Beginning of the end for NDA govt ?


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What a fresh air of change in the country! 56 inch chest shadowed almost every institution in the name of change but in the disguise of foolish saffornisation. From the Tughlaki demonitisation (and various small small other tughlaki farmaans for citizens and cows ofcourse!!) , ill-conceived GST implementation to finally BJP president's son's firm alleged involvement in shady business deals; it seems that might be we can see acche din.

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what a fresh air of change in the country! 56 inch chest shadowed almost every institution in the name of change but in the disguise of foolish saffornisation. From the tughlaki demonitisation (and various small small other tughlaki farmaans for citizens and cows ofcourse!!) , ill-conceived gst implementation to finally bjp president's son's firm alleged involvement in shady business deals; it seems that might be we can see acche din.

Whats your say!

समर जी,
व्यापारी वर्ग भले gst से नाराज हुआ हो लेकिन अपना वोट बीजेपी को देगा इसमें कोई दो राय नहीं हैं। क्योंकि gst से व्यापार कम हुआ हैं ऐसा हर व्यापारी नहीं मान रहा हैं सिर्फ ज्वैलरी सेक्टर को छोड़कर!
जय शाह वाला मामला भी ज्यादा दिन टिकेगा ऐसा नहीं लगता। इस मामले का वैसे ही हश्र होगा जैसे वाड्रा जी वाले मामले में हुआ था।
लेकिन जैसा मीडिया दिखा रहा हैं बीजेपी इस बार बहुत ज्यादा सीटें हासिल करेगी ऐसा भी नामुमकिन हैं।
क्यूँकि मोदी जी को छोड़कर बाकी सभी बीजेपी नेताओं ने इस सरकार का नाम डुबोने का कोई मौका नहीं छोड़ा हैं।
What a fresh air of change in the country! 56 inch chest shadowed almost every institution in the name of change but in the disguise of foolish saffornisation. From the Tughlaki demonitisation (and various small small other tughlaki farmaans for citizens and cows ofcourse!!) , ill-conceived GST implementation to finally BJP president's son's firm alleged involvement in shady business deals; it seems that might be we can see acche din.

Whats your say!

I think weaker opposition is paving a way for BJP in Hindi heartland in particular.Congress is in decline and hasn't improved anywhere except Punjab which is also due to fact that there was an anti-incumbency in the state. Other than congress there are regional parties which are also fragmented and susceptible to splits. BJP is backed up by corporates and eventually they fund all campaigns for BJP and BJP get benefit by them along with large base of Sangh. Corporates have controlled a lot of information through media and what is shown is media is always filtered. Mainstream media is almost sold out and there are only a few channels and regional newspapers who are also facing lots of criminal defamation cases and finding it hard to function in such an environment.

Opposition is unable to capitalize on various failure of BJP govt such as demonetization, farmers issues, poor implementation of GST etc. Issues are so many but the problem is opposition unable to raise them. Opposition is unable to unite and stand on such issues. As a result, BJP is having an easy way to polarize society and win votes. Yes BJP has also dented into vote share of regional parties who do not have that much money power as BJP has when it comes to spending in election. One can see big difference in the BJP rallies and opposition parties rallies which do not have so much glitter like BJP has. Also BJP has used media very effectively, be it News Channels or Social media. The biggest example is demonetization. Despite being an utter failure of such a non sense scheme, people trusted BJP and gave votes to BJP to win UP elections.

Central funds are strictly governed by corporates and one can hardly see any development going on. In Haryana, it's worse. No development whatsoever in last three and half years. State govt is spending peanuts on development works. Budget for education and healthcare is going down and down and people are suffering to pay high amount for healthcare and education. Govt funds are channeled mostly in western part of India, in particular Gujarat and Maharastra. Looks like Modi govt is all about Gujarat and Maharastra. People are not realizing how these clever politicians are cutting funds on welfare schemes. Lets see for how long society will be split on communal and caste lines.
Scattered opposition is not in a situation to challenge the NDA government in 2019. The reason is quite simple. Absence of a credible alternative to the current government. Opposition talks about the problems but not the solution. They'll have to start talking about the burning issues of the nation and the vision they have for its citizen rather than making personal allegation and targeting Modi. It deviates the masses from the core issues.
One should not forget that people are still living in illusion of the charisma of Modi. People have started hating BJP but not Modi. Specially youth. If opposition could start working on the real issues of this country and come out from the Modiphobia then we can see some unexpected changes in 2019.
यह तो तय हैं कि हिंदी भाषी क्षेत्रों में बीजेपी २०१४ के अपने रिजल्ट को दोहराने की स्तिथि में नहीं हैं। और दक्षिण में कर्णाटक में बीजेपी ने पहले भी बेहतर किया था तो इस बार कर्णाटक की स्तिथि भी उत्तरी भारत जैसी ही हैं , रही बात केरल, तमिलनाडु, आंध्रा , तेलंगाना, और वेस्ट बंगाल में बीजेपी अपने बलबूते कुछ भी हासिल करने की स्तिथि में नहीं हैं। लगातार कमजोर विपक्ष की बात की जा रही हैं लेकिन खुद बीजेपी की दूसरी पंक्ति विपक्ष से भी कमजोर हैं।
बीजेपी के पक्ष में आज के हालत और चर्चाओं के आधार पर जो बात की जा रही हैं वो यह हैं कि व्यापारियों को पहले आवारा सांड की तरह खुला चरने को छोड़ा हुआ था उनको मोदीजी ने सिर्फ खूंटे पर बाँध कर चारा डाला हैं इसलिए सिर्फ व्यापारी थोड़ा बँधा हुआ महसूस कर रहे हैं।
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Upcoming elevation of Pappu to the top post in Congress might pave the way for BJP (Which has weakened in itself)
Upcoming elevation of Pappu to the top post in Congress might pave the way for BJP (Which has weakened in itself)
All of a sudden, Rahul Gandhi have started talking sense. A few tweets in Hindi taking dig at BJP has taken the social media by storm. May be a new PR agency has taken the charge to elevate his image in Indian politics. Still his political understanding is in doubt. A makeover of his image is expected in coming days. He kicked off his Gujrat Campaign after offering prayers at the Dwarkadhish temple. It would be interesting to see his journey from "Skull Cap" to "Sankh". A soft hindutva is being instilled in his image. I am skeptical about the future of the secularism he used to talk about.
Rahul Gandhi is trying his best to redefine himself Year after year but, sooner or later, he failed miserably. Ten years in power, he never cared what people expect from him and since last three years people don't care what he is expecting from people. He never seems connected to the people or even his party people except a few who are either guiding him or worshiping him.

PR agencies won't make a difference unless he himself realizes that he is not doing things in right way. He is putting a lot of efforts to become politically correct but default setting override his views again and again. In US, he accuses Kapoor and Bachchan families for India's dynasty politics while in India he want to see RSS women in shorts.

Moreover, he himself do not know what to do with secularism.
Rahul Gandhi is trying his best to redefine himself Year after year but, sooner or later, he failed miserably. Ten years in power, he never cared what people expect from him and since last three years people don't care what he is expecting from people. He never seems connected to the people or even his party people except a few who are either guiding him or worshiping him.

PR agencies won't make a difference unless he himself realizes that he is not doing things in right way. He is putting a lot of efforts to become politically correct but default setting override his views again and again. In US, he accuses Kapoor and Bachchan families for India's dynasty politics while in India he want to see RSS women in shorts.

Moreover, he himself do not know what to do with secularism.

राहुल गाँधी पिछले कुछ दिनों से अपने में बदलाव लाने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं लेकिन कभी कभी अति उत्साह में वो आरएसएस वाले बरमुड़े की बात कर जाते हैं।
लेकिन इस बार गुजरात में उनको कमतर आंकना बीजेपी और मोदीजी दोनों के लिए घातक होगा। हार्दिक पटेल समेत तीन युवा नेताओं को उन्होंने कांग्रेस के पक्ष में लाने की कोशिश की हैं उसमे वो यदि सफल होते हैं तो गुजरात में बीजेपी का जीतना बहुत ही मुश्किल होगा। और यदि गुजरात में बीजेपी हारती हैं तो २०१९ में बीजेपी के लिए सत्ता के दरवाजे बंद होंगे भले ही बीजेपी हिमाचल में पूर्ण बहुमत हासिल कर ले।
गुजरात चुनाव की तरह सबसे पहले दिल्ली ओर बाद में बिहार चुनाव से पहले भी यही कुछ कहा जा रहा था ! बिहार चुनाव के नतीजे भाजपा के विरूद्ध आने पर तो राजनीति के पोंगा पंडितों ने मनचाही दक्षिणा लेकर इस तरह की भविष्यवाणियों द्वारा जापान से लेकर अमरीका तक हाहाकर मचा दिया था ! हाल ये था कि देश के ज्यादातर पत्रकार भविष्यवक्ता बन गये थे ! राजनैतिक पार्टियों में भी नेता कम ओर भविष्यवक्ता ज्यादा नजर आ रहे थे ! उत्तर प्रदेश के नतीजों के बाद बेचारों को अपना पुराना पेशा फ़िर से अपनाना पङा ! सारी बातॊ को ध्यान में रखते हुए मेरा सुझाव तो यही है कि किसी भी सुनहरी मौके का फ़ायदा उठाकर भविष्यवक्ता बनने का लालच नहीं करना चाहिये ! खासकर उस पार्टी के लिये जो एक यूनिवर्सिटी के छात्र संघ का चुनाव जीतने पर इस तरह इठला रही है जैसे मंगल ग्रह पर कोई अंतरिक्ष प्राणी देख लिया हो !

यदि, किन्तु, परन्तु, शायद, लेकिन जैसे शब्द जोङकर कोई चाहे तो गंगाराम को अगला प्रधानमंत्री बनने की भविष्यवाणी कर सकता हैं !
Its more about what what Modi is upto than what Rahul is doing. What a mess a silent finance minister and a overly dramatic PM has made of economy.
गुजरात चुनाव की तरह सबसे पहले दिल्ली ओर बाद में बिहार चुनाव से पहले भी यही कुछ कहा जा रहा था ! बिहार चुनाव के नतीजे भाजपा के विरूद्ध आने पर तो राजनीति के पोंगा पंडितों ने मनचाही दक्षिणा लेकर इस तरह की भविष्यवाणियों द्वारा जापान से लेकर अमरीका तक हाहाकर मचा दिया था ! हाल ये था कि देश के ज्यादातर पत्रकार भविष्यवक्ता बन गये थे ! राजनैतिक पार्टियों में भी नेता कम ओर भविष्यवक्ता ज्यादा नजर आ रहे थे ! उत्तर प्रदेश के नतीजों के बाद बेचारों को अपना पुराना पेशा फ़िर से अपनाना पङा ! सारी बातॊ को ध्यान में रखते हुए मेरा सुझाव तो यही है कि किसी भी सुनहरी मौके का फ़ायदा उठाकर भविष्यवक्ता बनने का लालच नहीं करना चाहिये ! खासकर उस पार्टी के लिये जो एक यूनिवर्सिटी के छात्र संघ का चुनाव जीतने पर इस तरह इठला रही है जैसे मंगल ग्रह पर कोई अंतरिक्ष प्राणी देख लिया हो !

यदि, किन्तु, परन्तु, शायद, लेकिन जैसे शब्द जोङकर कोई चाहे तो गंगाराम को अगला प्रधानमंत्री बनने की भविष्यवाणी कर सकता हैं !

On the spot. Don't know why people are not appropriating tough measures for long term good? May be, they just believe in one night stand kind of pleasures.
Any jat who supports BJP after Mujjfarnagar and Haryana riots must think whether they have a spine or sold it out to Nagpur Brahmans. Yes! They must! If someone can not be of their own community he can never be of anyone.
Any jat who supports BJP after Mujjfarnagar and Haryana riots must think whether they have a spine or sold it out to Nagpur Brahmans. Yes! They must! If someone can not be of their own community he can never be of anyone.

This government was voted to power by support from Jats as well and Jats have good representation in the ministry allocation.

Riots have happened in most governments. Were recent Chandigarh riots also jat riots?

Wondering why some Jats are getting so insecure?

May be it's just those people who had a habit of looting are crying foul whose " sukha lath" has caught "deemak".
Any jat who supports BJP after Mujjfarnagar and Haryana riots must think whether they have a spine or sold it out to Nagpur Brahmans. Yes! They must! If someone can not be of their own community he can never be of anyone.

बिल्कुल सही कहा ! सभी जाटों को एक होकर मुज्जफ़रनगर के दंगो के समय मुसलमानों को खुली छूट देकर जाटों को मरवाने वाले मुलायम ओर सिर्फ़ मुस्लिम लोगों के घर जाकर सहानुभूति बटोरने की कोशिश करने वाली कांग्रेस के गुणगान करने चाहिये !

अपने देश, धर्म ओर कौंम की बात करने वाले को पलक झपकते ही भाजपा ओर आर एस एस कार्यकर्ता घोषित करने का चलन बना हुआ है ! जैसे वो खुद या तो अंतरिक्ष से टपके हैं या फ़िर हजारों सालों के क्रूर ओर जालिम हिन्दू राजाओं ने उन्हे जबर्दस्ती हिन्दू बना दिया हो ! शायद इसीलिये हिन्दू शब्द पढते या सुनते ही उनके रोम रोम में आग लग जाती है ! अपने धर्म को गालियाँ निकालने वाले लोग ढीठतापूर्ण तरीके से धर्मनिरपेक्षता का हरे रंग का लबादा ओढकर दुनियाँ के सबसे शांतिप्रिय धर्म के हकों ओर वोटों के ठेकेदार बनने की कोशिश करते हैं ! अपनी कौंम की इतनी शानदार तरीके से सेवा करने के बाद अब ये लोग किसी ओर कौंम का भला करने के लिये छटपटा रहे हैं !

मैं आपसे पूर्णतया सहमत हूँ कि जो अपनी कौंम का नहीं हो सका वो किसी का भी नहीं हो सकता !
Any jat who supports BJP after Mujjfarnagar and Haryana riots must think whether they have a spine or sold it out to Nagpur Brahmans. Yes! They must! If someone can not be of their own community he can never be of anyone.
This BJP govt has done so much damage to social fabric that it will take decades to heal. Pitting Non-Jats against Jats using lies was their biggest achievement so far in the state. Today there is no tab on divisive voices in the BJP who are continuously maligning Jats by floating false theories and hatred in the society. No development took place in last three and half years compared to previous times. All projects have stalled and now Pradhan Sevak is saying that he will distribute funds to those states which fall in line of BJP theory. Pradhan sevak is slowly culling institutions and doing big damage to society. Backed by corp orates, using money power and controlling media, he is quickly crushing all dissident voices. This pradhan sevak is slowly proving himself like Zia Ul Haq of Pakistan to destroy institutions of a democratic nation. Rajasthan govt has moved even one step further to punish anyone who highlight govt mismanagement. Days are not far, we will witness another emergency in India worse than Indira's time.

How much damage Pradhan Sevak has done to country on all the accounts. Demonetization is the biggest fraud which took place in the history of India. All black money got converted into white. And how much damage it has done to the economy. Some estimates say it is around 3-5 Lakh crores. Anyway listen to this great analysis of current govt. Very well explained by Vinod Dua:

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Any jat who supports BJP after Mujjfarnagar and Haryana riots must think whether they have a spine or sold it out to Nagpur Brahmans. Yes! They must! If someone can not be of their own community he can never be of anyone.

Damage is taking place at a rapid pace. Read this following news:

[h=1]Haryana Government’s Recruitment Exam Asks Candidates About Baba Ramdev, Other Babas[/h]

Have a look at questions being asked in question papers of various recruitment exams.

  1. Where is the dera of Kali Kamali Baba located in Haryana? (For Shift Attendant, 2016)
    Answer: Kurukshetra
  2. Who is the guru of Baba Ramdev? (For Haryana Parwari Exam, 2016)
    Answer: Acharya Baldev
  3. On which part of the body is the ornament chalkada worn? (For Haryana Police Constable, 2016)
    Answer: Leg
  4. Which occasion is also know as Basodha? (For Police Constable, 2016)
    Answer: Nirjala Ekadashi
  5. Which place in Haryana is related to Kapil Muni? (For Haryana Statistical Assistant, 2016)
    Answer: Kalayat
Probably you are still living in the pre-2014 mode of Acche din and sabka vikas. I mentioned where BJP/RSS allegedly were a direct hand in these two riots. What sort of representation are you talking about here. ? There is a rampant discrimination of jat employees of Haryana govt be it officors or normal employees.

This government was voted to power by support from Jats as well and Jats have good representation in the ministry allocation.

Riots have happened in most governments. Were recent Chandigarh riots also jat riots?

Wondering why some Jats are getting so insecure?

May be it's just those people who had a habit of looting are crying foul whose " sukha lath" has caught "deemak".
Whats your point. Precisely?

On another note, RSS/BJP people are declaring every other dissent a gaddar. What would you say that about that.

बिल्कुल सही कहा ! सभी जाटों को एक होकर मुज्जफ़रनगर के दंगो के समय मुसलमानों को खुली छूट देकर जाटों को मरवाने वाले मुलायम ओर सिर्फ़ मुस्लिम लोगों के घर जाकर सहानुभूति बटोरने की कोशिश करने वाली कांग्रेस के गुणगान करने चाहिये !

अपने देश, धर्म ओर कौंम की बात करने वाले को पलक झपकते ही भाजपा ओर आर एस एस कार्यकर्ता घोषित करने का चलन बना हुआ है ! जैसे वो खुद या तो अंतरिक्ष से टपके हैं या फ़िर हजारों सालों के क्रूर ओर जालिम हिन्दू राजाओं ने उन्हे जबर्दस्ती हिन्दू बना दिया हो ! शायद इसीलिये हिन्दू शब्द पढते या सुनते ही उनके रोम रोम में आग लग जाती है ! अपने धर्म को गालियाँ निकालने वाले लोग ढीठतापूर्ण तरीके से धर्मनिरपेक्षता का हरे रंग का लबादा ओढकर दुनियाँ के सबसे शांतिप्रिय धर्म के हकों ओर वोटों के ठेकेदार बनने की कोशिश करते हैं ! अपनी कौंम की इतनी शानदार तरीके से सेवा करने के बाद अब ये लोग किसी ओर कौंम का भला करने के लिये छटपटा रहे हैं !

मैं आपसे पूर्णतया सहमत हूँ कि जो अपनी कौंम का नहीं हो सका वो किसी का भी नहीं हो सकता !
The fault in our Stars!! This is a global trend now. Democratically elected so called Dictators are running the government in countries like: US - Mr. Trump, Russia- Mr. Putin and India-Mr. Modi..The one common thing among those is a controlled/boycotted media in their country.