Jajod (जाजोद) is a large village in Laxmangarh tehsil of Sikar district in Rajasthan.
It is situated about at a distance of 15 km from Laxmangarh in west direction, on Laxmangarh-Salasar road.
Jat Gotras
As per Census-2011 statistics, Jajod village has the total population of 3864 (of which 2034 are males while 1830 are females).[1]
The villages has got a population of 50 families of Jats of gotras Ranwa (30), Punia (10), Pilania (5), Mandia (5)
Other castes are Muslims (350), Rajputs-Shekhawat, Nathawat, Raojika (100), Bhargav (100), Naik (50), Harjan(20) etc.
Notable Persons
External links
- Information about Jajod village - villageinfo.in website
- Delimitation Commission Report
- List of Villages in Laxmangarh Tehsil
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