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Map of Mathura district

Chaumuhan (चौमुहा) is a village in Chhata tehsil in Mathura district, Uttar Pradesh.



Chaumuhan is located on the NH2 highway, 90 km from the Delhi-Badarpur Border. It lies 20 km from the neighboring city of Kosi Kalan and 10 km from Tahashil Chhata.



Battle Of Chaumuha (28th February 1757)

Girish Chandra Dwivedi[1] writes.... Ahmad Shah Abdali's Jat Expedition: [p.179]: Hardly had Suraj Mal got relief from the internal crisis, when the Abdali invaded India, (December, 1756). Partly on his own and partly at the supplications of Mughalani Begam, Najib and others, Ahmad Shah Abdali swooped down on the imperil Capital (January, 1757) without meeting any effective resistance on his way. The invaders methodically sacked, tortured and outraged the populace of the Capital. Alamgir was deposed, Imad imprisoned and the Wizarat conferred upon Intizam on his promising to give two crores to the Shah. To escape the Afghan havoc, about half the population of the city flocked to popular refuge, the Jat dominions. However, unlike their earlier behaviour, the Jats this time added to the misery of the refugees by extorting money from them at every post from Badarpur to Mathura. Yet, such a heavy influx continued that getting accommodation became difficult at Mathura.

Girish Chandra Dwivedi[2] writes.... Earlier the strong Afghan vanguard, reaching nearer Mathura, planned to fall upon that unfortified city. But 10,000 Jats under Jawahar Singh stood firm on the way to lay down their lives for the defence of that sacred place. A fierce and long battle commenced between the opponents on 28th February at Chaumuha (8 miles to the north). The Jats displayed their traditional valour and courage. But the odds against [p.184]: them were overwhelming. They had to cope with the superior generalship of Jahan Khan, who commanded a bigger force. After nine hours of grim fighting, the Jat resistance broke up and 10 to 12 thousand perished on the two sides taken together. Those wounded were "beyond count". The Mughal Emperor expressed his pleasure when he got his news through the two messengers, who were rewarded Rupees 300 each.[3] Suraj Mal suspected that the Afghans might turn to Bharatpur, Deeg and Kumbher. Therefore, he "remained stationed there, prepared for war."[4]

दलीप सिंह अहलावत

दलीप सिंह अहलावत[5] लिखते हैं - ...अहमदशाह अब्दाली के दिल्ली से रवाना होने की सूचना मिलने पर जवाहरसिंह को मथुरा में तैनात कर, महाराजा सूरजमल डीग, कुम्हेर, वैर, और भरतपुर के किलों की मोर्चाबन्दी में लग गया था। 26 फरवरी, 1757 ई० की रात्रि को नजीब खान के निर्देशन में और सेनापति जहान खान के नेतृत्व में 20,000 अफगान सेना मथुरा के लिए रवाना हो चुकी थी। इसकी सूचना मिलने पर जवाहरसिंह 5000 जाट सेना के साथ आक्रमणकारियों का रास्ता रोकने के लिए मथुरा के 8 मील उत्तर में चौमुहा गांव के बाहर पहुंच गया। मराठों ने हिन्दुओं की पवित्र नगरी मथुरा की रक्षार्थ रक्त की एक बूंद भी नहीं बहाई। अन्ताजी माणकेश्वर, शमशेर बहादुर, नारोशंकर आदि मराठा सरदार पहले से ही आगरा की ओर पलायन कर चुके थे।

Jat Gotras


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  1. The Jats - Their Role in the Mughal Empire/Chapter X,p.179
  2. The Jats - Their Role in the Mughal Empire/Chapter X,pp.183-184
  3. TAL; 190-200; Nur,15b; cf. Rajwade, I, 63; S.P.D., XXI, 107; Sarkar, Fall, II, 118
  4. TAL., 200; Also Memoires des Jats, 47.
  5. Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Chapter VIII (Page 679)

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