who says we dont rule in delhi and around

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well in and around delhi itz horrible.... but go
to punjab.. boy these sikh jats rule the roost
other non jats are really "terrified".... they r also agriculturist like us but they are power ful they are as rude as we are but then this all bout attitude... non-jats have "jat phobia"... then let 'em be scared of us for they cant match our prowess..... give me 10 yrs u will see jats in jobs other than army/police then let them talk bout "jat-phobia"
guys this is funny...we gys are indigenous people of this area and this is the only area where u have sansanwal village apart from sinsini in bharatpur...this is the area where jats are flourishing...this is the area where everyone is scared of our macho accent ....this is the area where our lingo is more like african slang....this is the area where people call a jat a jat...this is the area where u had a jat cm amidst all that competition ...this is the area where developed area isnt full of the refugees like rohtak city,sonepat city or all other huda sectors in haryana ....this is the area where jats are known for their jatness as we stand out....this is the area where a constituency is made exclusively coz of the jat majority and always gave a jat MP....this is the area where jats and gujjars can be distinguished by the way of carrying themselves alone.....this is the area what jats always fought for and woe the saffron color of victory and stayed back so that jats and hinduism has its mark...this is the area where u ahve historical hamlet of jats in a city...we have always been shedding our blood to keep jatwaras of old delhi upp....this is the area where we settled for less fertile land and stayed back for the sack of our indentity coz its always been the capital arena....this is the area where u will find punjoos living in a cape of fear of jats...this is the area where DLF biggest corp house from a jat family is activ.....this is the area where we rule and rule royally be my guest to see it....i lve the way my brothers are ruling in haryana and punjab but u brothers shouldnt feel like away from home here coz we are here for the us and we gonna keep rooooolllliiiing and rolling in the capital doesnt matter if we like to make it out with beautiful punjooos in here and to get that we dont mind getting are ass polished a little ....so i say it again jats doooo rule in delhi and the surrounding areas dont believe me then come and see it and see the way we cummmmm in here
Cool downnnnn... Amit!! Take it cool!(i know its tough).
Probabily what Abhishek meant was that in Punjab Jats are clearly dominating in every sphere of life, unlike in Haryana and Delhi around where we Jats do rule politically but still our presence among senior management positions in govt/non-govt intitutions is seen in minority. But in Punjab, Jats being about 70% of total Sikh population, clearly dominates in senior govt/non-govt positions also. Ya, we do rule politically, but we(delhi and around) have just started venturing in educational affairs. And if i go by previous years' data, very soon we will tear away these phobic people who are ,as of today, trying their best to stop our new folks from arising. All our community need is some good guidance to those who are trying to venture out in education dominated areas. Jats are inborn 'fighters' - fighters in every walk of life; and this the trait we need make full use of.
kudos for replying to me Mr Rajesh...and this is the second time told me to cool down and second time again when u got the executive and educational issue well..i do agree with you but even in that sense i dunnno bout rest of trhe jatland but in here jats do rule the roost as well...i can sight some examples varying from IPS or IAS or Director of IIT delhi and the list is pretty long ...most of the influential lawyers in delhi are jats dunno much bout docs though and whatever the scene is..it is bound to be that if jats rule[though for me we rule everywhere] in these fields too then its bound to happen here first then anywhere else ...you know why i am saying so...and now i have a question for you sir tell me a commmunity which rules in all the fields i mean all these fields are varied impression of individuals of a soicety and there ways to make a living we had enough given by holy lord and we were and are stilll happy with what he gave us ....now most of us our literate and doesnt matter how much so ever we educate ourselves coz in my opinion the eduacation u are talking about is the one to make a living...and one doesnt need that coz living is the virute in here its good to be literate doesnt matter the way u make ur living comes from and eduactional background or some muscular one....i hope i am not disappointing you with this post plz just try to understand me ....and believe me we do rule in this field tooooooooo if we dont yet then we dont need to....i will say it again NON JATS RULE SOMEWHERE BUT JATS RULE EVERYWHERE...sorry for not being Don Quixote this time....
Let me add few line about Sikh jats.
They are not that much dependent upon farming, as much we are. They have explored other source of incoms as well. Sikh community immigrated to UK, Canada, and US a lot and it have added to their buying power. This is one of the many reasons. I am not saying they are the best in this and we need to follow them exactly, South Indian's did the same thing in better way, most of the Sikhs are non-professional and are in lower paying jobs, Gujrati's are in business and South Indians are in Software(so called Technology, highly paid profession). And that this possible with good education. Please add your opnion, if I am wrong somewhere
I respect your ideas and ferver. I think its matter of how we look at the same truth. A glass with water up to its half height can be said 'half full' as well as 'half empty'. Unfortunately/fortunately, todays Jat community is divided into two extreme sections - top class and lower class. Say education - some families are so well educated and rest of the community is so less educated; economically - some families are so rich and much of the community is living hands to mouth. Not much of 'middle' class is there in our community. And thats where i'm trying to finger out. Until we create this large mass of middle class, the overall data of the community will not be good. Thats where difference lies between our Sikh bretherns in Punjab and we the rest. Most of the Sikh Jat families are in middle class domain; and thus the overall community data looks sound. % of Jat population in Delhi and around is much more than our % in higher posts in this area. On the other hand, count the % of Brahmin's population, and thier % in higher administrative posts. They far outnumber thier population % in administrative jobs.
All this i'm stating to inspire our people to change these statistics. Ignorance has been the biggest cause of Jat's exploitation throughout history. And now we the elites of Jat community must serve our duty to bring up and guide our upcoming generations to the hights of wisdom and success. Thats why i used the word 'fortunately' above when i mentioned the divide in community. Fortunately we do have a small % of so called developed/elite people who can guide and inspire rest of the community.
BTW, education to me is not just means to earn money, but means to earn wisdom, means to earn mental, spiritual and physical developments. But of course, in todays practical world, ability to earn money is also integral part of education. Capitalism is spreading its tantacles across the world, and we the Jats must develop practical side of our personality also.

Lets not be complacent. We have a long way to go before we reach our well deserving and rightful position.

--Rajesh Sindhu

Amit Sansanwal (Nov 30, 2001 01:46 p.m.):
kudos for replying to me Mr Rajesh...and this is the second time told me to cool down and second time again when u got the executive and educational issue well..i do agree with you but even in that sense i dunnno bout rest of trhe jatland but in here jats do rule the roost as well...i can sight some examples varying from IPS or IAS or Director of IIT delhi and the list is pretty long ...most of the influential lawyers in delhi are jats dunno much bout docs though and whatever the scene is..it is bound to be that if jats rule[though for me we rule everywhere] in these fields too then its bound to happen here first then anywhere else ...you know why i am saying so...and now i have a question for you sir tell me a commmunity which rules in all the fields i mean all these fields are varied impression of individuals of a soicety and there ways to make a living we had enough given by holy lord and we were and are stilll happy with what he gave us ....now most of us our literate and doesnt matter how much so ever we educate ourselves coz in my opinion the eduacation u are talking about is the one to make a living...and one doesnt need that coz living is the virute in here its good to be literate doesnt matter the way u make ur living comes from and eduactional background or some muscular one....i hope i am not disappointing you with this post plz just try to understand me ....and believe me we do rule in this field tooooooooo if we dont yet then we dont need to....i will say it again NON JATS RULE SOMEWHERE BUT JATS RULE EVERYWHERE...sorry for not being Don Quixote this time....
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