
Dhundhiyari (धुंधियाडी) is a village in Nagaur tahsil, Nagaur district in Rajasthan.
Dhundhiyari village was founded by Fidauda Gotra Jats.
It is at a distance of 45 km from Nagaur. One can reach here directly from Jodhpur, Nagaur, Khinwsar, Asop, Gotan, Merta etc.
Jat Gotras
There are 750 houses in the village out of them 200 houses are of Jats.
Other castes living here are:Brahman, Rajput, Saini, Chaukidar, Darji, Khati, Harijan, Dholi, Meghwal, Saad, Swami, Rao, Lohar, Sunar, etc.
Historical and monuments
The village is also known after Dhurji Maharaj after whom this became Dhundhiyari. There is a cave of Dhurji Maharaj in the village. There is a cave of Nathji Maharaj also. There is a beautiful pond here. A large number of temples enhance its beauty.
Notable Persons
External Links
- Hemant Saran:Jat Samaj, Agra, May 2003, p. 9
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