Jat Heroes Who Made History

Dear readers are welcome to put their candid comments on the thread topic and also

cordially invited to share articles on the various battles fought

by the Jats over the years in their history.
To resume the narrative of the saga of sacrifice of the Jats, here is reproduced acts of bravery of 3rd Battalion of the Jat Regiment in the Battle of Dograi during Indo-Pak War 1965. We thankfully acknowledge and reproduce what Lt. Ram Sarup Joon has narrated in his History of Jats, pp.247-249:

Battle of Dograi by 3 Jat

This was a unique achievement by Third Battalion, The Jat regiment, which achieved results which should normally require a brigade or more. They defeated a complete and good enemy battalion in well prepared defences in built up area and steel and concrete pill boxes.

The Battalion knew well that success would be very costly, so they had a Bara Khana before going into attack with a view to having a last good meal.

The attack started on the night of 21st September. A part of battalion engaged the enemy with frontal fire while the remaining took a long detour of 6000 yards and approached from East. It was dark night. The advancing troops came across dense mine fields and heavy machine gun fire on fixed lines. The Commanding Officer Lt. Col. Hyde had foreseen it, warned the troops of what they were going to encounter and had ordered that every man would keep going forward, crawling if necessary, till he either dies or reaches the enemy positions. The Jats carried out his orders to the last word. Hand to hand fight carried on till day break. In the morning 300 Pakistani dead were counted. 109 including their Commanding Officer were made prisoners. A complete battalion had been written off, the order of battle of Pakistan Army and also and important place was captured. Numerous individual examples of courage had been set for posterity.

Only 27 survived out of the company commanded by Major S.R. Yadav.

To be contd/-
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The Second company commanded by Major Raghbir Singh Sandhu had the honour of killing 12 and capturing 29 Pakistanis including Lt. Col. Golwala the Commanding Officer.

Major Asha Ram Tyagi was found with six bullets in him. He had captured two Pakistani Tanks. He died with a smiling good bye to the second in command.He was awarded MVC posthumously.

Naik Manphool Singh killed 10 with his bayonet.

Subedar Pale Ram who earned M.M. for killing 89 Japanese during second world war did it again. He kept advancing with his platoon in spite of getting 7 bullets in his stomach till his troops captured their objective and 4 enemy machine guns. In spite of his condition,he killed several enemy with his bayonet and survived.

Hav. Hukam Singh killed 7 enemy and captured 24 from a house.
Sep. Kanwar Lal, the CO's batman saw that enemy was endangering the CO by their fire from inside a house.He ran towards them and killed 3 with a grenade. Two Jawans were found lying next to the enemy banker with grenades still in their hands.

Hav. Randhir Singh was found with his face almost inside the enemy pill box and 20 bullet holes in his head

Sep. Mahabir Singh kicked an enemy in the face when he was trying to grab his gun and then bayonetted him.

Lt. Col. Hayde, the CO, kept up with the assaulting troops and never took cover. He was awarded MVC for his brilliant command.

According to the Battalion Doctor, Captain S.G. Reddy, he never heard a wounded Jat saying 'AH' while getting his wounds dressed.

In the words of the captured Pakistani Lt. Col. Golwala, " There was just no way of stopping the [[Jats]]."
Battle of Burki:

The battalion that took part were Punjab, under Lt. Col. Bhullar (Jat) and Sikh under Lt Col Sidhu and latter Lt. Col. S.S.Minhas (both Jats).

Two companies of Punjab started advancing towards Burki and came under heavy shelling and tank fire. The Jawans kept advancing undaunted till they closed in with the steel and concrete pill boxes of the Pakistanis. The only way to surmount these was to crawl up and physically destroy. them. And that is what the boys did. They threw hand grenades inside the pill boxes and snatched their guns.They reached the canal bridge but unfortunately the enemy had already demolished it.

The Sikh started advancing at 8.00 P.M. under cover of Artillery fire with the objective as Burki. Half way to the objective the Sikhs shouted Sat Sri Akal which almost drowned the din of enemy shelling, and carried on till they captured Burki.

To be continued/-
Subedar [then Hav.] Ajmer Singh Vr.C told "just 30 yards short of Burki we came under very heavy machine gun fire. Major Shamsher Singh ordered me to go from flank and eliminate the fire. I took two men, crawled upto enemy emplacement, threw a hand grenade, killed the gun team and started using it on the enemy. The platoon resumed advance and hunted the enemy from houses. we started digging. At some distance enemy shouted Allah Hu Akbar. We shouted Sat Sri Akal and nothing was herd thereafter."

[[Major Dalip Singh Sandhu]] was in the command of the follow up company. He ordered Subedar Gurdev Singh to clean up an enemy banker which had come to life. Subedar Gurdev Singh himself crawled up accompanied by three men, threw two grenades in the bunker, killed the whole crew except one who was captured and also seized the gun.

Lance Naik, Pritam Singh, Lance Naik Shamsher Singh, Hav. Ajmer Singh of the Sikh Battalion and Sep. Bal Ram and Sep. Gurnam Singh of the Punjab Battalion did similar acts of bravery and destroyed enemy pill boxes one by one till the enemy position fell. Lance Naik Pritam Singh carried out his task even after being severely wounded. He died later and was awarded Vr. C. posthumously.

Battle of Burki narrative concluded/--
The members of the Jatland are welcome to add more such

narratives here for acquainting the people about the glorious traditions

of the valour and bravery of the Jats in the service of motherland and mankind.

Thanks and regards,

The fight of the Jats against the foreign invaders of India during the medieval age of Indian History makes a most interesting part of Indian History which needs brought to the knowledge of modern day people of India.

Starting from their opposition to Mahmud Ghaznavi every attacker on their lands and honour from outside or inside the country to Ahmad Shah Abdali and then the British was stoutly opposed by the Jats.

The readers may put those days of the glorious saga of their bravery and heroic deeds here so that the real history of Indian people could be understood in proper perspective.

Welcome your write ups, comments and views !

Thanks and regards,
Jats in Defence of India Through the Ages.


Jats are known to be valiant fighters for maintenance of freedom of their lands, hearths and homes since times immemorial.

The purpose of the thread is to share information from the pages of history about the role of Jats in defence of India.

You are welcome to share write ups, mention of their heroic deeds in books, news papers, journals and also printed books on individual Jats or group of Jats who fought for attainment and maintenance of freedom of the nation.

Thanks and regards,

Jats are known to be valiant fighters for maintenance of freedom of their lands, hearths and homes since times immemorial.

The purpose of the thread is to share information from the pages of history about the role of Jats in defence of India.

You are welcome to share write ups, mention of their heroic deeds in books, news papers, journals and also printed books on individual Jats or group of Jats who fought for attainment and maintenance of freedom of the nation.

Thanks and regards,

Rajpal ji..please forgive but don'y think that you are starting so many threas of the same type? Same type of thins can be disucssed on the same thread and it will be easy for the readers to get everything at the same place. This thread and below mentioned threads disucss the same thing.
Rajpal ji..please forgive but don'y think that you are starting so many threas of the same type? Same type of thins can be disucssed on the same thread and it will be easy for the readers to get everything at the same place. This thread and below mentioned threads disucss the same thing.


Thanks for pointing out the similarity of the two threads, which have been merged.

Best wishes
Highest gallantry award for Jats- victoria cross, paramveerchakra and Nishan-e-haider

There are few threads started here recently on jat soldiers and their bravery....and many of other community soldiers are mistakenly identified as jats. As jatts foughts for britishers before independence in WWI and WWII, Victoria Cross was the highest gallantry award by britishers. After independence, paramveer chakra is the highest gallany award by india and nishan-e-haider by pakistan. Thought of making a list of jats who got highest gallantry awards. here is teh list irrespective of religion and country

VC -

risaldar badlu ram dhankar (hindu jat from haryana)
subedar richpal ram lamba (hindu jat fom haryana

Paramveer chakra-

major Hoshiar singh (hindu jat from haryana)
flying officer nirmaljeet singh shekhon (sikh jatt - sole winner from air force)

lance naik muhammed mahfuz (muslim jatt from pak)

if someone has othername please share
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There are few threads started here recently on jat soldiers and their bravery....and many of other community soldiers are mistakenly identified as jats. As jatts foughts for britishers before independence in WWI and WWII, Victoria Cross was the highest gallantry award by britishers. After independence, paramveer chakra is the highest gallany award by india and nishan-e-haider by pakistan. Thought of making a list of jats who got highest gallantry awards. here is teh list irrespective of religion and country

VC -

risaldar badlu ram dhankar (hindu jat from haryana)
subedar richpal ram lamba (hindu jat fom haryana

Paramveer chakra-

major Hoshiar singh (hindu jat from haryana)
flying officer nirmaljeet singh shekhon (sikh jatt - sole winner from air force)

lance naik muhammed mahfuz (muslim jatt from pak)

if someone has othername please share

For more information on the topic kindly visit :http://www.jatland.com/forums/showthread.php?26144-The-Brave-Jats
Contribution of Indian Jats in Nation Building and Polity

Jat Leaders since long have played a significant role in making India strong and vibrant democracy by awakening the rural masses but no comprehensive record is available about the same at one place. Nonetheless, write ups and articles from news papers, journals/ magazines/ books containing multi -dimensional contribution of the Jats in nation building and polity continue to appear from time to time .

The purpose of this thread is to provide a forum to the participants to share information on this very important aspect of the history of the Jats of India.

The participants are requested to contribute information on the contribution of the individuals or groups from the Jat community.
The role of Swami Keshwanand, former MP Rajya Sabha and freedom fighter of note, in social uplift and spread of education in the remote areas of those times in Rajasthan around Sangaria and in Punjab in Abohar-Fazilka, is a sterling example of the man and his activities dedicated to the cause of freedom of India and nation building after 1947. He inspired a host of younger Jats by his own example like Ch. Devi Lal to devote themselves in the service of the motherland.

It is for the present generation to emulate his actions .
श्री राजपाल जी,
मेरे विचार से शायद आप ये समझ रहे हैं कि श्री. एम. एल. वर्मा जी ने अपने पेपर में श्री. बिस्मिल जी के जाट होने का जिक्र किया है | यदि मेरी लेखनी से ऐसा भ्रम पैदा हुआ है तो यह मेरी अनुभवहीनता समझिए ..
दरअसल श्री देशवाल जी ने अपने तथ्यों से यह सिद्ध किया था कि श्री बिस्मिल जी जाति से तोमर गोत्री राजपूत थे.... परन्तु साथ ही उन्होंने यह भी मत रखा था कि कि तोमर मूलतः जाटों का गोत्र था और कुछ कारणों से
तोमरों के कुछ समूह राजपूत हो गए.. इसलिए श्री बिस्मिल मूलतः जाट थे |
उनके इस मत के समर्थन में मैंने श्री वर्मा जी के शोध का सन्दर्भ प्रस्तुत किया था जो कि श्री बिस्मिल जी के तोमर राजपूत(क्षत्रिय) होने का मत है ना कि जाट होने का...
श्री वर्मा जी को सन्दर्भ में रखकर मैं ऐसे शोध तो प्रस्तुत कर सकता हूँ कि वे तोमर गोत्री क्षत्रिय थे... परन्तु इस बात के कोई साक्ष्य नहीं हैं कि वे जाट थे |
मेरे पोस्ट का उद्देश्य मात्र यह था कि जब हम जानते हैं कि तोमर गोत्र मूलतः जाटों का गोत्र है तो श्री बिस्मिल जी का गोत्र जान लेने के बाद उन्हें सीधे जाट क्यों ना संबोधित किया जाए...
कम से कम अपने जाटविकी पर तो ऐसा कर ही सकते हैं ??
श्री राजपाल जी,
मेरे विचार से शायद आप ये समझ रहे हैं कि श्री. एम. एल. वर्मा जी ने अपने पेपर में श्री. बिस्मिल जी के जाट होने का जिक्र किया है | यदि मेरी लेखनी से ऐसा भ्रम पैदा हुआ है तो यह मेरी अनुभवहीनता समझिए ..
दरअसल श्री देशवाल जी ने अपने तथ्यों से यह सिद्ध किया था कि श्री बिस्मिल जी जाति से तोमर गोत्री राजपूत थे.... परन्तु साथ ही उन्होंने यह भी मत रखा था कि कि तोमर मूलतः जाटों का गोत्र था और कुछ कारणों से
तोमरों के कुछ समूह राजपूत हो गए.. इसलिए श्री बिस्मिल मूलतः जाट थे |
उनके इस मत के समर्थन में मैंने श्री वर्मा जी के शोध का सन्दर्भ प्रस्तुत किया था जो कि श्री बिस्मिल जी के तोमर राजपूत(क्षत्रिय) होने का मत है ना कि जाट होने का...
श्री वर्मा जी को सन्दर्भ में रखकर मैं ऐसे शोध तो प्रस्तुत कर सकता हूँ कि वे तोमर गोत्री क्षत्रिय थे... परन्तु इस बात के कोई साक्ष्य नहीं हैं कि वे जाट थे |
मेरे पोस्ट का उद्देश्य मात्र यह था कि जब हम जानते हैं कि तोमर गोत्र मूलतः जाटों का गोत्र है तो श्री बिस्मिल जी का गोत्र जान लेने के बाद उन्हें सीधे जाट क्यों ना संबोधित किया जाए...
कम से कम अपने जाटविकी पर तो ऐसा कर ही सकते हैं ??

You are right to say that there does not exist proofs regarding clear cut identification of gotras of present castes; hence pall of misty darkness on the issue. Under the present state of knowledge nothing can be stated who was who . Nonetheless, fact remains, Bismil was a great patriot martyr of motherland !
Let us start with the life and contribution of Ch. Chhotu Ram, one of the greatest leaders ever born in the Jat community, who was a man of many parts. Initially to know about him, we can use the information from the Jatland Wiki pages which read as :

Sir Chhotu Ram(1881-1945) Ohlan was one of the most prominent pre-partition politicians in Punjab and an ideologue of the Jat peasantry and a champion of its interests. He was born on 24 November 1881.
He was associated with organizations representing peasant interests like the Zamindar League and the Unionist Party (after resigning from the Congress in 1920). He was one of the founders of the Unionist Party with Sikander Hyat Khan. The Unionists ruled Punjab for its first two decades of (limited) democracy. They represented a coalition between Hindu farmers in the eastern part of the province and feudal Muslim landlords in the west . As an important minister (he held the revenue portfolio) in the then Unionist Party Government in Punjab, he did a lot to improve the economic status of the peasants through numerous legislative measures.
Sir Chhotu Ram led a massive recruitment drive for the army during World War I in modern Haryanaregion and during World War II across pre-partion Punjab. His support of the British war effort (during world war II) is often seen as a controversial step as the Congress had given a call not to provide any help to the British. He actively promoted recruitment of Jats in particular and other farming class youth in general in the army as he felt that it was economically beneficial to these communities.
The recurring theme of his campaigns was India's independence after the war. He said: "My hope is that after this war Hindustan will be free. And it will be free in a real sense."
Sir Chhotu Ram opposed the concept of division of India on communal lines and formed a separate group of thirteen members in the Punjab Assembly when most Muslim Unionists joined the Muslim League. His death brought about the demise of the Unionist Party.

For more details :http://www.jatland.com/home/Sir_Chhotu_Ram

After going through these pages, the readers are requested to add further details about the multi faceted contribution of Deen Bandhu Rahaber i Azam Sir Chaudhary Chhotu Ram. Literature about him may be enlisted for use of the researcher scholars.

Thanks and regards,