Kalsora (कलसौड़ा) village is in Karnal district in Haryana, under Indri Karnal|Indri]] tehsil. It is the largest Budhrain gotra Jat village.
It is located 10 km east of Indri (Karnal, Haryana).
Jat Gotras
- Budhrayan(Goyat) - Probably Budhrayan are among the one having highest number of voters in Indri tehsil, may be around 3000 voters.
- Jadiya Malik,
People of Goyat/Chopra gotra living in Karnal area call themselve Budhrain, Budhrayan, Badrain, Badhran for showing respect to the person named Budha Goyat who took these Goyat people to Yamuna river region of Karnal city from Kapro village in Hisar district.
In Chauhan History
H.A. Rose[1] writes in the history of Chauhans, The Chauhans in Ambala claim to belong to the Bachas got and to be of Surajbans descent. In this District they hold 169 villages, and their traditions give them the following pedigree and history :-
- Raja Nanak Rao, took Sambhal in Muradabad.
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- Ralla-kund.
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- Rana Harra††: in the 5th generation founded
- Pandri and Habri, c. 988 A.D.
- * The Ambala traditions mention Alal-kundor-puri as their seat before Ajmer was founded. They also add that Rana Har Rai founded Jundla in the Panipat tahsil: thence the Chauhan spread northwards. In Karnal their chaudhriats are Gumthala, Rao Sambhli, Habri and, chief of all, Jundla.
- †† Rana Harra's son Kawal Kaj, founded a bāra or group of 12 villages, Bhadhi hold two bārās, one in Kalsora in Thanesar, the other in Saharanpur.
- § Rantha or Ranta was the son of Rana Har Rai's old age and his step-brothers disputed his legitimacy. So he appealed to the king of Delhi and his mother said that she had fed the Rana on dolah, a fish supposed to possess aphrodisiac qualities. The king declared that Ranti's sweat would smell of the fish if he were legitimate, he fulfilled the test and was declared legitimate.
At the time of Census-2011, the total population of Kalsaura village stood at 5123, with 870 households.
Notable Persons
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