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Kaunteya (कौन्तेय) was an ancient Janapada mentioned in Mahabharata (II.24.2), (II.24.17).


Sons of Kunti were known as Kaunteya.

Jat clans

Locations in Jaipur city

Sanjay Colony, Subhash Nagar, Subhash Colony,


Thakur Deshraj[2]There is mention of Kuntibhoja and Kaunteya people in Mahabharata. Kuntibhoja people are those to whom Kunti was adopted. Kaunteya are the descendants of Pandu and Kunti. The Kaunteya people later became Kuntal and Khuntail over a period of time. Mathura memoirs mention that Kunthal Jats defeated the Kirars ruling over many districts of Mathura.

ठाकुर देशराज[3] लिखते हैं कि महाभारत में कुन्ति-भोज और कौन्तेय लोगों का वर्णन आता है। कुन्ति-भोज तो वे लोग थे जिनके कुन्ति गोद थी। कौन्तेय वे लोग थे, जो पांडु के यहां महारानी कुन्ती के पैदा हुए थे। महाराज पांडु के दो रानी थीं - कुन्ती और माद्री। कुन्ती के पुत्र कौन्तेय और माद्री के माद्रेय नाम से कभी-कभी पुकारे जाते थे।

In Mahabharata

Kaunteya (कौन्तेय) are mentioned in Mahabharata (II.24.17), (II.35.12), (II.27.13), (III.114.4), (III.170.69), (IV.1.6), (IV.2.10), (V.157.5), (VIII.51.63).

Sabha Parva, Mahabharata/Book II Chapter 24 mentions countries subjugated by Arjuna that lay to the North. Kaunteya is mentioned in verse (II.24.2)....."That bull amongst men, that son of Kunti, then conquered the mountainous tracts and their outskirts, as also the hilly regions".[4] and (II.24.2). Kaunteya is again mentioned in verse (II.24.17)....."Then the Trigartas, the Kaunteyas, the Darvas, the Kokonadas, and various other Kshatriyas, advanced against the son of Pandu. [5]

Sabha Parva, Mahabharata/Book II Chapter 25 mentions that Arjuna arrives to conquer Harivarsha. Kaunteya is mentioned in verse (II.35.12) [6]

Sabha Parva, Mahabharata/Book II Chapter 27 mentions Kaunteya in verse (II.27.13). "And the son of Pandu, sending forth expeditions from Videha, conquered the seven kings of the Kiratas living about the Indra mountain." [7]

Vana Parva, Mahabharata/Book III Chapter 114 mentions Kaunteya in verse (III.114.4)....."Lomasa said, 'There is the land, O Kunti's son, where the Kalingas tribes dwell" [8]

Vana Parva, Mahabharata/Book III Chapter 170 mentions Kaunteya in verse (III.170.69)...."And, O Kaunteya, by conquering it even by the might of thy arms, Kunti's son Yudhishthira, will rule the earth" [9]

Virata Parva, Mahabharata/ Book IV Chapter 1 mentions Kaunteya in verse (IV.1.6)...." O Arjuna, the son of Kunti, select some spot where we may pass our days undiscovered by our enemies." [10]

Virata Parva, Mahabharata/ Book IV Chapter 2 mentions Kaunteya in verse (IV.2.10)...."And what office will be performed by that mighty descendant of the Kurus, Dhananjaya, the son of Kunti, that foremost of men possessed of long arms, invincible in fight" [11]

Udyoga Parva/Mahabharata Book V Chapter 157 mentions Kaunteya in verse (V.157.5). [12]

Karna Parva/Mahabharata Book VIII Chapter 51 mentions Kaunteya in verse (VIII.51.63) [13]

Karna Parva/Mahabharata Book VIII Chapter 23 mentions Kaunteya in verse (VIII.23.15)...."O sire, at the sight of Surya and Aruna, even so let the Kaunteyas (Pandavas) with the Panchalas and the Srinjayas perish beholding thee and Karna." [14]

Notable persons

  • Mohan Lal Kaunteya - Maha Sachiv Jat Samiti, Jaipur, Address: C-19, Subhash Colony, Kisan Marg, Tonk Phatak, Jaipur. He was an instrument in publishing Jat Directory and Smarika 1999-2000. It gives area wise detailed names, addresses, phone numbers of Jat families living in Jaipur city. He was born in 1938 in village Umri in Bharatpur state now in Mathura district, Uttar Pradesh. He did B.Com. from Kishori Raman College Mathura. In 1973 he completed his M.A. Economics from Rajasthan University while in Govt service. He started his Govt Service as a Pragati Prasar Adhikari in 1961 and retired in 1996 from the post of S.A. in Sachivalaya. [15]

External links


  1. डॉ पेमाराम:राजस्थान के जाटों का इतिहास, 2010, पृ.297
  2. Jat History Thakur Deshraj/Chapter VIII,p. 559
  3. Jat History Thakur Deshraj/Chapter VIII,p. 559
  4. अन्तर गिरिं च कौन्तेयस तदैव च बहिर गिरिम, तदॊपरि गिरिं चैव विजिग्ये पुरुषर्षभः
  5. ततस त्रिगर्तान कौन्तेयॊ दार्वान कॊक नदाश च ये, क्षत्रिया बहवॊ राजन्न उपावर्तन्त सर्वशः (II.24.17)
  6. परविष्टश चापि कौन्तेय नेह थरक्ष्यसि किं चन, न हि मानुषथेहेन शक्यम अत्राभिवीक्षितुम (II.35.12)
  7. वैथेहस्दस तु कौन्तेय इन्थ्र पर्वतम अन्तिकात, किरातानाम अधिपतीन वयजयत सप्त पाण्डवः (II.27.13)
  8. एते कलिङ्गाः कौन्तेय यत्र वैतरणी नथी, यत्रायजत धर्मॊ ऽपि थेवाञ शरणम एत्य वै (III.114.4)
  9. वसुधां चापि कौन्तेय तवथ बाहुबलनिर्जिताम, पालयिष्यति धर्मात्मा कुन्तीपुत्रॊ युधिष्ठिरः (III.170.69)
  10. स साधु कौन्तेय इतॊ वासम अर्जुन रॊचय, यत्रेमा वसतीः सर्वा वसेमाविथिताः परैः (IV.1.6)
  11. महाबलं महाबाहुम अजितं कुरुनन्थनम, सॊ ऽयं किं कर्म कौन्तेयः करिष्यति धनंजयः (IV.2.10)
  12. यथ एतत कत्दना वाक्यं संजयॊ महथ अब्रवीत, मध्ये कुरूणां कौन्तेय तस्य कालॊ ऽयम आगतः, यदा वः संप्रतिज्ञातं तत सर्वं करियताम इति (V.157.5)
  13. कर्णम आश्रित्य कौन्तेय धार्तराष्ट्रेण विग्रहः, रॊचितॊ भवता सार्धं जानतापि बलं तव (VIII.51.63)
  14. सूर्यारुणौ यदाथृष्ट्वा तमॊ नश्यति मारिष, तदा नश्यन्तु कौन्तेयाः सपाञ्चालाः ससृञ्जयाः (VIII.23.15)
  15. Jat Directory and Smarika 1999-2000,p.45,105

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