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Map of Kazaly on Syr Darya

Kyzylorda, formerly known as Kzyl-Orda is a city in Kazakhstan, capital of Kyzylorda Province in Central Asia.


The Syr Darya river passes through the city.

Jat clans


Kyzylorda region is one of the historical centers of the Silk Road. The tourist centers organize tourist trips on this route, which includes historical places in the cities of Sauran and Shyganak, the archeological monuments and mausoleums of Sunak Ata, Aikozha Ishan, Karasopy, Okshy Ata, Dosball be, Esabyz, the Aktas mosque, the memorial complex of Korkyt Ata and the well-known Baikonur cosmodrome.

There are 543 monuments in Kyzylorda region, 495 of them are deemed to be of great value as historical and religious monuments and architectural, archeological monuments and mausoleums to the outstanding people of Kazakhstan.

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