Sunehra or Sunhera (सुनहेडा/ सुनहरा) is a large village in tahsil Khekada of district Bagpat of western Uttar Pradesh.
Pincode of the village is 250101. It is situated 3km away away from Khekada town and 10km away from Bagpat city. Sunehra village has got its own gram panchayat. Harchandpur, Mavikala and Sankrod are some of the nearby villages.
Jat Gotras
Population of Sunehra according to Census 2011, stood at 5779 (Males: 3187, Females: 2592).[1]
जांटी गाँव (सोनीपत) से कुछ तुसार गोत्र के जाट सुनहेडा गाँव में बस गये थे । अब वो खुद को तावर (तंवर) कहते हैं । वो मूल रूप से तुषार गोत्र के जाट हैं ।
Notable persons
- Jasbir Dagar - Sub-Inspector, RPF.
- Yaadram Singh Panwar - Social Worker.
- Rajeev Panwar - Ministry of Defence (Posted in Meerut)
- Raviner Singh Panwar
External links
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