Antiquity of Jat Race by US Mahil/Introduction

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Antiquity of Jat Race 1955
Author - Ujagir Singh Mahal

Text Wikified By : Ch. Reyansh Singh

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In remote antiquity Jats founded a great Empire named Manda Empire, the Capital of which was Ecbatana (modern Hamdan) in the north of Persia. Succeeding Persian Empire was merely an offshoot of that great Jat Empire. In succeeding generations the word Manda, by a mere philological mistake, happened to be confounded with the word Mede and Manda Empire was, therefore changed into Median Empire. This great mistake continued throughout succeeding literal me of Greece and Rome. It was not until the discovery of the monuments of Nabonidus and Cyrus that the truth at last came to light and it was found that the history we had so long believed was founded upon a philological mistake. The authors of “Historians’ History of the World’ 5 say in Volume II, page 573 as follows:— “So startling and revolutionising is the knowledge obtained from the decipherments of Assyrian and Persian monuments, so wholly different is the historical aspect thus revealed, that the term Median Empire is probably destined to disappear from the historians’ phraseology. Indeed Professor Sayce in his latest writings has discarded it”.
It is to be greatly regretted that all historians have not followed Professor Sayce in discarding that wrong word, and even the 20th Century historian Mr. H. G. Wells in “The Outline of History” has continued the mistake and has used the word Mede for Manda Jat.
In this short work I give briefly all the relevant facts proved by historical authorities about the bravery of Jat race throughout generations. This brief work is meant chiefly to excite the ambition of interested research worker who may use the material still being unearthed in the Assyrian and Persian monuments. This short work briefly reveals the following startling facts:—

(1) Jats founded a great Manda Empire of antiquity.

Unnamed page ended.

(2) Persian Empire was merely an offshoot of the Manda Jat Empire.
(3) Jats conquered the great Lydian and Babylonian Empires.
(4) Jats inflicted a crushing defeat upon Alexander the Great in Sogdiana.
(5) Jats conquered the Greeko Bactarian kingdom.
(6) Jats conquered and destroyed the Roman Empire.
(7) Jats conquered Europe and occupied the throne of Spain and Rome.
(8) Hengest and Horsa who were the pioneers in conquering Britain were Jats.
(9) William the Conqueror who conquered England and supplied future kings of England was a Jat.
(10) The traditional and unparalleled valour of Jats has continued upto the present times.

In this connection it is interesting to note that John Seymour a well known British author and B.B.C. commentator writes as follows in his recent book "Round About India" (Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1953):—

"The Jats are not only a Hindu caste of course, they are a race. They are descended from a wave of invaders that came from Central Asia perhaps a thousand years ago. Madhusudhan's father a Sikh Jat—that is, a Jat whose ancestors embraced the Sikh religion, but who remains a Jat) wrote a book providing that the Jutes, and of the north European races, came from the same stock as the Jats. For aught I know they did. I do not know that the Jats I saw had faces very like brown, versions of East Anglian farmers and farm workers I had known at home."

Dated 12th October, 1954.

Original Pages of Introduction

Introduction ends.