Kashmir & 370

Ke baat bhaio Kashmir aur 370 ka koi jikra nhi?
Hoga, let government lift the ban on social media in Kashmir Valley, you will see news around Article 370 day and night.
I see this move as good/bad as demonetization. If government could manage the aftermath of abolishing article 370 properly, then it would be good for nation else it will create same hovac as we witnessed during the demonetization.
Finally, we have one India with the same rules everywhere. No special appeasement policy for a special group of people. This is a very positive step made by the government. It was long overdue and we have allowed it to fester for 70+ years when it should've been done away after a few.
It shows that if you have strong will and determination you can make anything possible. There were millions of debates when politicians and so called experts used to say that removing 370 is ALMOST impossible. It finally happened and, without any doubt, good for the country.

It was shocking to see how some politicians were trying to defend it (Article 370) shamelessly. Congress will surely reap benefits from the brave efforts put by Adhir Ranjan Chowdhary and Gulam Nabi Azad in coming decades as Manishankar Aiyar and Digvijay Singh alone were not good enough to nail down their own 125 years old party.
Removing article 370 is undoubtedly good for the country as a whole. It was a historical mistake which has been corrected. Has somebody assessed how it is going to effect Jat community?
It is good for all communities rather I must say for all Indians.

Removing article 370 is undoubtedly good for the country as a whole. It was a historical mistake which has been corrected. Has somebody assessed how it is going to effect Jat community?
It's been 20 days and still communication channels are down in J&K. I have few Kashmiri friends in Delhi and they are furious about the current situation. They don't have any contact with their families. Not an ideal situation for a democratic country. Like India
When we talk about national interest, it shouldn't intersect with suffering of people going through in another part of the country.
As regards to the interest of Jats one thing appears to be in favour of Jats is that they will get now OBC status in Jobs in J & K. Another thing which will be credited to Jats is that it has been implemented by a Jat Governor.
It's been 20 days and still communication channels are down in J&K. I have few Kashmiri friends in Delhi and they are furious about the current situation. They don't have any contact with their families. Not an ideal situation for a democratic country. Like India
When we talk about national interest, it shouldn't intersect with suffering of people going through in another part of the country.

Are they furious about the decision or due to no contact with their families ? Both are totally different and opposite reasons.

Worried about families is an important issue and should be taken into account by the Govt. like setting up a Help Line or something like that if its not already there. Declaring Everything Is Alright is just not enough. Peoples have the right to know the whereabouts and well being of their families.

Being furious about the decision of removing Article 370 is not going to help anyone. Decision has been made and people have to digest it sooner or later. People were being brainwashed since last 70 years and it will take some time to realize that politicians have fooled them for such a long time. When Pakistani propaganda and their local puppets would stop infecting them and ground realities would start making impression that Azad Kashmir was a mirage, situation would normalize.

Obviously, it would be critical how government is going to deal with it.
Article 370 was diluted already by successive governments.(Various exceptions made by previous govt which took the autonomy away from J&K). This move by BJP is more symbolic than actual impact on the ground in terms of gains shown to hindi heartland audience e.g Job Creation, Business rise etc. It has eliminated business of power brokers who were used by previous govts to ensure power in the valley through proxy. With this move, govt has gotten rid of middlemen and so called power brokers.

There is big divide between Kashmir and Jammu now than ever. Hindu-Muslim divide is much more deeper than ever. So to ensure rehabilitation of Kashmiri Pandits(in the valley) will be more difficult than ever. Some sources say that RSS is planning to change the demographic of valley by wiping out Muslim population. While other say, with this move, Govt has ensured the division of electorate on religious lines and hence diluting Muslim electorate power to decide power in the valley.

But most of all, It has definitely changed the political landscape in the J&K.
.........................There is big divide between Kashmir and Jammu now than ever. Hindu-Muslim divide is much more deeper than ever. So to ensure rehabilitation of Kashmiri Pandits(in the valley) will be more difficult than ever. Some sources say that RSS is planning to change the demographic of valley by wiping out Muslim population. While other say, with this move, Govt has ensured the division of electorate on religious lines and hence diluting Muslim electorate power to decide power in the valley.

But most of all, It has definitely changed the political landscape in the J&K.

Do you think this divide did not exist when Kashmiri Pundits were kicked out of Kashmir ?? Truth is that Kashmiris ( both Muslims and Pundits) have been playing double games all through history. Most Kashmiri Muslim politicians are nothing but former Pundits. Modi has finall called the bluff and taken the right action. There will be some chaos in near term. However, in longer term this will be the best thing for India. Pakistan has been put in tight slot and has no clue what to do.

Removing article 370 is undoubtedly good for the country as a whole. It was a historical mistake which has been corrected. Has somebody assessed how it is going to effect Jat community?
जाटो के लिए ये अच्छा ही रहेगा क्युकी आर्मी में नॉन-वॉर fatality काम हो जाएँगी क्युकी अब लोकल सपोर्ट के चलते आर्मी और फोर्सेस की इनफार्मेशन लीक नहीं होगी