Mahoo Khas

Mahoo Khas(महू खास) village is in Hindon tahsil, Karauli district in Rajasthan.
Pincode of the village is 322254. It is situated 10km away from Hindaun town and 40km away from Karauli city. Mahoo Khas village has got its own gram panchayat. Mahoo Dalalpur, Chandeela and Mahoo Ibrahimpur are some of the nearby villages.
Population of Mahoo Khas according to Census 2011, stood at 3543 (Males : 1862, Females : 1681).[1]
Jat Gotras
Notable persons

- Sohan Singh Solanki (Sawar) (25.07.1974-06.08.1999) became martyr on 06.08.1999 during Operation Rakshak. He was from village Mahoo Khas, tah: Hindaun, dist: (Karauli) in Rajasthan.
- Unit-04 Rashtriya Rifles.

- Suresh Singh Solanki (Havildar) was awarded Shaurya Chakra for his act of bravery during fight with militants in Anantnag district of Jammu and Kashmir. He is from Mahoo Khas village in Hindon tahsil, Karauli district in Rajasthan.
- Unit - 9 Rashtriya Rifles/ 3 Rajputana Rifles
External links
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