List of Naga Rajas

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Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R)

List of Naga Rulers

See combined Alphabetical List of Naga Rulers Alphabetical

List of Naga Rajas from Buddhist sources:Mahāvyutpatti

Reference - महाव्युत्पत्ति


शङ्खपालो नागराजा १, कर्कोटको नागराजा २, कुलिको नागराजा ३, पद्मो नागराजा ४, महावन्मो नागराजा ५ , वासुकि र्नागराजा ६, अनत्तो नागराजा ७, तक्षको नागराजा ८, वरुणो नागराजा ९, मकरो नागराजा १०, सागरो नागराजा ११, अनवतप्तो नागराजा १२, पिङ्गलो नागराजा १३, नन्दो नागराजा १४, सुबाहु र्नागराजा १५, नर्दनो नागराजा १६, चित्राक्षो नागराजा १७, रावणो नागराजा १८, पाण्डुर्नागराजा १९, लम्बुक नागराजा २०, कृमिर्नागराजा २१, शङ्खो नागराजा २२, पाण्डरको नागराजा २३, कालो नागराजा २४, उपकालो नागराजा २५, गिरिको नागराजा २६, अवलो नागराजा २७, शंकारो नागराजा २८, भाण्डी नागराजा २९, पञ्चालो नागराजा ३०, कालिको नागराजा ३१, किञ्चनको नागराजा ३२, बलिको नागराजा ३३, उत्तरो नागराजा ३४, मातङ्गो नागराजा ३५, एडो नागराजा ३६, सागरो नागराजा ३७, उपेन्द्रो नागराजा ३८, उपनरो नागराजा ३९, एडवर्णो नागराजा ४०, विचित्रो नागराजा ४१, राघवो नागराजा ४२, हस्तिकच्छो नागराजा ४३, एलपक्षो नागराजा४४, आम्रतीर्थो नागराजा ४५, अपललो नागराजा ४६, चाम्पेपो नागराजा ४७, अलिको नागराजा ४८, प्रमोक्षको नागराजा ४९, स्फोटनो नागराजा ५०, नन्दोपनन्दो नागराजा ५१, दुछुण्डो नागराजा ५२, उल्लुको नागराजा ५३, पण्डरो नागराजा ५४, चिच्छको नागराजा ५५, अरवाडो नागराजा ५६, परवाडो नागराजा ५७, मनसी नागराजा ५८, शैवलो नागराजा ५९, उत्पलको नागराजा ६०, वर्धमानको नागराजा ६१, बुद्धिको नागराजा ६२, नखको नागराजा ६३, एडमेडो नागराजा ६४, अच्युतो नागराजा ६५, कम्बलाश्वरती नागराजानी ६६, महासुदर्शनो नागरजा ६७, परिकूटो नागराजा ६८, सुमुखो नागराजा ६९, आदर्शमुखो नागराजा ७०, गन्धारो नागराजा७१, द्रमिडो नागराजा ७२, बलदेवो नागराजा ७३, कम्बलो नागराजा ७४, शैलवाहु नागराजा ७५, विभीषणो नागराजा ७६, गङ्गा नागराजा ७७, सिन्दुर्नागराजा ७८, सीता नागराजा ७९, पक्षुर्नागराजा ८०, मङ्गलो नागराजा ८१,

॥१६७॥ :Above list in Alphabetical order:

अच्युतो नागराजा ६५, आदर्शमुखो नागराजा ७०, अलिको नागराजा ४८, आम्रतीर्थो नागराजा ४५, अनत्तो नागराजा ७, अनवतप्तो नागराजा १२, अपललो नागराजा ४६, अरवाडो नागराजा ५६, अवलो नागराजा २७, बलदेवो नागराजा ७३, बलिको नागराजा ३३, भाण्डी नागराजा २९, बुद्धिको नागराजा ६२, चाम्पेपो नागराजा ४७, चिच्छको नागराजा ५५, चित्राक्षो नागराजा १७, द्रमिडो नागराजा ७२, दुछुण्डो नागराजा ५२, एडो नागराजा ३६, एडमेडो नागराजा ६४, एडवर्णो नागराजा ४०, एलपक्षो नागराजा४४, गन्धारो नागराजा७१, गङ्गा नागराजा ७७, गिरिको नागराजा २६, हस्तिकच्छो नागराजा ४३, कालो नागराजा २४, कालिको नागराजा ३१, कम्बलो नागराजा ७४, कम्बलाश्वरती नागराजानी ६६, कर्कोटको नागराजा २, किञ्चनको नागराजा ३२, कृमिर्नागराजा २१, कुलिको नागराजा ३, लम्बुक नागराजा २०, महासुदर्शनो नागरजा ६७, महावन्मो नागराजा ५ , मकरो नागराजा १०, मनसी नागराजा ५८, मङ्गलो नागराजा ८१, मातङ्गो नागराजा ३५, नखको नागराजा ६३, नन्दो नागराजा १४, नन्दोपनन्दो नागराजा ५१, नर्दनो नागराजा १६, पद्मो नागराजा ४, पक्षुर्नागराजा ८०, पञ्चालो नागराजा ३०, पण्डरो नागराजा ५४, पाण्डरको नागराजा २३, पाण्डुर्नागराजा १९, परवाडो नागराजा ५७, परिकूटो नागराजा ६८, पिङ्गलो नागराजा १३, प्रमोक्षको नागराजा ४९, राघवो नागराजा ४२, रावणो नागराजा १८, सागरो नागराजा ११, सागरो नागराजा ३७, शैलवाहु नागराजा ७५, शैवलो नागराजा ५९, शंकारो नागराजा २८, शङ्खो नागराजा २२, शङ्खपालो नागराजा १, सिन्दुर्नागराजा ७८, सीता नागराजा ७९, स्फोटनो नागराजा ५०, सुबाहुर्नागराजा १५, सुमुखो नागराजा ६९, तक्षको नागराजा ८, उल्लुको नागराजा ५३, उपकालो नागराजा २५, उपनरो नागराजा ३९, उपेन्द्रो नागराजा ३८, उत्पलको नागराजा ६०, उत्तरो नागराजा ३४, वर्धमानको नागराजा ६१, वरुणो नागराजा ९, वासुकिर्नागराजा ६, विभीषणो नागराजा ७६, विचित्रो नागराजा ४१,


इन्द्रसेनः १, नडः २, सुन्दरः ३, हस्तिकर्णः ४, तीक्ष्णः ५, पिङ्गलः ६, विद्युज्ज्वालः ७, महाविद्युत्प्रभः ८, भरुकच्छः ९, अमृतः १०, तीर्थकः ११, वैडुर्यप्रभः १२, सुवर्णकेशः १३, सूर्यप्रभः १४, उदयनः १५, गजशीर्षः १६, श्चेतकः १७, कालकः १८, यमः १९, श्रमणः २०, मण्डुकः २१, मणिचूडः २२, अमोघदर्शनः २३, ईशाधारः २४, चित्रसेनः २५, महापाशः २६, क्षेमंकरः २७, महाफणकः २८, गम्भीरनिर्घोषः २९, महानिर्नादी ३०, विनर्दितः ३१, महाविक्रमः ३२, भुजंगमः ३३, महाबलः ३४, विस्फूर्जितः ३५, विस्फोटकः ३६, प्रस्फोटकः ३७, मेघसंभवः ३८, स्वस्तिकः ३९, वर्षधारः ४०, मणिकण्ठः ४१, सुप्रतिष्ठितः ४२, श्रीभद्रः ४३, महामणिचूडः ४४, ऐरावणः ४५, महामण्डलिकः ४६, इन्द्रायुधशिखी ४७, अवभासनशिखी ४८, इन्द्रयष्टिः ४९, जम्बुध्वजः ५०, श्रीतेजाः ५१, शशितेजाः ५२, चूडामणिधरः ५३, इन्द्रध्वजः ५४, |ज्योतीरसः ५५, सोमदर्शनः ५६,

॥१६८॥ Above names in Alphabetical order:

ऐरावणः ४५, अमोघदर्शनः २३, अमृतः १०, अवभासनशिखी ४८, भरुकच्छः ९, भुजंगमः ३३, चित्रसेनः २५, चूडामणिधरः ५३, गजशीर्षः १६, गम्भीरनिर्घोषः २९, हस्तिकर्णः ४, इन्द्रध्वजः ५४, इन्द्रसेनः १, इन्द्रयष्टिः ४९, इन्द्रायुधशिखी ४७, ईशाधारः २४, जम्बुध्वजः ५०, |ज्योतीरसः ५५, कालकः १८, क्षेमंकरः २७, महाबलः ३४, महामण्डलिकः ४६, महामणिचूडः ४४, महानिर्नादी ३०, महापाशः २६, महाफणकः २८, महाविद्युत्प्रभः ८, महाविक्रमः ३२, मण्डुकः २१, मणिचूडः २२, मणिकण्ठः ४१, मेघसंभवः ३८, नडः २, पिङ्गलः ६, प्रस्फोटकः ३७, शशितेजाः ५२, श्चेतकः १७, श्रमणः २०, श्रीभद्रः ४३, श्रीतेजाः ५१, सोमदर्शनः ५६, सुन्दरः ३, सुप्रतिष्ठितः ४२, सूर्यप्रभः १४, सुवर्णकेशः १३, स्वस्तिकः ३९, तीक्ष्णः ५, तीर्थकः ११, उदयनः १५, वैडुर्यप्रभः १२, वर्षधारः ४०, विद्युज्ज्वालः ७, विनर्दितः ३१, विस्फोटकः ३६, विस्फूर्जितः ३५, यमः १९,

A Trilingual List of Naga Rajas, from the Tibetan

Reference - Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain & Ireland, 1894 By L.A. Waddell, M.B., B.R.A.S.,pp.91-92

The Lamas, as is well known, have preserved in very full form much archaic Indian lore, now otherwise imperfectly known or altogether lost. And a valuable feature of such Lamaist literature is the frequent use of bilingual names, where the Sanskrit name is supplemented by a most careful etymological translation into Tibetan, thus enabling us to fix the etymology of many of the Hindu and Buddhist mythological and historical names, regarding which vague guesses are often hazarded. These Tibetan etymologies, though not necessarily the true ones, are certainly those which over a thousand years ago were the current traditional etymologies in India. And as, even apart from etymological features, categorical lists of little known personages, mythological or prehistoric, are helpful to students of both Buddhism and Hinduism, I here give a list of Naga Rajas from the Mahāvyutpatti, in the bTan-hgyur (Ten-gyur) section of the Lamaist Scriptures. This list, which may be compared with that in the Vayu Purana, seems to include many of the Vedic terrestrial Naga Kings, the aboriginal enemies of the primitive Aryans, whose more direct descendants are now confined chiefly to the remote hills of Nagpur, Chhota Nagpur, etc., etc. Tibetan literature contains much information about these Nagas, one of Buddha's titles being 'King of the powerful Nagas.'

The transliteration is done strictly according to Csoma de Koros system, with the exception that in the Sanskrit column the ds, ts, tsh, ny, and the Annusvara have been respectively transliterated by j, ch, chh, ñ, and ṅ. It will be noticed that the Tibetans always represent v by b. The English translations, forming the third column, have been mostly made from Jaschke's Tibetan Dictionary.

The terminal o, apparently as a Pali vestige, seems to favour the antiquity of the source from which the original list was compiled. The supplementary list of the Plebian Nagas does not show this peculiarity.

List of Naga Kings in Tibetan and Hindi

Here is the list of names of Naga Kings from Tibetan sources[1] with Devanagari names and meaning in English:

  • 1. Shaṅkhapālo (शंखपाल)= Conch shell protector,
  • 2. Karkoṭako (कर्कोटक)=By strength of + cause or matter,
  • 3. Kuliko (कुलिक) = caste or birth + person,
  • 4. Padmo (पद्म) = lotus,
  • 5. Mahāpadmo (महापद्म) = lotus+great,
  • 6. Basukā (वासुकि) = wealth+vast,
  • 7. Ananto (अनन्त्त) = endless,
  • 8. Takṣako (तक्षक) = depositor,
  • 9. Barūṇa (वरुण)= water + god,
  • 10. Makaro (मकर)= water + monster,
  • 11. Sāgaro (सागर) = ocean,
  • 12. Lambako (लम्बुक) = to hang down,
  • 13. Anabatapta (अनवतप्त) = not + heated,
  • 14. Piñgalo (पिङ्गल) = a promiscuous convention or light yelow,
  • 15. Nando (नन्द) = glad,
  • 16. Subahur (सुबाहु) = hand + noble,
  • 17. Nardano (नर्दन) = sound + produce,
  • 18. Chitrākṣho (चित्राक्ष) = eye + variegated,
  • 19. Rābano (रावण) = sound + proclaim or bind,
  • 20. Paṇdura (पाण्डुर) = morning twilight,
  • 21. Kṛimir (कृमिर) = insect,
  • 22. Saṅkho (शङ्ख) = conch shell,
  • 23. Pāṇḍargo (पाण्डरक) = white + bright,
  • 24. Kālo (काल) = black,
  • 25. Upakalo (उपकाल) = near + black,
  • 26. Giriko (गिरिक) = hilly,
  • 27. Abalo (अवल) = power + not,
  • 28. Shaṅkaro (शंकर) = happy + action,
  • 29. Phāṇdi (फाण्डी) = wolf or skill + rear,
  • 30. Pāñchalo (पञ्चाल) = fine + person,
  • 31. Kāliko (कालिक) = time + person,
  • 32. Kiñchanako (किञ्चनक) = exhaust+?,
  • 33. Paliko (पलिक) = strength + person,
  • 34. Uttaro (उत्तर) = excess,
  • 35. Māṅtago (मातङ्ग) = elephant,
  • 36. Eḍo (एड) = sheep,
  • 37. Sāgaro (सागर) = poisonous,
  • 38. Upendro (उपेन्द्र) = near + power,
  • 39. Upanaro (उपनर) = man = near,
  • 40. Eḍabarṇṇo (एडवर्ण) = sheep + colour,
  • 41. Bichitro (विचित्र) = form or reason + joy,
  • 42. Rāghabo (राघव) = to consider,
  • 43. Hastikachchho (हस्तिकच्छ) = elephant's name,
  • 44. Elapatro (एलपत्र) = ela = leaf,
  • 45. Ambratinvo (आम्व्रतिन्व) = amra + fruit,
  • 46. Apalalo (अपलल) = brown or scaly + not,
  • 47. Champayo (चाम्पेय) = champa + born,
  • 48. Aloko (अलोक) = falcon,
  • 49. Amokshako (अमोक्षक) = very = end + do,
  • 50. Sphoṭano (स्फोटन) = vast + do,
  • 51. Nandopanando (नन्दोपनन्द) = happy + near happy,
  • 52. Huluḍa (हुलुड) = ....?,
  • 53. Uluka (उलुक) = clear + see,
  • 54. Paṇḍaro (पण्डर) = ? yellowish white,
  • 55. Chichchhako (चिच्छक) = to hoard + vast,
  • 56. Arabaro (अरवाड) = rib,
  • 57. Darabāḍo (दरवाड) = superior + noble,
  • 58. Manusrī (मनुश्री) = shine + person,
  • 59. Shabalo (शबल) = mussel or pearl oyster ,
  • 60. Utpalako (उत्पलक) = blue lotus,
  • 61. Barddhamānko (वर्धमानक) = filled up,
  • 62. Buddhiko (बुद्धिक) = superior person,
  • 63. Nakhako (नखक) = finger nail,
  • 64. Eḍmeto (एडमेट) = sheep + assembly,
  • 65. Achuta (अच्युत) = not + impured,
  • 66. Kambalāshvatara (कम्बलाश्वतर) = kambala + asvarra,
  • 67. Sudarshano (सुदर्शन) = very + see,
  • 68. Darikūto (दरिकूट) = completely + to build,
  • 69. Sumukho (सुमुख) = attachment + good,
  • 70. Udarshamukho (उदर्शमुख) = mirror + face,
  • 71. Gandharo (गन्धार) = perfume + hold,
  • 72. Dramadra (द्रमिड) = go = arise,
  • 73. Baladebo (बलदेव) = strong = person,
  • 74. Kambalo (कम्बल) = ----,
  • 75. Shelbahur (शैलवाहु) = rock + hand,
  • 76. Babhīshaṇo (वभीषण) = excessive + fear causing,
  • 77. Gaṅga (गङ्गा) = of the Ganges,
  • 78. Sindhur (सिन्दुर) = Sindhu (Indus),
  • 79. Sitā (सीता) = ? (Oxus),
  • 80. Bakṣhur (वक्षुर) = ? (Jaxartese),
  • 81. Maṅgalyoo (मङ्गल्यु) = joy or blessing,

Alphabetical List of Naga Kings in Tibetan and Hindi

Above List in Alphabetical Order with S.N. after name:

  • Abalo (अवल) = power + not, 27
  • Achuta (अच्युत) = not + impured, 65
  • Aloko (अलोक) = falcon, 48
  • Amokshako (अमोक्षक) = very = end + do, 49
  • Ambratinvo (आम्व्रतिन्व) = amra + fruit, 45
  • Anabatapta (अनवतप्त) = not + heated, 13
  • Ananto (अनन्त्त) = endless, 7
  • Apalalo (अपलल) = brown or scaly + not, 46
  • Arabaro (अरवाड) = rib, 56
  • Babhīshaṇo (वभीषण) = excessive + fear causing, 76
  • Bakṣhur (वक्षुर) = ? (Jaxartese), 80
  • Baladebo (बलदेव) = strong = person, 73
  • Barddhamānko (वर्धमानक) = filled up, 61
  • Bichitro (विचित्र) = form or reason + joy, 41
  • Buddhiko (बुद्धिक) = superior person, 62
  • Champayo (चाम्पेय) = champa + born, 47
  • Chichchhako (चिच्छक) = to hoard + vast, 55
  • Chitrākṣho (चित्राक्ष) = eye + variegated, 18
  • Darabāḍo (दरवाड) = superior + noble, 57
  • Darikūto (दरिकूट) = completely + to build, 68
  • Dramadra (द्रमिड) = go = arise, 72
  • Eḍo (एड) = sheep, 36
  • Eḍabarṇṇo (एडवर्ण) = sheep + colour, 40
  • Eḍmeto (एडमेट) = sheep + assembly, 64
  • Elapatro (एलपत्र) = ela = leaf, 44
  • Gandharo (गन्धार) = perfume + hold, 71
  • Gaṅga (गङ्गा) = of the Ganges, 77
  • Giriko (गिरिक) = hilly, 26
  • Hastikachchho (हस्तिकच्छ) = elephant's name, 43
  • Huluḍa (हुलुड) = ....?, 52
  • Kālo (काल) = black, 24
  • Kāliko (कालिक) = time + person, 31
  • Kambalo (कम्बल) = ----, 74
  • Kambalāshvatara (कम्बलाश्वतर) = kambala + asvarra, 66
  • Karkoṭako (कर्कोटक)=By strength of + cause or matter, 2
  • Kṛimir (कृमिर) = insect, 21
  • Kiñchanako (किञ्चनक) = exhaust+?, 32
  • Kuliko (कुलिक) = caste or birth + person, 3
  • Lambako (लम्बुक) = to hang down, 12
  • Mahāpadmo (महापद्म) = lotus+great, 5
  • Makaro (मकर)= water + monster, 10
  • Maṅgalyoo (मङ्गल्यु) = joy or blessing, 81
  • Māṅtago (मातङ्ग) = elephant, 35
  • Manusrī (मनुश्री) = shine + person, 58
  • Nakhako (नखक) = finger nail, 63
  • Nando (नन्द) = glad, 15
  • Nandopanando (नन्दोपनन्द) = happy + near happy, 51
  • Nardano (नर्दन) = sound + produce, 17
  • Padmo (पद्म) = lotus, 4
  • Paliko (पलिक) = strength + person, 33
  • Pāñchalo (पञ्चाल) = fine + person, 30
  • Paṇḍaro (पण्डर) = ? yellowish white, 54
  • Pāṇḍargo (पाण्डरक) = white + bright, 23
  • Paṇdura (पाण्डुर) = morning twilight, 20
  • Phāṇdi (फाण्डी) = wolf or skill + rear, 29
  • Piñgalo (पिङ्गल) = a promiscuous convention or light yelow, 14
  • Rāghabo (राघव) = to consider, 42
  • Rābano (रावण) = sound + proclaim or bind, 19
  • Sāgaro (सागर) = ocean, 11
  • Sāgaro (सागर) = poisonous, 37
  • Saṅkho (शङ्ख) = conch shell, 22
  • Shelbahur (शैलवाहु) = rock + hand, 75
  • Shabalo (शबल) = mussel or pearl oyster , 59
  • Shaṅkaro (शंकर) = happy + action, 28
  • Shaṅkhapālo (शंखपाल)= Conch shell protector, 1
  • Sindhur (सिन्दुर) = Sindhu (Indus), 78
  • Sitā (सीता) = ? (Oxus), 79
  • Sphoṭano (स्फोटन) = vast + do, 50
  • Subahur (सुबाहु) = hand + noble, 16
  • Sudarshano (सुदर्शन) = very + see, 67
  • Sumukho (सुमुख) = attachment + good, 69
  • Takṣako (तक्षक) = depositor, 8
  • Udarshamukho (उदर्शमुख) = mirror + face, 70
  • Uluka (उलुक) = clear + see, 53
  • Upakalo (उपकाल) = near + black, 25
  • Upanaro (उपनर) = man = near, 39
  • Upendro (उपेन्द्र) = near + power, 38
  • Utpalako (उत्पलक) = blue lotus, 60
  • Uttaro (उत्तर) = excess, 34
  • Barūṇa (वरुण)= water + god, 9
  • Basukā (वासुकि) = wealth+vast, 6

Notes -

  • Karkotaka resided, according to Hodgson (Lang. Lit. etc., reprint, p. 115), in the lake which traditionally occupied the site of the present Nepal Valley, and when the lake was dessicated 'by the Sword of the Manjusri, Karkotako had a fine tank built for him to dwell in, and is there still worshipped; as well as in the Cave-temple attached to the great Buddhist Shrine of Swayambhu Nath in Nepal. A range of hills in Rajputana named 'Kārkota' seems associated with Nagas (Ind. Arch. Surv. Hep. vi. p. 167). And 'Karkota' is the name of a Kashmir dynasty mentioned in Raja Tarangini and elsewhere, dating from the seventh century AD; and of a 'Kota' dynasty (Ind. Arch. Surv. Rep. xiv. 45).
  • Mahapadmo is the tutelary Naga of the Yollur lake in Kashmir.
  • Takshako, one of the sons of Kasyapa by his Naga wife Kadru.
  • Sagaro - This Sagaro is to be distinguished from the other of the same name numbered 37 on this list. This seems to be the Sagaro Nagaraja who secured the golden begging bowl (Sujata's or Nandabala's gift) of Sakya Muni, which he threw into the Nairanjan after partaking of its restorative contents when about to attain Buddhahood. See also Csoma de Koros' Analysis in As. Res. zx. p. 448.
  • Anabatapta, the great Himalayan Manassarovara Lake, the source of the four great rivers — the Indus, Tsangpu, etc. See Hiuen Tsiang (Bealb's tr.) ii. 41 ; and Cs. de K's Analysis, p. 448.
  • Sankho seems the Sankhachuda of the Nagananda, loc, cit, p. 68; and it may also be the same name intended by Fa Hian's Samkassa xvii. worshipped for rain. He is worshipped (Buhler, Ind. Antiquary, vi. p. 270) in a lake near Dharindha, in Larpagman, in Kashmir.
  • Kalo, this may be the same as the 'Mahakala nagaraja,' referred to in Hardy's Monachism, p. 274.
  • Panchalo. Compare 'Panchala' in Indian Antiquary, vii. p. 11.
  • Kaliko. Compare Krishna's combat with the Serpent Kalika.
  • Hastikachchho seems to be the Naga's name of the lake at Hastinapura — 'the Naga or Elephant city' — of the Sudhana Jataka.
  • Elapatro, mentioned by Hiuen Tsiang, he. cit ii. 41.
  • Huluda. Compare Cs. de K.'s Analysis, p. 92.
  • Sudarshano is evidently the Sudassana, the son of Nagaraja Dhatarattha, of the Bhuridatta Jataka, No. 547 of Fausboll's list.

List of Commoner Nagas in Tibetan and Hindi

  • 1. Indrasenah (इन्द्रसेनः) = powerful + collection
  • 2. Nuḍah (नडः) = mud worm or reed
  • 3. Sundarah (सुन्दरः) = excessively + pretty
  • 4. Hasti Karṇṇah (हस्तिकर्णः) = elephant + ear
  • 5. Tūkṣhaṇah (तुक्ष्णः) = sharp
  • 6. Pīṅgala (पिङ्गलः) = yellow = brown
  • 7. Vityujvala (विद्युज्ज्वालः) = lightening + burn
  • 8. Mahābidyutpabah (महाविद्युत्प्रभः) = lightening + great ray
  • 9. Bhurukachchhah (भरुकच्छः) = holy + time or rely
  • 10. Amṛritah (अमृतः) = devil + juice + thing
  • 11. Tirthakah (तीर्थकः) = an (Indian) Horatio
  • 12. Baidūryaprabhah (वैडुर्यप्रभः) = ? + light
  • 13. Subarnakeshah (सुवर्णकेशः) = golden hair
  • 14. Suryababah (सूर्यप्रभः) = sun + light
  • 15. Udayana (उदयनः) = to arise
  • 16. Gajashrirashah (गजशीर्षः) = ox + head
  • 17. Shvetaka (श्चेतकः) = white
  • 18. Kālakah (कालकः) = black
  • 19. Yamah (यमः) = death + noble
  • 20. Shramaṇa (श्रमणः) = virtue + primitive
  • 21. Manḍūkah (मण्डुकः) = frog
  • 22. Maṇichūḍah (मणिचूडः) = crown + jewel
  • 23. Amoghadarshanah (अमोघदर्शनः) = ?
  • 24. Ishūdhūrah (ईशाधारः) = plough + hold
  • 25. Chitrāsenah (चित्रसेनः) = ? + collection
  • 26. Mahābāsha (महापाशः) = ?
  • 27. Kshemaṇkarah (क्षेमंकरः) = happy + action
  • 28. Mahāphanakah (महाफणकः) = hood + great
  • 29. Gambhiranirgoṣhah (गम्भीरनिर्घोषः) = voice + deep
  • 30. Mahānandī (महानिर्नादी) = ? rain portion + proclaim or bind
  • 31. Binardita (विनर्दितः) = sharp + sound + give
  • 32. Mahābikramah (महाविक्रमः) = expert + great
  • 33. Bhujagamah (भुजंगमः) = hand + go
  • 34. Mahābala (महाबलः) = strength + great
  • 35. Bispurjitah (विस्फूर्जितः) = ability + gape (?) or finish (?)
  • 36. Bisphoṭaka (विस्फोटकः) = sharp (?) + subdue
  • 37. Prasphotakah (प्रस्फोटकः) = excellent + subdue
  • 38. Meghaṇbhaba (मेघसंभवः) = ? cloud + born or advent
  • 39. Svastikah (स्वस्तिकः) = blessed + one
  • 40. Barṣhadharah (वर्षधारः) = of rain + holding
  • 41. Maṇikaṇṭha (मणिकण्ठः) = throat + jewel
  • 42. Supratiṣhṭhatah (सुप्रतिष्ठितः) = very = to keep
  • 43. Shribhadrah (श्रीभद्रः) = worshipful + respected
  • 44. Mahāmaṇichuḍa (महामणिचूडः) = crown jewel + great
  • 45. Mahāmaṇḍalika (महामण्डलिकः) = circle + great + person
  • 46. Erābaṇa (ऐरावणः) = earth protector's son
  • 47. Indrayudhashi (इन्द्रायुधशिखी) = ? rainbow + hair-tuft + person
  • 48. Ababhāsanashiṣh (अवभासनशिखी) = ? giver + plaited + hair-tuft + person
  • 49. Indrayaṣhṭa (इन्द्रयष्टिः) = of power + sacrifice + vessel
  • 50. Jambudvaja (जम्बुध्वजः) = Jambu's + victorious + banner
  • 51. Shritejaja (श्रीतेजा:) = worshipful + shine + lustre
  • 52. Shashiteja|Shashitejā (शशितेजा:) = moon+ shine + lustre
  • 53. Chumaṇidharah (चूडामणिधरः) = ? crown + jewel + (?) to strike
  • 54. Indradvaja (इन्द्रध्वजः) = of power + victorious + banner
  • 55. Jyotirsa (ज्योतीरसः) = to a star + rejoice
  • 56. Shomadarshanaṅ (सोमदर्शनः) = moon + see

Nava Nagas

Nava Nagas : Names of Nava-Nagas who ruled at Padmavati, Kantipuri and Mathura (140 AD - 344 AD) are as under:[2]

Nagas of Vidisa

Nagavanshi kings in Mahabharata

Adi Parva, Mahabharata/Mahabharata Book I Chapter 31 narrates the names of chief Nagas:

Adi Parva, Mahabharata/Mahabharata Book I Chapter 52 narrates the Names of all those Nagas that fell into the fire of this snake-sacrifice:

Nagas born of Vasuki:

Nagas of the race of Takshaka:

Nagas of race of Airavata:

Nagas of the race of Kauravya:

Nagas of race of Dhritarashtra:

Adi Parva, Mahabharata/Mahabharata Book I Chapter 59 mentions descent on the earth from heaven with all the gods:

Kadru's sons - Sesha or Ananta, Vasuki, Takshaka, Kurma, and Kulika are known to be the sons of Kadru;

Sabha Parva, Mahabharata/Book II Chapter 9 mentions names of following naga kings who attended the Sabha of Varuna:

Udyoga Parva/Mahabharata Book V Chapter 101: Names of famous Nagas of Bhogavati: Bhogavati resembles the Amaravati. It is ruled over by Vasuki, the king of the Nagas. Shesha dwells here. He has thousand heads. There dwell in happiness innumerable Nagas -- sons of Surasa. And all of them are possessed of huge bodies that resemble the mountains stretching over the earth. Millions and tens of millions are they, in fact, uncountable, even as regards those of them that belong to a single race.

Combined Alphabetiacal List of Naga kings in Mahabharata

Gallery of Naga Raja Records

See also


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