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Suvrata (सुव्रत) was ancient king in the Ancestry of Anu and son of Ushinara. It is one of name of Shiva in the List of Shiva's thousand names.


Ancestry of Anu

YayatiAnuSabhanaraKalanaraJanamejayaMaha ShalaMahamanas → (1.Ushinara + 2.Titiksha)


The Chandravanshi Raja Suvrata (सुव्रत) was born in Ambashta (अम्बष्ट) clan.[1]

Tej Ram Sharma[2] describes that....We get three different versions about the origin of the Yaudheyas : third version is ....

(iii) The Harivamsa 594 and the Vayu Purana 595 state that King Usinara of the Puru dynasty had five queens named Nrga or Mrga, Krmi, Nava, Darva and Drsadvati who gave birth to five sons named Nrga, (or Mrga),'Krmi, Nava, Suvrata and Sibi (or Sivi) respectively. Sibi was the lord of the Sibi people or of the city of Sivapura, while Nrga (or Mrga) was the ruler of the Yaudheyas or of Yaudheyapura. The other three sons of Usinara, viz., Nava, Krmi and Suvrata, were the lords respectively of Navarastra, Krmilapuri and Ambasthapuri. 596 According to Pargiter, King Usinara established the Yaudheyas, Ambasthas, Navarastra,and the city of Krmila, all on the eastern border of the Punjab; while his famous son Sivi Ausinara originated the Sivis or Sibis in Sivapura. 597

594. I. 31.24-28: takes the reading Nrga.

595. 99.18-22: takes the variant reading Mrga.

596. D.C. Sircar, Oz. pp. 252-53.

597. Pargiter, M. P. 264.


ठाकुर देशराज[3] ने लिखा है....‘मथुरा मेमायर्स’ के लेखक ग्राउस साहब ने नव लोगों का वर्णन करते हुये लिखा है कि उशीनर की पांच रानियां थीं - 1. नृगा 2. कृमि 3. नवा 4. दर्व 5. दृषद्वती। इनके एक-एक पुत्र हुआ। उनके नाम नृग, कृमि, नव, सुव्रत और शिवि थे। इनमें से नव ने नवराष्ट्र पर राज किया। कृमि ने कुमिल्लापुरी और शिवि ने, जो कि ऋग्वेद की एक ऋचा का लेखक कहा जाता है, शिवव्यास पर राज किया और नृग ने यौधेयों पर राज किया ।

In Mahabharata

Shalya Parva, Mahabharata/Book IX Chapter 44 writes about the ceremony for investing Kartikeya with the status of generalissimo (सेनागणाध्यक्ष), the diverse gods, various clans who joined it. Suvrata (सुव्रत) is mentioned in verse (IX.44.37) in the names of the diverse gods. [4]

Vana Parva, Mahabharata/Book III Chapter 114 Suvrata (सुव्रत) is mentioned in verse (III.114.15) mentions in tirthas. [5]

Notable persons


  1. Dr Mahendra Singh Arya etc, : Ādhunik Jat Itihas, 1998,p.222
  2. Personal and geographical names in the Gupta inscriptions/Tribes,pp.171-172
  3. Jat Itihas (Utpatti Aur Gaurav Khand)/Pancham Parichhed,p.106-110
  4. सुव्रतं सत्यसंधं च थथौ मित्रॊ महात्मने, कुमाराय महात्मानौ तपॊ विथ्याधरौ परभुः(IX.44.37)
  5. सर्वाँल लॊकान परपश्यामि परसाथात तव सुव्रत, वैखानसानां जपताम एष शब्थॊ महात्मनाम (III.114.15)

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