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Tusam Rock Inscription

  • Verily victory has been achieved again and again by (the god) Vishnu, who is a mighty bee on the waterlily which is the face of Jâmbavatî, (and) a very frost to (cause the withering of) the beauty of the waterlilies which are the faces of the women of the demons!
  • (Line 3.)-This reservoir, intended for the use of the feet of the Divine One, (and) the house above (it), and the second reservoir, (are the work) of the Âchârya Sômetrâta, - the son of the son’s son of Yashastrâta, who was the successor of many men (of preceding generations); who was a highly esteemed Sâtvata; who was an Âchârya of the Yôga philosophy; and who was a devotee of the Divine One; - the son’s son of the Âchârya Vishnutrâta;-the son, begotten on Râvâni, of the Âchârya Vasudatta; - a member of the Gôtama gôtra; - (and) the younger brother of the Âchârya and Upâdhyâya Yashastrâta.
  • From: Fleet, John F. Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum: Inscriptions of the Early Guptas. Vol. III. Calcutta: Government of India, Central Publications Branch, 1888, 270-271.