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  • Oh! That's indeed pleasant to hear. The Ranas are my maternal uncle. My nanihal is behind old bus stand in Kayasthpada. I have heard this name of Kr. Chitar singh from my mother. I think one of her mausi got married into that family. By this relation Ranas too are my Mamas.
    I had an opportunity to visit Mr. Arun Singh's haveli near Ghana bird sanctuary. One of my good friends is his close kin and he had invited us for a new year eve party there, he has his camp hotels near the sanctuary. By the way my nanihaal is Dholpur, so Bharatpur has been extensively travelled. Best wishes!
    Miss Faujdar, you must be actually Sinsinwar, because Faujdar is more or less title accorded to Bharatpur Jats. I know the 4 famous villages of Faujdars, I guess they are halena, pathena, jaghina and the last one I m missing it. You can help me, perhaps...thanks!
    My congratulations! Let me speak a bit me too. I am Assistant professor at Jawaharlal Nehru University and that too a jat, not from delhi, haryana, up or punjab but from rajasthan. Those who know the world of academics, know how difficult it is too break the ice. Thanks!
    Rango ke tyohar mein sabhi rango ki ho bharmar,
    Dher saari khushiyon se bhara ho aapka sansar,
    Yahi dua hai bhagwan se hamari har bar,
    Holi Mubarak ho mere yaar!...
    y dont u understand i cant send by JL... anyway thanks for ur promise ....
    it happens..
    take care n have a nnice time always.
    yup acttuallly i have a partnership with one of my friend in a consultancy So I am looking for tieup with software companies.
    I have already many companies So once you can talk to your HR just once he/she can listen me thats it later i will handle.
    If you want I will send you company profile.
    So if you can help me out then please do the needful for me
    Thanks & Regards
    gauri reply once .. io have a consultecncy company i need a bit help from ur end ... so reply once..
    take care n have a nice time..
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