Education In US

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New member
Hello Everyone,
If anyone who is interested in doing their masters/Phd in US then I wld suggest them to visit

bcoz here the funding scene in really good. Most of the students who are in here do have some kind of funding. Its a pretty good school and I am myself doin my masters in here. So feel free to contact me for any kind of help.
Hi Atul
It is good to see some one who is helping others in their career.Iam a Jat boy from Delhi.Iam seriously interested in the P.hd program from USA. My Educational qualifications are:-

1) B.E(Electronics) from Pune university with second class.

2)MBA(Diploma) in Marketing and Information Technology from Delhi with first class.
I did my MBA from FORE SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT, DELHI after clearing CAT examination for Management education.

3)Approximately 3(1/2)years of Work Experience in the field of Marketing and Information technology.

Presently Iam working in a software MNC in CRMG (Customer Relationship Management and Quality testing Group).

Please comment of my getting an admission (and Financial Aid) for the P.hd program.

With Regards,
Tajveer Solanki
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