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Apt (आप्त)/Apte (आप्ते)/Apti (आप्ती)[1] is a Jat gotra.


Jat Gotras Namesake

Mention by Pliny

Pliny [2] mentions Tigris......... Near the spot where the fleet of Alexander came up37 the Pasitigris to Susa, there is a village situate on the Chaldæan Lake, Aple by name, from which to Susa is a distance of sixty miles and a half. Adjoining to the people of Susiane, on the east, are the Cossiei38; and above them, to the north, is Mesabatene, lying at the foot of Mount Cambalidus,39 a branch of the Caucasian chain: from this point the country of the Bactri is most accessible.

38 A warlike tribe on the borders of Susiana and the Greater Media. In character they are thought to have resembled the Bakhtiara tribes, who now roam over the mountains which they formerly inhabited. It has been suggested that their name may possibly be connected with the modern Khuzistan.

39 Supposed to be the same as the modern Kirmánshah mountains.

Mention by Pliny

Pliny[3] mentions Lake Mieotis and the adjoining nations....Next to these are the rivers Menotharus and Imityes, which flow from the Cissian mountains, among the peoples called the Acdei, the Carnæ, the Oscardei, the Accisi, the Gabri, the Gogari, and, around the source of the Imityes, the Imityi, and the Apatræi.

Mention by Pliny

Pliny[4] mentions Tigris....Near the spot where the fleet of Alexander came up37 the Pasitigris to Susa, there is a village situate on the Chaldæan Lake, Aple by name, from which to Susa is a distance of sixty miles and a half. Adjoining to the people of Susiane, on the east, are the Cossiei38; and above them, to the north, is Mesabatene, lying at the foot of Mount Cambalidus,39 a branch of the Caucasian chain: from this point the country of the Bactri is most accessible.

37 As mentioned in c. 26 of the present Book,

38 A warlike tribe on the borders of Susiana and the Greater Media. In character they are thought to have resembled the Bakhtiara tribes, who now roam over the mountains which they formerly inhabited. It has been suggested that their name may possibly be connected with the modern Khuzistan.

39 Supposed to be the same as the modern Kirmánshah mountains.

Mention by Pliny

Pliny[5] mentions Arabia.... We then find the Clari, the shore of Mamæum, on which there are gold mines, the region of Canauna, the nations of the Apitami and the Casani, the island of Devade, the fountain of Coralis, the Carphati, the islands of Calaëu and Amnamethus, and the nation of the Darræ.

Mention by Pliny

Pliny[6] mentions.....Next to these are the Chaculatæ; then the town of Sibi, by the Greeks called Apate42; the Arsi, the Codani, the Vadei, who dwell in a large town, the Barasasæi, the Lechieni, and the island of Sygaros43, into the interior of which no dogs are admitted, and so being exposed on the sea shore, they wander about there and are left to die.

42 A name which looks very much like "fraud," or "cheating," as Hardouin observes, from the Greek ἀπάτη.

43 Off the Promontory of Ras-el-Had.


In Mahabharata

Adi Parva, Mahabharata/Mahabharata Book I Chapter 35 mentions names of principal Naga rulers. Apta is mentioned in shloka 8 as follows:

सुमनॊमुखॊ दधिमुखस तथा विमलपिण्डकः
आप्तः कॊटनकश चैव शङ्खॊ वालशिखस तथा Mahabharata (1.35.8)


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