Rani Girraj Kaur

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Maharani Girraj Kaur (महारानी गिर्राज कौर, भरतपुर) was the ruler of princely state Bharatpur (1900 - 1918) and successor of Maharaja Ram Singh, whose ruling powers were suspended on 10th August 1900 after the murder of one of his personal servants. After an enquiry he was deposed and exiled to Agra, 27th August 1900.

She was a daughter of a Zamindar of Deoli, in Bharatpur state and Second wife of Maharaja Ram Singh. She was Regent for her son from 27th August 1900 to 28th November 1918 till he became of age.

She died at Lohagarh, Bharatpur on 24th August 1922. Her successor was her son Maharaja Kishan Singh.

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