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Narasimhavarman I was a Tamil king of the Pallava dynasty who ruled South India from 630–668 CE. He shared his father Mahendravarman I's love of art and completed the work started by Mahendravarman in Mahabalipuram. He avenged his father's defeat at the hands of the Chalukya king, Pulakesin II in the year 642 CE. Narasimhavarman was also known as Mamallan (great wrestler) and Mamallapuram (Mahabalipuram) was named after him.

It was during his reign that the Chinese traveller Hieun Tsang visited Kanchipuram.

Narasimhavarman I was a devotee of Siva. The great Nayanmar saints like Appar, Siruthondar and Tirugnanasambandar lived during his reign.

The modern name Mahabalipuram is derived from Mamallapuram, 'the city of Mamall', a title of Narasimhavarman I (circa 630-70), the great Pallava ruler of the seventh century, who was responsible for most of the rock-cut temples and carvings at the place. [1]


नरेश नरसिंह वर्मन - नरेश सिद्धराव के पौत्र जिसने सन् 640 में श्रीलंका पर विजय पाई। [2]

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  1. Mahabalipuram by C. Sivaramamurti, sixth edition, published by the Director General Archaeological Survey Of India, New Delhi, 2004,p.
  2. Hawa Singh Sangwan: Asli Lutere Koun/Part-I,p.61

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