Meham Chaubisi

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Meham Chaubisi (महम चौबीसी) is the Khap headquarters of 24 villages located at Meham in district Rohtak of Haryana.

Meham is a very old village of Haryana and is famous for a Baori and remains of old buildings of importance of archaeology and Panchayati Chabutra which has witnessed many a historic meetings of the brave people of Haryana.

यह खाप अपने जुझारूपन के लिए प्रसिद्द है. इसमें मलिक, दलाल, राठी, बूरा गोत्रीय जाटों के गाँव [सामिल?] हैं. यह वही खाप है जिसने कलानौर के जालिम नवाब को समूल उखाड़ फेंका था और आज भी राजनेताओं का समय समय पर मार्ग-दर्शन करती रहती है. महम चौबीसी का चबूतरा विश्व प्रसिद्द है. यहाँ के दौलत राम को अंग्रेजों ने फांसी दी थी. मदीना, महम, मोखरा, आदि इस खाप के प्रमुख गाँव हैं. यह खाप हरियाणा के रोहतक जिले में है. आनंद सिंह दांगी के अतिरिक्त अनेक राजनेताओं ने इस खाप के चबूतरे पर माथा टेक कर अपनी राजनैतिक यात्रा शुरू की है. [1]

A News Item about Meham Chaubisi Chabutara

Meham Chaubisi Chabutara gets a modern look
महम-चौबीसी का चबूतरा

The historical chabutara of Meham Chaubisi (a cluster of 24 villages) in Rohtak district, which has been a witness to several landmark socio-political discussions and decisions in Haryana, has now got a modern look with a beautification drive under way for its revamp.

The historical chabutara of Meham Chaubisi (a cluster of 24 villages) in Rohtak district, which has been a witness to several landmark socio-political discussions and decisions in Haryana, has now got a modern look with a beautification drive under way for its revamp.

Apart from expansion of the chabutara and extension of the shed covering it, an illuminated selfie-point bearing the slogan ‘I love Meham Chaubisi’ has also been set up. A park is also being developed to enhance the ambience of the site.

“The work of renovation and beautification of the historic chabutara of Meham Chaubisi involving a budget of Rs 1 crore was initiated on the directions of Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar. While the work on the chabutara is almost complete now, a drive is underway to develop the area surrounding the Chaubisi chabutara as a tourist spot,” says Shamsher Kharkara, a prominent local leader and member of the BJP’s state executive.

Meham Municipal Committee president Fateh Singh points out that there is an abandoned property of the Tourism Department, comprising a restaurant and a pond, which is located near the Chaubisi chabutara and is lying abandoned as of now.

“We have written to the state authorities to hand over the said property of the Tourism Department to the local Municipal Committee so that it can also be renovated and developed into a tourist spot,” he reveals.

Residents appreciate the initiative taken by the state authorities to revamp and beautify the historic chabutara, which had been lying neglected for decades. Nonetheless, they also demand that apart from the expansion and beautification of the chabutara, the authorities concerned should also take care of the public conveniences.

“The initiative taken by the Haryana Government is commendable. However, at the same time, they should also ensure the provision of drinking water, washrooms and parking lot,” states Tulsi Grewal, the head of the Chaubisi Sarvkhap Panchayat.

Courtesy: dated June 15, 2019


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