Jaideep Dudi
Jaideep Dudi belongs to village Chhani Badi in Bhadra tehsil. Jaideep Dudi is former MLA from Bhadra constituency, district Hanumangarh in Rajasthan.
His grand father Dhanna Ram Dudi (born:1910-) (चौधरी धन्नाराम डूडी), from Chhani Badi (छानी बड़ी), Hanumangarh, was a Social worker in Hanumangarh, Rajasthan. [1]
His father Lal Chand Dudi (b.-d.2003) was elected three times as MLA from Bhadra and served as a Minister in Government of Rajasthan.
The white Kothi between Channi and Bhadra is his parental house.
External Links
- http://janpratinidhi.com/jaideepdudi-po2234.aspx
- http://myneta.info/rajasthan2013/candidate.php?candidate_id=82
- ↑ Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, 1949, p.162-163
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