Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R) |

Hindoria (हिंडोरिया) is a village in Damoh tahsil in Damoh district of Madhya Pradesh. It is site of many sati pillar inscriptions.
Jat Gotras Namesake
- Hindol (Jat clan) → Hindoria (हिंडोरिया) (L→R). Hindoria (हिंडोरिया) is a village in Damoh tahsil in Damoh district of Madhya Pradesh. It is site of many sati pillar inscriptions.
Raja Kishore Singh Lodhi of Hindoria, Raja Devi Singh of Singrampur, Pancham Singh of Karijog, and others fought against the British rule in its rebellion in 1857.
(99) Ishvaramau (Hindoria) Inscription 1287 AD
Source - Inscriptions in the Central Provinces and Berar by Rai Bahadur Hira Lal, Nagpur, 1932,pp.56-57
[p.56]:Ishvaramau (ईश्वरमऊ), now a deserted quarter of Hindoria, is 11 miles from Damoh. The stone inscription found there refers to the reign of Bhojavaramadeva of Kalanjara under whom the prince Vaghadeva was ruling. It is dated in samvat 1344 , Vaishakh sudi 3, Thursday, [p.57]: regularly corresponding to the 17th April 1287 AD on which date a gift was made.
(113) Other Sati Inscriptions
Source - Inscriptions in the Central Provinces and Berar by Rai Bahadur Hira Lal, Nagpur, 1932,p.61-62
[p.61]: Damoh district also contains a very large number of Sati pillars, most of which are dated and mention the ruling kings, which are very useful in elucidating the history of the district. The more important ones have been noticed separately under section A. Others exist in Bangaon (बनगाँव), Banwar (बनवार), Batiagarh (बटियागढ़), Bhiloni (भिलोनी), Bandakpur (बांदकपुर), Chilghat (चीलघाट), Deogaon (देवगाँव), Hata (हटा), Hindoria (हिंडोरिया), Jamata (जामटा), Jhadoli (झडोली), Kanoda (कनोड़ा), Kanti (कांटी), (p.62), Kaithora (कैथोरा), Khamargaur (खमरगौर), Lukayan (लुकायन), Lakhroni (लखरोनी), Muhas (मुहास), Madhiadoh (मढ़ियादोह), Phutera (फुटेरा), Patna (पटना), Panari Mahant (पनारी महंत), Narsinghgarh (नरसिंहगढ़), Narainpura (नरायणपुरा), Pipariya Ghanshyam (पिपरिया घनश्याम), Puranakhera (पुराना खेड़ा), Raneh (रनेह), Sunwaho (सुनवाहो), Satsuma (सतसूमा), Sakaur (सकुर), Sailwara (सैलवाड़ा), Sitanagar (सीतानगर),
These belong to various periods and mention names of various kings and emperors notably almost all the Khilji kings of Malwa and Delhi emperors of more than one dynasty.
हिंडोरिया : यह दमोह से 16 किलोमीटर उत्तर पूर्व में बसा जिले का सबसे बड़ा गांव है. यहां प्राचीन काल के कई शिलालेख तथा कई सती खंबे हैं. यहां कई प्राचीन मंदिरों के खंडहर भी हैं. [1]
External links
- ↑ एल आर बुरडक, मध्य प्रदेश शासन वन विभाग, दमोह वन मंडल की कार्य-आयोजना (1993-94 से 2002-03), p.229