Jatland...A surprise !

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New member
Hi to all ! I was surfing the net yesterday to know the history of Great Jats when I happened to get thsi web site. Really I was so glad to get it. There may many Jats like me who do not have any idea about this website. I will intimate all my friends about this site. A place to stand united !!
Anyway....I am a scientist here in Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai after doing my M. Tech. from I. I. T. Delhi during 1995-1996.
If any kind of help is needed from me about Optical Engineering...I am always available to you all.
Jai Jatland.
Sanjiv K Baliyan....belonging to a small village in Muzaffar Nagar.
Hi Sanjiv,
Nice to know that scattered pearls are finding some common plateform to get connected.
BTW, i did my B.Tech ( in Computer Sc and Tech) from Roorkee ( very close to Muzaffar Nagar!) I also work in ATM/Optical networking area in Cisco Systems, California. May be we can exchange some engineering thoughts off line.
--Rajesh Sindhu

Sanjiv Kumar Baliyan (Oct 18, 2001 06:57 a.m.):
Hi to all ! I was surfing the net yesterday to know the history of Great Jats when I happened to get thsi web site. Really I was so glad to get it. There may many Jats like me who do not have any idea about this website. I will intimate all my friends about this site. A place to stand united !!
Anyway....I am a scientist here in Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai after doing my M. Tech. from I. I. T. Delhi during 1995-1996.
If any kind of help is needed from me about Optical Engineering...I am always available to you all.
Jai Jatland.
Sanjiv K Baliyan....belonging to a small village in Muzaffar Nagar.
Dear Sanjeev and Rajesh,
I am writing this email from Michign, USA. I am a graduate from Roorkee (Chemical, 1982). Rajesh, when did you graduate from Roorkee? We have a Roorkee Alumni Association here in Michigan. Do you have one in CA too?

Sanjeev, welcome to the jat club. What village are you from in Muzaffarnagar? My wife belongs to Shoron (and is Balyan too).

Ajay Kumar
Dear Ajay and rajesh !
Thank you for responding so promptly. I hope we can interact very well like this. I also did my M. Sc. Physics from Roorkee University in 1993-1995 and was staying in Ganga and jawahar Bhavan. The I joined M. Tech. Applied Optics in IITD.
Ajay ! I belongs to Savtoo(spoken as Sahtoo near Sisauli). Is Shoron is Shorum(spoken) very near to my village?
Thats all.
Will be back after your gentle reply.
Ajay and Sanjiv!
World id really a small place. I was in 1992-96 batch of B.Tech there.
Ajay: i'm not aware of any alumani here in CA.
Sanjiv: We stayed at the same time in Roorkee. Unfortunately no meet. But we B.Tech Jat guys used to have a Jat group, famous in the roorkee. In 96 we made our Jat fellow as RUSA President!
Dear Rajesh, Hello back !
Oh...you were there at that time! Then you must be knowing Sanjeev malik, Vivek Kumar deshwal and Neetu Rathod(Rathi) etc. from B. Tech. batch with whom I was in contact....you must be knowing Dharamvir malik, CBC Cautley Bhavan and some senior Research Scholars such as Nepal Singh, yashpal Baliyan...I think I also met you but unable to recall right now..
As far as I remember RUSA Jat president was Jauhari...
Remembering those golden days of my life...
Sanjiv Baliyan
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