदान दें|
    5) इस लिस्ट में नाम सुझाते वक़्त आपमें कोई झिझक नहीं होनी चाहिए, फिर चाहे आप जिसका नाम सुझा रहे हैं वो आपका कितना ही नजदीकी क्यों ना हो। क्योंकि अगर वो आम जाट जनता में भी इतने ही लोकप्रिय हैं जितने की आपके लिए तो वो इस पोलिंग में स्वत: ही टॉप पर आ जायेंगे। बस आप इतना जरूर ध्यान रखें कि उनके कार्य, बलिदान और कौम के लिए त्याग इस स्तर के जरूर हों कि जाट जनता उनको मान्यता देती हो। थोड़ी जनता मान्यता देती है या अधिकतम, यह इस पोलिंग पे छोड़ दें|

    विशेष अनुरोध: इस वोटिंग प्रक्रिया को सफल, पारदर्शी और निष्पक्ष बनाने हेतु अपने सुझाव भी जरूर रखते रहें। सुझाव रखने के लिए अपनी पोस्ट के अंत में, "चुनावी प्रक्रिया सम्बन्धी सुझाव" लिख के उसके आगे ही अपना सुझाव डाल दें, इसके लिए अलग से पोस्ट ना लिखें|
    विशेष अनुरोध/सुझाव :- Phool I think to keep the poll unbiased geographically or regionally free you shall consider the enteries of the heroes/guru/stalwarts from pre-independence era. This could date back to any time from 0000 to 1947.

    As per my knowledge I am suggesting few names -

    1) Maharaja Suraj Mal

    2) Ch. Chhotu Ram

    3) Dhanna Bhagat

    4) Raja Mahender Prtap

    5) Sardar Bhagat Singh Sandhu

    6) Shaheed Nahar Singh

    "All I am trying to do is bridge the gap between Jats and Rest of World"

    As I shall imagine, so shall I become.

  4. The Following 10 Users Say Thank You to Samarkadian For This Useful Post:

    ajay86 (September 13th, 2013), anilphogat (September 10th, 2013), anilsangwan (December 10th, 2013), cooljat (September 8th, 2013), phoolkumar (September 7th, 2013), prashantacmet (September 12th, 2013), rajpaldular (September 9th, 2013), skarmveer (December 20th, 2013), skharb (September 13th, 2013), sukhbirhooda (September 18th, 2013)

  5. #3
    Thats really great suggestion Samar, ki 0000 se 1947 tak ke hi heroes/guru/stalwarts mein voting karaai jaaye.....I hope it could be accepted as a condition for making list....what the friends of JL say about it.......?

    Quote Originally Posted by Samarkadian View Post
    विशेष अनुरोध/सुझाव :- Phool I think to keep the poll unbiased geographically or regionally free you shall consider the enteries of the heroes/guru/stalwarts from pre-independence era. This could date back to any time from 0000 to 1947.

    As per my knowledge I am suggesting few names -

    1) Maharaja Suraj Mal

    2) Ch. Chhotu Ram

    3) Dhanna Bhagat

    4) Raja Mahender Prtap

    5) Sardar Bhagat Singh Sandhu

    6) Shaheed Nahar Singh

    Last edited by phoolkumar; September 7th, 2013 at 10:37 PM.

  6. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to phoolkumar For This Useful Post:

    rajpaldular (September 9th, 2013), skarmveer (December 20th, 2013), sukhbirhooda (September 18th, 2013)

  7. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Samarkadian View Post
    विशेष अनुरोध/सुझाव :- Phool I think to keep the poll unbiased geographically or regionally free you shall consider the enteries of the heroes/guru/stalwarts from pre-independence era. This could date back to any time from 0000 to 1947.

    As per my knowledge I am suggesting few names -

    1) Maharaja Suraj Mal

    2) Ch. Chhotu Ram

    3) Dhanna Bhagat

    4) Raja Mahender Prtap

    5) Sardar Bhagat Singh Sandhu

    6) Shaheed Nahar Singh

    Samar, no Ranjit Singh in your list? The first Jatt to conquer Afghan lands and close the door once and for all on foreign invasions from the Khyber Pass. Him and Suraj Mal definitely belong in top 3.
    Pagdi Sambhal Jatta..!

  8. The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to swaich For This Useful Post:

    anilphogat (September 10th, 2013), prashantacmet (September 12th, 2013), puneetlakra (September 16th, 2013), rajpaldular (September 10th, 2013), ravinderjeet (September 8th, 2013), skharb (September 13th, 2013), sukhbirhooda (September 18th, 2013)

  9. #5
    Brother aap apne according jo bhi aapko known Jat stalwart/heroes/gurus hue hain apni kaum mein unke naam thread mein rakhiye...... abhi list mein kam se kam 100 such names hone tak wait kiya jayega.....pahle 100 names (or upto whatever number it will reach) ho jaayen...fir unpe voting karyanege.....aur un 100 mein top 10 select karke....thread ki first post ke according elect plz suggest names as per your knowledge....doesn't matter if any other friend like Samar has recommended them already or not (that is Samar's view only, not yours).....I shall compile all the repeated names in one list after having a reasonable number of persons (with number of recommendations against each personality) suggested here....... each recommendation will be counted against the repeated person. for example if you name Maharaja Ranjit Singh and some other friend also brings his name in his list, it shall be counted two recommendation for Maharaja Ranjit Singh for considering his name in list of top 100......

    Quote Originally Posted by swaich View Post
    Samar, no Ranjit Singh in your list? The first Jatt to conquer Afghan lands and close the door once and for all on foreign invasions from the Khyber Pass. Him and Suraj Mal definitely belong in top 3.
    Last edited by phoolkumar; September 7th, 2013 at 11:20 PM.

  10. The Following User Says Thank You to phoolkumar For This Useful Post:

    rajpaldular (September 9th, 2013)

  11. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by phoolkumar View Post
    Brother aap apne according jo bhi aapko known Jat stalwart/heroes/gurus hue hain apni kaum mein unke naam thread mein rakhiye...... abhi list mein kam se kam 100 such names hone tak wait kiya jayega.....pahle 100 names (or upto whatever number it will reach) ho jaayen...fir unpe voting karyanege.....aur un 100 mein top 10 select karke....thread ki first post ke according elect plz suggest names as per your knowledge....doesn't matter if any other friend like Samar has recommended them already or not (that is Samar's view only, not yours).....I shall compile all the repeated names in one list after having a reasonable number of persons (with number of recommendations against each personality) suggested here....... each recommendation will be counted against the repeated person. for example if you name Maharaja Ranjit Singh and some other friend also brings his name in his list, it shall be counted two recommendation for Maharaja Ranjit Singh for considering his name in list top 100......
    I understand; will post my list soon. Was just having some banter with Samar baii.
    Pagdi Sambhal Jatta..!

  12. The Following User Says Thank You to swaich For This Useful Post:

    phoolkumar (September 7th, 2013)

  13. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by swaich View Post
    Samar, no Ranjit Singh in your list? The first Jatt to conquer Afghan lands and close the door once and for all on foreign invasions from the Khyber Pass. Him and Suraj Mal definitely belong in top 3.
    Totally skipped him in a rush to reply. But yes He and Suraj Mal are among top. Since people here are least aware about Jat Sikh heroes except S. Bhagat Singh, Ranjit Singh and few others, you can definitely add some.
    "All I am trying to do is bridge the gap between Jats and Rest of World"

    As I shall imagine, so shall I become.

  14. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Samarkadian For This Useful Post:

    cooljat (September 8th, 2013), prashantacmet (September 12th, 2013), Prikshit (September 12th, 2013), rajpaldular (September 9th, 2013), sukhbirhooda (September 18th, 2013)

  15. #8
    1. Gokul Jat from Tilpat, who sacrifice his life for the Jat cause and Bharatpur kingdom was actually result of rebellion started by him.
    2. Harphool Jat Julani alla
    3. Baba Deep Singh Sandhu
    "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent..."

  16. The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to rsdalal For This Useful Post:

    anilphogat (September 10th, 2013), cooljat (September 8th, 2013), phoolkumar (September 8th, 2013), puneetlakra (September 16th, 2013), rajpaldular (September 9th, 2013), ravinderjeet (September 8th, 2013), sukhbirhooda (September 18th, 2013)

  17. #9
    सरदार हरलाल सिंह दूलर (स्वतन्त्रता सेनानी एवं स्वतंत्र भारत में राजस्थान के प्रथम कांग्रेस अध्यक्ष)

    Sardar Harlal Singh Dular (Freedom Fighter & First Congress president of Rajasthan in 1947)
    India and Israel (Hindus & Jews) are true friends in this World. Both are Long Live and yes also both have survived and surviving under adverse conditions.

  18. The Following User Says Thank You to rajpaldular For This Useful Post:

    prashantacmet (September 12th, 2013)

  19. #10
    डॉक्टर चंद्रभान दूलर, कांग्रेस अध्यक्ष, राजस्थान

    Dr. Chandrabhan Dular, Congress Party President, Rajasthan
    India and Israel (Hindus & Jews) are true friends in this World. Both are Long Live and yes also both have survived and surviving under adverse conditions.

  20. #11
    1. Churaman
    2. Rajaram jat
    3. Hari singh dhillon
    4. kapoor singh virk
    5. baba budhha
    6. Chaudhary charan singh
    7. Veer shahmal (freedom fighter 1857)
    8. maharaja jawahar singh
    9. chaudhary devilal
    10. sardar bhagat singh
    11. maharaja surajmal
    12. baba deep singh
    13. chaudhary chotu ram
    14. jatwan of hansi
    15. harbeer gulia of sarv-khap
    16. maharaja ranjeet singh
    17. kartar singh sharaba
    18. dhanna bhagat
    19. veer gokula
    20. raja mahender pratap
    21. nahar singh
    Last edited by prashantacmet; September 12th, 2013 at 01:27 PM.
    Become more and more innocent, less knowledgeable and more childlike. Take life as fun - because that's precisely what it is!

  21. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to prashantacmet For This Useful Post:

    Prikshit (September 12th, 2013), rajpaldular (September 12th, 2013), sukhbirhooda (September 18th, 2013)

  22. #12
    Brother you can repeat the names if any one of already repeated is your liking also, because at the end kis personality ko kitne recommendation mile, usi ke base pe to top 10 decide don't miss them.....

    Quote Originally Posted by prashantacmet View Post
    Not repeating the names.

    1. Churaman
    2. Rajaram jat
    3. Hari singh dhillon
    4. kapoor singh virk
    5. baba budhha
    6. Chaudhary charan singh
    7. Veer shahmal (freedom fighter 1857)
    8. maharaja jawahar singh
    9. chaudhary devilal
    One who doesn't know own roots and culture, their social identity is like a letter without address and they are culturally slave to philosophies of others.

    Reunion of Haryana state of pre-1857 is the best way possible to get Jats united.

    Phool Kumar Malik - Gathwala Khap - Nidana Heights

  23. The Following User Says Thank You to phoolkumar For This Useful Post:

    rajpaldular (September 12th, 2013)

  24. #13

  25. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Sanjeev1 For This Useful Post:

    rajpaldular (September 13th, 2013), ravinderjeet (September 12th, 2013)

  26. #14
    Rajpal Ji, ye aapne satire way main likha hai?
    Chandra Bhan se bada boot licker congressi Jat neta aaj tak nahi hua!

    Quote Originally Posted by rajpaldular View Post
    डॉक्टर चंद्रभान दूलर, कांग्रेस अध्यक्ष, राजस्थान

    Dr. Chandrabhan Dular, Congress Party President, Rajasthan
    .. " Until Lions have their historians, tales of the hunt shall always glorify the hunter! " ..

  27. The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to cooljat For This Useful Post:

    prashantacmet (September 12th, 2013), rajpaldular (September 13th, 2013), ravinderjeet (September 12th, 2013), rkumar (September 12th, 2013), ssgoyat (September 14th, 2013), sukhbirhooda (September 18th, 2013), vijaykajla1 (September 12th, 2013)

  28. #15
    "अगर जाट जाति को सिखों की तर्ज पर अपने लिए दस गुरु चुनने को कहा जाए तो आप किसको इस लिस्ट में देखना चाहेंगे?"

    None.... I repeat....not even a single one .....
    There are many paths leading to God, politics is certainly not one of them...

  29. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to rkumar For This Useful Post:

    cooljat (September 12th, 2013), prashantacmet (September 12th, 2013), rajpaldular (September 13th, 2013), spdeshwal (September 13th, 2013), ssgoyat (September 14th, 2013), sukhbirhooda (September 18th, 2013)

  30. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by rkumar View Post
    "अगर जाट जाति को सिखों की तर्ज पर अपने लिए दस गुरु चुनने को कहा जाए तो आप किसको इस लिस्ट में देखना चाहेंगे?"

    None.... I repeat....not even a single one .....
    सारे जाट गुरु सें ।
    :rockwhen you found a key to success,some ideot change the lock,*******BREAK THE DOOR.
    हक़ मांगने से नहीं मिलता , छिना जाता हे |
    अहिंसा कमजोरों का हथियार हे |
    पगड़ी संभाल जट्टा |
    मौत नु आंगालियाँ पे नचांदे , ते आपां जाट कुहांदे |

  31. The Following 11 Users Say Thank You to ravinderjeet For This Useful Post:

    anilsangwan (December 10th, 2013), cooljat (September 12th, 2013), desijat (September 13th, 2013), prashantacmet (September 12th, 2013), premsukhdidel (September 13th, 2013), rajpaldular (September 13th, 2013), rkumar (September 12th, 2013), spdeshwal (September 13th, 2013), ssgoyat (September 14th, 2013), sukhbirhooda (September 18th, 2013), vdhillon (October 24th, 2013)

  32. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by rkumar View Post
    "अगर जाट जाति को सिखों की तर्ज पर अपने लिए दस गुरु चुनने को कहा जाए तो आप किसको इस लिस्ट में देखना चाहेंगे?"

    None.... I repeat....not even a single one .....
    reason..kalkhande saahb?
    Become more and more innocent, less knowledgeable and more childlike. Take life as fun - because that's precisely what it is!

  33. The Following User Says Thank You to prashantacmet For This Useful Post:

    rajpaldular (September 13th, 2013)

  34. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by prashantacmet View Post
    reason..kalkhande saahb?
    Guru is the one who contributes to wisdom of a society and lays down ideology for future generations. Ten Sikh Gurus contributed towards "Guru Granth Sahab". Their teachings are quoted by Sikhs during sermons. I can not think of any quote by any so called Jat guru which is part of our folklore and guides us in our daily life. Names suggested by other friends in my view can be called heroes and definitely not Gurus.
    There are many paths leading to God, politics is certainly not one of them...

  35. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to rkumar For This Useful Post:

    prashantacmet (September 13th, 2013), rajpaldular (September 13th, 2013), spdeshwal (September 13th, 2013), ssgoyat (September 14th, 2013), sukhbirhooda (September 18th, 2013)

  36. #19
    We have everything in out community Rajendra ji, it is just that all is in dispersed manner. It is all because we Jat didn't give value to our own warriors, heros, stalwarts, martyrs. You know why Jats are oftenly labelled as, "abdulla ki shadi mein miya diwana" or sometimes you have heard about the relation of Lord Hanumana to Jats with logic that "lugai kise ki, uthaai kisi ne aur poonjad funkwaai Hanuman ne"......this is the kind of image we have that we are available to all good of others but when it comes own, we are known for, "Jatda aur Katda apne ko hi maare". We have been worshiping something portrayed to us by mythological characters of God that too created and written by human only, where as our own elder preached whole of their lives not to worship pillars, lings, statues etc. I wrote same thing but in hindi with English font so to save my time, pasting it all here for you, please go through it:

    in sabse bhi jo sabse badi cheej hai Jat ke liye aaj ke din wo hai Adhyatam ka jariya....jab tak Jats ke paas arya-samaaj tha tab tak hamaari spiritual energy focused rahi....but ab Jats Arya Samaaj se door hote ja rahe hain but uski replacement abhi tak nahin dhoond paaye aur har din aire-gaire nathu-khaire dhongi-pakhnadiyon ko guru bana unke charan dhone mein lage hue mere according Jats ki agar aaj ki sabse badi jaroorat hai to Arya Samaaj ki replacement dhoondne ki....aur maine to mere liye wo dhoond li hai aur wo hai hamaare apne-bujurgon ke hamaare Jat belt ke gaavon mein banaaye gaye "Dada Kheda" ke chhote-chhote mandirnuma moortirahit khede and gurus from our community (wo mere liye guru hain but yahaan ek single person ki baat nahin, poori community ki hai so uske liye common survey and election hona jaroori hai aur usi ke liye ye thread shuru kiya hai ki hum apne aise 10 guru dhoonden jinke liye hamaare apne Dada Khedaon ke saath lagte "KHAAPDWAARE" similar to "GURUDWARA" type mein inke dwaare banaaye jaayen)....jinko ki Jat belt ke other areas mein kahin Bada beer aur dada baiya etc. bhi bola jata pahle jo sabse badi hamaari jaroorat hai wo hai apni is spiritual need ko fir se ek jagah focus karne ki....jab tak ye bhatakti rahegi ya kaho bikhari rahegi....Jats aise hi dhongi-pakhandiyon ke pairon mein pade rahenge aur inka Financial as well as spiritual hijack hota rahega.....

    aur isse bhi ek dangerous use jo freshly happened Muzaffarnagar ke dangon mein dekha, Jat ko uski identity pe jabardasti Hindu rang chadhaya ja raha hai....jabki reality aapke saamne thi.....akela chhod diya gaya JAts ko Muslims ke against us maidaan mein.....even media tak ne usko Hindu versus Muslim ki jagah Jat versus muslim bana diya.....aur ye sab isliye ho raha hai kyonki humaari community huge spiritual crisis se gujar rahi hai....hum certain hi nahin hain ki hum kisko guru maanen.....aur is haalaat pe maine ek poem bhi likhi hai....aap is thread pe jaa ke, 322vin post padhiye....

    aage badhta hu.....maine jab spritituality ki study kari to paya ki Sikhs apne religion ko le ke itne kattar and confident kyon hain....kyonki wo jinko poojte hain wo unke apne vansh-caste ke bujurg rahe hain.....unhonen apne bujurgon ko apna bhagwan bana gurudwaaron mein 10 sikhon ke roop mein bithaya hai.....bithaya hua to hamaare waalon ne bhi hai ......har gaon mein "Dada Kheda", dada baiya" aur bada beer ke roop mein.....but hum jats ne unko bisraya hua hai bhulaya hua hai aur aise logon ko poojte hain jo hamaare se daan lete hain aur hami ko Anti-Brahmin bolte hain.....;

    so first of all we need to work on this front.....kyaa hamaare paas aise veer yoddha nahin hue jo sikhon ki tarah jaise unhonen guru bana diya aise hum na bana paayen.....hain lekin hum apno ko to poojte nahin....baaki kahin kisi ne thoda paani daal ke 2 gulgule bhi chadha diye to usko itna pooj dete hain ki wahaan kab mandir ban jaate hain (wo bhi hamaare hi paison se) humen khabar hi nahin lagti

    And you know its nothing but all about promoting, remembering and recalling our own Gurus from our own societies, for example:

    1) If Guru Teg Bahadur could be the one of the gurus of Sikhs then why can't Veer Gokula Ji Maharaj for Jats, because both stood for same cause and that was to saveguard the religion. And both held happened during the period of Aurengjeb only and became martyr for religion during his tenure only. You know why Guru Teg Bahadur earned the name, because his community wrote it, promote it, sang it and carried till date all along the history. So it is not like that we don't have had Gurus in our community but we haven't sincere enough, cautious enough and respective enough to the deeds of our own ancestors.

    2) If Guru Govind Singh can be one of the Guru for Sikhs then why can't Dada Dhaula Singh Sangwan (just in the age of 19 years) who led the famous demolishing of Kalanaur Riyasat as Chief Leader of the Khaap Army organized by Gathwala Khap? And it was for the same cause as was of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.....

    I can bet most of us would be hearing about "Dada Dhaula Singh Sangwan Ji" first time. You see this is the level of our awareness towards our history and its preservance. I shall propose my complete list of personalities later.

    Quote Originally Posted by rkumar View Post
    Guru is the one who contributes to wisdom of a society and lays down ideology for future generations. Ten Sikh Gurus contributed towards "Guru Granth Sahab". Their teachings are quoted by Sikhs during sermons. I can not think of any quote by any so called Jat guru which is part of our folklore and guides us in our daily life. Names suggested by other friends in my view can be called heroes and definitely not Gurus.
    Last edited by phoolkumar; September 13th, 2013 at 11:18 AM.
    One who doesn't know own roots and culture, their social identity is like a letter without address and they are culturally slave to philosophies of others.

    Reunion of Haryana state of pre-1857 is the best way possible to get Jats united.

    Phool Kumar Malik - Gathwala Khap - Nidana Heights

  37. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to phoolkumar For This Useful Post:

    deveshdahiya (January 3rd, 2014), op1955 (September 13th, 2013), rajpaldular (September 13th, 2013), skarmveer (December 20th, 2013)

  38. #20
    I agree with RK Ji! They can be considered heroes or Role Models but not the Gurus who could spiritually guide the community through tough times like the present under discussion! In fact if we go through our modern history, a non Jat Swami Dayanand Saraswati was the only spiritual Guru who was able to influence the Jat masses!
    A section of jats was also influenced by Satsanghe es of Khekhda, Baghpat! I believe, the founder of Khekhda "Gadee" was a Jat . Almost 2 dozen families of my village used to participate in their annual festival at Khekhda!

    I don't know if we need a spiritual leader or not to lead us, to discipline us and most importantly unite us! One thing I believe for sure that no other hero could be of the level or magnitude of Saheed Bhagat Singh! Bus naam hi khafee hai hamaari ragon ke khoon ko uduwaleet karne ke liye! 22-23 saal ki umar, Desh or Samaj ke liye wo Jajba!

    To me, Bhagat Singh is a school of thought( EK wichardhara, jo hume aaj bhi prerit karti hai! Aaj bhi Prerit karti hai ki kaise bina swarth ke , desh ke liye , samaj ke liye mar mitna/ kurbaan hona hi jivan ka lakshya ho!), that could be a uniting and guiding force! Aap une Guru Manne ya hero, in my opinion no other personalty can match him!
    Last edited by spdeshwal; September 13th, 2013 at 06:41 AM. Reason: 2

  39. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to spdeshwal For This Useful Post:

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